Content Warnings specific to this chapter: Balloon Girl, Giantism, Urethral Insertion, unbirthing, rubber man, prehensile penis. Author's notes: this was largely an experiment in writing some fetishes that would strain willing suspension of disbelief for any human client the Ojamajo might have. Also, to anyone who thinks I made the FLAT4 too perverted here, consider the following: They're a group of boys going through puberty, likely don't have any adult supervision outside of school, and likely discovered the Internet at some point as they learned about modern human culture, and it would only be natural for someone with magic as free form as that found in Ojamajo Doremi to try things that non-magical folk could only dream of. I kind of want to do a follow-up to this with momoko, Hana, and Poppu getting the Balloon girl treatment, but can't think of a good scenario Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Special: Ojamajo Balloons Doremi, Hazuki, Aiko, and Onpu, all of them wearing their usual attire, step into a large room that is bare of any furnishings and whose walls would be featureless if not for the existence of floor-to-ceiling shutters that can be used to divide the room into smaller areas. Other than the girls, the only other people in the room are a group of four boys roughly their age wearing outfits that seem vaguely inspired by Chinese clothing of a time gone by. Recognizing a purple haired boy in a dark gray jacket among the boys, Doremi runs up to him, hearts in her eyes, and screams, "Akatsuki-kun!" as the odango-headed redhead glomps the wizard prince. Akatsuki returns the hug, saying, "Nice to see you again as well, Doremi-chan!" Recognizing the others as Fujio, Leon, and Tooru, Hazuki and Onpu try their best not to react to the FLAT4 showing up to be their clients for the evening, but Aiko's temper gets the better of her as she shouts, "What the hell are you guys doing here? I thought the King forbid yall from coming anywhere near Misora?" Leon steps forward to answer Aiko's question, "Relax babe, what the old man doesn't know won't hurt him." Having closed the distance, Leon leans in to give the blunette a kiss, but as their lips come within a centimeter of each other, Aiko's palm makes contact with Leon's cheek with enough force to not only leave a glowing red hand print on the blond's face, but to twist his neck 90 degrees to the side. A forehead vein popping in anger, Aiko declares, "That's for trying to kiss me, and this..." She delivers a punch to the wizard's gut that has him bending double. " for calling me babe!" Coughing in pain from where he's huddled on the floor, Leon says weakly, "You're as feisty as ever, and I think you hit harder than I remember." The blunette simply retorts, "Be glad I didn't aim lower with that punch." Taking the reactions of her more emotional friends in stride, Onpu asks, "It's obvious that the four of you intend to have some one-on-one time with the witch apprentice you pursued as a cover for your attempts at capturing Hana-chan..." Tooru interjects, "Hey, doesn't the fact that we eventually went against our mission and helped give chase when Oyaji took Hana-chan prove that our feelings were sincere?" Ignoring the interruption, Onpu continues, "... but why did you choose such a large room for this?" Having extracated himself from Doremi's embrace, Akatsuki helps Leon to his feet before answering, "We saw something on the Internet we wanted to try, and it requires a large space." With that, the Flat4 step back until all 4 ojamajo are in front of them. With well-practiced syncronicity, all four wizards snap their fingers, the loose strands of hair that hang in front of their faces twitching as they cast a spell on the Ojamajo. All four of the girls let out screams of surprise as their feet leave the floor, their bodies becoming slightly lighter than air as their limbs begin to shorten and their torsos start to bulge out and become more spherical. As her waist expands, the button of Doremi's shorts pops off and the zipper of her fly comes undone before the garment is forced down to her thighs, exposing her panties which are the same bright pink as her shirt. As the odango headed girl's chest expands while remaining flat, the zipper of her vest bursts, but remains otherwise intact as it stretches along with her shirt and panties as her body becomes a