An Adventure in the Digital World by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Irvinegamer Takato stood at the corner of an intersection near Shinjuku Park waiting for Juri, a basket of day-old bread from his parents' bakery under his arm. The pair had agreed to meet here after grabbing supplies from their respective homes as they left school, but his female friend was taking longer to arrive than he expected. As he waits, the goggle boy can't help thinking back to what happened a few days earlier when both Impmon and Juri had shown up unannounced to his home, a blush crossing his face at the memory of the digimon and his closest female friend modelling for him and the rather pleasant activities that lead to. Then he frowns, remembering the aftermath. Impmon had left before his parents could pull themselves away from the bakery, and Guilmon was quickly becoming a pro at the hide part of hide-and-seek, but his dad had been rather annoyed at the toilet being clogged again, and even with Impmon having enough control of his fire to dry their puddles without burning anything, there had been at least one pee stain on his carpet that they couldn't hide. Thankfully, Juri had saved him from trying to come up with an excuse, begging his parents' forgiveness for not being able to hold it in with the toilet unusable. The boy is broken out of his thoughts by a cry of, "Hey, Takato!" and turning to the source of the voice, he sees Juri running up, a large picnic basket under one arm and a fully loaded backpack on her back. "Hi Juri," greets Takato as he notices just how much the girl is carrying, "You sure did bring a lot of stuff." Leaning in close to whisper in the boy's ear, Juri replies, "Just wanted to make sure we're prepared for lots of fun." Before pulling away and giving the boy a wink that makes Takato's blush return with a vengence, before asking conversationally, "So, wasn't there something you wanted to show me?" "Ye-yes!" replies the boy, a mixture of nervousness and excitement washing over him at Juri's actions. The two preteens walk in companionable silence for several minutes, venturing into less travelled parts of Shinjuku park before Takato feels it safe to speak about digimon, "We found it yesterday. There's a small stone hut deep in the park, it's kind of small, maybe half the size of my bedroom if that, but it'll at least give us some privacy and gives Guilmon a safe place to sleep without having to worry about my parents finding him." Pausing a moment, "Speaking of parents, what did you tell yours?" "I told them I was meeting some friends in the park for a picnic, though I think they think I'm on a date with a boy, which is kind of true." His face going scarlett, Takato stammers a reply, "Is-is- th-that so?" swalloing a time or two, he continues, "I just told my parents I was going to play in the park." As the pair approach Guilmon's new hideout, both the dino and Impmon are there waiting for them, the little devil commenting, "'Bout time you two showed up! Babamon was slow, but she's old as dust." "Hey, Impmon." greets Juri, taking the demonic digimon's crude manners in stride as she sits down her burdens on the concrete slab of the hut and tries to give the little devil a hug. "Hey, Girlie, keep yer dirty mitts ta yerself!" cries the demonic digimon, trying to avoid the human girl's embrace. Meanwhile, Guilmon walks up to his tamer and says, "Takatomon, Guilmon found something interesting while digging." "Huh?" asks the goggle boy, distracted from watching the antics of the digimon that took his anal virginity and the human girl who took his penile virginity. Following the dino into the hut, the tamer sees a light shining from a hole in the floor and stares transfixed as Guilmon explains, "Takatomon said the hut was too small, so Guilmon dug a hole to make it bigger and found something shiny." "What is this?" asks the boy aloud, drawing the attention of Juri and Impmon as they join the boy and the dino in the confined space. "I'm not sure," starts the little devil, "but I think Pineapple head stumbled on a portal to the digital world." "The digital world?" asks Juri, staring down the hold Guilmon dug in even more wonder than Takato. "Do you think maybe we could have our picnic there instead?" "Sure, why not." replies Impmon, grabbing the basket of bread and jumping down the hole. Grabbing Juri's backpack, Takato follows after, not wanting to let the little devil out of his sight, and is soon followed by Guilmon and Juri herself, the latter carrying the picnic basket. ### The quartet land in the digital desert, Takato commenting, "For some reason, I expected a lush forest, not a dry desert." "Makes sense we ended up here," replies Impmon, "This is tha layer of tha digital world