Content warnings specific to this chapter: Roleplayed Rape, Mermaid sex. Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 2: Cosplay Night Chapter 3: Aiko the Mermaid The room was decorated to resemble the below deck area of a wooden sailing ship, a couple of oil lanterns the only source of light in the room. A bearded man wearing a trench coat that exposes his bare chest and a captain's hat enters the room flanked by too younger men wearing striped shirts with bandanna's covering their heads. Speaking in a gruff tone, the captain says, "Show me this interesting catch that got tangled in our fishing nets." Running ahead of their captain, the two sailors approach a covered, wooden wash basin, a spare anchor serving to hold the lid down as something appears to be thrashing around inside. While one sailor holds the lid in place, the other removes the heavy metal object. The Anchor out of the way, the sailor holding the lid says, "On the count of three, I'll let go of the lid and we'll grab the creature as it tries to escape. One... Two... THREE!" As the sailor releases his grip, Aiko bursts forth from the wash basin, sending the lid clattering to the floor and spraying both men with water. Before the blunette can get far, however, both men have grabbed one of her arms. She continues to struggle against their grip to no avail. "So, the mermaids aren't just the stuff of legend." Says the captain, and indeed, instead of the strong, athletic legs that would've normally allowed the blunette to easily escape her captors with a few well-aimed kickes, a much less mobile tail resembling that of a fish dangled below the crucified girl. While her scales appeared fairly dull in the lantern light, it was apparent that they would be a shimmering blue to make the clearest skies and seas jealous if seen in the sun Dropping to one knee to look Aiko in the eye, the Captain continues, "Ye look a bit young to be a slave girl, but I'd bet there's plenty of men who would still pay top dollar to spend a night with such an exotic lass even if she was ugly as sin, and ye ain't to bad looking even if ye got mosquito bites for tits." No longer able to hold her tongue, the blunette snarls, "Shut up, ya dirty old man and tell your goons to let go of me!" "So, the sea beast can speak human tongue, huh? And ye are a feisty one. I like that in a lass, but I hope you've got some fuckable holes, cause yer chest aint going to be pleasuring men for a few years assuming yer kind even grow proper boobs, and with that sharp tongue of yers, I'd bet you'd bite the dick of any man that tried to use that mouth of yers." The captain then reaches out a rough, callused hand to caress Aiko's silky skin. Though unable to restrain a pleasured moan at his surprisingly gentle touch, the mermaid voices a half-hearted protest, "Get ya hands off me,, ya pervert!" Ignoring her protests, he continues down to her waist where her skin transitions seamlessly to her scales. Instead of being rough or slimey, her scales have a pleasant, if somewhat slippery texture. "fer something that lives in the sea, ye got awfully nice skin. It'd be a pleasure just to spend an evening caressing yer lithe form." Gripping her tail where her thighs would be if she were in human form, the captain squeezes the muscles gently, almost massaging them. "Ye tail has some of the most finely toned, yet supple flesh I've ever laid hands on. I guess a lifetime of swimming does wonders for physique." Continueing down her tail, he notices something odd, "Hmm... It appears your tail's bone structure more closely resembles human legs than a fish's tail, ye definitely have two distinct lines of bones going through yer lower half. Hmm, I wonder if yer lower half has any other similarities to a human wench." With that, he starts to probe the scales below her navel and soon locates what feels like a pubic bone, and not far below that, a scalely flap that conceals a small opening. Pressing a finger pass the small opening and into the tight passage beyond, Aiko lets out a loud moan. "Jackpot!" yells the captain, "I think I've found the little lassie's pussy,, or at least something close enough to fuck." As he wriggles his finger around within Aiko's passage, the blunette failing to conceal how much she's enjoying it, he adds, "I don't feel any sign of her maidenhead, so either she ain't a virgin, or her kind done have anything to distinguish virgins." Removing his finger, the captain starts to strip, saying, "Since there's no virginity to auction, I think I'll give her a test run. Hold her down men." As his words sink in and the two sailors who have been holding her up during their captain's