Bulma's New Saiyan by Imouto Kitten Commissioned by Anonymous It had been the dreariest winter Bulma Briefs could remember. Not because the weather had been particularly bad, but rather because it was the first since Vegeta, her husband of over a decade and the father of her two children had died for the third time, and unlike the first two times, where he had fallen in battle, first to Frieza, and then later, in a suicide attack on Majin Buu, the proud Prince of the Saiyans had been laid low by a virus and couldn't be revived with the Dragonballs. Ironically enough, it had been a strain of the same virus that, in another time, had killed Goku and left the earth at the mercy of the Androids, and while Bulma had managed to reverse engineer the medicine the alternate version of her son had brought back, the strain that killed her husband had a mutation that made it resistent to the drug. Vegeta had never been the most attentive husband, but Bulma still felt his absence acutely, made all the worse thanks to her feeling responsible for not being able to save him. As a result, the once feisty genius had grown rather dispondent and prone to random bouts of breaking down in tears. It is during just one such episode that Pan comes across Bulma in one of the living rooms in the part of the Capsule Corp. Complex that serves as home to the Briefs Family. "What's wrong, Auntie Bulma?" Asks the black-haired five-year-old, worry in her black eyes. Gohan and Videl had dropped off their quarter saiyan daughter to play with Bra while they enjoyed a couple's weekend, and instead of an orange gi like those her grandfather had worn most of his life, the small girl was in a long, white tank top and black bike shorts reminiscent of how her mother used to dress during her time as a teenaged crimefighter. Not wanting to burden the child with her grief, Bulma puts on a false smile and replies, "Oh, its nothing, Pan. Why don't you run off and play with Bra?"befoore shooing the little girl out of the room. However, the quarter saiyan had inherited more than strength from her parents, grandparents, and great grandfather, and while she wasn't the child prodigy her dad had been at her age, she could tell when adults were trying to hide things from her. Then she remembers that it's Valentine's Day and the scene from breakfast that morning when her Dad gave her mom a bouquet of flowers and a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Putting two and two together, the little girl concludes, "Auntie Bulma must be missing Uncle Vegeta even more than Grandma has been missing grandpa since he ran off to train Uub." Pan doesn't have money for candy, but she knows where to find flowers, and not wanting to play the girly games Bra will no doubt insist on if she returns to her friend's bedroom, Pan flies through the hallways of Capsule Corp. in search of a window overlooking one of the flower beds that dot the complex's landscaping. Finding what she's looking for, Pan flies out a window and lands next to the flower bed, and without concern for what'll happen if one of the groundskeepers catch her, starts pulling flowers from their stems, even yanking a few with tougher or woody stems out by the roots in her excitement, ignorant of her own strength. Once she has gathered as many as her tiny hands can hold into a mismatched and haphazardly put together bouquet, Pan lifts off once more, flying through Capsule Corp., homing in on the faint ki signature belonging to her best friend's mother, the older woman nearly invisible against the ambient Ki in the area and nearly overshadowed by the ki of her children, Bra shining like the moon and Trunks burning like the sun to Pan's ki sense while Bulma is like a solitary star in a vast starfield. Bulma nearly jumps out of her seat at the sound of rushing air as Pan flies into the room, her speed just shy of breaking the sound barrier, with a cry of, "Happy Valentine's, Auntie Bulma!" As she takes the homemade bouquet from Pan, Bulma can tell the little girl vandelized at least one of the flower beds on the property, but the blunette can't muster a single word to scold the child as she looks upon Pan's innocent smile, instead saying, "Thank you, Pan." and on a whim, dropping to her knees and giving the little girl a kiss on the lips. A kiss that was meant to be chaste like one a parent would share with a child or a brother would share with a sister, but Bulma put far more passion into the act than was called for, and Pan put up no resistence, enjoying the kiss, but not really understanding why she enjoys it. When they come up for air, both are blushing madly, and Pan is tenting her shorts and tank top, her body's reaction to the kiss quite obvious. That the little girl was clearly sporting a boner didn't really surprise the scientist. After all, as the closest thing Earth had to an expert on Saiyan biology or a professional xenobiologist of any description, Gohan and Videl had brought their newborn to Bulma when they discovered Pan had more equipment than expected, and the blunette had been the one to inform the worried parents that their baby possessed a complete and fully functional set of both male and female reproductive organs and had assured them that the mixed genome that had resulted in the first documented case of true hermaphroditism in an anthropoid specimen shouldn't cause any adverse health problems. What did surprise Bulma was just how well-endowed the little futa was, her loose top failing to conceal that Pan had a member most grown men would be proud to have. When she manages to regain her voice, and feeling more than a bit responsible on account of the kiss, Bulma asks, "Pan sweetie, is that bulge in your pants uncomfortable?" Looking up at Bulma, innocence in her eyes, Pan replies, "It does ache a bit, kind of like I've been holding my pee for hours, but directly in my boy thingy instead of in my belly." "Would you like your auntie to help you take care of it, sweetie?" Asks Bulma. "Sure." replies Pan, and after putting the flowers in a vase of water, Bulma takes the little girl by the hand and leads her to the bathroom. Once the door is locked against anyone walking in on them, Bulma tells her young charge, "Lift your shirt, please." And as Pan complies with the request, Bulma hooks her index fingers in the quarter