I do not own "A Visit from St Nicolas" better known as "Twas the Night Before Christmas", though at nearly 200 years old and its author having been dead for roughly 150 years, I am fairly certain it is in the public domain. Content warnings specific to this chapter: Santa Costume fetishism, Male dominating female, toys, Desperation and light watersports, threesome(two girls, one man), incest between sisters, Anal, tentacles. I think that covers everything. Author's notes: This features all seven Ojamajo and as well as the first actual sex scene I have written with Onpu and Momoko. I don't consider myself much of a poet, but I couldn't resist using a Parody of Twas the Night before Christmas(with a few lines paraphrased if not copied directly) to help set the stage, though the opening was probably the hardest part to write. Also note that this special is chronologically much later than the chapters preceeding it and will likely be the chronologically last chapter for a long time to come. Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Christmas Special: Ojamajo's Christmas Party 'Twas the night before Christmas And at the MAHO-Dou The Ojamajo were waiting For a special Christmas guest. The walls were all covered in holly and white As a warm christmas fire kept out the cold of the night. Their stockings were hung above the fire with care As the scent of burnt hickory waffed through the air. With garland of red and magical notes for light The majestic fur was quite the sight. Upon its top a star of crystal glowed bold The christmas tree was surely a sight to behold. All about the room, the girls made merry As thoughts of their plans made their cheeks turn cherry. They chatted away, none making for bed For missing their honored guest was the thing they most dread. They were all robed in their most festive attire As mugs of warm cider help them not tire. Most wore red with fur trim of white but each had their own style for this night. Doremi's dress was that of an apprentice witch though for a jovial red the pink had been switched. Hana's uniform had been made frillier and red As a double-pointed santa cap adorned her head. Hazuki's plain dress covered all but feet and hands While Aiko the tomboy wore a simple jacket and pants. With a shawl 'round her shoulders and a mini-skirt over stockings of white The child idol Onpu made for a beautiful sight. Momoko's one-piece get up left her limbs mostly bare And its rather snug fit would garner many a boy's stare. Poppu, the smallest, wore vibrant green tights And her poinsetta-like skirt was quite the sight. As the clock on the wall struck the tone of midnight The girls all turned to the fireplace with delight. As they waited patiently, not making a sound Down the chimney Santa Claus came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow. He had a broad face and a little round belly, That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly! Seeing the girls, who had not at his arrival woke In a stern voice Santa spoke: "Ho ho ho! Shouldn't you girls all be asleep? And I see no cookies or milk for my treat." Being by far the boldest, Aiko steps forwards and declares, "We stayed up waiting for you because we wanted to offer you a much better treat than simple cookies and milk." With that, Aiko drops to her knees before Santa, and undoing his fly pulls out his penis and wraps her mouth around it. Shocked to be getting a blowjob from such a young girl, Santa scolds, "Oh my goodness, such a naughty little lass, for such lewd behavior, someone should be tanning your ass." Aiko pulls Santa's now erect member from her mouth with an audible pop. Standing up, she turns her back to the elderly man and bends over, assuming the starting position for a foot race. Shaking her rear seductively, she says, "If I am so naughty, why don't you punish me?" Taking the bait, Santa grabs the elastic waistband of Aiko's pants, and pulling them down to mid-thigh, he speaks as he notices another surprise, "You are not even wearing underwear! Have you no shame?" Cutting him off, Aiko exclaims, "Just hurry up and fuck me already!" Shaking his head, Santa continues, "If my semen gets you pregnant, you have only yourself to blame." With that, Santa grabs Aiko's ass tightly and rams his fat cock up her pussy in a single hard thrust. His thrusts are relentless, the kind of roughness that would have any weaker girl in tears and begging for mercy, but Aiko takes the abuse of her hole without complaint. As the others look on in awe at Aiko's endurance, they each start to feel their own arousal, and some even try to masturbate only to be reminded of the barriers they summoned with Magical Stage to prevent self-pleasuring. Removing his gloves, Santa gives Aiko's ass a few good smacks with his palm, making the panting girl let out a yelp at each strike. Grabbing her wrists, the