Timmy's Tinkle Troubles by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by SeriousSly It was a bright and sunny day in Dimmsdale, and at the local beach, a certain buck-toothed boy was taking full advantage of it being summer vacation and having Fairy Godparents. The young boy, clad only in swim trunks and his signature pink hat, stood atop a futuristic surfboard, the sun glinting off chrome accents and a wind turbine propelling him along a helix through a tube of water far too massive and far too perfect to be natural, his fairies disguised as neon pink and green crabs gripping the board for dear life as their godson performs tricks no real surfer could pull off without magic. Riding his cool, but impractical watercraft to shore, Timmy exclaims, "The Turbo Tsunami is even cooler than I thought it would be." Before grabbing a pitcher of lemonade as big as his head from under a nearby beach unbrella and announcing, "Surfing sure is thirsty work!" before starting to guzzle down the sweet and sour drink. Finishing the lemonade and wanting to see what other fun stuff his hometown has for a kid on summer vacation and lacking human adult supervision to get into, Timmy pulls on his shirt and heads towards the town proper. As they pass by a line of bathroom stalls above the beach's high tide line, Wanda, now morphed into a flamingo pink seagull speakes up, "Heya, Sport, don't you think you should visit the bathroom? You did just drink an awful lot of lemonade." "Yeah," interjects Cosmo, "And that goes through you almost as fast as prune juice goes through me." "Nah," starts Timmy, "How many times do I have to say it? Turners have bladders of steel." "Yeah, need I remind you of the punch bowl incident from mine and Cosmo's last highschool reunion?" Declares Wanda, threatening to enter full on nag mode." Brushing off his godparents' concerns, the buck-toothed boy declares with certainty, "Oh, come on, that was a fluke and only happened because there were no doors and I can't just poof from room-to-room like fairies. Besides, who wants to waste such a nice day in the bathroom!?" With a huff from the pinkette, the trio head into town and after wandering around for some time, Timmy discovers that the Dimmsdale Dimmadome is hosting a charity game for the Dimmsdale Ballhogs with admission free. Deciding to watch the game, Timmy heads for the Dimmadome, his fairies transforming into a pink pendant flag and green foam finger to better blend in as they mingle into the crowd. The irony of donations being collected to help the families of children with kidney failure is lost on the irresponsible boy as he blows most of his allowance at the concession stand, buying multiple hot dogs, a large tub each of popcorn and extra spicy nachos, and of course, the largest soda they have on offer. As Timmy enjoys the game, he absent-mindedly eats his junk food and chases it with his soda, ignoring the occasional twinge in his lower abdomen as the liquids he's consumed start working their way through his system. By the time the game breaks for a half-time intermission, Timmy's soda is empty, and upon realizing the fact, he comments, "Wow, watching basketball is thirsty work!" before jumping out of his seat and declaring, "Time for a refill!" "Uh, sport, do you think that's a good idea?" Asks Wanda as the trio approach the concession stand. "Yeah, haven't you already drank your body weight today?" adds Cosmo. "Meh, it'll be fine." Dismisses the boy as he steps in line, "Besides, need something to chase the spicy nachos with." Another giant soda in hand, Timmy returns to the game, and by the time the final buzzer sounds, his cup is empty once more. On the way out of the Dimmadome, Timmy tosses his trash in a bin right outside the restrooms, prompting Wanda to pipe up, "Don't you think now would be a good time to go?" Timmy is starting to feel his bladder filling, but the reminder from his fairy, as if he's a little child barely out of pull-ups pricks at the preteen's pride as he retorts, "What are you, the Potty Police?" and defiantly walks past the restrooms and out of the Dimmadome. Some more exploration later, and Timmy finds that the Dimmsdale Bottling Company is offering tours of their facilities. Being the straight-F student that he is, the tour guide's explanations of the various chemicals that go into making the highly corrosive syrups that are shipped to their plant daily and how the various machines mix it with carbonated water to make it merely bad for you instead of lethal and how the mixed soda is pumped into and sealed inside cans and bottles goes over Timmy's head, and while the sight of giant mixers creating violent vortexes and lines of cans and bottles speeding by at speeds too fast to properly track with the human eye would normally