An Adventure in the Digital World by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Irvinegamer Alternative scene Turning to the sound, Impmon's gaze lands on Juri as she collapses to her knees, both hands clamped over her buruma-clad girlhood as golden pee gushes between her fingers, the red fabric peeking out from under her palms darkening slightly as a puddle forms around her. Growing hard at the sight, Impmon glances at Takato to see the boy's own member straining against the borrowed gym shorts before approaching the piddling preteen with a jump rope in tow. "Looks like girlie lost this one." While the poor girl is still wetting herself full force, the little devil yanks her arms behind her back and binds them with the jump rope before tieing her arms to her ankles. Sneaking up on the boy, who is still staring transfixed at the sight of his bound girlfriend peeing herself, her face as red as her buruma with humiliation, the demonicdigimon yanks down Takato's shorts and panties, exposing his small, but rock hard erection before yanking the boy to his knees. Wasting no time, Impmon hilts his throbbing digihood in Takato's bowels before reaching around, one gloved hand pressing lightly on the boy's bulging, bursting bladder as his other hand wraps around the tamer's own throbbing member. As Impmon starts to pound his bitch boy's ass, he starts stroking the boy's dick in time with his thrusts as he teases the tamer, "Ain't that a beeyou tiffle sight? The pathetic, little panty piddler sitting humiliated in her own puddle?" Though he wouldn't put it so vulgarly, Takato has to admit Juri looks positively adorable in her currently disheveled and pee soaked state, and if his own piddle pot wasn't poised to pop, he'd probably be filled with an overwhelming urge to run over and try to comfort her, but as his torturously taut tinkle tank throbs terribly, the tamer can think of nothing but, "Please, Impmon, let me pee!" Not slowing his thrusts in the least, the little devil aims Takato's boyhood straight at Juri's chest, the outline of her budding breasts visible thanks to how her shirt is stretched by her bound arms before replying, "Go ahead, lover boy, spray all that hot piss yer holdin' all over her pretty body!" This snaps Juri out of her shock from wetting herself, but her blush only deepens and she can't bring herself to say anything as she processes the thought of Takato giving her a golden shower, her eyes locking on to his tip, and when she hears Takato exclaim, "I could never do... that!" she isn't sure whether she's happy Takato doesn't want to humiliate her further or disappointed. "Meh," replies the demonic digimon, increasing the force of his thrusts, "Yer choice if ya rather endure the pain than give her girlfriend a golden shower!" As a reward for winning the holding contest, Impmon actually allows the boy to climax, watching intently as the tamer's seed splatters the front of Juri's t-shirt as the devil floods the boy's bowels with digiseed. However, Impmon isn't done with Takato quite yet as he suddenly goes from lightly pressing on the boy's bursting bladder to crushing it under the digimon's full strength, the spray from Takato's tip turning from milky white to amber yellow as the choice of whether or not to give Juri a golden shower is taken out of the tamer's control. As Takato pees uncontrollably, Impmon adjusts the aim of the tamer's cock to ensure every inch of Juri's front gets soaked, her t-shirt turning from white to yellow as it sticks to her immature curves, and the girl having to turn her head to the side at one point to avoid pee hitting her in the eye or mouth. Once the boy is empty, Impmon pulls out of the tamer's ass and notices the Guilmon has been watching the whole thing, the dino's bright red digidick on full display. Yanking Takato up by his boyhood and pushing the tamer towards his partner digimon, the devil cries out, "Hey pineapple head, your turn ta have fun with lvoer boy." Stumbling from Impmon's shove, Takato lands in Guilmon's lap, driving the dino's dick up the boy's butt and has the naive virus's instincts take over, the tamer finds himself with his thighs in a strong, reptilian grip as Guilmon pistons his partner on his digidick. Turning his attention to the human girl, Impmon frees Juri's ankles and pushes her forward until she's nearly kissing the bedrock and yanks down her soaked bottoms. Gripping her half-moons firmly, the devil parts them and presses his tip to her puckered rosebud. Recalling how full she felt when Takato took her anal virginity and recalling just how much thicker the demonic digimon is compared to her fellow preteen, Juri shouts, "Wait! There's no way it'll fit in my-!" Only to be cut off by a scream of pain as the devil's digihood stretches her sphincter painfully. As the initial, searing pain subsides, Impmon gives the sobbing girl little time to recover as he starts pounding her plump, little rump, not slowing in the least at her whimpers of, "Please, pull out, it hurts." "Ah, stop yer belly aching!" replies the virus callously, bringing one of his gloved hands down hard on one of her buttocks with a resounding smack, eliciting another yelp of pain from the human girl. "Besides, would you really prefer I fuck your cunt after fucking lover boy in the ass?" Not waiting for Juri to work through the pain to reply, and with a display of strength one wouldn't expect from such a small creature, Impmon manages to lift Juri off the stone floor and walk over to where Takato is riding Guilmon to drop the girl atop Takato's dick. Though she still feels like Impmon is going to shred her bowels with his girth, Juri can't help letting out a moan of pleasure as her boyfriend slides inside her pussy. As the digimon continue to ruthlessly fuck their asses, the humans embrace each other, Takato doing what he can to help Juri through her punishment at the demonic digimon's hands, or rather dick. Guilmon and Impmon flood Takato and Juri's bowels with their digiseed in near unison, sending their human lovers over the edge shortly after as Takato creams Juri's cunny and Juri's cunny convulses around Takato's cock.