Warnings specific to this chapter: Lolidom, Orgasm denial, Roleplay of two unwilling participants forced to have sex by a third. Author's notes: Wanted this out in time for Halloween, and I'm less than two weeks late on that front. Anyways, plenty of Onpu action in this chapter plus some Hana. Also, while the costume Hana wears here is my own idea, Onpu's costume is taken from official sources though I don't think it ever showed up in the anime itself. Anyways, on to the story. Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 2: Cosplay night Chapter 2: An Angel and a Devil. The small room is dimly lit by candles around its perimeter. Its only occupant is a young man prone on the floor, his clothes missing and his limbs bound to metal spikes hammered into the floorboards. Beneath him, drawn in chalk on the hardwood, is a complicated geometric pattern inscribed within a circle. The room's only door opens and in walks Onpu. Instead of her usual attire, the purple apprentice is wearing a simple dress made of a dark purple, almost black material, and her perfectly pedicured feet are on full display. The garment is sleeveless and comes to mid-thigh with a heart-shaped cut out over her chest that would show off plenty of cleavage if worn on a girl with a full bust. Two small, bat-like wings protrude from her back as does a long, slender tail ending in a pink, heart-shaped barb. The child idol turned devil lolita addresses the bound man, "I've finished searching the house and didn't find any other humans. It would appear you were telling me the truth when you said you live alone. Bit disappointing that I only get to damn the soul of a single human today, but at least this way, I get to take my time and have some fun with it." Looking and sounding terrified, the man replies, "Wh-What are you going to do to me?" Tapping her chin with her index finger, she answers, "Well... You're actually quite lucky. Some of my more violent brethren might put you through torture so horrible that you'd wish for death, and if the desire to smite your enemies had been what drove you to trying to summon a demon, botching it would've left you at the mercy of such a monster. Since your goal was to get a girlfriend, which is really quite pathetic a reason for attempting a summoning ritual, you instead ended up with a cute little devil like myself who specializes in leading mortals to damnation via lust." Smiling devilishly, she adds, "I'm no true succubus, but you might really enjoy this, especially if you're a depraved lolicon who likes being dominated." Walking over to where he is tied to the floor, she stands over him, letting him peer up her skirt to see that she isn't wearing any panties. Squating, the devil girl lowers her girlhood to his mouth, a non-verbal command to eat her out apparent in her motions. When he fails to start pleasuring her, Onpu lifts her tail high before bringing it down in a lightning fast motion, the crack of a whip reverberating in the small room as her tail leaves a bright red welp on his skin. His scream of pain is muffled by the devil's girlhood, but she lets out a loud moan at the sensation this sends through her small frame. "Okay," onpu starts, "I'll give you two choices. Either you can lick my cunny of your own accord, or I can continue whipping you with my tail and enjoying you screaming into my crotch. Either way, I'm not moving from this seat until you've made me cum!" Taking her threat seriously, he parts his lips and starts lapping away at her folds, causing the devil girl to moan softly at his ministrations. Leaning back, placing her hands on the floor, and grinding her hips against his face, Onpu comments, "You're pretty good at licking pussy, at least for a virgin." Not sure if she just complemented him or insulted him, the bound man drives his tongue as deep into her passage as it'll reach and starts wriggling it around within her depths. At the same time, his teeth graze her clit, not enough to cause her pain, but enough to send a jolt of electricity up her spine. The combination causes her to tremble from head to toe, her wings fluttering and her tail thrashing as her moans grow louder. Before long, the devil girl is cumming, screaming her pleasure at the top of her lungs. When she comes down from her climax, Onpu comments, "I didn't think you would make me cum that hard or quickly. Maybe you aren't completely worthless as a man afterall." Onpu turns around and slides to his chest, the back of her dress riding up to give him a glimpse of her half-moons as she does so, and examines the man's penis. When she