Truth or Omoquences by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by SeriousSly Timmy Turner, as usual, is taking advantage of his Fairy Godparents to liven up what would otherwise be a boring afternoon, in particular, using their magic to poof around his backyard so he can play catch with himself. Having worked up a sweat under the summer sun, the ten-year-old pauses in his game to comment, "Boy, playing catch with myself sure is thirsty business." Poofing out of nowhere next to his Godson's head, Cosmo replies, "So is salting your tongue,but that never stopped me!" Before conjuring a salt shaker and vigorously shaking the white grains onto his outstretched tongue. Ignoring her husband's usual hijinks, Wanda poofs up a jug of lemonade for Timmy, and not bothering with a glass, the boy starts guzzling straight from the jug. Concerned by the rather large volume of liquid Timmy is putting away, Wanda can't help commenting, "That's an awful lot of lemonade!" Timmy pauses in his drinking just long enough to brush off Wanda's concerns with a declaration of, "Don't worry. We Turners have bladders of steel!" Just then, an Owl swoops out of the sky and comes to land on the fence before holding out a leg to Wanda, a letter tied around its talon. After the pinkette has freed the bird of its burden, it lets out a hoot of disgruntlement, causing Wanda to comment, "They always want a tip." Before summoning a rat from the bushes and offering it to the bird. As the owl takes to the air, the rodent clutched in its talons and squeaking in mortal terror, Timmy comments, "Wow, watching owls carry mice away is thirsty work." Before chugging more lemonade. Timmy tunes out most of his Godparents' conversation about their high school reunion, as well as the first signals as the lake's worth of lemonade he's been drinking works its way to his bladder, his attention focused on his attempts to consume his body weight in the sugary, tangy, fruit-flavored beverage. When the buck-toothed boy finally decides to rejoin the conversation, his comment of "Well,it's not like they're expecting you to be a billionaire mogul with a beautiful trophy wife." Leads to a nervous response of "Yeah right,a billionaire." From his green-haired godfather. Followed by a concerned inquiry of "Cosmo,what did you tell them?" from the boy's Godmother. Timmy doesn't really pay attention to the lover's spat that follows, and before he knows it, his clothes have been replaced with a Butler's uniform and he finds himself, along with his Godparents and an obviously confunded pop star in the entrance hall of a high school as Cosmo introduces them, "Hello,I am the very rich Cosmo,creator of Wandos2.0,the operating system of every magical item in fairy world! This is my my dowdy secretary Wanda, and my faithful butler with big teeth and a cast iron bladder, Timmy., along with my beautiful trophy wife,who is clearly not hypnotized, Britney Britney!" At the mention of his supposedly cast iron bladder, which is starting to feel a bit rusty and more than a bit bloated, Timmy doesn't hear Britney's non-sequitor as he finishes his jug of lemonade and follows up Cosmo asking about sign-ins with "and where do I go to use the bathroom?" Sighing in exasperation, more at letting her husband drag her into his deception than her godson's lack of responsibility, Wanda responds, "I told you to go before we left." Proving that he hadn't completely zoned out on his Godparents' latest argument, Timmy replies, "No,you didn't, you told me, "There is no way that we are dressing as a butler and secretary just to cover for the lies Cosmo told people."Then Cosmo started to cry and you said Oh, "okay." prompting the pinkette to roll her eyes at Timmy missing the part that had actually been directed at him. Ignoring Wanda's eye roll, Timmy looks around, and spotting a couple of doors with bathroom signs on them, runs over to them, only to slam his face into the wall, the impact causing him to fall on his rear as his bladder spasms, but fails to blow a gasket, "Ugh! What?! The doors are just painted on?!" Floating up to her godchild and adopting her lecturing voice, Wanda explains "You don't need doors in a fairy highschool, we just poof from room to room!" Shifting to a more sarcastic tone, she adds, "Doors are for