perfect sphere roughly five feet in diameter. As her legs vanish completely into her ballooning body, her shorts drop to the floor, her impossibly stretched panties the only thing protecting her modesty. Hazuki's skirt rides up to expose her cream colored panties, and while it doesn't tear, it becomes little more than an orange ribbon marking the equator between two cream-colored hemispheres as the brunette's body balloons to roughly the same size as Doremi. Aiko's jeans meet a similar fate to Doremi's shorts, a pair of powder blue panties being revealed as the denim hits the floor. Unlike the others that were wearing pants of some sort, Onpu's shorts manage to stretch with her expanding body, leaving her as the only one whose panties remain hidden. Also, whereas the other girls' shirts only cover the upper hemisphere of their balloon-like bodies, leaving Doremi and Aiko with a band of exposed skin around the equator that Hazuki only avoided due to her skirt, Onpu's longer, dress-like shirt overlaps with her shorts by a wide margin, leaving only a small polar cap of the darker purple fabric visible. When all four have finished their transformations, they have become nearly perfect spheres with their remaining clothes stretched tightly over their skin, their heads, hands, and feet being the only things poking out from the surface of their bodies. Each girl turned living balloon is roughly five feet in diameter and floating about a foot off the floor. After recovering from the initial shock, Doremi exclaims, "This feels weird, yet strangely pleasant!" before pushing against the air with a stubby foot, sending her bouncing off the walls, floor, and ceiling before knocking into the others and exclaiming, "That was fun!" The FLAT4 stands back and watches for several minutes as the girls enjoy bouncing around and some of them even figure out how to make fine, controlled motions, both moving about in the air and rotating in place. All the while, the young wizards are getting aroused by the innocent, yet highly erotic scene, their baggy jackets the only thing keeping their erections concealed. Reaching the limit of their collective self-control, each wizard grabs their counterpart by the most convenient limb and drag them to a corner before using their magic to shut the dividers, placing each couple in their own private room. ### Letting go of Doremi's ankle, Akatsuki makes quick work of shedding his clothing before sitting cross-legged on the floor. With a twitch of his hair, the wizard prince starts growing. By the time his spell finishes, Akatsuki has grown to such a height that his head nearly touches the high ceiling even with him sitting and standing would be an impossibility. Noticing Akatsuki's erection for the first time, which thanks to his giant transformation is roughly a meter long and as thick as Doremi's torso pre-inflation, Doremi gulps before saying, "There's no way that monster cock can fit inside me!" His voice deepened to a rich baritone due to his magical growth, Akatsuki replies, "Don't worry, as a balloon girl, your pussy is much larger and much stretchier. You wouldn't even feel anything if I tried taking you at my normal size." Reaching out with both hands, he grabs hold of Doremi, the balloon girl like a basketball in the giant's palms. "Besides, I wouldn't be able to hold you like this if I hadn't made myself a giant." Gently, Akatsuki peels off the rest of Doremi's clothes before bringing the balloon girl's pussy to his lips. With his giant's tongue, he hungrily laps away at her folds, gallons of saliva flowing into her passage to add to her own lubricant causing the odango-headed girl to moan loudly in pleasure. Doremi whines briefly as Akatsuki withdraws his tongue, but starts moaning anew as he buries two fingers, each much thicker than any human penis deep within her passage as his thumb flicks accross her now grapefruit-sized clit. Continueing his ministrations, it isn't long before Doremi is cumming around Akatsuki's fingers, her rubbery insides contracting around the digits. Before Doremi can recover from her orgasm, Akatsuki has the balloon girl firmly gripped in both palms, his collossal member poised at her dripping opening. Prodding her cunny to get her attention, Akatsuki asks, "Ready?" Hearts in her eyes and lust in her voice, Doremi replies, "YES! Stretch my pussy over your massive