closest too tha human world." Taking in the sights, Juri asks, "What's that in the sky, and what are those beams of white light?" Pointing to a sphere much larger than the moon in the sky back on Earth. "That's tha human world, girlie, or at least it's projection into tha digital world." Explains Impmon, puffing out his chest for being the most knowledgable being in the group for a change. "As for those beams of light,, those are datastreams. Good way of getting from place-to-place quickly, but also a good way to get lost. Unless ya want this little trip to turn into an overnight affair, we should avoid them." Scanning the horizon, Impmon adds, "Now, a cave would be our best bet for having our picnic without risk of being munched on by bigger digimon or getting swept away by a data stream." Spotting an outcropping of rock not far away, the little devil announces, "That looks like a good place to find some shelter!" As the demonic digimon runs off, the dino and the human couple do their best to keep up. When they reach the outcropping of rocks, they soon find a dry cave that offers excellent protection from the digital sun and winds and is quite spacious. "I could set up a proper art studio in here and we'd still have plenty of room for a lounging area." Comments Takato as he lower's Juri's backpack to the stone floor. "Yeah, ain't half shabby." adds the little devil, helping himself to a large roll from the basket of bread he was carrying. "Don't fill up on just bread." Admonishes Juri as she spreads a red-and-white checkered tablecloth on the ground and starts unloading the picnic basket. "Have you seen how much digimon eat?" Asks Takato, "The show doesn't do their appetites justice." Looking at the assortment of sandwiches Juri has laid out, Takato asks, "Did you make all this yourself?" "Yes, I knew digimon eat a lot and wasn't sure what anyone likes, so I made a lot in different varieties. There's some ham, some turkey, some pastrami, some with cheese, some without cheese, some with pickle and tomato, some without..." Trailing off, she pulls several pre-packaged items from the basket, "I also brought some store-bought rice balls and several types of potato and tortilla chips. If all this was in the basket, then what's in the back pack, girlie?" Asks Impmon, moving to open the backpack Takato left on the stone. "Mostly drinks," replies Juri before her cheeks turn pink and she adds, "Plus a few of my gym uniforms, a change of clothes, and a bottle of diuretic tablets." "Gym uniforms?" Asks Takato about the same time Impmon asks, "Diuretic tablets?" Her blush deepening, Juri replies, "Well, I remembered that Impmon seemed to like how Takato looked in his gym clothes when I peeped on you in the park... and diuretics...they make the body process liquids more quickly..." Finding the tablets, Impmon smiles devilishly as he comments, "So these things make humans need to piss quickly?" "Basically..." replies Juri. "And I think I would like to see ya in your gym clothes, girlie." declares Impmon, and noticing Takato's face going red, adds, "And it looks like lover boy would like to see that as well." Her blush deepening even further, Juri grabs her backpack from the devil, sitting the bottles of water, tea, and lemonade and the cans of various types of soda on the tablecloth as she vanishes into the darkest recesses of the cave, calling out, "Feel free to start on the food without me... And no peeking!" The boys start dividing food among them, the digimon taking five sandwiches for everyone Takato takes for himself and sets aside for Juri. When Juri returns to the main chamber of the cave, her usual attire replaced with a white t-shirt and red buruma, the legless shorts showing off Juri's slender but not quite athletic thighs, Impmon can't help letting out a wolf whistle as he declares, "Damn, I didn't know human chicks could look so damn hot!", the crude compliment making the girl's exposed skin turn as red as her buruma while Takato pounds his chest, nearly choking on a mouthful of sandwich at the sight of a girl wearing such skimpy clothing somewhere other than gym class, the beach, or poolside and Guilmon simply continues scarfing down food, oblivious to the presence of a cute girl wearing skimpy clothes in what can only be called a fetishistic situation. As Impmon takes another mouthful of his current sandwich and Takato takes a deep breath after clearing his airways, Juri stammers out, "I..I'm glad you like it." before sitting down, folding her legs under to not expose the crotch of ther buruma to the three males sharing the meal with her. As the quartet continue eating, Impmon occasionally comments, saying things like "Good grub.", "Humans make good soda.", and "These chips are amazing!" all the while