Desperate Aboard the Great Fox by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Zenkopan As the recently reunited Star Fox Team celebrate saving Sauria, vanquishing the resurrected Andross, and the sizeable reward that will allow them to give the Great Fox a long overdue refit, a transmission comes in over the mothership's main communication array. Staring mesmerized at the image of Krystal on the main display, fearing this might be the last time he'll ever lay eyes on the exotic, blue-furred vixen, Fox McCloud, Leader of Star Fox barely listens to what she has to say. However, Fox is brought back to reality as a fighter of an unfamiliar make docks in the hanger, the ace pilot reaching for his blaster in case the intruder is hostile, only to relax as the cock pit opens and the transmission cuts out just in time for Krystal to deliver the last word of her message in person. "Thank you." Says the cerulean vixen as she walks up to Fox, leaving the hero tongue tied and with a blush showing through the fur on his muzzle. "Y-you're welcome." Stammers Fox, struggling to maintain eye contact with Krystal instead of admiring how her tribal garb accentuates the vixen's curves. "You're not shy, are you Fox?" cuts in Slippy, the toad mechanic taking full advantage of his friend and squad leader's clearly flustered state for some well-intentioned ribbing. "My sensors indicate that Fox's body temperature is rising." Declares ROB64 in a monotone, making Fox question, not for the first time, if the AI his father had commissioned along side the Great Fox had been programmed with a sense of humor. "Are you feeling okay, Fox?" Taking a couple of deep breaths to try and regain his composure, Fox glances at Krystal, a goofy grin on his muzzle as he replies, "I'm going to be just fine." Closing the distance between them, Krystal lets out a giggle as she declares, "You're cute when you're flustered." Before giving Fox a kiss on the cheek, Causing him to stumble backwards in surprise, ROB64 moving one of the chairs dotting the section of the Great Fox's hanger that doubles as secondary bridge and pilot's lounge the only thing saving the hero from landing hard on his tail. "Smooth move, fearless Leader." Quips Falco, joining in on the ribbing. "You're just like your Father was when he started courting your mother." adds in Peppy, a single tear trailing down the rabbit's face in remembrance of his dearly departed friend. After Krystal is properly introduced to the rest of Star Fox and the team's leader has scrounged up what's left of his dignity after the vixen's flirting and his team mates' ribbing, Fox asks, "So, what brings you aboard the Great Fox?" "I just wanted to thank you in person for saving me from that crystal prison and helping free the Krazoa Spirits." replies the vixen with a smile. "Well, like I said, you're welcome, though I have to wonder why you were on Sauria in the first place." Replies Fox, tilting his head in curiosity, "I mean, you clearly aren't a native to the planet, and no offense, you aren't dressed like a typical space explorer." "Well," starts Krystal, her smile giving way to a somber expression, "As far as I know, I'm the only survivor of my home planet of Cerinia's destruction, and I came to Sauria in hopes of learning something about whatever doomed my home. Sadly, I didn't learn much down there, but I'm glad I could play a part in saving another world from a similar fate." Looking hopeful, she asks, I don't suppose you know anything that might be helpful in my search for the truth?" Feeling a bit bad for inadvertedly bringing up a tragedy no sentient being should ever have to live through, Fox replies, "Sorry about your home, and sorry I don't know anything about it, I'm better at the blowing stuff up part of problem solving than the solving mysteries part." Seeing Krystal droop at his words, Fox quickly adds, both hoping to cheer the vixen up a bit and hoping to get her to stick around for a while, "But the Cornerian Archives might have something useful. If you'd like, you can ride with us on our way back to Corneria and I can pull some strings to get you access to some of the restricted files in the archives." Her vulpine smile returning, Krystal replies, "That sounds great!" Scratching his head nervously, Fox adds, "It might take several days to get there though, the engines on the Great Fox haven't been light speed capable for months." "That's fine," replies Krystal, "My ship isn't lightspeed capable either, and A scenic trip through the Lylat system in a proper cruiser sounds much more comfortable than in my small, personal craft." Silence falls between the two for several moments before Fox offers, "Uh, since there's not much else to do while we wait to get back to Corneria, would you like me to give you a tour of the ship?" The leader of Star Fox hopeful to spend some time alone with Krystal away from the teasing of his