saiyan's waistband, pulling bike shorts and panties to the futa's ankles, giving the blunette a clear view of the child's equipment. Having given Goku several baths in the process of teaching him proper hygiene and having given her own children many baths, Bulma was no stranger to the site of a child's genitalia, not even of a child's cock and balls, but she was still surprised by how well endowed Pan was, barely restraining herself from exclaiming aloud, 'Goku wasn't half that big at nearly three times her age! I think she might even have Vegeta beat by a few centimeters!' Prompting Pan to step out of her bottoms, leaving the girl only in her tank top, the white garment almost, but not quite long enough to count as a dress, Bulma leads Pan over to the toilet, and kneeling behind the little girl, the mature woman's breasts coming to rest atop the child's head, Bulma wraps a hand around Pan's prick, and pointing the tip at the bowl, starts stroking the saiyan's shaft, her other hand reaching lower to fondle the roughly golf-ball-sized testacles hiding the child's cunny from the front. Moaning under Bulma's experienced touch, Pan comments, "Auntie Bulma, that feels really nice!" as her small hands grip the older woman's forearms, the little girl's grip tight enough to leave bruises despite her best efforts to control her prodigious strength. Between Bulma's experience at giving a penis pleasure, and Pan's lack of experience recieving such pleasure, it isn't long before Pan is squirting her thick, creamy semen into the bowl, her knees going weak and Bulma's embrace the only thing preventing the child from crashing to the tiled floor. Once she's recovered from her first ever orgasm, Pan comments, "Wow! That was amazing, Auntie Bulma!" Glancing down at her still very hard and not at all childish cock, Pan adds, "But my boy thingy is still all stiff and stuff." "Well," starts Bulma, unconsciously licking her lips, "there's something else I can try to make it go soft again." "Really?" Asks Pan, eager for more good feelings like those she was enjoying moments earlier. "Yes, but I think it would be best if you sit down for this, and spread your legs." replies Bulma, and at the blunette's words, Pan lift her long shirt and plops her plump, little rump down on the toilet seat and spreading her legs, pointing her knees nearly 180 degrees apart, shamelessly showing off the flexibility that came with her martial arts heritage and being trained from almost before she learned to walk. Placing her hands on the inside of Pan's thighs, and surprised by how silky the skin and supple the flesh there is, Bulma kisses the tip of Pan's prick, and as Pan opens her mouth to comment, Bulma parts her lips and swallows the quarter saiyan's girlcock like an old pro, whatever the child was about to say cut off by a moan of pleasure as Pan experiences the wonder of having her shaft engulfed by a warm, wet hole for the first time. Sliding her hands along Pan's thighs, Bulma reaches the girl's balls, and taking an orb in each hand, holds the two as far apart from each other and as far from Pan's pelvis as possible,, the skin of the saiyan's scrotum pulled taut like the head of a drum. Between it being Pan's first blowjob and Bulma being used to satisfying a prideful prince who made her fight for every drop she milked from his crown jewels, it takes even less time for the blunette to make her raven-haired partner shoot her second load down the scientist's throat, and Bulma doesn't relent in the lease, prolonging Pan's climax, and triggering a third almost as soon as the second concludes. It's only when Bulma can feel Pan's prick pulsing in yet another climax without producing anymore cum that she pulls off the child's now flaccid futahood, beaming down at the girl laying limp upon the toilet seat, a dopey look of contentment she can't ever remember managing to plaster on her late husband's face. "Did you enjoy that, Pan, sweetie?" Asks Bulma when the little girl shows signs of returning to coherence. "Yeah, that was the best thing ever!" Exclaims Pan as she jumps to her feet, "I hope we can do that again sometime!" she adds as she makes for the door, her footsteps making her shirt flutter and play peak-a-boo with her bare butt as she looks ready to run off and play like a normal child. "Don't forget your panties and shorts." Bulma calls after the little girl as she's about to dash out the door. Glancing down at her tank top that's not quite long enough for modesty's sake, Pan replies, "Oh silly me." with a blush on her cheeks. After Bulma helps Pan back into her clothes, the raven-haired girl gives Bulma a quick peck on the cheek before rushing out of the bathroom and flying off, leaving the blunette feeling in much higher spirits than she's felt for months, the scientist placing a hand to where the little girl's lips grazed her cheek before deciding to head to her lab to do some work she's neglected in her mourning. However, as Bulma makes an effort to catch up on her projects that have fallen to the wayside since her husband's funeral, a nagging realization rears its head: She just jacked off and sucked a young child, barely old enough for preschool and only a few months older than her own daughter. As her hands repeat the same mechanical task over and over without actually accomplishing anything, the middle-aged scientist's mind wars between self-loathing for what she did, bargaining that it was a one-off incident thanks to how long its been since she was last bedded by her late husband, and rationalizing that Pan clearly enjoyed the experience, so no harm, no foul. After over an hour of circular thoughts and not getting anything done, Bulma decides to call it an evening, and after asking her parents to look after their grandchildren and little Pan, the blunette raids her liquor cabinet in hopes of driving the memories of that afternoon from her mind. ### Later that night, as Bulma lies alone in her bed in a slumber at least partially induced by an inadvisible amount of alcohol, she has a dream similar to many that she's had since the man she had shared this bed with for years departed for the afterlife. It starts like many of her previous dreams, with her lying naked in bed in a darkened room, one hand cupping her breast, still round and firm despite her age and having breast