jolly old elf picks up the pace, pounding her pussy with force even the young athlete has trouble handling. Though tears of pain stream down her face, her pride won't let her beg for mercy. After a few minutes at this torturous pace, Aiko lets out a scream of both pleasure and pain As her own orgasm crashes over her at the same time that Santa penetrates her cervix and begins flooding her womb with hot semen that almost burns. Letting the girl collapse to the floor and not bothering with rhyme, Santa says, "You like dominating partners who are willing to fight back, but your deepest desire is being dominated mercilessly by someone you have no chance of overpowering. I think I have the perfect toy for you in my sack." Reaching into the sack he left by the fireplace, Santa pulls out what looks like a pair of brown leather panties. Undoing the sides, he reveals two dildos attached to the inside of the garment. Kneeling down to the girl still recovering from the rough fucking he gave her, he inserts one dildo into her vagina and slips the other up her anus before securing the sides around her hips. Smiling down at the prone girl, he says plainly, "The dildos attached to the inside of this specially made chasity belt are enchanted to mercily and roughly fuck the wearer. They are designed to feel like a pair of real penises and will thicken and lengthen to fill you completely. The leather shell is enchanted to snuggly hug your pelvis, making it discreet under almost any clothing. Once activated, the locks will become impossible to open for at least 8 hours." His explanation complete, he presses a small button in the crotch of the chasity belt to activate it, sending the girl into spasms as the device begins its pleasant torture. He pulls her pants up and lifts her into his arms. After laying Aiko on one of the couches to enjoy her new toy, he turns to the other girls and says, "Are there any other naughty little girls who wants Santa to punish them?" The other Ojamajo, all quite horny from the display Santa put on with Aiko resist the urge to rush Santa, not wanting to trip over each other to see who gets a turn next. Instead, they silently agree that a show with a more submissive girl is in order and push Hazuki forward. With her cheeks as red as her dress and the hair bow she wore in place of her usual orange, the Shy girl approaches Santa before speaking in a near whisper, "Have I been a naughty girl?" Kneeling down, and placing a hand under her cheek to bring the bespeckled girl's eyes in contact with his own, Santa speaks, "Why yes you have. You put up a facade of being a sweet, innocent girl, but deep down, you are a naughty little lass who likes taking big cocks in your cunny and holding your pee until you can't hold it anymore, and to make matters worse, you can't even be honest enough to admit your perversions to your best friends." Still quiet, Hazuki asks, "How is Santa Ojii-san going to punish me?" Instead of answering her question, Santa captures her much smaller mouth in a kiss and wraps his arms around the petite girl. She leans into him as her legs give out. Breaking the kiss, he grabs the cuffs of her sleeves and quickly removes the dress to reveal that she was wearing nothing underneath. Slipping his revitalized erection between her legs, Santa asks, "You have been hitting the cider quite hard, haven't you? I can tell that your bladder is already ready to burst from you holding your golden liquid." Her blush spreading an knowing she can't lie, Hazuki responds, "Yes, if I don't go to the little girl's room soon, I am going to be making quite an impressive puddle where I stand, but my cunny wants cock more than my bladder wants to pee." Shivering not only from desperation and Santa's penis rubbing against her slit, but also from feeling cold without her dress, she continues, "I'm feeling a bit chilly, Santa Ojii-san." To which Santa lifts her up and lays her down on a bear skin rug in front of the fireplace. While Hazuki warms by the fire, Santa removes his gloves, boots, jacket, and pants, leaving him in nothing but a pair of red long johns. Kneeling between her legs, he grabs her knees and holds her legs up and apart, lifting her rear end off of the rug. As Santa rubs the under side of his penis against her slit, it begins to thicken and lengthen, ultimately reaching a foot long and as big around as the petite girl's thigh. Squirming in desperation of both a sexual and excretory nature, the usually reserved girl exclaims, "Please Santa Ojii-san, fuck my tight, little cunny with that big, fat cock of yours." Instead of fulfilling her request, he releases Hazuki's legs and sits cross-legged with his back to the fire before saying, "If you want it so bad, than come sit on Santa's lap." Her girlhood drooling for a man's meat, the horny meganeko quickly moves to position herself over