Impmon's Joke by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by irvinegamer Matsuda Takato wasn't having a very nice day. The stress of class and getting curb stomped by Hirokazu at the Digi-Battle Card Game he could handle, but he was nearly at his wits end trying to rein in Guilmon and Calumon's hijinks, the unintentionally destructive duo's innocent fun having nearly caused severe collateral damage to the school building more times that day than the tamer wanted to think about. Fortunately, it was the last period of the day and he would soon be free to go play in Shinjuku Park where there was fewer things for his rambunctious digimon and his tiny friend to break. Less fortunately, Takato had been so busy trying to avoid any of the school's faculty and staff from discovering the two toddler-like digimon that he hadn't had a chance to use the toilet all day, and his bladder was now quite full. To make matters worse, instead of something like Japanese or math, a class where he could tune out the teacher and focus on holding, his last class of the day was gym class, where he'd be expected to stay in motion and to keep well-hydrated, and thanks to short-circuiting Guilmon and Calumon's latest stunt, he had been late to class and had to rush to change into his gym uniform with no time to take a pissin order to line-up with his classmates before Ms. Asagi would chew him out for being late. Takato winces when Ms. Asagi announces, "Today, we're playing boys versus Girls dodgeball." Deciding getting chewed out by the teacher would be less humiliating than wetting himself from a dodgeball to the bladder, Takato calls out, "Ms. Asagi, can I go use the restroom before we start?" "Matsuda, that's 'may I go use the restroom', and no you may not!" Snaps the teacher, Takato snapping to attention at the reprimand as she continues, "You've used that excuse several times today, and I'm starting to think you're just trying to skip class. Besides, if you really needed to go that badly, you wouldn't have lolligagged on the way to class and would've had plenty of time to go while changing for gym." With that, she blows her whistle, signalling the start of the game. 'Just my luck,' thinks Takato as he tries to split his focus between not leaking and not getting hit, 'The one time I really need to go instead of just trying to get out of class before Guilmon and Calumon make a mess, she doesn't believe me.' As the game progresses, Takato surprising himself with how well he's managing to avoid getting hit, he's grateful that Ruki doesn't go to his school, as he's sure the Digimon Queen wouldn't hesitate to capitalize on his plight and go out of her way to try and nail him square in the bladder with a dodgeball, though he's too distracted by his desperation to notice Juri deliberately targetting other boys when she has a clear shot to knock him out of the game. When Ms. Asagi blows her whistle and calls for a mandatory water break, Takato shudders as he brings his water bottle to his lips, consuming extra liquid for his kidneys to turn into pee the last thing he wants to do even as he wonders why he remembers that now instead of during last week's test on the urinary system. Fresh liquid working its way through his system, Takato can barely focus on the game once it resumes, and on more than one occasion, the ball misses him by mere inches as his bloated bladder grows ever more distracting. The tamer takes periodic glances at the clock built into the scoreboard that's used when they play basketball in the gymnasium, and it is during one of these glances, revealing that its almost time to be dismissed that Takato fails to notice the dodgeball on a collision course with his lower abdomen. His distraction would've spelled doom for the goggleboy's bladder, but for Juri interposing herself between Takato and the ball, taking the hit, not that Takato really notices, so distracted by his desperation, even as the impact causes the girl to stumble, landing on her hands and knees, giving the boy a very nice view of her buruma-clad butt that would have him stammering shyly if he could think clearly at the moment. Instead, Takato seems to not notice Juri right in front of him, nor Ms. Asagi blowing her whistle to declare, "Katou, Out!", the only thing managing to breakthrough his desperation fogged mind being the announcement a minute or so later of, "Time to wash-up and get ready to leave. As the other boys in his class hit the showers, the sound of running water doing his aching bladder no favors, Takato runs straight to the toilets, only to be struck with terror at the sight that awaits him. For every toilet and every urinal has been reduced to a pile of smoldering porcelain fragments. Had the tamer been able to think straight, he might've wondered if this was the aftermath of Guilmon doing some target practice with Pyrosphere, but instead, all he can think of is making a break for it and trying to reach another restroom. Grabbing his school bag from his gym locker, Takato doesn't even think about changing out of his gym uniform as he runs out of the Boys' room and out of the school, making a beeline for Shinjuku Park. Unbeknownst to the desperate tamer, the culprit behind the boys' toilets being destroyed had been lurking in the shadows, and Impmon chuckles to himself that the first casualty of him letting off some steam with his Bada Boom happened to be one of those goody goodies trying to enslave Digimon and limit their fun, the little devil deciding to follow the goggleboy and see what happens. ### After a cross-city run, Takato reaches the park, ignorant of his stalker's presence, still in the white t-shirt