inspection lay her on the floor planks pinning her in place, she pleads, "Please don't rape me!" as her tail flops uselessly in her panic. Now completely naked, the captain straddles her tail and speaks in a surprisingly soothing tone, "Calm down lass. I may not value women much beyond their ability to pleasure men, but I ain't a cruel lover and I know how to make it as pleasureable for the wench as it is for me self." Lifting the flap with one hand, he line's up his tip, dripping with precum, with her opening and slowly pushes in. Aiko let's out a long moan as her passage stretches to accomodate his girth and he gasps as her tightness engulfes him. "Damn, the sea bitch is tight!" "please pull out!" Cries the blunette, but her cries are ignored as the captain probes the area between her stuffed opening and the flap that concealed her genitals with his thumb. Finding a small bump, he runs his thumb over it, eliciting the loudest moan of pleasure yet from the mermaid and causing her passage to quiver around his member. "Looks like the little lassie has a clit! And with the way her insides are convulsing from me touching it, a rather sensitive one! Keep quivering like that when I touch yer clit little lass, and I might just shoot off inside ye without needing to thrust me prick!" "NOOO! Dont cum in me! I don't wanna have a human's baby!" Continuing to rub Aiko's clit and enjoying the way her body thrashes in pleasure even as the panicked expression on her face intensifies, the captain comments, "So yer kind can be bred by humans? I'd bet a pregnant mermaid would be quite the sight, or do yer kind lay eggs like fish? Either way, I bet we could make a fortune selling tickets to witness the birth!" Eventually, the clitorial stimulation brings the blunette to orgasm, her traitorous pussy squeezing tightly around the captains prick in an effort to milk out his cum. This is more than he can take and he unloads his balls deep in the mermaids depths, the blunette too lost in her own pleasure to scream her protest at being filled. "Wow! The little lassie really did make me cum just from her quivering around me." Placing his hands to either side of her head, he pulls most of the way out of her before thrusting back in. "Let go of her arms, I don't think she'll be escaping and I intend to give her cunt a proper fucking." The two sailors release their grips as their captain starts pounding the mermaid's pussy with abandon. With their hands free, they drop their own trousers and start jacking off to the sight, both secretly hoping their captain will allow them a turn with the blunette when he's done. Hoarse from screaming, Aiko's protests are reduced to whimpers as the captain continues to fuck her body that is enjoying the experience far more than she is. After shooting his second load into her womb, the Captain pulls out and flips her over. With her head being held to the planks by the captain's large hand, Aiko says horsely, "What are you going to do to me now?" Instead of answering her, the captain uses his other hand to probe her tail in the region below the end of her spine until he finds another hole, this one even tighter than the concealed vagina in front. As he presses his tip to what he suspects is the Mermaid's anus, Aiko rasply tries to raise her voice, "NO! That hole is for disposing of waste! It's exit only!" Only for the captain to mercily bury himself up the blunette's poop chute. Ignoring the girl's cries, he fucks her ass relentlessly and is soon unloading his balls deep in her bowels. Pulling out and using a rag from the wash basin to wipe his member clean, the Captain says, "Yer ass is even better than yer pussy, little lass. If ye weren't obviously of a tomboyish sort, I'd be tempted to keep ye for me self instead of selling ye into prostitution." Turning to his men, both of whom look like their struggling not to waste their seed on the floor planks, the captain says, "I'm spent. Feel free to have yer way with her, just don't do anything that would hurt what we'd get at the brothels." Saluting, the pair say in unison "Aye, Aye, Captain!" as the bearded man leaves the room. Lifting the exhausted girl up, the two sailors thrust into her at the same time, one taking her pussy and the other her ass and both erupting almost immediately. The two then proceed to fuck the mermaid senseless, periodically swapping places. By the time the two sailors are done and deposit Aiko back into the washbasin, she doesn't even have the strength left to keep her head above water. As the men leave and unconsciousness starts to claim the blunette, Aiko's last thought is, 'I'm glad my transformation included gills."