Santa's shaft and impales her self with a single quick downward movement of her hips. Though her passage is well stretched from repeated large insertions, her internal muscles are well trained and squeeze Santa's member quite snugly. As Hazuki basks in the sensation of having both her pussy and bladder filled near to her limits, she is reminded that she and Santa have an audience when Doremi exclaims, "Wow, I can't believe Hazuki-chan took such a HUGE cock up her cunny so easily." Opening her eyes, Hazuki sees Doremi, Onpu, Momoko, Hana, and Poppu staring at her intently. As her entire body goes red, Momoko adds to the shy girl's embarrassment by declaring, "[Oh my god], I've taken some pretty big cocks, but that monster makes the biggest I've taken look tiny." Not wanting to be left out on the teasing, Onpu adds, "Hazuki-chan looks cute with a stomach bulge from a big dick." The excitable toddler disguised as a preteen adds, "Hana-chan wants to touch it." As she reaches out to rub her palm up and down the bulge caused by Santa's penis. With Hazuki too embarrassed to say anything or move, Santa places a hand under each of the girl's knees and begins moving her up and down on his girth, causing the girl to let out several pleasured moans. Her embarrassment forgotten, she lets out in a needy tone, "YES! Fuck me harder, make me cum! Make me your cum dump!" In response, Santa shifts Hazuki so both legs are dangling over one arm, freeing his other hand to play with her clitoris. At the same time, he changes the angle of his thrusts to jab at the girl's tiring bladder and increase pace. Grimacing and trying to break free of Santa's grip, Hazuki exclaims, "Its too much, I can't hold it much longer." Holding tightly to the flailing girl, Santa says, "Someone get a bucket from my sack." Being the closest to the sack, Poppu retrieves the requested item, and seeing the obvious reason for it, places it in front of Hazuki as Santa rises to his knees. Tears streaming down her face, Hazuki exclaims, "Its going to come out!" as her orgasm crashes into her nerves, and her bladder explodes, a forceful jet of pee blasting out of her urethra and splashing into the bucket. At the same time, an equally powerful stream of semen erupts from Santa's tip, inflating the girl's womb as quickly as her bladder is deflating. The immense relief of finally releasing her golden stream while simultaineously being filled with Santa's semen sends the petite girl over the edge into a series of multiple orgasms. When Hazuki regains her senses, she slides off of Santa's erection and allows his creamy, white semen to flow into the bucket joining her recently expelled pee. Meanwhile, Santa rummages in his sack and pulls out what looks like an ordinary wooden rocking horse. Seeing the rocking horse, Hazuki asks, "Is that for me?" Santa replies, "Why, yes it is, but its no ordinary rocking horse." As Hazuki watches, Santa removes the horse's seat, revealing a second seat with a knob resembling the head of a penis sticking up out of it. "You sit so that the knob slides inside you, and it will activate once you sit down and place your hands and feet on the rests." Doing as instructed, Hazuki sits down, the knob spreading her opening wide once again. She notices a hole in the seat right in front of the knob and before she can ask Santa, he answers, "That's so you can pee while riding without making a mess." Placing her feet on footrests sticking out of the horse's front legs and grabbing hand holds on the side of the horse's head, Hazuki recieves two surprises in quick succession: first, her hands and feet are stuck in place with magic, and second, the knob is the tip of a massive dildo that begins thrusting in and out of her passage as the horse begins rocking on its own. With a twinkle in his eye, Santa says, "Like with Aiko's present, it does all the work and you are magically strapped in for hours at a time. It will, however, let you free early if you can fill up the resevoir for collecting the rider's pee, making it perfect for riding with a full bladder. It even has a built-in beverage dispenser for drinking while riding." Opening a panel in the back of the horse's head, Santa sets a pitcher of cider in the space revealed, and pulls out what looks like a pacifier with a long tube attached. Slipping the tube into the pitcher, he places the pacifier in Hazuki's mouth, who begins greedily sucking up the beverage to refill her bladder. With Hazuki taken care of, Santa returns to the remaining girls and asks, "Who's next?" Being the only one not intimidated by Santa's penis, which has not shrunk in the least since growing to fulfill Hazuki's desire for a big cock, Momoko declares, "Let me at that monster." As she pushes Santa into an armchair. Momoko's outfit, by far the most unusual of what the girls are wearing, resembles a skintight