captivate the young boy, Timmy has trouble focusing on anything other than the near constant sounds of rushing liquid as soda is mixed, pumped, and cases of soda ready for shipping to local stores slosh about, these various sounds a constant reminder of the growing pool of pee in Timmy's tank. Of course, despite all this, Timmy's sweet tooth overrides what little common sense resides in his oversized, but mostly empty noggin as the tour comes to an end and everyone in the tour group is offered a wide selection of free samples, the young boy abusing the offer, drinking more than any two other members of the group combined, stopping only when the supply on offer is exhausted. As the tour group is ushered out of the samples room, they pass the factory's public restrooms, and again, Wanda, now disguised as a bottle cap on a necklace of bottle caps around Timmy's neck pipes up, "Surely you must be bursting after all those free samples." Truthfully, Timmy is barely resisting the urge to cross his legs and grab himself through his pants, but he doesn't want to admit that his fairy is right as he strolls past relief once more, stating with confidence, "Turners need no toilets." Roaming the streets of Dimmsdale some more, Timmy discovers that today marks the opening of the Dimmsdale Water Park's new totally tubular waterslide, and forgetting how torturous the sounds of soda sloshing around at the bottling company was, the buck-tooth boy is eager to give the slide a go. Upon seeing how long the line is, Timmy whispers to his fairies, now disguised as a pair of two-tone goggles, "I wish I was at the front of the line." "Sorry, sport." replies Wanda, "But it wouldn't be fair to everyone else if we just poofed you to the front of the line." "Oh well, it'll be worth the wait." declares Timmy, stepping into the line. As time passes and the line slowly moves forward, the sun drifting across the sky, Timmy starts to regret his decision to not go to the bathroom when Wanda told him to, Timmy's tinkle tank throbbing terribly, tightening like the head of a drum, ready to snap, and the nearby sounds of rushing water as his fellow water park patrons ride the waves down the slide and the frequent splashes as people hit the pool below do little to help distract him from his personal ocean of pee. As the boy's bladder bloats bigger and bigger, bound to burst if jostled to much, Timmy considers stepping out of line to visit the park's facilities, but seeing that the line behind him has grown longer than the line in front of him, the boy grits his buck teeth and repeats to himself, 'Turners have bladders of steel, Turners need no toilets. Turners have bladders of steel, Turners need no toilets.' making it a mantra to help focus his body to supporting his urinary sphincter in its Herculean task of holding back his waste waters. After what feels like an eternity, Timmy is brought back to reality as the park employee operating the slide calls, "Next!" and Timmy realizes its finally his turn. As the boy nestles into the innertube provided for his wet ride, Timmy twists his legs into a corkscrew shape, determined to prevent being soaked with his internal waters in addition to the external waters from the slide. As the ride operator suddenly shoves the boy over the edge, sending the preteen plummeting down the slide's steepest slope, it's all the boy can do to not let out a stream of pee to accompany his scream of exhilaration. The Slide twists and turns, subjecting Timmy's tortured tinkle tank to turbulent and terrific G-forces from all directions, front-to-back, left-to-right, up-and-down, and even in directions Timmy doesn't know the name of. But despite the wild and wet journey through nearly a kilometer of twists and turns, Timmy's trunks are still soaked only with chlorinated water when he finally splashes down into the pool the slide empties into, but despite this victory, the boy shamelessly makes a break for the side of the pool and dragging himself out of the water, grabs his crotch and runs towards the sign that reads in giant, block letters "Restrooms" with the stylized figures of a man and woman next to the text. Timmy is so single-minded in his pursuit of relief that he runs into the person blocking the restroom doors and gets a far too close up view of ass crack from drooping work pants before realizing that its a plumber. Speaking with an Italian accent, the man, apparently in the middle of doing repair work, addresses the boy, "Sorry, kiddo, but someone-a thought it would be-a funny to clog all of the a toilets with banana peels. Restrooms ar out of order until I can a clean up this a mess." Not even bothering to ask how long that'll take, Timmy runs off, and finding somewhere out of sight, starts to speak, "I wish-" only to be cut