Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 2: Cosplay Night Chapter 4: Sheriff Momoko The room had rough, but sturdily built brick walls, the floor made of rough cut planks with visible saw marks and splinters, rusted heads of crude iron nails sticking up in places. The only sources of light in the room are a kerosene lamp and a sliver of moonlight shining through a barred window near the ceiling. In the middle of the room, tied to a low wooden cot of only slightly higher quality than the floor lays a man wearing black jeans and a blood red button-up shirt. His unkempt appearance is that of a cowboy used to long stretches in the desert and seldom seeing civilization, but the fact that the small room is obviously a jail cell marks him not as a local ranchhand, but as a bandit. Momoko enters the room, the spurs on her cowboy boots jangling and the floor boards squeaking with her every step. Aside from the boots, the blonde is naked below the waist, and above the waist, all she's wearing is a brown leather vest, a silver star engraved with the word Sheriff glinting on its breast, and matching gloves. Cinched tightly around her waist is a belt with a pair of gun hoisters on either hip, realistic toy guns settled within them. Completing the look, the blonde has a yellow bandanna tied around her neck and a white hat atop her head. Placing a boot on the corner of the cot, and resting her elbow on her bent knee, giving the prisoner a good view of her exposed girlhood and her budding chest, Momoko tilts her hat back to expose her green eyes before speaking in her best imitation of cowboys from the westerns she saw while living in America, "Ya and yer gang are wanted for everythin' from bank and stage coach robbery, to cattle hustlin', and even murder. Ya'll all likely swing if convicted of even a tenth of what yer wanted for. Yer only likely salvation is that ya got the lowest bounty and the rest of yer gang is still at large. Tell me how to find yer gang's hideout, and I might be willing to convince the judge to go easy on ya. So, what will it be, ya low down, good for nothing, polecat?" Wishing he could spit in her face, he replies, "I ain't betraying my brothers to no lawman, especially no floosy wannabe lawman from a two-bit town with no men gutsy enough to lay down the law!" Indignation crossing her features, Momoko removes one of her gloves before slapping it accross the man's face, leaving a red mark on his grimey cheek as she retorts, "Ya talk awfully big for someone who was brought in by a 'floosy wannabe lawman', and I'll have ya know, the men of this town made me sheriff not because they didn't have the guts for the job, but because I can outfight, outgun, outride, outrun, outlasso, outdrink, and outlast even the roughest and toughest of men. Still, I'm kinda glad for yer refusal to cooperate. It's been way too long since I've had the chance to break a man with my feminine wiles." Momoko notices the man's jeans tenting at her verbal assault, but decides against taunting him about apparently enjoying the abuse for the time being. She steps up on to the cot and places her boots to either side of the bound outlaw, her spurs digging slightly into his flesh through his shirt. Given her immodest attire, he has a nearly perfect view of her cunny as she squats down, though he winces a bit as she sits on his crotch in a way that bends his confined erection in an unnatural way. Though his discomfort was her intention, Momoko pretends to ignore it as she leans forward and starts to unbutton his shirt. With his hairy chest exposed, she begins to run her fingers along the valleys of his tone frontside, the rough leather of her still gloved hand a sharp, yet pleasant contrast to the smooth skin of her bare hand. Despite his efforts to not respond to her treatment, he lets out a soft moan at her caresses and she can feel the bulge of his pants press more urgently against her exposed girlhood. "I've barely touched ya, and yer already starting to react." says Momoko, continuing to explore the bandit's exposed chest and abdomen. Grinning widely, she taunts, "Could it be ya'v never known the pleasure of a woman's flesh? Would explain why yer ther only member of your gang none of the women folk have accused of indecency with a lady." Scoffing, he replies, "I'll have ya know I've bedded as many women as any of my brothers. I'm just enough of a gentleman to properly woo a girl instead of tearing her dress and roughly fucking her until her tears make her make-up run, but even if I disagree with how they treat women, I still ain't betraying