spandex body suit, though the legs cut off mere inches below the crotch and is completely sleeveless. The red outfit also has two fin-like protrusions sticking out from the sides at the hips, each ending in a white ball like those found on Santa caps. As it is a one-piece costume, zippered in back, it is not easily removed, but it has a feature for just such occasions. Climbing up into Santa's lap and straddling the elderly man, Momoko reaches between her legs and grabs a zipper pull and brings it forward, revealing that not only does the crotch of her outfit have a fly designed for giving easy access to a girl's most precious place, but that she isn't wearing any panties under the tight spandex. Spreading her labia with one hand and using the other to line up his tip with her opening, Momoko begins to lower her hips. As the massive erection stretches her internal walls like never before, she yells in a mixture of pain and pleasure, "[OH MY GOD! Its splitting me in two!]" Once Santa's cock is fully seated within her depths, Momoko whimpers, "[So full, I've never felt so full.]" After taking a couple of minutes to adjust, Momoko begins lifting and lowering her hips on Santa's shaft, going at a slow pace as her passage is still sore from being stretched so much, so quickly. As the pain fades, she increases her pace, her internal muscles tightly squeezing the throbbing organ within her. After a few minutes of letting the blonde ride him, Santa exclaims, "I'm about to cum." Momoko lifts up, preparing to dismount when Santa grabs her by the hips with only his tip still within her and demanding, "What are you doing?" Momoko responds plainly, "I was going to suck you off." In a scolding tone Santa replies, "Naughty little girls like yourself don't have the privilege of teasing a man's cock with their tight little cunnies and then taking the man's load down their throats." Before Momoko can reply, he slams her down on his manhood, making the girl cry out in pain before continueing, "I'm going to give you a nice, gooey creampie whether you want one or not." Tears streaming down her face, Momoko yells, "[Please don't cum inside me. I don't want to get pregnant! Please don't make me pregnant!]" Continueing to thrust relentlessly into Momoko's abused hole, Santa says, "If you get pregnant, that's the price you pay for a few minutes of pleasure with my cock." Shaking her head violently and trying to break free of Santa's grip on her hips, Momoko screams, "[No no no no nonono!] Don't cum in my cunny! I'll do anything! I'll deepthroat your cock and guzzle down sperm until my stomach aches and it gushes out my nose. I'll let you fuck my ass until I can't sit for a month. Just don't cum in my cunny!" Santa replies coldly, "You should have thought of that before wrapping your cunny around my cock." Giving a few more thrusts and grunting, Santa declares, "Besides, its too late now, I'm cumming." Feeling Santa's semen splatter the walls of her womb sends Momoko over the edge into orgasm. Arching her back and throwing back her head, Momoko lets out a howl like scream, "[NOOOOOOOOOOO!]" When the girl's spasming vagina finishes milking his penis, Santa says, "You like bringing men to the brink of orgasm and teasing them by holding them there, making them beg for release and sometimes denying them altogether. You also like it when a man restrains you and forces you to take a load in your pussy while you pretend to not want it, especially when it follows from you denying them their orgasm." Standing up and laying Momoko in the chair such that her rear is elevated and his semen won't drip everywhere, Santa pulls out before kneeling before his sack once again. When he comes out, he is holding a large teddy bear. Handing the stuffed bear to Momoko, he explains, "When you hug that bear and tell it your horny, it will grow to human-size and become anatomically correct. It is programmed with a personality that likes being teased and forcefully inseminating girls." Grinning ear to ear, Momoko says, "[Sounds kinky, I like it!]" before hugging the bear tightly and saying, "I'm horny!" Leaving Momoko to enjoy her new playmate, Santa turns to Onpu, Hana, and the Harukaze sisters. "Who's next?" Doremi and Poppu jump up and double team Santa, shouting "Do us next, Santa!" in unison. With a wry smile, Santa states, "Ahh yes, you two have been quite naughty together. Bickering in front of others, but secretly lesbian lovers while being bisexual and neither able to stand the idea of the other recieving more attention from a man." Santa's Penis starts to glow as Santa continues, "Fortunately, I have a solution to that last part." His Penis starts to split at the tip, the split running down the shaft, and as the glow fades, Santa is standing with two penises, albeit more normal-sized ones, one right above the other. The sisters