team. "That sounds nice." replies Krystal, following Fox as he heads for a corridor that leads away from the hanger. Stepping over a cable strewn across the hallway and pushing a loose access panel back in place, Fox cautions, "Watch your step, The Great Fox has seen better days and some parts are in such disrepair they're harder to traverse than the terrain down on Sauria." Though the warning isn't really necessary as the cerulean vixen proves quite nimble even in the most debris strewn sections of the ship throughout the tour. Krystal tries to take it all in and memorize where everything is, but at nearly 900 sm long and 375 sm tall, the large cruiser was much larger than most villages on her lost homeworld and would dwarf all but the tallest skyscrapers, so this was easier said than done, especially with so many of the corridors looking similar except for whatever minor maintenance had been left until it became a major problem. Admittedly, much of the ship was cargo or spare room, the ship really too big for a team of 3 pilots, one navigator, and a robotic AI. "Honestly, I sometimes wonder why my dad commissioned such a massive ship," Comments Fox at one point during the tour, "especially when he had to take out an 80-year loan to pay for it." Eventually, the pair arrive in one of the few parts of the ship that doesn't look ready to fall apart as Fox announces, "And here's the main crew quarters." And stopping in front of a door, the ace pilot adds, You can use this room while you're on board." Opening the door to reveal a spartanly furnished room, a single bed and small writing desk the most notable items in the room, the floor a dark blue and the walls painted in a much paler tint. "Simple, but much nicer than sleeping in my cockpit." Comments Krystal as she looks around what will be her new home for the next few days. "Thank you again, both for your help on Sauria and for giving me a ride." "No problem," replies Fox before stifling a yawn, "Well, it's well past sun down Cornerian time, so I think I'm gonna hit the hey. If you need anything, my room's just down the hall." "Good night," replies Krystal, "Sleep well." "You too." says Fox with another Yawn before leaving, the door closing behind him. Now alone, Krystal realises just how tired she is, her muscles aching slightly from the long walk and all the dodging of loose components that had come with touring the Great Fox, but instead of heading straight for bed, she instead walks to the center of the room's open floor and gracefully drops into a meditative stance, legs crossed, each hindpaw resting atop the opposite knee as she lays her staff across her lap, her fore paws placed lightly atop the weapon as she takes advantage of the solitude to think back on everything that has happened since landing on Sauria. Krystal had been one of the youngest in her tribe's history to be declared a master of their style of staff fighting, so it had stung her pride quite a bit how easily she had been captured, and again when Fox had proven to have such natural talent with the weapon she had trained with for years, and even after being freed, she had felt rather useless as the hero had jumped into his fighter to go after the mastermind that had been pulling Scales's strings. Even as her reflections fill the vixen with resolve to become stronger, her thoughts keep returning to the fox that had saved both her and the entire Saurian civilization. Thoughts of the handsome space pilot filling her thoughts, the cute way he gets flustered whenever she flirts with him, his willingness to help her even when the problem falls outside his realm of expertise, the rather dashing figure he cuts in that flight jacket... As Krystal thinks about Fox McCloud, her hand drifts along the shaft of her weapon unbidden, eventually slipping from the polished shaft to her furred thigh before finding its way under her loincloth and to her moistening folds. The vixen absentmindedly rubs herself for several minutes, the image of the Leader of StarFox foremost in her mind until a pang from slightly higher in her belly breaks her from her self-induced trance. It's at this moment that Krystal makes two realizations: 1. She was just masturbating to thoughts of a guy she just met, and 2. She needs to pee... rather urgently. Wracking her brain for when she last answered the call of nature, Krystal knows it was certainly before she came aboard the Great Fox, and given how chaotic events had been during the final confrontations with Scales and Andross, it might have even been prior to her being emtombed in her namesake. Either way, she needs to do so now, and using her staff for support, the blue fox climbs to her feet, tired muscles protesting the action. At the same time, a deviation in her own scent catches her nose's attention and she realizes the probable reason for what she was doing prior to her bladder getting her attention. 