my brothers." Slapping a thigh and laughing uproarously, Momoko replies, "A gentleman!? That's rich coming from a low life like ya!" Calming down some, she continues, "But if yer as experienced as ya claim, you should have no trouble satisfying me Moving her hands lower, Momoko unfastens his pants and pulls down the front of his boxers to allow his member to spring up as Momoko exclaims, "Looks like ya were packing more heat in yer pants than in both six shooters!" and indeed, the man is quite well endowed. As she wraps both hands around his girth, one near the base, the other near the tip, there is still plenty of exposed meat, and even gripping hard enough to make him wince, she can't touch thumb to forefinger. Starting to stroke him, she comments, "One look at this weapon of yers would send most men and women running for the hills, and most of the ones it wouldn't send running would be tackling ya to the ground to get at it." Feeling her pussy growing wet, she adds, "But even a weapon this impressive is useless if ya don't know how to use it." Rising to a position halfway between a squat and a kneel, she positions his tip at her opening before sinking onto his length, exclaiming, "Ya really know how to stretch a cunt, don't ya?!" as his member fills her completely. Placing her hands on her knees, Momoko starts pistoning up and down on the bandit's shaft, both the sheriff and her prisoner moaning loudly from the action. "So," she starts, "Now that ya've had a taste of my cunt, what do ya say to telling me where yer hideout is?" "I've bedded women who were much better lays than ya, and ain't none of them ever convinced me to betray my brothers." replies the bandit, still cursing his inability to spit in her face. "I can tell yer enjoying this more than ya let on," replies Momoko, "and if ya weren't such a good fuck yerself, I'd stop right now and leave ya with a nasty case of blue balls." Grinding her clit against his pubic bone and clenching her internal muscles, she continues, "If fact, ya got such a nice cock on ya, I wouldn't mind keeping ya for myself. Rat out the rest of yer gang, and I might be able to talk the judge into releasin' ya into my custody and ya can spend every night entertainin' me." "If ya were the widow of some bigshot rancher, that thar might be a temptin' offer, but I ain't betraying my brothers to be some floozy wannabe lawman's wipin' boy!" "Oh well," replies Momoko, "Even if I don't get to keep ya, I can still keep yer cock for my own pleasure. Ya see, in these parts, even if the girl started it, it counts as rape if ya shoot inside without her permission, and the common punishment fer rape 'round here is cuttin' off the man's cock and balls and givin' the girl the option of having them preserved for her pleasure." Leaning back, placing her hands on his knees and increasing her pace, she delivers the final ultimatum, "So, ya can spill the beans, shoot inside me, and I convince the judge to make ya my sex slave, or ya can stay tight lipped, try to outlast me, and when ya fail, I convince the judge to cut ya man bits off for me to play with and ya spend the rest of yer life singin' saprano. Ain't no skin off my back either way, but this is yer last chance to save yer manhood." "Yer bluffin'!" cries the bandit. "Ya can think that, but it won't save ya when yer at the choppin' block." Picking up her pace even more, she adds, "Oh well, ya leave me no choice but to hurry up and milk yer last shot. Maybe ya'll be lucky and outlast me, but considerin' ya'd be the first, I doubt it." With that, Momoko starts to ride him with abandon, bucking more wildly than the meanest of bulls, and it isn't long before the prisoner is shooting his load deep inside her, sending her over the edge as well. Sitting on his lap as she comes down from her climax, Momoko comments, "Well, ya managed to get me off. That's not somethin' many men can claim. Let's see if ya managed to save yer bits or sealed yer fate." Standing up, she looks down to see cum dribbling from her cunny. "Well, that's definitely yer seed pourin' out of me. I hope ya enjoyed shootin' in a woman fer the last time, cause ya'll be a former man by lunch tomorrow." As she steps off the rickety, wooden cot, the bandit cries out, "If ya leave town heading due west, ya'll find a cactus and a ring of stones formin' a sundial. Travel in the direction the Cactus's shadow points at dusk, and ya'll find my brothers' hideout among an outcroppin' of rocks!" "Thank ya for the directions, but yer too late to save yer bits." replies the sheriff coldly as she leaves the cell.