examining Juri out of the corner of his eye and wondering, 'I wonder how lover boy would look in that get up.' When all of the food and most of the drink is gone and a combination of Ba Da Boom and Pyrosphere has been used to reduce the paper waste to ashes and the plastic and metal waste to slag, Impmon, his signature, up to no good smile on his jester-like face suggests, "Now that we've eaten and both of ya humans have had plenty to drink, I suggest ya each take a couple of these diuretics girlie brought." He rattles the bottle for emphasis, "and have a little holding contest for the privilege of serving yours truly." The two humans glance at each other, both going scarlett at the memories of being fucked by the demonic digimon before declaring in unison, "Su-sure." "And to make things a bit fairer," adds the little devil, his grin growing even wider, "I think lover boy should be wearing the same thing as girlie. Ya did bring spares, right girlie?" "Yeah, but..." replies Juri, her face seeming to discover a new shade of red as she imagines Takato, not in his own gym uniform, but the skimpier girls' gym uniform. "You want me to wear..." asks Takato, unable to finish the sentence as his face copies Juri's. Juri is first to recover, whispering in Takato's ear, "Come on, Takato-kun, I bet you'd look cute wearing my buruma." "Uh... O-Okay." stammers the boy as Juri pulls him to his feet, and hands him a spare t-shirt and a spare pair of both her buruma and her panties, prompting him to ask, "Why did you hand me these?" "Because we wouldn't be wearing the same thing if you kept your briefs on under my buruma." replies the girl as she pushes the boy towards the alcove she used to change earlier. When Takato returns wearing Juri's clothes, blushing from head to toe as he can't help wondering if the underwear he's currently wearing previously touched Juri's girlhood or are new, Impmon lets out another wolf whistle before commenting, "You make a hot chick, lover boy." making the crossdressing boy blush even harder even as the demonic digimon can see the goggle boy's boyhood growing hard and starting to form a bulge in the borrowed buruma. Feeling her own panties growing damp with arousal, Juri adds in a slightly teasing tone, "Takato-chan really does make a cute girl." "Enough yappin', let's get this show started!" exclaims the little devil, pouring a few diuretics into his gloved palm and tossing two to each of the humans, "First to wet has to watch me havin' fun with the one who remains dry the longest." As they catch the pills, both humans realize that, in their haste to meet up in the park with the two virus digimon, neither took the opportunity to use the toilet, and with everything they drank during the picnic, they're already starting to feel the need to pee. Juri in particular is a bit worried as she's read the label on that bottle of diuretics, the strongest over the counter diuretics she could find and remembers the recommended dosage being one tablet for adults and half a tablet for children, and Impmon expects both preteens to take two a piece. However, both children are too excited by the situation and neither is willing to back down, and so they both swallow their pills and chase them with the remainder of their current bottle of water, neither mentioning how long they've already been holding and Juri keeping the secret of just how oversized their dose of diuretic is. "Guilmon want to play too!" cries the dino, approaching his fellow virus and sniffing at the bottle of diuretics. Not caring much what the child-like digimon does, but wanting the red dino out of his personal space, Impmon carelessly tosses half-a-dozen of the tablets in the other digimon's open mouth, declaring, "Knock yourself out, pineapple head!" as Guilmon reflexively swallows the pills. In what feels like no time, Takato, Juri, and Guilmon can all feel their need to pee spiking as well as an unbearable thirst as their mouths go dry. Juri remembers reading a warning on the bottle of diuretics that list dry mouth, extreme thirst, and dehydration as potential side-effects, but again keeps this knowledge to herself as she grabs two bottles of water from their dwindling supply of drinks, guzzling them non-stop one after the other. Beside her, Takato does the same with a can of cola and a bottle of lemonade. Their thirst quenched for the moment, both preteens return their attention to their rapidly filling bladders, Takato squeezing his boyhood through the borrowed buruma as Juri rubs her thighs together, hands fisted at her sides as she fights the urge to grab at her girlhood, mentally chanting 'A lady doesn't grab herself in public, a lady doesn't grab herself in public!' over and over even as the sight of Takato in just as