'What lousy timing to go into heat.... and with my heat suppressants still in the med-kit back on my ship." Cursing her luck, she heads for her door and ventures into the corridor in search of a toilet, hoping to relieve at least one of the annoyances of her biology... only to remember with dread that Fox had told her the facilities closest to the main crew's quarters were among the things on the long list of repairs the Great Fox was in dire need of and that she forgot where he said the nearest working facilities were. Of course, she could just head down the hall to the Captain's Quarters and ask for directions, but the other tingling in the vixen's loins, the one that has nothing to do with the throbbing in her bladder reminds her of what a bad idea that would be at the moment. Flirting with the handsome Fox who saved her is one thing, showing up on his doorstep in the middle of the night and smelling like a bitch in heat would be quite another and might give the ace pilot the wrong idea... plus Krystal wasn't sure she'd be able to fight her hormones at the moment if she saw him face-to-face, or resist his advances if he proved to be more of a horn dog than his gentlemanly behavior in front of his team and during the tour would indicate. Sighing in frustration of several kinds and knowing that attempting to relieve the throbbing in her loins without first relieving the throbbing in her bladder would just be asking for a mess, the vixen starts down the corridor in search of a working toilet when she remembers that, while lacking proper sleeping quarters, her personal fighter is equipped with a toilet and that stopping by the hanger would allow her to both retrieve the pills that would let her act normally until her heat has passed and to relieve the pressure nagging at her in her lower abdomen. Sadly, getting from the main crew quarters to the hanger is easier said than done, at least at the moment. If the Great Fox was in tip top shape, she could just use one of the lifts designed to allow quick travel between the different sections of the massive ship, but like many things, most of them were out of order or prone to breaking down at the moment, and Fox had informed Krystal that Slippy, in his role as the Team's engineer, had ordered ROB64 to disable all non-essential systems after lights out to reduce the need for the toad to do emergency repairs in the middle of what passed for night when traveling through the void of space. And so, Krystal found herself wandering the hallways of the Great Fox, the lights severely dimmed given the late hour and making the many similar corridors even harder to distinguish as she tries to remember the way to the hanger, both the urge to expel her liquid wastes and the urge to mate making it hard to concentrate, the blue-furred vixen stopping every so often to rub her thighs together. After running into more than a dozen dead ends, and thrice making wrong turns that find her back at the crew quarters, the vixen lets out a sigh of resignation as she returns to her borrowed room. "Maybe I can hold out until morning." she muses to herself as she closes and locks the door behind her, leaning her staff into the corner and approaching the bed. "I doubt I'll be able to get away with not letting anyone know I'm in heat if I have to wait until morning to take my heat suppressant... but at least I could pass off Fox noticing the change in my scent over breakfast as something beyond my control instead of the mating display going to him now would come across as... I just hope my bladder will settle down enough to let me sleep." Ignoring her body's urges, Krystal meticulously removes her various pieces of jewelry, arranging them neatly on the nightstand until the vixen is in nothing but her bra and loin cloth. Free from the various hard objects, she lays on the bed before curling up, finding the most comfortable position her filling bladder will allow and despite her need to pee and her arousal, exhaustion soon takes her. ### Several hours later, Krystal is awoken by a particularly strong pulse from her piddle pot, and reaching a forepaw down to caress her bulging 'bladder through her loincloth finds that the swollen organ has grown hard as a rock as she slept. Glancing at a nearby wall clock, the glowing digits tell her there remain more hours until breakfast than have passed since she told Fox goodnight. And if that wasn't bad enough, her vulpine vulva feels as hot and humid as a tropical swamp, the heat that was just starting as she attempted her bedtime meditation now in full force. Realizing that going back to sleep would just be asking to wake up in a puddle of her own creation assuming she managed it at all, Krystal uncurls and climbs to her feet, a second attempt at locating a working toilet the only logical path before the vixen at this point. As she steps into the corridor once more, Krystal has subconsciously pressed her