and dark shorts of his gym uniform. Deducing that the boy must be absolutely bursting, the demonic digimon decides to run ahead to Takato's likely destination to foil any hope the tamer has of obtaining the relief he so clearly needs. Reaching the stone hut housing the park's single occupancy, unisex bathroom, Impmon briefly ponders repeating what he did at the school, but upon noticing the key hanging next to the door decides that he has a better idea. Grabbing the key, Impmon locks the door to the restroom and then hides in the nearby bushes to enjoy the show. Impmon doesn't have long to wait before Takato comes running up the dirt path, the tamer grabbing the door's handle with one hand, his other fisted in the crotch of his shorts. Much to Takato's dismay, the door doesn't budge, and after a glance to where the key normally hangs reveals it to be gone, the goggleboy simply hopes that there's someone inside who will be out shortly. Takato bangs on the door with his free hand, Impmon grinning as, naturally, there's no response from within the empty, locked bathroom, a grin that only widens as Takato gives up on getting in, and with both hands now gripping his boyhood through his gym shorts, the tamer starts waddling towards the bush the digimon is hiding in. Just as Takato is about to reach the bush, Impmon jumps out with a yell, startling the tamer and making him stumble backwards, landing on his butt in the dirt, the little devil laughing uproarously at the boy's reaction. However, the jolt of hitting the ground is more than Takato's bloated, overburdened bladder can take, and though he maintains a deathgrip on his crotch, the tamer is helpless to prevent his golden waste water from streaming through his fingers, darkening his shorts even more than they already are and turning the dirt beneath him into mud as a puddle spreads out around him. When he's finally done wetting himself, Takato, nearly in tears asks his tormentor, "Why did you do that?" Halting in his laughter, the demonic Digimon replies, "Think of it as payback for trying to control digimon and stop them from having fun!" "But I've never tried to stop Digimon from having fun..." protests the boy, looking rather pathetic sitting in a pissy mud puddle of his own making. "Yeah, right!" declares Impmon with a sneer, I saw how ya got in the way everytime Guilmon and Calumon tried to have any fun today." Takato opens his mouth to contradict Impmon's accusations when he notices something pointed and red sticking out from the dark purple skin around Impmon's crotch and instead asks, "What's that?!" Following Takato's finger to where it's pointing and noticing that witnessing the tamers humiliation and subsequently berating the boy has gotten him aroused, Impmon replies, "What's the matter? Ain't ya never seen a digidick before?" "A digi-dick?" asks the boy, seeming to barely comprehend the concept of digimon having such bits of anatomy. Instead of answering the boy's confused question, Impmon starts circling the tamer, taking in his pissy, muddy form from every angle and silently admitting that Takato's pretty cute, for a human at least, not that the demonic digimon would ever speak suchh thoughts aloud. "Let's say I'm willing to give yer way of thinking a try?" Says the digimon contemplatively, "How far are ya willing to go to prove yer right?" Grinning devilishly, he adds, "and more importantly, how far are ya willing to go to keep me from telling those other humans and all yer pet digimon about what I just saw? I bet that Girly with the Renamon and that little bunny dog would get a real kick out of taunting ya fer pissing yerself like a little baby just hatched from its digi-egg." Blushing at the thought of the other tamers learning of his humiliation, but also determined to prove Impmon wrong about the relationship between humans and digimon, Takato replies with conviction, "I'll do anything!" "Anything?" replies the little devil, grinning evilly. "Anything!" Insists the tamer, his confidence rather incongruent with his current state. Stopping in front of the prone boy, Impmon slides off one of his boots before asking, "How 'bout ya start by giving me a foot massage?" The demonic digimon is sure the human will be disgusted by the prospect, but is pleasantly surprised when, instead of backing away in revulsion, Takato takes the proffered foot in hand and starts rubbing it. The boy is clearly an amateur at this, his motions awkward, but between how much Impmon's feet were aching and the knowledge that he's bending another to his will result in the little devil enjoying this more than he should given Takato's lack of experience, and the digimon has to bite the inside of his cheek to avoid letting out a moan and giving away just how much he's enjoying the human's ministrations. By the time Takato is done with the one foot, Impmon realizes that he sat down on a dry patch of dirt at some point, and without being told, Takato removes the digimon's other boot to massage that foot as well. When Takato finishes with the second foot, Impmon comments, "Ya ain't half bad at that." before noticing a bulge in Takato's shorts. "What's this?" Asks the digimon, reaching a gloved paw for the waistband of Takato's shorts, "Did ya get excited from massaging my feet?" Before Takato can reply, Impmon has pulled down the front of Takato's shorts to reveal the tamer's tighty whities, the front of them stained yellow from his accident, and his boyhood clearly tenting the briefs. Walking behind the boy, Impmon unties his bandanna from around his neck and uses the scrap of cloth to tie Takato's arms behind his back. "What are you doing?" Asks the