much need of a tinkle causes her to dampen her panties with a different fluid than the golden one she's struggling to keep inside her. As his tamer and his tamer's girlfriend struggle to hold back the swiftly swelling tinkle tides savagely sloshing in their piddle pots, Guilmon, not understanding the point of a holding contest all that well, just gives into the call of nature, a puddle of digi-pee spreading out around the dino's clawed feet, prompting his fellow virus to comment, "Looks like Pineapple head is already out of the running!" Though the humans are too busy with their own bloated bladders to pay attention to either digimon. Growing bored with watching the two humans mostly standing there squirming and doing a potty dance, Impmon looks through the remainder of the supplies they brought for inspiration. Finding a pair of jump ropes, he remembers seeing a couple of kids playing with such things in Shinjuku Park before he scared them off. Grinning like the devil he is, Impmon announces, "As much as I enjoy watching my human pets squirming and trembling as they try to earn some playtime with yours truly, I've got an idea to help spice things up." "Wh-What's that?" asks Juri, having given up on trying to act like a proper lady, both hands pressed firmly over her girlhood, her knuckles white with the effort of trying to hold herself. Holding the jump ropes by one end, Impmon cracks them like a pair of whips as he declares, "I think you humans call it skipping rope!" Turning to his fellow virus, Impmon adds, "Hey, Pineapple head, grab the other end and follow my lead!" It takes a minute or two, but the two digimon soon have the two jump ropes swishing up and down, round and round, the two preteens facing an obstacle that would be difficult to traverse even with an empty bladder. Noticing their hesitation, Impmon shouts at the human couple, "Hurry up and get in there before I decide ta disqualify both of ya!" putting enough force behind his voice to make both humans jump, both letting out small leaks to dampen their panties in the process. Though part of them knows this challenge will likely spell doom for their bursting bladders, neither wants to imagine how Impmon might decide to punish them if they refuse, so they both leap into the storm of swift moving rope, their feet in near constant motion, their bladder bulges jiggling visibly from their jittery motions, both humans panting heavily, but neither daring to slow down, knowing that not only will tripping mean possibly scraping a knee or elbow as they impact the stone floor of the cave, and being mercilessly sliced at by the fast moving ropes, but the impact will probably pop their piddle pots. Eventually, Impmon grows bored with watching the humans fighting to hold back their pints of pent-up piddle while avoiding being tripped by the ropes, letting Takato and Juri catch their breath as they try to calm their raging waste waters, but just as they're starting to recover from their marathon session with the jump ropes from hell, Impmon announces with sadistic glee, "It's time for dodgeball, Digimon style." Before either human can ask what the little devil means by 'digimon style' he demonstrates the hard way exactly what he means as a fireball appears on the tip of his gloved finger and with a cry of "Ba Da BOOM!" he launches the attack at the floor between the two humans, leaving a scorch mark as the pair jump a meter in the air and a meter away from each other. Soon, the two preteens are in constant motion as they try to avoid Impmon's attacks. The devil isn't seriously trying to hit them, but he doesn't tell them that as he cackles and cries out, "Dance, my pretties, dance! Dance or you'll get burned!" And before long, Guilmon is adding his own pyrosphere to the projectiles for the two desperate visitors to the digital world to dodge. Juri wants to beg for mercy and Takato wants to scold Guilmon for following Impmon's bad example, but between trying to keep their terribly throbbing, tremendously trembling, torturously taut tinkle tanks from gushing their golden cargo everywhere and avoiding the digital fireballs from the two viruses, neither human can muster the energy to speak. After growing bored with pretending to try and roast his playthings, Impmon tries to think of something else to liven up watching their desperation, when he hears a defeated whimper coming from one of the humans. Turning to the sound, Impmon finds Takato dropping to his knees, both hands clamped tightly around his buruma-clad boyhood, pee gushing from the tip, darkening the red fabric and cascading to the floor despite the tamer's white-knuckled grip. Growing hard at the sight, Impmon walks over dragging one of the jump ropes as he declares, "Looks like Lover boy