cock, Akatsuki-kun!" With one mighty thrust, Akatsuki impales the balloon girl on his giant erection, stretching the redhead's passage far beyond anything she thought possible without causing her any pain. Thanks to her ample juices, Akatsuki's collossal cock slides easily in and out of Doremi's cunny and it isn't long before the wizard is using the balloon girl like an onnahole to their mutual pleasure. After several minutes of frantically pounding the pink apprentice's pussy, Akatsuki exclaims, "I'm gonna cum!" "YES! Fill me up!" Doremi yells, on the verge of orgasm herself. With a final thrust, Akatsuki hilts himself within the balloon girl as hot, sticky semen erupts from his tip like water from a firehose. Almost immediately, Doremi can feel her womb stretching to accomodate the gallons upon gallons of cum the wizard is depositing within her as she loses herself in another orgasm. By the time Akatsuki is finished cumming, Doremi's womb has expanded to fill all of the balloon girl's inflated body as she comes to rest comfortably in Akatsuki's lap, his massive member preventing all of that cum from escaping. Giggling as she tries to rub her belly with the stubby remains of her arms, Doremi exclaims, "I think I like being a cum balloon even more than being an helium balloon!" before drifting off to sleep in the giant wizard's lap. ### Once they're alone, Fujio turns Hazuki so he can look the brunette balloon girl in the eye before saying timidly, "Sorry about this. It was the others' idea and I caved to their peer pressure." Blushing, he adds, "I do have to admit that you look cute like this though." Hazuki replies, "It's okay. In fact, I quite like being a balloon girl." Blushing herself, she adds, "What did you have in mind for our little randevou?" His blush deepening, he stutters out, "W-well, I-I'm actually a Vir-virgin. Unlike the others, I've never given into the more uh, assertive of my fangirls' attempts to seduce me." Giggling, Hazuki replies, "How cute!" Trying to sound seductive, she adds, "How about you show me your virgin cock and I'll try giving you a blowjob?" Lust short circuiting his brain, Fujio shrugs out of his lavendar long coat and let's his trousers and boxers drop to the floor to reveal his erection. Seeing his rather modest penis, no more than 4 inches in length and no bigger around than a roll of lifesavers, Hazuki exclaims, "What a cute little stiffie you've got!" Making his entire body go crimson. Deciding she's teased him enough, the balloon girl waves her hands and feet to position her mouth near his crotch before taking his dick into her mouth and starting to suck. Although it's her first time giving head, Fujio's complete lack of experience with sex has him burying his hands in her hair and losing his very first load down her throat within half a minute. Subconsciously, Fujio uses his magic to prolong his first orgasm as he pours several liters of jizz down Hazuki's throat, his grip leaving her no choice but to guzzle it all down. Once he finishes spending his load, Fujio says, "That was incredible!" Making his way to the balloon girl's panties, he adds, "I guess I should try to return the favor." As Fujio pulls the gusset of Hazuki's stretched panties to the side, she begins to decline, "That's not necess-" but is cut off as Fujio gropes her massively engorged clitoris causing her to moan loudly. Taking her moans as a sign he's doing a good job, Fujio brings his mouth to Hazuki's clit, but finding it too swollen in her inflated state to fit in his mouth settles for licking inside the opening of her urethra as he kneads the fleshy bundle of nerves. He slides his other arm into the balloon girl's pussy, but with his scrawny build and her inflated state, it's like Hazuki trying to finger herself with just her pinky. Stating the obvious, Fujio observes, "I don't think either of us is going to get much out of vaginal intercourse in your current state." Sliding his thumb into her urethra, he continues, "But I think your urethra is about the right size for my penis. Would you like to give it a try?" Having enjoyed him licking and fingering her urethra thus far, Hazuki replies, "Sure, go ahead and stick your little stiffie up my pee hole." Wasting no time, Fujio lines up his cock with Hazuki's pee hole and thrusts in, stretching the balloon girl's urethra far beyond what his fingers had