chumps." Before raising her wand and poofing them all to the school's gymnasium. Timmy starts to sweat as he says to himself, "Okay... I really have to go to the bathroom, but I'll be okay as long as I don't think about it..." It is then that his discomfort turns to dread as he notices that the theme of the party is 'A salute to running water'. As his waste water reservoir rusts just a bit more, Timmy looks around frantically, and spotting his salvation, runs towards it with a cry of, "Finally, a bathroom!' Only to be hit with a painful reminder as he runs head long into another wall, "I forgot! Doors are for chumps!" As he rubs his bruised cheek and his bloated bladder bulge. Walking away from the painted image of a bathroom door surrounded by a false calm, Timmy assures himself, "Okay, I just won't think about it and I'll be fine." Though he's not sure he believes his own words. As he walks around the party, Timmy's belief that he can just not think about it is eroded even further as he passes several statues with water pouring, gushing, or torrenting from one orifice or another, a stab of jealousy tearing through Timmy's tortured tinkle tank at the sight of a statue of a peeing cherub. Turning his attention away from the decor to the other guests doesn't help, as most of the fairies and other magical creatures in attendance are holding glasses of punch, and being rather clumsy with it, not seeming to care how much of the beverage sloshes from their cups to splash on the floor, and to add insult to injury, the punch is yellow, making it very much resemble the liquid that so desperately wants to force its way out of the human boy's small body, and if that wasn't bad enough, the janitor is rather enthusiastic with cleaning up every small spill, using a hose better suited to putting out a house fire than washing the floor to blast away every little puddle and trickle of the piddle-looking punch. Jamming his hands between his legs, bunching up the pants of his butler's uniform around his boyhood, the trembling, tinkle tormented ten-year-old whimpers to himself, "Ohhhhh, I hope we don't stay long..." ### Unfortunately for the young boy, it wasn't to be, and two hours later find him rocking back and forth in a modified fetal position, his legs crossed tightly, and a rather obvious bladder bulge visible through the sash wrapped around his waist. Spottttting his godfather's distinctive green hair in the crowd, Timmy staggers to his feet before hobbling over to Cosmo as fast as he can, "Excuse me, Cosmo, I wish..." Oblivious to his godchild's rather pressing piddle plight, Cosmo and the fairies he's talking to all hold out their glasses as the green-haired fairy cuts off the human boy, "...To serve my friends and I more punch? Yes please, Timothy!" When Timmy glimpses the painted bathroom doors again, nearly giving himself a concussion as he tries to run for relief, Cosmo laughs and teases the tinkle tormented ten-year old with a taunt of, "Ha, he thinks the doors are real..." Before loading him down with empty cups, forcing Timmy to balance the drinkware in addition to keeping his bursting bladder from exploding. This task is made all the harder when, upon locating Wanda in the crowd, she starts filling the glasses from a large pitcher of punch, sighing, "Ohhh, I don't know how much longer I can keep up this charade!" too busy moping about her situation to notice Timmy's tinkle troubles. "Wanda, I don't mean to sound like you when you try to ruin my fun, but we should get outta here! Now!" cries Timmy, starting to perform a potty dance, nearly spilling all the glasses in the process before adding, "Lying is a bad idea, you know?!" Wanda than takes one of the glasses and starts drinking, drops of punch dripping on the floor only to be hosed away by the janitor, making the boy scream in desperation, And holding it in is bad for my kidneys!" Ignoring the preteen's piddle plight, Wanda retorts, "And excuse me if I sound as short sighted as you always do," She gesticulates wildly, spilling more of the punch that reminds Timmy far too much of the tinkle thrashing about within his torturously taut, terribly throbbing, truly titanic, tinkle tank. "When I say: come on, what else could possibly go wrong!" As Wandisimo shows up and takes advantage of Cosmo's lies to sweep