fed two children, her other hand between her legs, her fingers plunging repeatedly into her cunt, the dainty fingers doing little to satisfy the longing to be filled with a hard, thick cock, the desire to be ravaged non-stop until she passes out from overwhelming pleasure. Her hands freeze as she hears someone entering the room and approaching the bed, and it is hear that the dream deviates from the usual script. Thanks to a thin sliver of moonlight, Bulma can see her visitor's silhouette in the dark room, but her visitor is even shorter than usual, and instead of a pointed crest, the top of their head appears to be rounded. As on many a night before, the dream visitor stops briefly at the foot of the bed, but instead of smoothly kneeling on the bed, the smaller form of tonight's visitor has to actually climb up, and clearly weighs much less as Bulma feels the bed shifting slightly from the visitor's weight. Continuing the modified script, the visitor places their hand over Bulma's and pulls it away before pushing the blunette's thighs apart, but instead of the usually large, muscular, and callused hands that have done this for months, the new visitor's hands are quite dainty and as smooth as a baby's bottom, and when Bulma feels a tongue upon her womanhood, it is likewise much smaller, though far more enthusiastic. While her usual visitor would only lick her long enough to ensure she's ready for penetration, the unfamiliar dream lover actually makes an effort to pleasure Bulma, the tiny tongue halting in its explorations of the scientist's feminine folds only once it has left her trembling in orgasm. But her dream lover isn't done with her yet, and before she's fully recovered from her climax, those dainty hands have her hips in a death grip, every bit as strong as the callused hands she's more accustomed to, and with a sudden, unexpected thrust, the mystery visitor shows Bulma that there is one very important aspect in which they aren't smaller than her usual visitor as a very hard, very hot shaft plunges deep inside her, stretching her walls in the way she's been craving, the scientist nearly cumming for the second time since the dream started just from penetration. Not that this brings pause to her mystery lover as they start pumping their prick in and out of her pussy, every thrust holding as much power as her usual visitor's did, but also laced with far more tenderness. As her mystery lover falls into a rhythm, Bulma wraps her legs around their waist and they lay down on Bulma's belly, their chest and abdomen smooth and silky instead of hard and muscular as her usual visitor. Those dainty hands soon find Bulma's breasts, and whereas the callused hands would squeeze them hard enough to leave bruises, as if trying to pop a massive zit, these soft hands gently knead the tender tits, and soon, the tiny tongue has found one of her nipples, twirling about the sensitive nub before being joined by a pair of soft lips that are soon suckling like a newborn baby. Nearly lost in pleasure, Bulma still has enough presence of mind to reach the hand she was fondling her breast with for the bedside lamp, and as she flips the switch, flooding the room with soft light, she can see her diminutive lover, clearly female for the first time. She knew she wasn't dreaming of her late husband as usual, but she fails to recognize the mop of black hair draped over her breasts until her mystery lover lifts her head and cries out, "Auntie Bulma, I'm going to cum!" Before Bulma can fully process the identity of her dream lover, they're unleashing a massive load deep in the blunette's womb, sending her over the edge as well. Her third wet dream-induced climax of the evening, coupled with the realization that she was having such dreams of one of her oldest friend's grand daughter is enough to propel Bulma back to the waking world, her heart pounding, her panties soaked, and her head throbbing. One hand clutched to her head, the other to her chest, the hungover and conflicted scientist stumbles into her en suite, and retrieving a bottle of Capsule Corp. hangover pills, downs a couple before shedding her bed clothes and jumping in the shower, making the water as cold as she can stand in an attempt to drive the dream and the residual arousal from her mind. ### Bulma was relieved when Videl finally came to pick up Pan, but the quarter saiyan's absence did little to diminish whatever that brief encounter had ignited in the scientist. The recurring sex dreams that had plagued her since Vegeta's death continued, but now, instead of the proud Prince of the Saiyans visiting her each night in her dreams, it was the all too adorable granddaughter of her late husband's rival. The blunette wasn't sure if her husband had been allowed into heaven or condemned to hell, but she was certain that if he could see her dreams, he'd be fuming over a mongrel girl spawn of a spawn of a third-class warrior stealing his woman. It had now been a week since that first encounter with Pan and her well endowed futahood. A week of Pan invading her dreams, a week of waking up to soaked panties, a week of cold showers, and now the blunette was filled with trepidation as Pan was coming over once again and would be staying the night again. as hard as it had been to think straight with the memories of that bathroom blowjob and the recurring dreams that now star the youngest of the Son family, it became even harder with the object of the blunette's revitalized libido's affections present, especially as the young futa was again wearing a loose tank top and tight, black bike shorts, and the older woman couldn't help noticing when ever Pan would bend over, stretching the already tight spandex over that toned little ass or when the young warrior would fly just below the ceiling, oblivious to how easily this let people look up her shirt, and Bulma couldn't help licking her lips whenever she imagined what that dark fabric was concealing. Damn, but it was tempting to think of an excuse to get Pan away from Bra and contrive for a repeat of their previous encounter, or perhaps teasing the little saiyan until she either begs for relief or snaps and rapes the blunette. However, Bulma resists such temptations and she lets out a sigh of relief as her daughter and her friend head to bed. As she prepares for bed herself, Bulma