loses!" "It won't stop..." whimpers the boy, not noticing the approaching digimon. Not bothering to let Takato finish, Impmon forces both of the boy's arms behind his back, ignoring the tamer's shout of "What are you doing!" as the demonic digimon ties the boy's arms together and then ties them to the boy's ankles. Juri watches transfixed as Takato wets himself, nearly soaking her panties in her love juices as her boyfriend soaks the panties and buruma she lent him even as she struggles to not wet herself as well. She's so distracted by the sight of the boy bound and helplessly peeing himself as he tents the buruma of a girl's gym uniform that she doesn't notice Impmon approaching until he's yanking down her buruma and panties to reveal her pretty, pale half-moons. "I hope yer ready for yer reward, girlie!" exclaims the little devil as he stares at her plump, little rummp has he drags her shorts and underwear to her knees. Blushing furiously, Juri protests, "At...At least let me pee first." Removing a glove, Impmon replies, "What would be the fun in that?" Before jamming a clawed finger between her tightly clenched thighs, just below where her buttcrack ends, the digimon's digit invading her already slippery snatch. Gasping in pleasure, the human girl drops to her knees, bending forward as she tries to maintain the concentration needed to keep her waste waters within. "WOW!" exclaims the demonic digimon, "Yer already soaked, girlie! Guess there's no need ta warm ya up." And noticing that she's now at the perfect height for his digihood, Impmon withdraws his finger and before Juri can react, slams himself balls deep in the human's preteen pussy, the girl letting out another gasp, both from pleasure and from the rather strong jolt this gives her bladder. Giving the human no time to adjust, Impmon starts fucking his female pet in earnest, angling his thrusts so he batters at both her bloated, bursting bladder and her cervix. "Imp...mon...!" Juri manages to cry out between the gasps brought on with each of the digimon's thrusts, the combined sensations from her pounding piddle pot and the pounding her preteen pussy is recieving from her digital lover nearly more than she can take. "'ll...pee!" Reaching around to place a hand on Juri's protruding piddle pot, Impmon replies, "That's the point, girlie!" before pressing down on the bloated bladder bulge, the gasp he lets out as she tightens up around him drown out by her shriek of protest. He only presses on her bladder for a few seconds, but her relief is short lived as he grabs her wrists, forcing her hands away from her crotch, the devil using the extra leverage to fuck her even more roughly as he leaves her with only her internal muscles to keep the golden lake from flooding the cave floor. Muscles the girl doesn't think can hold out much longer as Juri begs, "Stop or I'll pee, stop or I'll pee, stop or I'll pee!" only for her pleas to fall on deaf ears. If anything, her words only seem to encourage the little devil, and when she squeezes her eyes shut and shortens her chant to "i'llpeeI'llpeeI'llpeeI'llpeeI'llpeeI'llpeeI'llpeeI'llpee!" the demonic digimon seems to take it as her resigning herself to her fate. Though long since empty, Takato continues tenting the buruma and panties he borrowed from Juri, his boyhood throbbing terribly from the sight of Impmon mercilessly fucking the girl he's crushed on for years but was always too shy to ask out, and the fact that she's on the verge of wetting herself like he did mere minutes earlier and the dominant digimon's refusal to let up only making him harder, making him wish he was the one buried in that cozy cunny of hers and that he had the guts to dominate her the way the devil is. Unfortunately, his attempts to rub himself against the soaked fabric confining his privates does little to relieve the pressure in his young balls, and with his arms and feet bound like they are, stroking himself is impossible. At that moment, several things happen all at once, or at least close enough together Juri can't tell the difference as Impmon slams himself one last time in her pussy, his first spurt of cum shooting through her cervix as her cunny convulses around the digidick as her own climax takes her and her overburdened bladder bursts like a balloon, what seems like gallons of golden liquid gushing forth, soaking her and Impmon from the crotch down, the pair of buruma and panties around her knees becoming more thoroughly drenched than the pair she loaned to Takato. Letting go of the quivering girl, letting her collapse in the prodigious puddle of pee she put out, Impmon comments, "Yer still a great fuck, girlie!" Looking around, he notices that Guilmon has been staring, the dino's bright red digidick on full