Takato's Models by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Irvinegamer As the morning sun streams in through his window blinds, Takato lays sprawled on his bed, nothing but a white t-shirt and matching boxers covering the young boy as he kicked his covers off during the night. Thanks to it being Sunday and thus no school, the tamer had intended to sleep in, and was in the middle of reliving his surprisingly pleasant encounter with Impmon from the other day within his dreams, a smile plastered on his sleeping face even as drool leaks from the corner of his mouth. However, much to the boy's dismay, he is drawn from the world of dreams and back to the waking world by an insistant rapping on his bedroom window. Groaning as his pleasant dream is interrupted, he glances down to see that he's tenting his boxers. Blushing, he grabs his blue hoodie from one of his bed posts, trying to conceal his morning wood, something that never happened prior to being sodomized by Impmon, but has been a daily occurance since, He gets out of bed and walks over to his window. Raising the blinds, the tamer comes face-to-face with the diminutive digital devil who had featured prominantly in his dream, and opening the window to let Impmon in, Takato asks, "What are you doing here, Impmon?" "I was just in the neighborhood and decided to drop by." Lies the imp, not willing to admit he missed the human he now thought of as his bitch as he looks around the messy room and comments, "What a dump." Stirring from the nest he made of a pile of his tamer's dirty laundry, Guilmon interrupts any chance the boy has to formulate a response to Impmon's casual insult with a whine of ,"Takatomon, Guilmon is hungry! Guilmon want breakfast!" Seeing the digimon whose nightly intrusions into his dreams are responsible for his boyhood's current condition has done nothing to help the boy calm his newfound hormones, and he takes the opportunity provided by Guilmon's plea for food to excuse himself, grabbing a pair of his gray capris and a clean pair of briefs. before exiting the room, a hasty cry of "Don't start a fire fight while I'm gone!" thrown over his shoulder at the two virus types. Locking himself in the bathroom, Takato splashes his face with cold water from the tap as he shakes his head, trying to clear it of images of him on his knees in the dirt while Impmon plows his ass and willing his erection to go away. Once he's composed himself, he pulls his hoodie on and discards his boxers in favor of putting on the briefs and capris. Now fully dressed, Takato heads downstairs to find his parents busy with the mid-morning rush in the Bakery, the elder Matsudas barely pausing to tell their son good morning. Not wanting to interrupt his parents at work, He heads to the part of the Bakery's kitchen that serves the family's own needs and fills a basket with the day old bread his parents are too proud to sell, and given the warm weather outside coupled with the apartment's AC being on the fritz and the steam from the bakery rising into the living space, decides to prepare a pitcher of lemonade for himself and the two digimon waiting for him upstairs. With the bread and beverage in tow, along with three drinking vessels, including one made of a durable plastic Takato hopes Guilmon won't be able to break easily, Takato returns to his room, and is both surprised and relieved to find, instead of evidence of the two virus types trying to fry each other, the two sitting around, the imp studying some things on Takato's desk, and the dino looking rather bored. While Guilmon proceeds to stuff his face with all the manners of a rowdy toddler, Takato pours a Glass of lemonade for his guest and offers it to Impmon along with one of the larger rolls he kept out of the dino's reach, "Here, try some of the bread from my family's bakery. It's day old, but its still pretty good." Taking the roll without a word of thanks, Impmon takes a large bite and chews as he examines a notebook that was on Takato's desk. The bread is a bit dry, and Impmon has to chase it with plenty of lemonade, and despite wielding fire like a toy, the heat is still enough to add to his thirst, but he eventually comments, "This grub ain't half-bad, and ya say this isn't even the fresh stuff?" as he takes another bite. Before Takato can reply, he realises that the notebook Impmon is studying is the one containing all of the tamer's notes on guilmon, and that in particular, Impmon is studying Takato's original sketch of the dino. Swallowing the mouthful of bread he's chewing, Impmon looks up at the tamer and asks, "Did ya draw this yourself?" "Yes I did!" replies the boy, "That image was the blueprint for Guilmon's appearance." "Not bad," adds the little devil, Takato puffing out his chest in artistic pride, deducing that Impmon likes his art even more than he lets on, "If yer this good with a lame lizard as the subject, I bet ya could do something really nice with a prime specimen such as my self." "Um..." starts the boy hesitantly, deciding to stroke the