discovers that her panties are completely soaked with her juices from where she spent most of the day barely restraining herself around Pan, and in retrospect, she's greatful that she hadn't soaked through to her skirt and that no one had been able to smell her arousal, or at least, if anyone had, they hadn't mentioned it. Still, as horny as she was, Bulma knew she wasn't getting to sleep anytime soon, and not trusting herself with the inhibition reduction of drinking herself unconscious, she decides to strip naked and lay down, trying to think of Vegeta as she fondles her own breasts and fingers her own pussy. However, just as self-pleasure never gets her anywhere in her recurring dreams, no matter how furiously her fingers slide in and out of her folds, Bulma only manages to increase her sexual frustrations, and even when she stops trying to block the fantasies of Pan that come unbidden, pushing fantasies of Vegeta out of her mind, it does nothing to help soothe the ache in her loins. Letting out a scream of primal frustration, the blunette jumps out of bed, and not bothering with a nightgown, bra, or even panties, throws on a pink, terrycloth bathrobe, haphazardly ties the sash around her waist, and marches down the hall to her daughter's room. Barging into her little girl's bedroom, Bulma sends up a silent prayer of thanks to Dende, the Kais, or any other deities willing to listen to such a perverted woman that her daughter and her best friend are such heavy sleepers, that her parent's room is in a completely different wing of the complex, and that Trunks is spending the night with Chichi and Goten as her eyes land on the sleeping form of the one responsible for igniting the inferno searing through the older woman's core and into her very soul. The room has two twin beds on account of how often Pan spends the night, and Pan lies curled up on one of them, looking rather angelic as she sleeps despite her rather skimpy sleepwear consisting of a skintight, midriff tank top that's little more than a sports bra and purple hot pants that cover little more than panties would, the young martial artist's form on full display to the blunette's roaming gaze thanks to Pan having kicked off her covers at some point. As Bulma approaches Pan's bed, she can see the girl sucking her thumb and mumbling something incoherent around the dainty digit. She can also see the bulge of the child's semi-rigid futahood and wonders if Pan has been having dreams about Bulma. Pushing that thought aside, Bulma undoes her belt, letting her robe open in front so that she'd give Pan a good view of everything if the girl were to wake. Cupping a breast in one hand, Bulma's other hand snakes its way to her crotch, her fingers ghosting over her folds as she watches the object of her desires sleeping, and for the first time in what seems like forever, Bulma can actually feel her body responding positively to her own touch. Plunging her index, middle, and ring fingers all the way to the third knuckle, Bulma starts finger fucking herself in earnest, grinding her palm heel against her swollen clit as her eyes continue to roam over every curve of Pan's svelt form. Locking eyes on the half-erect bulge in the sleeping girl's shorts, Bulma licks her lips as she wonders what would happen if she freed the futa's girlcock from its spandex confines and gave a repeat of her performance from the week before. Would Pan sleep through the experience, thinking it a dream? Or would she wake up? And if she woke up, how would she react? Sure, Pan was just a child, but she also had a martial artist pedigree that few could boast and had been trained almost from birth. Hell, her immediate family included many of the strongest beings on the planet, two world champions, and a former holder of the title of World's Strongest Woman. Pan was a sweet child, but the fact of the matter was, this child could reduce Bulma to a bloody smear if she wanted. This sobering thought helped Bulma resist the urge to yank down those purple shorts and suck on Pan's prick, as well as resist the thought of just straddling the child and stealing her virginity as she sleeps, but if anything, the power this child held, coupled with the knowledge that this child would likely grow up to be a force to be reckoned with on a galactic scale only drove Bulma further, her moans growing louder as she barely puts any effort into holding back, not sure if she cares anymore if she wakes the child before her. Feeling herself building to a long overdue climax, Bulma can't resist straddling the sleeping girl's face, whispering a barely audible, "Please forgive your auntie for being such a pervert." As she comes hard, her juices spraying the sleeping girl, Pan continueing to suck her thumb and sleep more or less peacefully despite her in promptu shower. Once she's recovered from her orgasm, Bulma kneels by Pan's bed, and using the corner of her bathrobe, gently wipes the excess pussy juice from Pan's face before gently placing a chaste kiss on the sleeping girl's forehead, Pan's lips seeming to curl upward in a smile in reaction. In one final bold act for the night, Bulma moves lower, giving a quick kiss to the tip of Pan's semi-rigid futahood before whispering, "I love you, Son Pan, sleep tight." Before standing up, retying her sash, and leaving her daughter's bedroom to return to her own. Having finally admitted her new found feelings aloud, even if she was the only one awake to hear it, Bulma is in higher spirits than she's been since Vegeta first fell ill, and her dead husband doesn't even cross her mind as she thinks, 'I want to marry that girl...' and then remembering who her family is, adding with a little dread, '...I hope her family doesn't kill me.' ### A few days later found one incredibly nervous scientist and CEO of the world's largest corporation sitting in the living room of the small mountain home of the strongest man in the world, possibly the galaxy with his wife, eldest son, and daughter-in-law. Naturally, Goku wasn't present himself, still being Dende knows where training with the boy he had taken under his wing following the last world tournament, and Pan, the reason Bulma had asked to meet with the bulk of the Son family, was out exploring the nearby woods with her great grandpa. This did little to calm the blunette's