off by his fairies. "If you're about to wish for what I think you're about to wish for, Timmy," starts Wanda, "than forget about it. I pointed out three times you had the opertunity to go, and I think leaving you to your own devices would be the best way to teach you a lesson." Timmy starts eyeing the nearby pool only for Wanda to interject, "Don't even think about it, sport. Do you have any idea how dangerous the reaction between the eurea in pee and the chlorine in pool water can be?" Just as steam is starting to come out of Timmy's ears at the pinkette's in promptu chemistry lesson, Cosmo cuts in, "Not to mention it's just plain gross." Realizing he's going to get no help from his godparents, Timmy heads to the park's exit, telling himself, "It'll be fine, I'll just use the toilet at home." But that's easier said than done, as Timmy's walk home takes him past many children his own age trying to cool off in the face of the afternoon summer sun, from spraying each other with water guns to dancing around sprinklers, from tossing water balloons at each other to belly flopping down a slip and slide, not to mention all the people with above ground pools in their yards. Seeing his house come into view, Timmy makes a mad dash for his salvation, not bothering to close the front door behind him as he rushes up the stairs, hands clutching his crotch and barging into the bathroom only to run face first into his dad's knee. "Sorrry son," Starts Timmy's Dad, "but I used all the plumbing in the process of building a Turner Titan to fight Dinkleberg's Dinkledroid." "What!?" cries out Timmy, outraged at his father's antics. "Good thing we Turners have bladders of steel." declares the older man, ignoring his son's obvious distress as he runs off to try and crush his self-proclaimed archnemesis. Vacating his house in search of a place to vacate his bladder, Timmy's mad dash down the sidewalk is interrupted by another knee to the face, this time from the babysitter from hell, Vicky. "Out of my way, twerp!" shouts Timmy's teenaged tormentor as she kicks the ten-year-old out of her way, fortunately impacting Timmy's jaw instead of his bladder making the attack merely painful instead of painful and embarrassing, "I've got to tort- er babysit some other Twerp today." As the evil babysitter walks off, Timmy drags himself to his feet, and spotting Vicky's house wonders if he could relieve himself there while the tyrant teen is out. Keeping both hands clamped tightly over his throbbing crotch, the boy runs up to the door, and not having a spare hand, uses his buck teeth to ring the doorbell before waiting impatiently, constantly shifting from foot-to-foot in a frantic potty dance. After what seems like an eternity to the attention deficit boy, the door is opened by Tootie, little sister of Vicky and Timmy's personal stalker, not that Timmy currently has the brain cells to spare to process that this girl is just as much trouble as her big sister as he shouts, "Can I use your bathroom!?" With hearts in her eyes, Tootie eyes up the object of her obsession, committing every detail of the sight of her beloved Timmy clearly on the verge of soaking his shorts, reminding her of the time she wet herself because the boy standing in front of her had locked her in her closet... thoughts of seeing him wet warring with wanting to bring him relief from his obvious torment. Deciding she should at least try to get something out of the situation, Tootie eventually declares, "Sure you can!" Only to block the doorway with her arm as Timmy tries to dash past her as she adds in the most seductive tone her high-pitched, prepubescent voice can manage, "If you let me watch." Timmy is a bit weirded out by the unusual request, nervously replying, "Uh, that's kinda personal." "Well," starts the bespectacled girl as she places an arm around Timmy's neck and leans into the boy, invading his personal space enough she can feel his protruding piddle pot pulsing powerfully against her stomach as she offers, "If that's a bit far for now, I'd be willing to settle for a kiss." before closing her eyes and puckering her lips. As the alarm bells that Tootie is trouble finally blare loud enough to override the persistent pounding of piddle against his sphincter, Timmy forces a hand away from his crotch to intercept the girl's lips as he pulls away and dashes off the porch so suddenly that Tootie falls flat on her face, and by the time the girl recovers enough to push herself upright, her crush has gotten far enough away that he can't hear her declare, "If I can't get a kiss or watch Timmy use the potty, I guess I'll just have to try and catch him having an accident on camera." before heading inside to retrieve her Timmy Tracker and a camcorder. Meanwhile, the tinkle tormented