demonic digimon's ego a bit, "Would you like me to paint your portrait?" "Sure, why not?" replies the devil, Jumping up and standing in Takato's desk chair as the boy prepares an easil with a large sheet of white poster board and paints for the spur of the moment art project and Takato dons a white apron stained with splotches of many colors. As the tamer slips fully into artist mode, he asks Impmon to "Strike a pose." and in response, the little devil puffs out his chest, straightens his legs shoulder width apart, and placing one hand on his hip, points the other hand to the ceiling, summoning a fireball on his extended finger as a triumphant expression crosses the digimon's face. "That's great!" declares Takato as he dips his brush into a mixture of purple and black paint to start outlining the contours of his model's svelt frame. As the artist starts to get into his work, Impmon realizes a small problem with this plan of action as he feels a small twinge in his bladder as the lemonade he drank starts working its way through his system. Naturally, admitting that he shares such a need with humans is something the little devil's pride won't allow, so Impmon initially ignores it, but as time passes, the human taking his sweet time with each stroke of the brush, the digimon's bladder grows more and more full. Unbeknownst to Impmon, Takato's slow and steady progress on the portrait of the demonic digimon has less to do with the tamer being overly cautious to ensure every stroke is just right and more with the artist being distracted as he examines every inch of his model's body. Impmon doesn't have the well-defined muscles Guilmon has nor the sleek curves that make Renamon's agility obvious at a glance, and yet Takato can't help thinking that the digimon before him's body conceals a greater power than one would expect in such a small package. Starting to grow impatient and desperate to relieve his bladder, Impmon starts to tap his foot, only for Takato to reprimand, "Stop fidgeting, or I'm going to mess up." The digimon willing himself to hold still despite the growing pressure in his lower abdomen. Having long run out of bread to eat and lemonade to drink, and growing bored with watching his fellow virus-type standing around and his tamer painting, Guilmon sneaks off without either the human or the other digimon noticing, and just as Impmon is about to swallow his pride and ask for a break, the dino returns and captures his tamer's attention with a cry of, "Takatomon! Guilmon went potty, and now the bathroom is flooding!" "Again?" replies the tamer in exasperation, setting down his paintbrush and following Guilmon, he finds that indeed, the bathroom is flooded, the toilet overrunning from where Guilmon clearly tried to flush too much toilet paper at once. Sliding a hand down his face, the human manages to stop the running water and mop up the worst of the spill with some dirty towels, but the clog proves resistant to Takato's attempts to dislodge it with the plunger. Returning to his room, Takato announces, "Well, looks like the toilet is clogged until my parents are done working the bakery for the day and my dad can help unclog it." Impmon shows no outward reaction to this news, but internally, he's filled with a sense of dread, knowing he now has no chance of relieving himself without running off. Agitated by Guilmon's mishap with the toilet, Takato returns to his painting,, using the quiet activity to help calm his nerves as unbeknownst to the artist, his model continues to suffer in silence from a sloshing, overstretched bladder. ### Meanwhile, Juri is making her way to the Matsuda Bakery, her thoughts in turmoil as she stares at the Impmon card clutched in her hand, barely paying attention to where she's going. She has no idea who that boy cosplaying as the digimon depicted on the card was, but ever since she witnessed that boy having sex with Takato right outside the restroom in Shinjuku park the other day, she hasn't been able to get that scene out of her head. On the one hand, she feels hatred towards the mystery boy as it looked like he was raping the boy she's been crushing on since she first started thinking of boys as cute rather than icky. On the other hand, she feels jealousy as it looked like Takato was actually enjoying the boy's rough treatment of her crush. On the third hand, her girlhood gets all warm and tingly every time she thinks back to what she saw, and her dreams the last few nights have featured her mustering the courage to walk up to them and asking to join in instead of standing out of sight and playing with herself as she enjoyed the show they were unknowingly putting on for an audience of one. "Ruff!" cries her handpuppet as she resorts to having a mock conversation with the felt toy to try and make sense of her tangled thoughts, "You should just tell Takato how you feel!" "But what if he doesn't like girls?" Replies Juri, voicing her biggest insecurity, "He seemed to like what that cosplaying boy was doing, and while I'm sure he was on the