entered the room, it had been flaccid and barely an inch long, but now it stands erect at a heightof nearly six inches. "Hmm...." Onpu comments, "Not an overly impressive size, but at least it isn't nearly as small as I feared it would be from how tiny it is flaccid." Indignantly he replies, "Hey! I'm at least above average... and it doesn't matter how small I am fla..." She cuts him off by squeezing his cock in one hand, commenting, "Oh, be quiet before I decide you deserve a tail-whipping." He falls silent as she gives his member a few strokes befor leaning back and propping herself up on her arms. Onpu brings up her feet and sandwiches the cock between her soles and begins stroking his member with her bare feet. Hearing him moan from her actions, Onpu comments, "You really are a pervert, aren't you? Getting off on recieving a footjob?" She pauses midstroke, causing him to struggle against his bonds in an attempt to thrust against her feet. "And so impatient as well, it seems." she adds before resuming her ministrations, now stroking from tip to base with one foot as the other slides from base to tip. Picking up her pace, Onpu says, "I guess I'll be merciful and finish you off quickly..." and shortly thereafter,,, the man's prick is erupting, coating the devil girl's feet in his seed. When his semen stops flowing, Onpu stands with only her heels touching the floor to minimize leaving cummy foot prints. Turning around, she lifts one foot in front of his face, using her natural poise and her extra appendages to maintain balance as she declares, "Just look at the mess you made! You got your nasty cum all over my freshly pedicured feet! If you don't want me to whip you or crush your balls, you had better lick them clean!" Convinced by her performance into thinking the threats are real, he opens his mouth and starts licking his seed from the foot presented before him, being sure to lick between her toes and even sucking on each of the tiny digits in turn. When the foot is cleaned to her satisfaction, Onpu places it on the floor before presenting her other foot for cleaning. Once her feet are free of semen, Onpu squats between the man's bound legs and examines the man's still erect penis, commenting, "Nice to see you didn't go limp after just one orgasm. I wouldn't be able to have any fun if your stamina was that pathetic. I'll have to do something about the leftover cum on your prick though." Reaching into the heart-shaped opening over her chest, the devil girl pulls two small items from within her dress. One is an individually wrapped wet wipe which she rips open and uses to clean the man's cock of the remaining semen. The other item is a simple band of gold which she slides over the tip of his cock and down his shaft. Once at the base of his prick, the ring looks to be quite snug around his shaft, skin bulging from under the band. Indicating the ring with her finger, she explains to her captive, "This enchanted cock ring was forge by one of the finest smiths in hell. It'll ensure you stay on the brink of orgasm and can never cum. It's the perfect accessory for letting lustful lady devils have their way with mortal men without the risk of some mere mortal trying to shoot his nasty sperm inside her." Standing up, she positions her feet to either side of his hips before squating again, this time with her hands on her knees and her legs spread so that the front of her dress rides up enough to give him a good view of her girlhood. Stopping with her opening poised over his tip, she says, "You should feel honored that you get to lose your virginity to a cute little devil like me." before dropping her hips, her passage engulfing his cock as her nether lips make contact with the golden cock ring, a loud moan of pleasure escaping her throat. The devil girl lifts her hips until she's nearly completely off the man's prick before impaling herself fully upon his member once again and is soon riding him at a quick pace, lost in her own pleasure. Onpu is broken out of her trance when she hears the man whine, "Please! Let me cum!" Grinning devilishly, She leans forward and says teasingly, "Are you already on the verge? Don't have much stamina, do you?" "it's because you're so hot and tight inside!" exclaims the man. Smiling wider she says, "Thank you for the compliment, but flattery will get you nowhere. I'm supposed to be punishing you for daring to think you could bring a devil under your command, and the tension you're feeling right now, feeling like you're ready to explode, but denied the release of orgasm is part of that punishment. So