display, "Hey, Pineapplehead, would ya like some sloppy seconds?" "Are they yummy?" replies the naive digimon as Impmon pulls Juri to her feet by the back of her shirt." "Just lay back and relax," replies the devil to his fellow virus as he pushes Juri towards Guilmon, the girl still a bit dazed from her climax and wetting. As the human girl nears the reptilian digimon, Impmon pushes her to her knees and she puts up no resistence as the demonic digimon lines the dino's digidick up with her well-fucked hole and pushes her down, Guilmon and Juri letting out matching moans of pleasure as she recieves her first penetration from a non-mammalian dick and he is engulfed in his first pussy. Though just as naive as when he was talked into fucking his tamer's ass a few days earlier, Guilmon's instincts soon take over as he grabs Juri's ass and starts thrusting up into her, and before long, the girl is moving her hips in time with the digimon's thrusts. Turning to the bound boy, Impmon announces, "Now it's your turn, lover boy!" Impmon unties Takato's ankles, but leaves his arms bound as, without preamble, he yanks down the boy's bottoms and hilts his digidick in the boy's bowels. As Impmon starts fucking his boytoy's tight anus, he lets Takato's now exposed erection bob in the open air with nothing to stimulate it, leaving the boy to beg, "Please, Impmon, if I don't get some stimulation soon, I'm gonna die!" But the digimon seems to ignore the boy's pleas for penile stimulation just as he ignored Juri's pleas for a tinkle break. However, the demonic digimon has been slowly forcing the tamer to kneewalk towards where his partner digimon is fucking his girl friend, and when Impmon demands, "Hey, pineapplehead, spread her ass cheeks!" Takato's eyes shoot open to see his cock bobbing mere inches from Juri's delectible derriere, and just in time to witness Guilmon using his claws to pull the two halves apart to expose her rosebud. As Takato watches Juri riding his partner digimon's digidick, her arms wrapped around the dino's neck as she sucks on the tip of the tongue dangling from the reptile's gaping maw, he barely notices as Impmon reaches around to press the boy's tip to the girl's backdoor, smearing the tamer's precum on the other human's puckered anus. Breaking the closest thing to a French kiss she can manage with Guilmon, Juri glances over her shoulder to see what's going on as Impmon asks, "So what do ya say, Girlie? Does lover boy get ta fuck that plump rump of yers or does he go without having his pathetically puny prick milked?" Gyrating her hips to stimulate both the dick in her pussy and the one poking at her ass, Juri replies teasingly, "Go ahead, Takato-chan can use my butt. Its the least I can do after that amazing display of her wetting one of my spare gym uniforms!" Takato is so desperate for stimulation that he isn't bothered by the teasing and he cums just from Impmon pushing him forward so his cock is buried in Juri's ass. Takato's seed shooting into her bowels sends Juri into her second orgasm of the evening, her pussy clenching around Guilmon's digidick as Takato's ass clenches around Impmon's digidick, the two digimon filling their respective human lovers in unison. After the quartet recover from their group climax and have caught their breath, Juri reveals she packed some wet wipes which she and Takato use to clean up before putting their regular clothes back on and the group finish off the beverages she packed while they take advantage of the hot, dry air of the digital desert to dry the gym clothes the human couple soaked with their respective accidents. Trash disposed of, reusable supplies packed up, and the humans minimizing evidence of their activities, Takato and Juri realize that it's time they were heading home, and in their haste to get back to the portal, neither notice Impmon pocketing the bottle of diuretics. Once back on the human side of the digital divide, the quartet say their good byes, Guilmon curling up in his hut, Impmon vanishing off to where ever he spends the night, and the two humans walking hand-in-hand through the park until they have to part ways for their respective homes. As the humans walk home, they notice the sun seems higher in the sky than it should be at this time of year and day, but don't think much of it until they get home, are greeted by their parents with "Back already?" and notice that while their watches say they've been gone for hours, the clocks in their homes indicate they were only gone long enough to make the round trip to Shinjuku park on foot. It'll be tomorrow before the two can compare notes, but Juri and Takato independantly and almost immediately conclude, 'Time must flow faster in the digital world! Just like during the first season of the show!'