done. Fujio sets a slow pace, not wanting to cum so quickly this time, and Hazuki begins moaning softly at the surprising pleasure coming from having her pee hole used as a pussy alternative. As he fucks the balloon girl's urethra, Fujio subconsciously uses his magic to make his penis lengthen, plunging deeper into Hazuki with every thrust, and his penis eventually hits a barrier. Too lost in lust to realize what he's doing, Fujio pulls almost completely from Hazuki's urethra before ramming his now footlong member balls deep in the brunette's urinary tract. Hazuki lets out a loud gasp as Fujio's cockhead is forced past her spincter. Snapping out of his lust-induced trance, Fujio can feel a tight ring of muscle around the collar of his prick, and his cockhead being bathed in warm liquid. Nervously, Fujio asks, "I...I'm in your bladder, aren't I?" Hazuki replies, "I think so, but it's okay. It feels surprisingly good." Reassured by Hazuki's words, Fujio resumes his thrusting, the balloon girl's spincter maintaining it's grip around the neck of the wizrd's prick as her urethra scrunches up to allow Fujio to pull out. After sevral minutes of fucking the brunette's bladder, Fujio announces, "Hazuki-chan! I-I'm gonna cum!" before hilting himself once again within her peehole and unleashing another magically-enhanced load, this time directly into her already swollen bladder. Hazuki had been ignoring how rapidly her bladder had been filling thanks to the massive amount of semen she had swallowed, grateful that the elasticity of her current form apparently extended to her bladder, but the sensation of having her bladder inseminated, the contents churning as thick, pearly white liquid is mixed with thinner, golden yellow liquid, brings her need to pee to the front of Hazuki's mind. When he's finished injecting gallons of semen into the balloon girl's distended bladder, Fujio makes to withdraw from her urinary tract altogether. Realizing that his cock is the only thing serving as an adequate plug to hold back the ocean of jizz and whiz within her, Hazuki shouts, "Don't pull out!", but it's too late as his tip slips out of her peehole and the gusset of her panties falls back into place. Hazuki instinctually tries to cross her legs and ram her hands into her crotch, both anatomically impossible acts given her current balloon girl status. Although she mentally screams at her spincter to close-up, the ring of muscle is too weakened by the fucking it recieved to comply. With nothing to stop the impending flood, the mixture of pee and seed rushes out of Hazuki almost immediately following Fujio's withdrawal. Some of the thicker liquid pools in the balloon girl's panties to form a gooey, sticky puddle, but most of it oozes out her legholes as the thinner parts soak through the fabric before gushing forth in a powerful stream. The relief of peeing out such a collossal volume is so intense that it not only triggers a climax in Hazuki, but sends the balloon girl into a series of multiple orgasms. As Hazuki empties the contents of her bladder, Fujio stares mesmerized at the sight, his hand furiously stroking his renewed erection, oblivious as the mess runs around and between his feet. As the last few spirts escape Hazuki's urethra, Fujio cums again, adding a paltry load to the mixture of his semen and Hazuki's urine that is covering a large portion of the floor. Coming down from his climax, Fujio notices his feet are practically glued to the floor before commenting, "We made quite a mess." Coming down herself, Hazuki replies, "Yeah... I'd help clean-up, but I don't think I could use my tap like this, much less my poron." Fujio replies, "I think I can take care of it." before snapping his fingers and vanishing the puddle of jizz and whiz on the floor as well as cleaning Hazuki's panties. The clean-up done, Fujio carefully climbs up onto Hazuki's inflated body and lays face-down on her chest, his limbs spread out before falling asleep. Hazuki whispers, "How cute." before closing her eyes and letting sleep claim her as well. ### Letting go of Aiko's ankle, Leon comments, "Ready for some fun, babe?" as he sheds his clothing. Annoyed with the whole situation, Aiko retorts, "Don't call me babe!" Walking towards her crotch, Leon declares, "I like it when your feisty!" before pulling the gusset of the blunette's panties aside and burying his arm