nerves, however. After all, despite having long hung up his Great Saiyaman Costume and focusing on the study of academia over the martial arts, Gohan was probably the second strongest man on the planet with Vegeta gone, and while Chichi and Videl were ordinary humans compared to their husbands and children, they were probably the two strongest women on the planet who didn't either have Saiyan blood or had been cybernetically augmented to a ridiculous extent. Chichi was easily the weakest of the three, especially with her being only a few years younger than Bulma and having never learned to harness ki, but the scientist had no illusions the raven-haired granny couldn't rip her limb-from-limb with her bare hands, and Chichi's temper was so Legendary that even Goku had a healthy fear of his wife when she's on the war path. Bulma's musings of just how badly this meeting could go wrong are interrupted as Gohan starts the conversation, "So, why did you want to speak with us, Bulma?" Gathering her courage, Bulma takes a deep breath, and letting it out starts, "it's about Pan... and her unusual anatomy..." "Is something wrong with my grandchild?" demands Chichi. "Best I can tell, she's perfectly healthy for a hermaphrodite." Bulma quickly assures, "Though I think she might be maturing quicker than anyone would've expected." "How so?" Asks Gohan, as much as a scholar as in his role as the concerned father. "Well," Bulma grows nervous once more, "When you dropped her off so you and Videl could have a lover's day out for Valentine's, I was moping about the complex in mourning over Vegeta's death, and Pan picked up on my poor mood. Anyways, she ended up picking some flowers from one of the beds on the grounds in an attempt to cheer me up, and I gave her a kiss in thanks." "That doesn't sound too unusual." comments Videl. Blushing, Bulma continues, "Well... I'm not sure what came over me, but the kiss lasted longer than what was probably appropriate and when we broke apart..." Bulma's intire face is as red as a tomato as she blurts out, "PanhadthebiggestbonerI'veeverseen!" "Mind repeating that?" Asks Gohan. "Pan was clearly fully erect and better endowed than any man I've seen." Says Bulma in a near whisper, "Precocious puberty isn't sufficient to cover what I saw." "So our little girl is already going through puberty?" Asks Videl. "Are you afraid to have her around Bra or Trunks?" "Well... you see, when I noticed... I asked her if it was uncomfortable... and one thing lead to another... and I ended up not only giving her a handjob, but also performing fellatio, both ending with her ejaculating thick semen..." the scientist staring at the floor and awaiting the painful embrace of death as the room goes silent. Chichi is the first to break the silence, a almost fiery aura of raw, uncontrolled ki surrounding her as she screams, "YOU DID WHAT!?" The only thing stopping her from throttling the older woman being Gohan catching his mom in a bear hug mid-lunge. "Calm down, mom!" says Gohan, struggling to restrain the furious woman without hurting her, getting his glasses shattered by her fist for his efforts, "Let's give Bulma a chance to finish explaining.".... Turning to the woman who had been like a mixture of older sister, second mother, and aunt as he grew up, Gohan asks, "Is that all that happened?" "That was the only direct contact... but I've been going crazy ever since," explains Bulma, "Pan has replaced Vegeta in my dreams... and they aren't innocent dreams by any stretch of the imagination... and when she slept over the other night, I just couldn't help myself... but I masturbated as I watched her sleeping, and I could've sworn she was tenting her sleep shorts as if having an erotic dream herself." Nearly in tears, Bulma prostrates herself before the parents and grandmother of the little girl that captured her broken heart, "Please forgive me! I feel like such a pervert, but I think I'm falling in love with Pan and I want to marry that tiny, Saiyan goddess!" The other three adults are speechless at this display and even Chichi's legendary anger has dissipated. No one says a word for several minutes until Videl breaks the silence. "Maybe we should let Bulma have a chance." "Are you serious?" Asks Chichi, dumbfounded by her daughter-in-law's words. "Why not?" asks the younger of the two warrior women, "We knew from the moment Pan was born with both male and female parts that her love life would never be normal, and Pan's already a lot stronger than me, or pretty much anyone who isn't at least half-saiyan, an android, or Majin Buu, so its not like Bulma could force her to do anything she didn't want. Besides, if my babygirl is already showing signs of being like a horny, teenaged boy, its probably better she date someone older we can trust than run the risk she hurts a girl her own age when she starts school." "I think I agree with Videl." Comments Gohan, "But we have to be sure Pan wants to be in a relationship with Bulma." "I think I've got the perfect plan for that." replies Videl. "I don't like the idea of my little girl growing up so quickly, but I guess you have a point." Says Chichi, collapsing into a chair as her son finally releases her. After that, the meeting shifts into planning Bulma and Pan's first official date. ### A few days later, at Gohan and Videl's home in Satan City: "Now, sweetie, you're Daddy and I want some alone time together, so You're Auntie Bulma and you are going to have a girls day out." Videl says to her daughter as she brushes her hair. "Yes, Mommy!" replies the quarter saiyan, her hair combed unusually neat and wearing a blue sundress instead of the more tomboyish attire she usually wears when not in a martial arts gi. Hearing a knock at the door, Videl says, "That must be your Auntie Bulma here to pick you up. Why don't you go answer the door?" Beaming widely, Pan repeats herself, "Yes, Mommy!" as she flies off to do just that. Landing at the front door to her home, Pan turns the knob to open it to reveal Bulma, the older woman wearing a black silk sleeveless dress that hugs her every curve and stops just above the knee. Blushing fiercely, Pan comments, "You look really pretty today, Auntie Bulma." Kneeling in front of the little girl, Bulma replies, "And you look down right adorable!" Making Pan blush even harder before