verge of wetting his gym shorts, he didn't seem to notice when I practically had my butt in his face after letting that dodgeball hit me." "Ruff! You'll never know if you don't ask!" insists the puppet, "Besides, even if he did enjoy what that other boy was doing, maybe he likes both boys and girls!" "I suppose, but-" "Ruff! Besides, if you stay quiet, he might never notice you even if he'd be receptive to your confession! Plus, You'll need to confess to him if you really want a threesome with Takato and the mystery boy." Juri blushes at the puppet's words, knowing that the puppet saying that is practically the same as her admitting such a desire aloud herself. Realizing that she's reached the Bakery, Juri halts her conversation with herself, still not entirely sure what to do regarding her feelings. Entering the bakery, Juri barges through a door marked 'employees Only' without slowing down, not slowing in her stride as she calls to her crush's parents, "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Matsuda!" The two adults barely acknowledge the girl with a cry of "Takato should be up in his room." As Juri passes through the kitchens and climbs the stairs to the living area, discarding her sneakers by the shoe rack and padding in socked feet to Takato's bedroom. Deciding to surprise the boy she's been crushing on for months, Juri doesn't bother knocking as she turns the knob and pushes Takato's door open. As the girl enters the room and spots the digimon standing on Takato's desk chair in a pose that reminds her of a picture of the Statue of Liberty she once saw in a book about foreign landmarks, the human boy isn't the only one surprised as Juri lets out a yell of, "You're that boy from the park!" Before anyone can react properly to her presence, Takato frozen in fear at being caught red-handed with Digimon in his room, Guilmon too naive to realize there's a problem, and Impmon too distracted by his bloated bladder to react normally, Juri has tackled the little devil to the floor and is trying to rip his head off, thinking its a well made mask, yelling, let's see who you really are!" Unfortunately for Impmon, in addition to the humiliation of being caught off guard by a human girl and thrown to the floor by said human girl, having nearly twice his weight landing on top of him as he impacts the floor face first is more than his bladder can take and it isn't long before Juri jumps back, abandoning her attempts to unmask the digimon as the carpet beneath her knees grows warm and wet. Freed from the human sitting on his lower back, Impmon rolls over to glare at his assailant, but any intimidation factor is ruined by the golden liquid gushing from his crotch and soaking into Takato's carpet, forming an ever larger wet spot. Once Impmon is empty and still thinking he's a little boy in a costume, Juri approaches the still stunned devil, and stopping just short of stepping on wet carpet, she looks down on the digimon she caused to have an accident, and with maternal instincts kicking in, she bends down and picks up the wet, little devil and declares, "Poor thing, being careful to keep her arms outstretched enough to avoid getting her dress wet. Finally snapping out of the shock of actually wetting himself, Impmon struggles in Juri's grip, demanding, "Hey! Let go of me, girly!" "Oh, aren't you a little cutie!" replies Juri, leaning in to kiss the digimon on his cheek. "Hey, girly! I ain't cute! Now let go of me!" cries the demonic digimon finally managing to wriggle out of her grip and running to hide from the crazy girl behind Guilmon. Finally noticing the other digimon, "Another one? Just how many cosplaying little boys do you know Takato? And what is he supposed to be? I don't recognize him from any of the cards I have." Finally finding his voice, Takato replies, "His name is Guilmon. He doesn't have any cards because I made him myself." Taking a deep breath, Takato prepares to deliver the real bombshell, "Juri, Guilmon and Impmon aren't little boys in costumes, they're real digimon." Juri blinks a few times in disbelief, but upon realizing she didn't see any of the usual tells Takato shows when lying and knowing the boy can't lie to save his life and he only gets away with half the excuses he gives Ms. Asagi because their teacher is overly trusting of her students, the girl collapses to her knees, sitting on her heels as she asks in disbelief, "They're real? Digimon are real? I tackled a real Impmon to the floor without getting a face full of fireball?" After getting some more day-old bread and refilling the lemonade pitcher, Takato manages to calm Juri from her shock and properly introduce her to the two virus-types. Guilmon and Juri getalong well almost immediately while Impmon gives the human girl the cold shoulder, but refrains from trying to burn her with his fire in retaliation for her tackling him and making him wet himself. After enjoying a late breakfast of bread and lemonade, Juri notices the painting Takato had been working on when she burst