ten-year-old is running from store-to-store in Dimmsdale's shopping district, only to be repeatedly told their restrooms are either out of order or for paying customers only, the boy with the bloated bladder beating himself up for his lack of foresight when he blew the last of his allowance on his admission to the water park. Running out of shops where he can ask a store employee if he can use their bathroom, Timmy desperately seeks out alternatives, and spotting the entrance to the Dimmsdale Zoo, the few brain cells in the preteen's cavernous cranium not devoted to screaming at him to pee or telling his sphincter to hold back the flood coming up with a rather haired brained scheme: "The animals just pee where ever they want! If I sneak into one of the habitats, I can just whip it out and let it spray!" A plan in place, and with Wanda's refusal to help him with the problem he created by ignoring her earlier advice including not trying to dissuade him from bad ideas, Timmy runs into the zoo, and jumping over the first safety barrier he sees, runs into a crop of trees. Picking a tree to christen with his waste waters, Timmy doesn't even try to negotiate his fly, opting to simply yank his shorts and briefs to his ankles and gripping his now exposed penis, aims at the roots of his chosen tinkle tree. However, before Timmy can relax enough to let the floodgates open, he feels a warm, heavy breeze baring down on him, one that makes his already tightly clenched muscles cramp up even tighter, and has he glances up to the source of the breeze, he is met with a mouth of sharp teeth in the middle of a hairy face. With a scream of "BEAR!" the boy's fight or flight response buries the needle so deep in the flight region that Timmy doesn't even have time to leave a tinkle trail behind him as he dashes away from the bear, the trees, and the zoo. When the adrenaline finally runs out and Timmy collapses to the ground, his hands squeezing his immature penis tightly enough to make the head turn purple and his legs twisting into a corkscrew shape, he realizes that he has another problem aside from his aborted attempt at answering the call of nature in the Zoo's simulated patch of nature, namely that, in his haste to avoid being eaten by a bear, he left his pants and underwear behind, leaving him completely exposed from the waist down. His face turning color to match his pink hat, the half-naked boy dashes into a nearby bush, temporarily forgetting about his need to pee as he calls out to his fairies, "I wish-." "Sorry, sport," Wanda cuts him off, "but if you're about to wish for new pants, you can just streak you're way home. It might help the lesson sink in." "Besides," interjects Cosmo, shamelessly poofing away his own pants, "isn't it nice to feel the breeze between your knees?" Doing his best to ignore the green-haired manchild of a fairy godparent, and failing to realize the bush he's hiding in would be perfect for take two on his plan to find a secluded place in nature to stop and water the plants, Timmy peeks out of his hiding spot, and once sure there's no one to spot him, dashes out of the bush, streaking to his next hiding spot as he resumes his quest for a toilet, both hands still firmly gripping his boyhood as if trying to squeeze off the flow in a garden hose, immediately regretting that mental image even before realizing that his new hiding spot has him squeezed between a water fountain and a stone wall. To make matters worse, when Timmy pokes his head out, hoping to spot a nearby restroom sign, he makes a hastey retreat, doing his best to curl into a ball behind the post supporting the drinking fountain, having spotted Trixie Tang approaching. The much taller girl leans over the fountain and pushes the button to start the water running, the sound of his crush taking a drink causing Timmy's tremendously taut tinkle tank to throb terribly, threatening total containment failure. Between the pain of pints of pent-up piddle pummeling the walls of the preteen's pounding piddle pot, the potential embarrassment of the girl he longs to impress seeing him in such a compromising position, and the fear that she'd react violently in disgust if he lost it at that moment and her shoes got caught in the deluge, Timmy can't even enjoy the sight when, thanks to his rat's eye view and a gentle breeze her skirt flutters just enough to give the desperate boy a brief glimpse of lavender silk undergarments. After what seems like an eternity to Timmy, but is really less than a minute, Trixie finishes her drink, and straightening up, departs from the water fountain, oblivious to how close she came to letting a boy enjoy a look up her skirt and having her designer footwear stained yellow. Checking that the coast is clear, Timmy spots that the water fountain