lifting off the ground just enough to give Bulma a kiss on the cheek, a camera flash going off just in time to capture the moment on film. "That's one for the photo album, I think." comments Videl, drawing attention to the fact she was the one who took the picture. "You two have fun." "Yes, Mommy!" Says Pan as she wraps her arms around Bulma's neck, her embarrassment forgotten as the blunette stands up, holding the young girl in her arms as she walks out to the capsule car she drove from Capsule Corp. Strapping her young charge into the passenger's seat of the cozy, little two seater, Bulma gets in behind the wheel and fires up the engine. As they speed along the streets of Satan City, Bulma asks, "Are you hungry, Pan?" "Yeah, Auntie Bulma! I feel like I could eat a dinosaur!" Having observed the eating habits of saiyans on more occasions than she cares to count, Bulma has no doubts that the little girl next to her is being quite literal and wouldn't be surprised to hear Pan had hunted down and cooked one of the large reptiles single-handedly as she says, "Then, how about we start our day out with lunch?" "Sounds great!" replies the quarter Saiyan as Bulma sets a course for one of the ritsiest restaurants in the city, one she could never convince Vegeta to dress up enough for them to go on a date there. The maitre d' gave Bulma and her young companion a strange look as they entered for it wasn't the kind of establishment people usually brought children to, but between the briefs name and a generous tip from the rich scientist, Bulma had little trouble getting the staff to overlook Pan's youth and seat them in one of their plushest private rooms, though their waiter went pale when Bulma informed him that their chefs would be serving a member of the Son family, a name infamous throughout the food service industry. After Pan cleaned out the restaurant's stocks and Bulma paid the bill that resulted, a task that would've been impossible for someone not at the top of Capsule's corporate empire, Bulma carries Pan back to the car, making the child giggle as she pokes the rather prominent tummy bulge the girl's dress isn't quite loose enough to conceal, "What do you say we catch a movie next?" "Sounds great!" replies Pan as she's strapped into her seat once more. The pair catch an early matinee, during which Pan insists on sitting in Bulma's lap, the Saiyan's cute little rump wriggling right against Bulma's crotch as she wraps her arms around the child's svelt form. Though Pan is enraptured by the action playing out on screen, Bulma is entirely focused on the girl sitting in her lap, barely resisting the urge to reach under that dress to stroke the saiyan's girlcock and fondle her balls, and the scientist is sure she'll leave behind a wet spot on thecushion of the theater chair. As they leave the movie, Pan chatting excitedly about her favorite parts and Bulma wishing she could throw caution to the winds and molest the raven-haired girl right there in broad daylight, a flyer advertising a local carnival catches the little girl's attention, and before long, the pair are mingling in the crowd, Bulma carrying Pan on her shoulders to ensure they don't get separated. Despite a lunch that could've fed an army, Pan has no trouble consuming her weight in cotton candy, caramel apples, funnel cakes, and other carnival foods, and not for the first time, Bulma is envious of the saiyan metabolism. Hopped up on what would be lethal amounts of sugar for a human child, Pan is eagere to play the carnival games, and while the little girl obeys Bulma's warning to not use her full strength at first, when one of the glass bottles Pan is trying to knock down stubbornly remains standing through over a dozen attempts, the little saiyan puts a bit more of her superhuman strength into her throw, not only shattering the entire stack of bottles, the stubborn one included, but managing to embed the softball she threw several inches into the concrete wall at the back of the game booth. Needless to say, the man running the game isn't very happy as he tells Pan to pick her prize and get lost. Despite the vast array of toys on offer as prizes, including some stuffed animals bigger than pan, the little saiyan ultimately decides on a little piece of toy jewelry, a simple ring with a band of thick, but cheap and easily bent copper with a translucent blue plastic bead in place of a stone. Bulma expects Pan to put the ring on her own hand, but instead, the little girl presents it to the scientist, and with a blush declares, "Here, Auntie Bulma, I won this for you." "Thank you, Pan, its very pretty." replies Bulma, removing her wedding band and placing the toy ring in its place before suggesting, "How 'bout we go on some rides?" The pair spend the rest of the afternoon going on carnival rides, but as the sunsets, Bulma notices Pan starting to droop. "How about we go on the Ferris Wheel and then head back to Capsule Corp.?" "Why bother with the Ferris Wheel?" asks Pan, "I could just fly us back to Capsule Corp." "Are you sure you're up to it? You seem a little tired." replies Bulma. "I'mm fine!" insissts Pan, and to demonstrate, she lifts off the ground, and placing one arm across Bulma's back, literally sweeps the grown woman off her feet,managing to hold Bulma in a mid-air bridal carry despite being less than half her passenger's height. Bulma is a bit frighten at first, but her fear soon turns to excitement as Pan soars into the air, soon rising higher than even the top of the Ferris Wheel as the Carnival is lit in a dazzling array of colors as the last rays of daylight fade and the rides switch on their lights. "Isn't this better than some dumb, old Ferris Wheel?" Asks Pan. Before Bulma can reply, a loud boom breaks the silence of the night air so high above the bustle of the carnival, and as Pan turns to the source, the pair are greeted by the sight of fireworks painting the sky in a dazzle of colors to match, perhaps even surpass, that of the attractions below. No longer able to hold back her desire, and sure they're high enough and far enough from the fireworks to not be seen, Bulma wraps her arms around Pan's neck and captures the child's lips in a passionate kiss to put their first kiss to shame. When they finally break for air, Bulma can feel Pan's erection poking her in the back