in, complimenting, "You're a really good artist, Takato." Blushing, the boy replies, "Th-thank you, Juri." Juri feels a bit self-conscious about being in the room with her crush, the digimon she witness Takato having sex with in the park, and another digimon who seems to have the mentality of a kindergartener, and while having the two virus-types there makes her plan to confess her feelings seem inappropriate, she still wants to do something to try and capture Takato's interest, and as she examines the incomplete portrait of Impmon, the perfect way of doing so hits her. "Takato," starts the girl, blushing as she offers, "would you like me to model for you as well?" "Uh, sure." answers the boy, feeling just as nervous about having Juri model for him as she is at the thought of modeling for him. As Takato sets aside Impmon's portrait to dry and prepares a clean posterboard, Juri hands her puppet to Guilmon, saying, "Take care of this for me, okay?" the red dino seeming overjoyed at having a toy to play with. Approaching Takato's desk chair, an image of herself in only her underwear, or even completely naked, leaning over the chair with her butt jutting in Takato's direction, one knee resting in the chair as she coyly looks over her shoulder at the boy flashes through her mind, making her face go crimson. She wants to intice him, but surely that would be too bold even if they were alone, and she shakes her head to clear it of the image as she decides on something more subtle. Sitting down, Juri parts her knees before lifting one foot to rest her heel on the edge of the seat, pulling her green dress over her raised knee. This position exposes the inside of the thigh that's down and the back of the raised thigh while also lifting the front hem of her dress just enough to give someone sitting at a low enough angle a view up her dress to see that her yellow panties match her shirt and socks. Interleaving her fingers, Juri rests her hands upon her raised knee before resting her chin upon her hands, looking not at Takato, but rather at a blank expanse of wall as if staring off into the distance. As Takato begins painting Juri's portrait, the girl's mind starts to retread the thoughts that plagued her on the walk over, now with the knowledge that Impmon is a real digimon and not just a boy in a costume, and while she had mentioned the park when she first laid eyes on the digimon as he posed for his own portrait, if either the human or the digimon had connected her words to what she witnessed in the park, neither had said anything. However, as her thoughts go round in circles, the lemonade she drank starts working its way through her system, and it isn't long before she feels a twinge from her tinkle tank. Wishing now that she had chosen to pose with one leg crossed over the other with her hands in her lap, her eyes roam over the room, looking for anything to distract her from her need to pee, knowing there's no way she can close her legs without ruining Takato's work and finding the thought of excusing herself with three males in the room too embarrassing to contemplate. Meanwhile, Takato has noticed how the way Juri is sitting gives a clear view up her dress, his cheeks pink as he can't help but stare as he spends an inordinate amount of time on the detailed brush strokes that define the portrait version of Juri's thighs and panties. Juri's roaming eyes notice the pink on Takato's cheeks, her own changing color to match as she wonders, 'did he see? Does he like what he sees?' and as she starts to grow hopeful that he feels the same way she does, the warmth in her cheeks starts spreading throughout her body, and she soon finds herself concerned with the possibility of soaking her underwear with something other than pee. Neither human notices where the other is looking, but Impmon, who's been observing the two humans picks up on the shy glances they're giving each other, and from his spot sitting on the floor, he can see not only Juri's exposed panties, but also Takato starting to tent his capris, though the boy's painter's apron conceals this fact from Juri's covert gaze. Starting to suspect that the two preteens want each other as mates but aren't voicing their desires for some reason, Impmon looks the girl up and down, and deciding she's even cuter than Takato, not that he'd admit that aloud, he decides to try and goad her into making a move in hope of having some fun with both humans. Copying a chant he overheard some boys in the park using to tease a girl, Impmon calls out mockingly to Juri, "Hey Girly, I see London, I see France, I see someone's underpants!" causing the color in her cheeks to spread over her entire face and turn crimson as she realizes Takato wasn't the only one she was showing off her panties to. Takato opens his mouth to scold the little devil, but before the human boy can say anything, the demonic digimon continues, "And if that bulge in lover boy's pants is any indicator, I'm not the only one who saw." Impmon walks over to the stunned artist and reaches under the apron