shout, "WOW!" in unison before tackling Santa to the floor. Facing each other, they straddle Santa's waist, Doremi poised over Santa's uppper cock and Poppu above the lower one. As Doremi rolls Poppu's green tights down far enough to allow access to Poppu's girlhood, Poppu lifts Doremi's skirt and pulls Doremi's panties to the side. When both sisters are sure they have proper alignment, they drop their hips in unison, both girls gasping in pleasure as Santa's twin cocks slip inside their love tunnels. Pulling the younger girl's legs out from under her, Doremi finishes the removal of Poppu's tights as Poppu reaches behind her older sister to unzip the back of Doremi's dress. Letting her top fall away, doremi grabs the poinsetta-like petals of Poppu's skirt and pulls the thin, red nylon top off of her little sister before discarding her own. Both sisters now naked except for Doremi's panties, Poppu wraps her legs around Doremi's waist and her arms around her sister's neck. Capturing Poppu's lips in a kiss, Doremi reaches down to knead Poppu's butt cheeks. As the sisters continue to make-out, Doremi begins raising and lowering her hips while using her grip on Poppu's rear to lift and lower the smaller girl at the same pace. The small space between Santa's cocks forces the girls' clitori into direct contact, and the two break off their kiss to moan loudly from being stimulated both internally and externally. It is not long before the sisters climax in unison, their internal muscles simultaneously squeezing Santa's twin erections sending him over the edge, twin fountains of cum erupting deep within the sisters, filling their young wombs. When all three finish riding out their respective orgasms, Poppu is the first to stand, Doremi moving quickly to capture as much of the creampie dripping from Poppu on her tongue. Once satisfied that her sister is clean, Doremi stands as well, Poppu doing the same to her older sister's cum dripping pussy. Dipping into his sack once again, Santa pulls out a double-ended dildo, half red, half green. Presenting it to the sisters, he explains, "When you insert the green end into yourself, it will bond to you like a magical strap-on and not release you until you make a girl climax with the red end. Both ends vibrate while inside a girl, and artificial nerves in the red end allow the wearer to feel every touch on the red end as if they had a real penis." Being quicker, Doremi grabs the double dildo, and sliding the green end into her own pussy gives Poppu a 'I'm gonna rape you' look. Poppu only has time to gulp before she is tackled to the ground and being violated by her older sister. As Santa watches the sisters enjoying their new toy, he hears a plea from behind him of, "Santa Ojii-saaaan..." Turning around, he discovers that it was Onpu who spoke and that she has put herself in quite a compromising position. She is laying in an overstuffed armchair, her legs thrown over the sides, her skirt bunched around her waist. While her white nylon pantyhose are still in place, the thin material does nothing to hide the absense of panties underneath, and the crotch, long since soaked through with the child idol's juices, is quite translucent. Her hands are between her legs, spreading her labia and buttocks, the outlines of both her holes quite visible through the fabric. Taking in the sight, Santa comments, "My my my, such a naughty little girl, wearing such inmodest clothing and displaying yourself in such a vulgar manner. Not even a teenager yet, but already behaving like a mature harlot." Though Onpu is irritated by Santa's words, her pride as an actress refuses to let her show it, maintaining her act of cute, innocent, and horny as hell, saying, "Pleeease, Saaanta, stick your cocks in my cunny and hiney. I feel soooooo empty, I neeeeeed to be filled. " Kneeling in front of the child idol, Santa lines up his cocks with her holes and thrusts them in in a single quick motion. Despite how thin her pantyhose are, they prove quite durable and elastic, allowing Santa to hilt himself in both vagina and anus without the material tearing. Onpu is quite pleased with both the feeling of fullness and the sensations from having the silky fabric of her pantyhose stretched tightly against her skin and inner walls. As Santa begins to work his twin cocks in and out of Onpu's holes, the child idol lets her eyes drift shut as a melody of ecstasy escapes her throat. With her hands clasped over her chest as in prare, she looks almost like a little angel lost in the throws of carnal pleasure. Grabbing hold of her ankles, Santa uses the fingernails of his index fingers to tickle the soles of Onpu's feet through the sheer, white fabric. The resulting sensory overload leaves the helpless girl unable to choose between bouts of uncontrollable laughter from being tickled or uncontrollable moans from being