no, you don't get to cum, and just to add insult to injury, I'm about to cum around that cock of yours." Leaning back, supporting herself with one arm as her other hand goes to her clit, Onpu angles her body so the man's cock strikes her g-spot with every downward motion of her hips. Soon, the devil girl is trembling in orgasm, her passage convulsing around her prisoner's throbbing cock as the cock ring continues to prevent his orgasm. She continues to ride him through her orgasm, going into a series of multiple orgasms as a result, but she doesn't halt her torture of the man even as the last of her tremors subside. By the time Onpu finally dismounts the man's abused cock, she's had a half-dozen rounds of multiple orgasms. With a satisfied smile on her face, Onpu declares, "You aren't a bad fuck. I might've just left you like this, but I think I'll show you some mercy and let you enjoy what I found while searching the house." Turning her head to the door, she yells, "You can come in now!" The door opens to reveal Hana dressed as an angel, wearing a simple, long-sleeved dress that comes to the blonde's knees and a pair of small, white, and feathery wings fluttering on her back. The only other artifact worn by the blonde is a pair of golden handcuffs binding her hands. As Onpu makes a come hither gesture with her hand, the angel approaches the scene with jerky motions as if her movements are not of her own volition. Seeing the blonde, the bound man states, "I thought you said you didn't find anyone else in the house." Onpu replies, "I said I didn't find any humans, I said nothing about whether I had found any foolish little angels come to your rescue." Pinching Hana's cheek, she continues, "It was easy for me to subdue this little cutie, and while I would normally take her home with me to have my way with her, I've decided I'll let you help me in defiling her." Having seen the entire scene through the crack of the door and suspecting what the devil has in store for her, Hana protests, "Please let Hana-chan go! Angels aren't supposed to get involved with mortals!" Giggling, Onpu replies, "How cute! She thinks she has a choice in the matter even though she knows her body is under one of my puppet spells. Don't worry little angel, you'll be experiencing a world of forbidden pleasures soon enough." Dropping to her knees, Onpu lifts up the hem of Hana's dress to discover that instead of panties, the angel is wearing a brown leather chastity belt encasing her pelvis. The devil comments, "Looks like a naughty little angel has already broken her vows of celibacy." Denying the implied accusation, Hana replies, "Hana-chan's a good girl! Hana-chan's wearing that to protect Hana-chan from naughty devils who want to molest Hana-chan!" Running her finger over the belt's locks, which click open immediately at the devil's touch, Onpu replies, "If that was the real reason for you being in a chastity belt, then why was I able to open it so easily? I bet your really a little cumslut who's one infraction away from falling and your superiors put you in this with a lock just a bit too strong for you to unlock yourself as part of some punishment." Hana-chan continues to protest, "That's not true!" Rolling her eyes, Onpu says, "Keep lying to yourself all you want, it's really none of my concern, but now that I've got that belt off of you, it's time you gave this guy the release I've been denying him." Onpu leads the reluctant angel to where the man is tied to the floor and forces the blonde to kneel with her knees on either side of the man's hips, the tip of his still erect and purpling member grazing the outside of the angel's girlhood. As Onpu Reaches between Hana's legs to pull the cock ring off the man's member, the angel pleads, "Please! Don't make Hana-chan do this!" Ignoring the protests, Onpu yanks Hana's dress up and over the angel's wings and head, the handcuffs causing it to bunch up around the blonde's bound hands Cupping the angel's budding breasts and pinching the nipples hard enough to make Hana gasp in both pain and pleasure, Onpu whispers in the blonde's ear, "Oh, be quiet and enjoy the experience." before forcing the angel down upon the man's member. Hana tries to pull herself off the throbbing penis within her, but the devil pushes the angel back down everytime the blonde comes close to getting off the cock. even as pleasure from her core radiates throughout the angel's body, Hana begs, "Please let me get off before he fills me with his seed." Continueing to play with the blonde's tiny breasts and ignoring her protests, Onpu addresses