Wanda off her feet, Timmy collapses to the floor, clutching his boyhood as his legs twist together, crossing once, twice, thrice before Cosmo comes zipping in, crying, "What am I gonna do?! Wandisimo has Wanda!" Seizing the opportunity, Timmy staggers to his feet, resuming his desperate dancing as he suggests frantically, "Quick! Let's go somewhere quiet to think! Like the boy's bathroom!" Ignoring Timmy's tinkle tormented condition, Cosmo declares adamantly, "No! I know what we need: a tall, cool glass of lemonade!" before poofing up a glass of punch and guzzling it down, Timmy feeling as though the yellow liquid is being poured directly into his already massively overburdened, bound to burst bladder. "Followed by a quick trip to the bathroom!" As Cosmo vanishes in a poof of fairy dust, Timmy falls to his knees, arms outstretched as he cries, "Wait! Take me with you!" only to quickly clamp his hands over his crotch once more as he feels a dribble escape to dampen his briefs. Cosmo returns, toilet paper stuck to his foot just as Timmy manages to halt the leak, declaring in relief, "Aaaah, that's better! But going to the bathroom is thirsty work!" As Cosmo conjures a mug enblazened with 'Big Glug' and starts drinking, drops of water landing on Timmy's head in an approximation of Chinese water torture, the boy exclaims, "No Cosmo! You have to decide right now! What is more important: living a lie to impress fairweather friends or your love for Wanda, the woman who's always loved you for who you really are!?" Instead of a proper response, Cosmo grunts noncommittally as he starts sucking the contents of a water jug through a straw, the constant barrage of various liquids being dranked, sloshed, spilled, etc. causing the poor boy to pass out. ### When Timmy comes too, his poor, prodigiously protruding, powerfully pulsing, positively pounding, poised to pop piddle pot providing pain beyond anything he can remember, he spots Wanda, and runs up to her, a pile of ash in front of her being washed away by the janitor's hose as he approaches. Timmy opens his mouth to declare, "I wish..." Only to be cut off by Cosmo clearing his throat, "Ahem, can I have everybody's attention please?" Dancing as though his life depends on it, Timmy tunes out Cosmo's confession until Wanda flies up to embrace her husband, "Oh Cosmo!" "Oh dowdy!" replies the green-haired idiot. "Oh my bladder!" cries Timmy, at his absolute limit. "I can't take this anymore!" Running around the room, ignoring everyone and everything as what little focus isn't dedicated to holding back the flood of biblical proportions straining against his exhausted spincter is put to the task of finding somewhere, anywhere to relieve himself, Timmy spots the nearly empty punch bowl in the middle of the buffet table. Keeping one hand firmly tucked between his legs, Timmy uses his other hand and his buck teeth to climb the table cloth, literally tooth and nail, to reach the table top, and rush over to the punch bowl. Too desperate to check his surroundings for potential witnesses, Timmy yanks down his zipper, nearly ripping the pants of his butler uniform in the process as he pulls out his penis, and before he can even finish aiming, piss starts to torrent from his tip, soaking the table cloth beneath the bowl before his stream lines up with the intended receptacle and starts to refill the empty vessel. With what seems like as much force as the hose the janitor has used all evening to wash away the many small spills the guests have made with their drinks, Timmy's waste waters jet into the punch bowl, and the deluge continues for what seems like an eternity of bliss to the boy's bloated, bursting bladder, Timmy seeming to let out his body weight in pent up piss. When Timmy is finally empty, he zips up his pants and jumps off the buffet table, walking up to his godparents just in time to hear "Ha! I don't have to lie anymore! Phew, what a relief!" Fall from Cosmio's lips as he and Wanda poof up fresh cups of punch to celbrate their reconciliation. Feeling quite relieved and looking quite satisfied, Timmy comments, "Speaking of relief, whatever you do, don't drink the punch!" Hearing Timmy's words, looks of shock cross Cosmo and Wanda's faces as they finish their glasses and realize with horror what they just drank.