to rub the boy through his capris. Seeing this causes Juri's jealousy to spike, and jumping up from her seat, she yells, "Get away from him, you incubus!" as she lunges for Takato and knocks Impmon to the side. Determined to prove she can pleasure Takato just as well, no better than Impmon, Juri wastes no time pulling down the front of her crush's capris and freeing his member from his briefs before taking it in her mouth, the boy nearly dropping his brush and palette as he starts moaning at being engulfed in a warm, wet mouth for the first time. As Takato's brain catches up with what's happening, he sets down his tools and hangs his apron from the back of his easil to avoid getting paint on Juri before running his fingers through the girl's hair as he comments, "Juri, that feels amazing!" Pulling her mouth off his cock, the shaft now slippery with her saliva, Juri strokes him as she replies, I'm glad you like it, Takato." Juri then lets out a gasp as she feels something nuzzling her between her legs. Looking over her shoulder, she sees that Guilmon, having grown bored with playing with her puppet, is sniffing at her crotch, and she uses her free hand to lightly smack the naive dino on his muzzle as she scolds, "Stay away from there, Takato gets dibs on all my holes." "But it smells so nice!" replies Guilmon, rubbing the spot where she hit him. "Lover boy sure is lucky if he gets to plow all of yer holes, Girly." cuts in Impmon. Glancing back and forth between the two digimon, Juri notices that both of their digi-dicks have emerged from their sheathes, Impmon's looking quite similar to Takato's aside from its crimson coloring and greater length and girth while Guilmon's is a darker red to match his scales and tapers to a point, longer than Impmon's, though narrower for most of its length. Blushing, the human girl asks, "Did the two of you get turned on just from seeing me suck Takato's dick? Takato still gets dibs on all my holes, but I guess I can at least give each of you a handjob." With that, she returns her mouth to around Takato's member and wraps a hand around each digimon's digihood. As the girl pleasures the three males, she can feel her own arousal growing, nearly drowning out the signals from her bladder that she should be heading for the toilet. She can feel her panties growing damp with her juices and she wants to play with herself terribly, but her sense of fairness won't let her leave either Impmon or Guilmon hanging as she continues to blow the boy who captured her heart. Eventually, her desire grows too much for her to hold back and she pulls away from Takato's member to cry out, "I can't take anymore!" as she lets go of the digi-dicks she was stroking and reaches under her dress to pull down her panties. Though the hem of her dress hangs too low for him to see anything, the sight of her pale yellow undies sliding down her thighs and off her leggs coupled with how close he was before she interrupted the blowjob she was giving him makes Takato's cock grow even harder than the boy thought possible, and he puts up no resistance as she grabs his hips and pulls him to the floor before crawling into his lap. Reaching a hand between them, Juri seeks out Takato's cock and teasingly slides his tip along her slit, nearly making the boy cum as he makes contact with a girl's flower petals for the first time. Pressing his tip to her opening, Juri places her hands on Takato's shoulders before sinking down upon his cock, both preteens letting out loud moans of pleasure. Though she's a virgin, Takato is slender enough to slide through an opening in her hymen without causing her any pain, and being engulfed in her cozy, little cunny is more than Takato can take, the boy erupting within her before Juri is even fully seated upon his shaft. Feeling a boy shooting off in her pussy for the first time turns Juri on even further, her eyes glazing over in lust even as she teases, "Did you cum just from sticking it in, Takato? Don't you know its rude to get off without pleasing your lady?" Juri starts pistoning up and down on Takato's shaft, inadvertantly introducing the boy to his refractory period as she continues, "But it's okay. I'll forgive you if you can satisfy me." And with that, Juri cups Takato's cheeks in her hands and captures his lips in a passionate kiss before wrapping her arms around his neck as she starts to ride him with total abandon. As she feels herself building towards climax, another need reasserts itself, braking through the haze of her lust. She doesn't want to stop, but her tinkle tank throbs terribly, threatening to dispel its contents right there on Takato's lap, so with reluctance, she breaks the kiss to announce, "Ta-Takato, I...I need to pee. Can we take a quick break?" Not wanting to stop and really enjoying being inside Juri now that his refractory period has passed, Takato reaches under Juri's dress to grip her butt, keeping her moving up and down on him whether she wants to or not as he whispers in her ear, "There's no point, Guilmon clogged