human, confused by the digimon's actions. "relax," replies the devil, reaching down to part the fly of Takato's briefs and freeing the tamer's boyhood. Getting his first glance at the human's dick, Impmon lets out a laugh before commenting, "Wow! What a tiny cock! Yer what, twice my height and weight, yet mine must be like ten of yers!" Takato is probably about average for his age, but compared to the digimon's digihood, the boy does look quite underendowed, Impmon's member at least twice the length and widtth of Takato's. Reaching out with one of his still bare feet, Impmon takes Takato's shaft between two of his toes, and slides up and down the boy's length. Having never touched himself in such a manner and having no memories of having ever been touched there by another being, Takato can't help letting out a moan as Impmon gives him a footjob, and given the boy's utter inexperience, it isn't long before Impmon has the tamer on the verge of his first orgasm. Feeling ready to burst as surely as he did right before Impmon had startled him into wetting himself, though in a somewhat different and unfamiliar way, Takato wants to scream as Impmon suddenly removes his foot from the tamer's member. "Before the boy can ask the devil why he stopped, Impmon barks out, "Turn around and lean forward!" Doing as he's told, Takato gets further instructions to, "Stick out yer butt!" and complying with this command as well, soon finds himself with his gym shorts yanked to his knees, revealing that the stains on his briefs extend over most of his butt before they too find their way to around his knees. Impmon silently admire's Takato's cute, little butt for several seconds before reaching down to give the boy's balls a light squeeze, eliciting another moan from the human. Standing behind the boy, a gloved paw on each of the tamer's half-moons, Impmon spreads them apart and spits on the boy's puckered anus before lining his tip up with the boy's backdoor. Takato lets out a high-pitched shriek, more from surprise than pain as Impmon drives his red hot digidick deep into the tamer's virgin bowels, and before the boy can question what the demonic digimon is doing, Impmon starts thrusting relentlessly into the boy's bowels. As he fucks the human's ass, Impmon experiments with the angle of his thrusts, listening to the boy's moans as he searches for a certain spot, and when Takato lets out a particularly loud moan, the devil is sure he's found what he's looking for, namely the tamer's prostate. Grinning evilly, the demonic digimon focuses his efforts on repeatedly jabbing his cock into that quite sensitive gland, nearly sending the human boy into convulsions at the jolts of pleasure that shoot up his spine in response. At the same time, Impmon reaches around to stroke Takato's member, giving the boy enough stimulation to stay on a pre-orgasmic plateau, but never giving the boy that extra push over the edge. Driving the boy crazy through the combination of edging and internal prostate massage, it isn't long before Impmon achieves his goal as Takato's dick erupts with a clear fluid as his prostate is milked denying his pubescent balls the opportunity to release their first batch of mature sperm. As the boy writhes in incomplete orgasm beneath him, Impmon's own cock erupts as well, the devil's potent digiseed flooding the boy's bowels as millions of digi-sperm start the futile search for an egg to fertilize. As Impmon basks in afterglow and feeling quite proud of himself for marking the human boy as his bitch, he realizes that his own bladder has grown quite full, and not wanting to extricate himself from the tamer's ass quite yet, decides to let go right then and there, flooding Takato's guts even further with hot piss. When Impmon finally pulls out of the human's rear, his digihood wilting as it slides back into its sheath, the demonic digimon comments, "Ya ain't a bad fuck." as he unties Takato's arms and replaces his bandanna around his neck. Confused by the multitude of unfamiliar sensations he's experienced in the last few minutes, all the human boy can manage in reply is, "That was nice, we should do it again sometime." As he slips back into his boots, the little devil is somewhat surprised that the human wants to have sex with him again, especially given how rough he was, and though he's quite happy with the prospect, he replies nonchalantly, "I'll give it a thought, toots." Before the boy can offer any further reply, the demonic digimon summons a fireball on the tip of his finger, and with a cry of "Bada Boom!" flashes the remnants of Takato's accident to steam, effectively drying the boy's clothes and the puddle he made. When the acrid vapor has dissipated, Impmon is gone and Takato can see the key for the restroom on the dirt were Impmon had been standing moments earlier. Realizing Impmon must of taken the key, the tamer can't help thinking, 'I'm glad he did. I don't really understand what he did to me, but I liked it, and hopefully Impmon is at least a little closer to understanding that humans and digimon can be friends and that neither needs to eliminate or enslave the other.' Its at that moment that Takato feels Impmon's pee trying to force its way out of his ass, and not bothering to pull up his shorts, he grabs the key from the dirt, jumps to his feet and dashes for the door. A little ways away, a certain girl watches from the bushes as Takato disappears into the restroom, her green dress hiked up around her waist as her handpuppet mimes licking her pussy. As Juri brings herself to climax, she lets out a barely audible whisper, "I wonder if I can convince Takato and Impmon to let me join them next time."