and the scientist says huskily, eyes half-lidded, "Take me home, and I'll show you things that make what we did in that bathroom on Valentine's seem boring." Pan is too stunned from the kiss and the prospect of a new game to make what she had called the best thing ever look boring to do more than nod as she speeds through the night sky towards Capsule Corp. as fast as she dares while carrying a passenger and wishing her grandpa had taught her instant transmission. As they arrive at Capsule Corp., Bulma is happy to see the Executive Residence dark, a clear sign that her parents and children have already gone to bed as she tells Pan, "Take me directly to my bedroom." the young girl flying through the halls of the quiet complex, doing just that. When Pan touches down upon the plush carpet in Bulma's bedroom, the scientist can clearly see Pan pitching a tent in her sundress as she saunters over to a control panel by the door to both seal the room and activate a sound dampening field, the blunette well aware just how loud a saiyan mating can get and not wanting to wake the whole compound and half the city. Turning to the object of her affections, Bulma reaches behind herself to unzip her dress, the black silk soon pooling around her ankles to reveal a matching set of black silk bra and panties, the simple, modest cut accentuating the mature woman's natural beauty quite elegantly, the blunette smiling seductively as she approaches Pan, the quarter Saiyan seeming to grow even harder at the sight of Bulma's mostly naked form. "Do you like what you see?" asks Bulma with a seductive purr as she stops in front of Pan, her crotch nearly eye level with the little girl. A barely whispered, "You're beautiful." is the only response Pan can muster, suddenly shy right before Bulma scoops her up and carries her to the bed. "I'm about to show you how mommies and daddies show their love to each other when they're alone." Declares Bulma, laying Pan on the bed and making quick work of removing the girl's dress, leaving the quarter saiyan in only a pair of white cotton panties, the futa's erection sticking up through the waistband and the fabric seeming to strain to contain the child's ample balls. "Really?" asks Pan, her shyness giving way to excitement once more. Running a finger along the underside of Pan's prick, Bulma replies, "Sure am, but first, has this gotten hard any since Valentine's Day?" Moaning from Bulma's teasing touch, Pan replies, "It gets like this everytime I think of you, Auntie Bulma... I've tried stroking it like you did, but my hands don't feel as good as yours, and can't even compare to when you took it in your mouth." "Is that so," asks Bulma, continuing to tease the yung futa's hard shaft, "And have you let out any more of that white stuff?" Stifling a moan, Pan answers, "Not while I'm awake, but I've woken up with sticky shorts a few times." "Well then," replies Bulma, "I'll just have to be sure to milk your balls dry so you don't waste any more." and before the confused child can ask what the scientist means, Bulma has swallowed Pan's prick, shifting suddenly from teasing touches to practiced deep throating, the quarter saiyan's mating cries growing in volume to test the sound dampening field around the presidential suite. It isn't long before Pan announces, "Auntie Bulma, it feels like it did right before I squirted that white stuff!" only for her cries of joy to turn to a groan of discontent as Bulma suddenly pulls her mouth away from the toddler's throbbing futahood. With a whine of frustration, Pan cries out, "Why did you stop, auntie Bulma?" before sitting up just in time to see Bulma's black bra flutter to the sheets, revealing the blunette's bountiful breasts, still perky despite the woman's age and having breast fed two children. "Did you forget that I said I would show you something to make that look boring?" Asks the older woman in a teasing tone as she brings her knees up under her breasts and starts to slowly slide her panties out from underneath her and down her long, slender legs, the little girl's gaze glued to the blunette's nearly naked form, the quarter saiyan's prick pulsing at the little show the older woman is putting on. With her panties dangling from one ankle, Bulma jerks her leg to send them flying to the floor before flicking her bra over her shoulder to join them and laying back upon the sheets, spreading her legs and exposing her mature womanhood to the young girl. Parting her netherlips with her fingers, Bulma comments, "If you think my mouth feels good, then you'll love how it feels inside here." Instinct taking over, Pan nearly rips her own panties to shreds in her attempts to free her balls from their cottony confines and floats over to kneel between Bulma's spread thighs. Impatient and inexperienced, Pan thrusts her hips forward several times, failing to hit the bull's eye as her tip glances off of Bulma's thighs and pubic mound. Stifling a giggle, Bulma takes the young girl's erection in her hands, "Here, let me help you," and guides the tip of Pan's prick to the opening of the scientist's snatch, slippery with copious amounts of girl juice. Pressing the tip firmly against her opening, Bulma orders, "Now, push forward." Pan does as she's told, her girth sinking into Bulma's depths, both of them letting out loud moans, Bulma at finally having a hard, thick Saiyan cock inside her after months of involuntary abstinence and Pan at being buried in a warm, wet womanhood for the first time. "Oh Dende!" Cries Pan, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth as her entire body trembles in pleasure, "You were right, Auntie Bulma, this feels much better than your mouth!" Smiling warmly at her new lover, Bulma places a hand on Pan's perky posterior, "And it only gets better as you slide in and out." the scientist bucking her hips a few times to illustrate, "And don't feel like you need to hold back, your Uncle Vegeta never did." With those words, Pan lets go, the primal beast within all of sayian blood awakening as she starts to savagely rut the older woman, setting a pace that would leave a woman without Bulma's experience rubbed raw within, the quarter sayian's balls repeatedly smacking against the scientist's ass, Pan's animalistic mating cries nearly deafening and Bulma's moans only slightly quieter. After