the toilet earlier." Starting to panic a bit, Juri replies, "What!? But I have to go so badly!" Sounding a bit childish, she continues even as she picks up pace, "If I don't go potty soon, my piddle pot is going to pop! My tinkle tank is totally gonna explode!" "Sourry, Juri. You're just going to have to hold it." replies Takato, driving up into the girl over and over, enjoying the way she squirms in his lap from her need and the way her efforts to hold back the flood cause her to tighten up around him. Juri can feels that she's building to a climax beyond any she's felt before, but she's also sure her climax will spell doom for her bloated, overburdened bladder. And then it happens, Takato drives himself balls deep in Juri's pussy as he shoots his second load, and this is enough to send the girl over the edge as she throws back her head and cries out in ecstacy as her cunny clenches around his cock and her golden liquid gushes forth to soakTakato's capris and briefs. As the two bask in afterglow, Impmon reminds them that they aren't alone by commenting, "That was a great show y'all put on." Makine the preteens both go red as the little devil's gloves, "but I think girly needs to be punished for making such a mess." "Um, what did you have in mind?" Asks Juri, both curious and nervous as to what the demonic digimon will suggest. "Hmm..." starts Impmon, "How's 'bout ya take off that dress and offer yer ass to lover boy here, or I can just take it fer myself." "Okay," replies Juri, standing up and removing her dress, but leaving her socks and shirt on. Getting down on all fours, she shakes her butt as she stutters out, "Pl-Please Takato, Pl-Please stuff my...please stuff my butt with your cock!" Growing hard again at the display before him, Takato rises to his knees before discarding his wet pants and cuming up behind Juri, spreading her half-moons and sliding inside her rear passage. As the two preteens start rutting like a couple of wild digimon, Impmon orders, "Hey, Lover boy, lift her up so I can get a good look at that cunt of hers." Hugging Juri to his chest, Takato grabs her knees and pulls her thighs up and apart, forcing all of her weight on where his cock is fucking her ass and leaving her freshly fucked pussy on full display as Impmon approaches. "Sweet looking cunt ya have there girly." comments Impmon as he lines up his tip with her opening, "I bet you'll be a good choice fer the first human cunt I fuck." As he teases her with his tip, Juri realizes just how much bigger Impmon is compared to Takato, and remembering how full she felt with Takato inside her, she can't help voicing her conclusion in a panicked tone, "Wait! There's no way it'll fiIIIIIIII!" Her protest is cut off and proven mostly wrong as Impmon mercilessly rams himself what would be balls deep if he had external testicals into Juri's pussy. Though her insides stretch to accomodate his greater length and girth, her hymen isn't able to do the same and the imp smirks as while Takato got to claim the human girl's virginity, Impmon clearly got the privilege of popping her cherry. Impmon gives Juri no time to recover as he starts to brutally pound her pussy, though the pain soon gives way to pleasure and all rational thought is driven from her mind as her two lovers seem to be competing to see who can give her more pleasure, ther cocks rubbing against each other with only the thin wall of her perineum between them. Guilmon, no longer content to just watch his tamer and the tamer's human friend playing now that Impmon has joined in starts to whine, "Guilmon want to play too!" Reaching around to spread Takato's ass, Impmon suggests with a smirk, "Hey, dino boy, how about you take lover boy's ass." Walking up behind Takato, it takes Guilmon a moment to figure out what to do before he slides his dino digihood up his tamer's rear. Due to his tapered member, Guilmon doesn't stretch Takato's insides as much as Impmon, only the boy's anus being stretched more than when Impmon sodomized the tamer in the park, but Guilmon does reach deeper into Takato's bowels than the little devil did. As Takato is overwhelmed by being on both the giving and recieving ends of anal, Impmon reaches up to unbutton Juri's shirt, revealing her perfectly formed A-cups and her lack of a bra. Without comment, Impmon reaches up to pinch one of her nipples as he takes the other into his mouth, making her moan even louder. None of the quartet is quite sure who reaches climax first, but it isn't long before Juri is cumming as she's filled from both sides and even Guilmon manages to reach a climax, shooting his digiseed deep in Takato's bowels. As the four collapse into a heap, exhaustion putting them to sleep one-by-one, Takato is the last to join the group nap, thinking, 'I'm surprised my parents didn't overhear any of that. I think we need to find a hideout where we can go all out even when my parents aren't busy.' Letting out a yawn, 'and maybe I could set up a proper art studio there in case Juri and Impmon want to model for me again.'