clear to the shoulder in her passage. Aiko lets out a loud gasp at the sudden intrusion, and another as his other arm joins the one already within her, but the blonde wizard doesn't stop there as he spreads her opening and sticks his head up her cunny. Outraged, Aiko screams, "What the hell are you doing!?" Unable to hear her protests, Leon pulls himself up into the balloon girl's passage, her anger giving way to pleasured moans as the blonde wizard wriggles around within her. As his feet slip out of sight, Leon finds Aiko's cervix, and stretching the smaller opening, begins crawling into the blunette's womb. Even with how engorged and elastic her reproductive organs have become, Aiko is surprised by how much pleasure she recieves from Leon invading her womb. As Leon's feet slip pass her cervix and begins shifting position within her, Aiko thinks to herself, 'I wonder if this is what being pregnant feels like.' Having turned upsidedown within Aiko's womb, Leon locates the opening to one of Aiko's fallopian tubes and slides his prick into it. Thrusting his hips within the confines, Leon proceeds to use the fallpian tube like a pussy and eventually unleashes a powerful stream of semen down the tube to drench Aiko's ovary. His first load spent, the blonde wizard shifts position again to repeat the process on the opposite side. As her tubes are being fucked, Aiko is moaning loudly at the weird yet strangely pleasant sensation. Finished drenching the blunette's ovaries in his seed, Leon curls up in the fetal position within Aiko's womb, the crown of his head at her cervix. With a twitch of his hair stalk, Aiko begins to slowly deflate. Feeling her distended womb suddenly contract, Aiko screams, "OH GOD! Don't tell me he's causing me to go into labor!" Feeling a second contraction, Aiko lets instinct take control and pushes, Leon's blonde scalp spreading her cervix. A second push, and the wizard's head is within her pussy,, and a third has his shoulders stretching her cervix. With a four and final push, Aiko forces Leon far enough along her birth canal for gravity to take over and Leon tumbles from her passage unto the floor. An orgasm washes over her at the sudden loss of tension and Aiko starts to deflate at an accelerated pace. Once the blunette has fully deflated and recovered enough to sit up, Leon asks, "Did you enjoy that babe?" A vein popping on her forehead, a fuming Aiko climbs to her feet and approaches the blonde with a look that promises pain etched on her face. ### Releasing Onpu, Tooru snaps his fingers to no immediatedly apparent effect. After undressing, the blunette reaches his arms out towards Onpu. Once fully extended, his arms continue to stretch as if made of rubber and are longer than his body by the time hegrabs hold of the balloon girl by her waist on opposite sides. It's at this point that Tooru's fingers start stretching, wrapping around Onpu's inflated body, criss-crossing in a diamond pattern and causing her flesh to bulge in the gaps between his fingers. Once he has the balloon girl well bound, he starts extending his penis, which snakes it's way under his rubbery fingers and up her dress like shirt before slipping under her waist band and down to her core. Entering her pussy, the ever lengthening and prehensile dick makes a beeline for her cervix and continues through her womb, down a fallopian tube, and halts just short of having the tip kiss one of her ovaries. Despite such deep penetration, the Wizard's rubber dick is much too narrow to properly stimulate the purple-haired girl, a problem Tooru solves by continueing to lenthen his cock. Before long, countless coils of worm-like manhood are wriggling around within Onpu's womb and pussy causing the girl to moan loudly. Once satisfied that he's filled to capacity, Tooru has one final coil wrap around her swollen clit and constrict the bundle of nerves, sending the purple apprentice into her first orgasm of the evening. Tightening her binds, Tooru continues to have his many meters of dick thrash around inside the balloon girl, using magic to hold back his own orgasm until Onpu has passed out from the pleasure and then drenching her ovary in his seed. Deciding to let Onpu rest, the Rubbery wizard summons a cot to lie down on, leaving his dick within her, but untying his fingers from around her, allowing his arms and hands to return to normal.