fucked. When Santa finally relents, she is out of breath and unable to do anything other than pant. Just when Onpu is recovering from the tickle assault on her feet, Santa lifts her out of the chair, bringing her head to rest on his chest, the girl instinctually Wrapping her limbs around his neck and waist. Grabbing her perfectly round half-moons, he begins pounding her holes with renewed vigor declaring, "I'm going to flood both your holes." In-between letting out loud moans of pleasure, Onpu manages to choke out, "YES, flood my insides! Fill me up like a water balloon." Just a few thrusts later, both of Santa's cocks erupt like geysers. Though the fabric of Onpu's pantyhose fit between the two like a condom, the material is far too porous to serve as a barrier as the twin jets of semen flood the child idol's womb and bowels. As her tummy starts to swell from the excessive amount of semen coursing inside her, Onpu is hit hard by her own orgasm, both of her holes contracting rhythmically to milk Santa for all he's worth. Digging her fingernails into his shoulders for support, she throws her head back and lets out a scream of pleasure. When Santa pulls Onpu off of his penises and lowers her to the floor, her legs are wobbly. Her anal spincter prevents any cum leaking from her bowels, and her panty hose draw what leaks from her pussy down the inside of her thighs, preventing any from dripping to the floor. Though drenched from waist to knee in cum stains, there is no indication of staining from the anal sex. Dropping to her knees, she wraps her mouth around the penis that was just in her ass, thankful she did such a thorough job cleaning herself out with enemas before the party. As she sucks greedily on one penis, her hand is vigorously jacking off the other, switching periodically which one is in her mouth. Before long her efforts are rewarded with a double cumshot. While she succeeds in swallowing all the semen from the cock in her mouth, she is helpless to avoid a facial from the other. Wiping as much of the gooey, white liquid from her face as possible and licking her hands clean, she gives Santa an innocent smile before asking, "Did Santa enjoy that?" He replies simply, "Yes I did, and I have something I think you will enjoy as well." Reaching into his bag once again, he pulls out what looks like an ordinary beenbag chair with a soft cotton covering the color of lavender. Before Santa can offer any explanation, Onpu asks, "What does it do?" Instead of explaining, Santa replies, "Why don't you sit down, say your horny and find out?" As Onpu walks towards the chair, he adds, "I would recommend removing any clothes you want to keep in one piece." Following Santa's advice, Onpu unties the puffballs holding her shawl in place, letting it fall to the floor before pulling her short-sleeved, mini-skirted dress over her head and tossing it to the ground. Now wearing only her cum-stained pantyhose and a long sleeve undershirt made of the same thin material, she lays down on the beanbag chair and says, "I'm horny." as she closes her eyes and lets her body go limp, waiting to see what kind of perverted enjoyment this innocuous looking item is hiding. As Onpu lays there relaxed, knobby protusions roughly as big around as the girl's forearms form near her hands and feet. These protrusions grow longer and begin coiling their way up the girl's arms and legs. As the growing tentacles wrap their way around Onpu's limbs, they contract and vibrate, gently massaging the muscles of her arms and legs. Upon reaching her shoulders and hips, one pair of tentacles wraps around her neck before merging together to form a collar while the other pair wrap around her waist to merge into a belt. Gripping her firmly enough to support her weight, yet gently enough not to hurt her, the tentacles lift her out of the chair, spreading her limbs apart in the process. Opening her eyes for the first time since activating her new toy, Onpu realizes that she is now suspended a fewfeet above the beanbag chair and completely immobilized by the tentacles. As her restraints continue to constrict and relax in a manner that feels like a massage, a new pair of tentacles, these with ends resembling gloved hands begin massaging and caressing her upper back and chest, slowly working their way down her body. Enjoying the full body massage the tentacles are giving her, Onpu lets her guard down, closing her eyes and going limp in the tentacles' grip. When the hands reach her crotch, they begin tracing the outline of her vulva through her thin pantyhose before gripping the material and ripping it a part to expose her crotch. Having her damp core exposed to the open air sends a shiver through her body, but she continues to bask in the gentle caresses her body is recieving as the hands begin to finger her damp folds. Lost in the gentle pleasure she