what seems like hours to Bulma, the fucking so intense and so long overdue, but is really only a few minutes, Pan announces, "It feels like I'm about to shoot that white stuff." Panting heavily, Bulma barely manages to reply, "Do...do it Pan! Shoot your load deep inside and give Trunks and Bra a little brother or sister!" Though confused by Bulma's words, Pan doesn't hesitate to drive her futahood balls deep, spraying rope after thick, sticky rope of potent, Sayian seed directly against Bulma's cervix before collapsing in exhaustion upon the blunette's belly. After several minutes of basking in afterglow, Bulma catches her breath and starts, "Pan, the next step in love is marriage, and while it'll be years before you'll be old enough to make it official...I can pull some strings to at least have a ceremony soon... so Pan, will you marry me?" With a yawn, Pan replies, "That sounds nice." Before falling asleep, still buried in Bulma's depths, her cock serving as a plug to ensure not a drop of her seed leaks out. Kissing the sleeping Saiyan on the forehead, Bulma whispers, "I love you, Son Pan." Before pulling a sheet over both of them and joining her new lover and fiancee in slumber. ### A few weeks later, on White Day, a small wedding ceremony took place with only the Son and Briefs Families and the Z Warriors in attendence. Though Pan clearly held the balls in the relationship, Bulma had opted to play groom for the ceremony, and while Trunks was embarrassed to be gaining a stepmother a decade his junior, he had agreed to serve as his Mother's Best Man for the wedding. By comparison, Bra was over the moon at the thought of her best friend being her second mommy and was delighted to serve as both Flower Girl and Maid of Honor. Bulma, wearing a white tux with blue accents to match her hair, was only slightly nervous as she stood at the alter with Trunks and Dende, the God of the Earth having agreed to serve as Master of Ceremony given how few human ministers would approve of such a young bride. However, Bulma's Jitters fade away as Pan starts down the aisle,floating along as her father escorts her, looking absolutely radiant even if her wedding gown is technically a modified Flower Girl's Dress. The happy couple are barely cognizent of what's being said as they go through their vows, and when Dende declares, "You may kiss the bride." it's Pan who initiates the kiss before sweeping Bulma off her feet and carrying the older woman out of the makeshift chapel that had been set up at the Lookout. Out on the Plaza of the Lookout, a lovely reception banquet has been set out, including enough food to satisfy even the half-dozen bottomless pits the Saiyans in attendence call stomachs. Halfway through the reception, Bulma klinks a fork against her wine glass, which like the one Pan is drinking from contains ordinary grape juice instead of its fermented counterpart, though for quite a different reason. "Everyone," starts the scientist once she has everyone's attention, "I have an announcement to make. I just confirmed it this morning, but I'm pregnant with Pan's child." The squeal Bra lets out at the news that she'll be a big sister can be heard on the ground far below, and the news starts another round of congratulations, though Pan is a bit embarrassed by being congratulated on her impending fatherhood. As the celebration drags on, Pan grows impatient to be alone with her new wife, and taking Bulma aside, the quarter saiyan declares, "Auntie Bulma, can we leave already?" "Come on, dear, we're married now, no need to call me Auntie anymore." Noticing Pan tenting her dress, "But I see that you're eager to get started on our honeymoon." And so, as their family and friends continue to party, many of them having consumed too much wine to notice the couple's departure, the young bride sweeps her much older wife off her feet once more and the newly weds fly off towards the sitting sun and their life together. ### Pan, now a tomboyish ten-year-old, stands before the starship her wife of nearly five years had built for her, her step-son, and her Grandfather, the latter now shrunken to less than Pan's height, to use on their quest to retrieve the Black Star Dragonballs before the Earth and everyone on it pays the price for their use. Convinced, not for the first time, that she's married to the smartest woman in the Galaxy, Pan is torn from her musings by a cry of, "Mama, Nii-nii,, Grandpapa!" Turning around, Pan spots her daughter running up to her, the four-year-old looking like a slightly younger version of Pan except for having inherited the Briefs Blue hair. As Pan catches the eighth-saiyan, she hears her wife crying out, "Son Panchi Briefs! How many times do I have to tell you not to run.!" Setting down her daughter to let her say good bye to her big brother and great grandfather, Pan intercepts Bulma, saying, "Oh, come on, it's not like she can hurt herself." Before capturing the older woman in a passionate kiss. As the public display of affection wears on, Trunks clears his throat and declares, "Mother, Pan, we need to get going." Breaking the kiss, Pan scolds her step-son, "Hey, is that anyway to talk to your step-mother? You might be more than twice my age and nearly twice my height and a super saiyan to boot, but don't think I can't or won't put you over my knee." Turning back to her wife, "As for you, Honey, you'd better be ready when we get back, especially since I'm likely to miss our anniversary." With a mischievious grin, Pan adds, "Because I totally plan to celebrate saving the world by giving Panchi a turn at being a big sister." With a final peck, Pan runs off, but not before Bulma spots the bulge running along the inside of Pan's thigh, threatening to rip the quarter Saian's jeans asunder, wondering what to wear for her wife's homecoming, barely hearing her son commenting, "You being my step-mother is the only reason I'm letting you come along instead of bringing your uncle Goten." "Not like you could've stopped me regardless," Retorts Pan, "I'd probably have just stowed away." Before joining her step-son and grandfather aboard the ship. 'Perhaps black silk as a nod to our first night together would be good.' Muses Bulma to herself as the ship takes off, 'Or maybe red to match that t-shirt she's always wearing... I really need to go shopping.'