is indeed close to a restroom, and he nearly jumps for joy as he runs for the door emblazend with a stylized figure of a man, only to have his jubilation cut short as he finds the door locked and a handwritten out of order sign taped below the restroom sign. "DARN IT!" cries the frustrated, desperate boy before dashing into another bush, his tiny brain too preoccupied with holding back the golden horde threatening a flood of biblical proportions and avoiding being spotted in his state of half nudity to even consider the out of order boys' room he just left might be partnered with a functioning girls' room. Timmy makes his way through the park in a rather jerky manner, dashing from one bush to the next, only to have to wait for a minute or two at each stop as seemingly every young couple in Dimmsdale has decided a sunset stroll would be the perfect end to such a nice, summer day. Hiding in a bush with line of sight to the park's exit, Timmy waits until the coast is clear before making a mad dash for the more urban parts of his home town, only to frown as he realizes there are fewer good places to hide and more sources of running water. Case in point, Timmy finds himself hiding behind some trash cans in an Alley with the only potential hiding spot in sight being another alley a few buildings down on the opposite side of the street, but to make matters worse, the stretch between the two alleys offers little cover and includes a car wash where several people are hosing down and scrubbing away at their vehicles, oblivious to the preteen's piddle plight. Grabbing a pair of trash can lids in hopes of shielding what little dignity he has left, Timmy streaks across the street, leg muscles cramping nearly as much as his bladder muscles from the exertion and hoping no one from the car wash looks his way. Timmy barely makes it to the other Alley as a spasm from his bladder causes him to spring a leak, the young boy forced to drop his makeshift shields to reassert his deathgrip on his boyhood, choking off the flow as he glances around for another hiding spot. He sprints into the shadow of a street lamp only to quickly vacate it as the light comes on nearly acting as aspotlight. He hides behind a hydrant, thinking back to the time he swapped bodies with Vicky's dog and wishing he could just do his business like a dog, only for his face to turn as red as the hydrant when a firefighter connects a hose, the boy running off and hoping the fire fighter didn't see anything. Several more close calls find Timmy in the darkened Dimmsdale Town Square, the only light the rising full moon and the only sound the running water from the fountain in the center of the square. Every muscle from the waist down and the elbow down sore from the strain of holding in a full day's worth of pee, running all over town, and squeezing himself to prevent any leaks from escaping, Timmy nearly collapses at the edge of the fountain as the last of his resolve crumbles. No longer caring about finding a toilet, Timmy forces himself back to his feet and steps on to the ledge surrounding the main pool of the fountain, and aiming his penis towards the cascading waters at the fountain's center, the boy lets go. The relief is initially intense, even more so than when he let go in the punch bowl at his Godparents' Highschool reunion, but it soon gives way to mortification as the lights that illuminate the fountain at night suddenly come on, illuminating the boy as he commits public urination, Timmy freezing like a deer in the headlights, unable to stop the flow even if he wanted to. To make matters worse, a crowd of the townspeople are approaching the town square, including the Mayor and Tootie, the former clutching Chompy the Goat for support at the sight of the town fountain being desecrated, the latter with a wide, braces gleaming grin as she captures her crush's humiliation on her digital camcorder. "The boy continues peeing for what seems like hours as a not insignificant fraction of the town's population stares in disbelief as the fountain's crystal clear waters gain a slight yellow tint. As the sound of Timmy's tinkle torrent trickles to a halt, the Mayor is the first to speak up, crying in outrage, "Police, apprehend that boy!" and before he can react, Timmy is being dragged towards the town pillory by two burly police officers as Tootie continues recording. As Timmy's arms and head are locked into place, his bare butt sticking out for all to see as he's forced to bend at the waist, Tootie walks up to the boy and declares, "Wow, I got better footage than I expected!" before giving him a kiss and running off, leaving him to his fate as the gathered townspeople proceed to laugh at and pelt the disgraced, but mercifully no longer desperate boy for his indecent act.