is recieving, Onpu is unaware that a pair of tentacles resembling Penises is creeping up between her legs, a second pair with suckers coming up the sides. The hands move to Onpu's rear and begin kneading her buttocks as an excuse to spread them apart. All at once, the suckers latch on to Onpu's nipples as the Penis like tentacles bury themselves in her vagina and anus. When Onpu opens her mouth to let out a surprised yell, a third penis-like tentacle comes out of nowhere and shoves itself in her mouth. Buried to her cervix, the tentacle in Onpu's pussy pulls out before ramming itself back in, growing fatter with each thrust, gradually stretching her to new limits. Not satisfied with her rectum, the tentacle in her ass pushes into her colon, constantly wriggling about, but never retreating only going deeper. The suckers retreat from her nipples briefly so the hands can rip away the material covering her chest before latching on again, sucking roughly at her budding breasts. She panics briefly when the tentacle in her mouth forces itself down her throat and into her esophagus, something which should block her airways, but relaxes and begins sucking the tentacle when she realizes she can still breathe easily. Feeling two more penis like tentacles brush against her palms, Onpu gladly closes her hands around them and strokes them as best she can with her arms bound. Meanwhile, two much smaller tendrils, no thicker than a pencil coil their way up the tentacle pounding her passage to her crotch. One of them, resembling the ones suckling at her breasts, latches on to her clitoris while the other, more penis-like tendril, slips into her urethra and makes its way to the girl's bladder. Onpu can feel her bladder quickly filling with fluid being pumped in by the tendril coupled with an intense need to pee, but doesn't feel the pain associated with a bladder that is overfilled or filling too quickly. It is then she realizes that a lot of what the tentacles are doing to her should hurt, but she is only feeling overwhelming pleasure all over her body. Seeing that Onpu is enjoying her gift, Santa turns to the final and by far youngest ojamajo. Seeing that she has Santa's attention, she stands and curtsies before speaking, "Hana-chan has been waiting a long time to meet Santa." Santa responds, "And its a pleasure to finally meet you." Grabbing the white trim on the front of her skirt, Hana asks, "Is Hana-chan a good girl for waiting patiently while Santa sees to Hana-chan's mamas?" As she finishes speaking, she lifts her skirt, showing her underwear, a unusual hybrid of panties and short boxer briefs, a bit of ruffle around the leg holes, a damp spot evident in the crotch of the white fabric. Santa replies, "Patience is a sign of being a good little girl, but it doesn't get rid of all the naughty things you have done. I know you aren't even 3 years old yet, yet you are already an insatiable little nymphet who will milk a man's cock dry and then beg him to eat your creampie even when he's exhausted and begging for mercy." With tears in her eyes and looking down, Hana asks, "Is Santa going to punish Hana-chan for being a naughty girl?" Santa replies, "Yes I am, and you can start taking your punishment by sucking my cock." Doing her best to sound innocent, Hana asks, "Which one?" Realizing he still has two cocks from taking both Harukaze Sisters at the same time and giving Onpu some double penetration, Santa wills his cocks to merge back together, silently answering Hana's question in the process. As Hana kneels down and takes Santa's Cock into her mouth, she thinks to herself, 'Hana-chan really wants to pet the kitty. Damn Hana-chan's Mamas and Magical Stage.' When Santa cums, Hana tries to pull away, but Santa holds her head in place, forcing the young witch to swallow his load. When he's finished, he instructs Hana, "Stand-up and lift your skirt." After doing as she is told, Santa kneels in front of her. Hooking his fingers under her waisband, he pulls her underwear down to her ankles. With an index finger, he begins to gently trace the folds of Hana's vulva. Bucking her hips involuntarily against Santa's finger, Hana whines, "Please Santa, don't tease Hana-chan!" Pulling his hand away from Hana's core, Santa replies, "Turn around and lean forward with your hands on your knees." Hana does as she is told, kicking off her underwear in the process, her cute little butt protruding towards Santa. The elderly man begins kneading her buttocks as he slowly laps away at Hana's love juices. As her entire body trembles from the sensation of Santa's tongue against her girlhood, Hana manages to say between pleasured moans, "Santa's tongue is incredible! Hana-chan's cunny feels soooo gooooood being licked by Santaaaa!" Her moans of pleasure soon turn to whimpers of disappointment as Santa suddenly withdrawals. Trying to