thighs together, a fact that slows her pace as she resumes her search from earlier that evening. Unfortunately for the young vixen, her need to answer nature's call, which had been merely annoying during her aborted attempt to find a bathroom is now nearly all consuming, making it hard for her to concentrate on which way she's going, the few hours rest doing little to improve her focus as she wanders the labyrinthine corridors of the Great Fox, pausing every dozen sm or so to grab at herself through her loincloth, though with how, thanks to her heat, this sends a shiver of a different need up her spine, it's questionable if the action helps with containing what feels like an ocean pressing down on the cerulean vixen's loins. Coming to yet another crossroad in the corridors that looks almost identical to every other, Krystal tries to remember if she's been this way before, and just as she's starting to think she might be totally lost, a particularly strong spasm shakes her whole body, Krystal clamping both hands over her crotch as her overtaxed tinkle tank throbs terribly, threatening to empty it's entire cargo right then and there. As the spike of desperation passes, Krystal pulls her hands away from her crotch, her fingers wet with liquid far to watery to be her feminine fluids, and glancing down, she spots a yellow spot on her loincloth at least as big around as her staff. "Another spasm like that might spell the end for my weakening bladder control." murmurs the vixen deciding that she might be better off finding somewhere out of the way to relieve herself even if it's not a bathroom. Starting down one of the corridors leading away from the crossroads she stopped at, Krystal starts checking every room she passes, most of them filled with cargo or machinery she doesn't want to risk ruining if she accidentally gets any of it wet. Eventually, she comes across what looks like a conference room, a large table and several chairs the only content, and apparently not recently used if the layer of dust on the table is any indicator. She almost leaves, hoping to find somewhere cleaner to do her business, but as another spasm wracks her body, she decides she's out of time as she practically rips her loin cloth off and deposits the scrap of fabric on the table as she makes a mad dash for the corner of the room furthest from the door, her bladder starting to release the deluge she's been holding before she can even fully squat down. As golden pee gushes from the vixen's vulpine vulva, her scent permeating the room, marking it in a way that would make any other fox instinctively recognize it as her territory, Krystal lets out a long sigh of relief, nearly crooning in a quieter version of a full howl as the pitter-patter of piddle upon carpet gives way to a soft tinkling as the short pile is unable to absorb her tinkle torrent, a watery puddle forming atop the corse fibers. As the last drops fall free from her vulpine vulva to land in the yellow patch of carpet, Krystal looks around before cursing that she has nothing aside from her clothes and the rest of her cerulean coat with which to deal with her damp pubic fur... well, she could try rubbing against a dry section of carpet, but given the layer of dust coating the hard surfaces in the room, she quickly discards that idea, deciding the back of her forepaw, while unpleasant, would be the the lesser of two evils. However, as she goes through with wiping her pubes on the back of her hand, Krystal's other primal urge rears it's head once more, and no longer having any reason, at least not any that her currently lust fogged mind can comprehend, to hold back, Krystal turns her paw around between her legs, and forgetting how much getting pee on her forepaw would normally bother her, she picks up where she left off earlier, rubbing herself, thoughts of Fox McCloud invading her imagination as she pleasures herself, moans of pleasure replacing sighs of relief as she imagines what the ship's captain might look like without that flight suit. Krystal lets out a howl of pleasure as she brings herself to climax, a sound reminiscent of more primitive canids braying at the full moon echoing off the walls as she takes care of the second of her primal urges. When Krystal comes to her senses, she's impressed by the size of the puddle she created and hoping that, whereever she is on the ship, it's far enough away from any part that's in regular use that no one heard her howling and that her scent will have dissipated by the time Fox next visits this room. Retrieving her loincloth and retying it around her waist, Krystal returns to the hallway, closing the door to the room containing the evidence of her shameful act behind her as she tries to find her way back to the crew quarters... or perhaps to the hanger to retrieve her heat suppressant pills or a bathroom to wash away the smell of pee and sex currently clinging to her.