turn around to face Santa and realizing her gloved hands are magically stuck to her knees, Hana whines, "Why did Santa stop licking Hana-chan's cunny?" Sitting down in an empty armchair, Santa replies, "Because it's about time Hana-chan came and sat on my lap." Getting his meaning and with hands still bound to knees, Hana waddles over to Santa. With her back to Santa, Hana attempts to sit down so that his penis slips into her vagina, which proves fairly difficult to pull off without her hands to help line things up. After several failed attempts Hana finally manages to bring her hole down square on Santa's tip, letting out a loud moan as his cock sinks into her depths. Finally filled with the cock she's been longing for all night, the horny little witch wastes no time and begins bobbing up and down on Santa's cock as quickly as her thin legs can move her. Riding Santa's cock for all she's worth, Hana exclaims, "Santa's cock feels so good to Hana-chan's cunny! Does Hana-chan's Cunny feel good to Santa's Cock?" Santa replies, "Yes it does. Its quite warm and cozy inside your pussy." Grinning ear to ear, Hana exclaims, "Yay! It makes Hana-chan very happy that Santa is enjoying Hana-chan's cunny!" At that moment, Santa grabs Hana's knees, releasing the spell binding her hands, pulling the young witch towards him, laying her against his chest. With her legs flung over his arms and grabbing her by her thighs near her butt, he begins fucking the young witch at a faster pace then before, her pleasured moans becoming more like screams of delight. Hands clenched in fists in front of her chest, the ecstatic little witch screams, "YES! Fuck Hana-chan's cunny! Make Hana-chan cum! Cum in Hana-chan's cunny! Hana-chan wants Santa to give Hana-chan's cunny a nice gooey creampie!" Less than a minute later, Hana gets her wish as Santa's penis erupts with another spray of semen, coating the young witch's womb and sending her over the edge towards her own orgasm. With a glazed look in her eyes, Hana says softly in a trance like voice, "More... Hana-chan's cunny wants more." Starting to squirm in Santa's arms, trying to move up and down on the elderly man's penis, she says more loudly, "Fuck Hana-chan's cunny some more! Shoot more cum into Hana-chan's womb!" Instead of resuming intercourse, Santa lifts Hana off of his wilting penis, making the girl whine, "No! Don't pull it out! Please stick it back in! Hana-chan's cunny feels so empty without Santa's cock." Setting Hana down on her feet, Santa closes the fly of his long johns. With tear filled eyes, Hana turns to Santa and asks, "Why did Santa stop fucking Hana-chan's cunny? Did it not feel good when Santa came in Hana-chan?" Kneeling down and wiping away Hana's tears, Santa reassures the young witch, "It felt really good, but I gave each of your mamas one turn on my penis, and it wouldn't be fair to them if I let you go a second round. Besides, I have something that should help fill the emptiness in your pussy." Reaching into his magic sack one last time, Santa pulls out what looks like an ordinary dildo and hands it to Hana. Looking at it curiously, Hana asks, "What's special about it?" Smiling gently, Santa replies, "Other than feeling a lot more realistic than ordinary dildos, this one will also turn into a tongue perfect for cunnilingus at your request, and its long enough to lick you all the way to your cervix." Smiling widely, Hana exclaims, "Yay! Hana-chan is going to try it out right away!" With that, Hana finds and empty spot to lay down and begins to furiously slide the dildo in and out of her slippery passage. All of the girls now taken care of, Santa walks over to where his clothes are and quickly dresses before looking around the room. Aiko is still laying on the couch, her eyes glazed over in pleasure and too exhausted to even pant. Momoko is lying in one of the armchairs, her limbs wrapped tightly around the oversized teddy bear as it fucks her relentlessly. Poppu is taking her turn to fuck Doremi with their new toy, and Onpu seems to have passed out from all the stimulation the tentacles are giving her. Hazuki is still on her rocking horse, though squirming quite visibly, likely on the verge of involuntarily voiding her bladder again. Hana seems to be trying out her new toy's cunnilingus mode. Slapping his forehead as he remembers something, Santa speakes, "Most of you probably discovered this already, but anything resembling a penis on the toys I gave you is capable of secriting a fluid with the same look and feel as human semen, but it contains no sperm." With that, Santa walks towards the fireplace, preparing to leave the ojamajo to enjoy their new toys. And laying a finger aside of his nose and giving a nod, up the chimney he goes. The Ojamajo were too busy to hear as he flew out of sight Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.