the man, "Too bad you didn't have any female relatives living with you. It's always so much fun to watch the reactions as I force men to rape their sisters, daughters, or mothers. Guess I'll have to settle for watching you inseminate this cute, little angel." Deciding it's futile to try and reason with a devil, Hana instead pleads to the man, "Please Mister, you can't cum in Hana-chan!" Before the man can reply, Hana can feel Onpu's hands moving to the angel's butt to spread the blonde's half-moons apart. Shocked, Hana complains, "HEY! Leave Hana-chan's butt alone!" Another devilish smile on her face, Onpu says, "Still resisting even though it's obvious your fate is sealed? You saw how long I denied this man orgasm, it's only a matter of time before he erupts within you and fills every cubic inch of your insides with cum. As for your butt..." Onpu pauses in her speech to press the tip of her tail against Hana's puckered anus, the two lobes of the heart-shaped barb flattening against the shaft of the devil girl's tail. Hana barely has time to scream, "Don't stick anything up Hana-chan's butt!" Before Onpu plunges the barb forward, burying it deep in the angel's bowels. Hana screams in a mixture of pleasure from her core and pain from her rear as Onpu starts to fuck the blonde's ass with the barbed end of the devil's tail. 'TAKE IT OUT!" Screams the angel, but Onpu only increases pace in response. Shortly there after, the man erupts within the angel, prompting an exclamation of "OH GOD NO! He's cumming in Hana-chan!" Hana renews her struggles to get free as Onpu holds the angel down on the cum spewing cock. "Please Mister, stop cumming in Hana-chan!" yells the blonde even as her own orgasm crashes into her. As the angel trembles in orgasm while being held by the devil girl, a change comes over the blonde. Hana halts her struggles and then starts riding the man's cock of her own volition, placing her cuffed hands on the man's chest. As the reluctant angel turned eager participant rides the man's member, her eyes glazing over in pleasure, she starts chanting, "Cum in Hana-chan! Cum in Hana-chan!" Continueing to fuck the angel's ass with her tail, Onpu comments, "I knew you were a cumslut! I guess it just took being pumped full of cum for you to drop your facade of being a good little angel and giving in to your lust." Seeing feathers starting to fall from Hana's wings to reveal a black leathery membrane underneath, she continues, "And looks like I was right about you being on the verge of falling!" Ignoring the devil girl, Hana continues her chanting and her attempts to milk more semen from the bound man's penis, her wings become less white and feathery and more black and leathery and a tail starts to grow from the base of the blonde's spine. By the time Hana's tail has grown to the length of Onpu's and the blonde's wings have fully turned black, looking more like the wings of a bat than a bird, the blonde is once again lost in the throes of orgasm, her pussy milking the man's cock as he delivers another load directly to Hana's womb. As her orgasm washes over her and her transformation completes, Hana feels a surge of power coursing through her. Suddenly, the blonde breaks free of Onpu's grip and snaps the chain holding her hand cuffs together. Standing up and discarding her dress, the now fallen angel, naked except for the bracelets that were once her handcuffs, turns towards the devil before saying, "Thank you for freeing Hana-chan from the brainwashing they put Hana-chan through when Hana-chan didn't quite live up to the standards of being an angel. Hana-chan hopes you don't mind that Hana-chan's brand of gratitude leans towards the lustful." Before Onpu can reply, the lustful little devil finds herself pinned to the floor by the fallen angel who proceeds to plant kisses all over the devil's face before nearly ripping Onpu's dress in the effort to strip the purple-haired girl. Once Onpu has joined Hana in nudity, the blonde positions herself so that her own girlhood can rub against Onpu's thigh while her own thigh rubs against Onpu's girlhood, and the fallen angel proceeds to grind against the devil even as she captures the purple-haired girl in a hug and Onpu's lips in a kiss, the two girls swallowing each other's pleasured moans. The pair are interrupted when the bound man speaks, "Watching two cute girls go at it is hot and all, but mind untying me?" Deciding having him join them would be fun and Onpu in no position to object, Hana uses her tail to grab the spikes holding the man's bindings and pull them from the floor. While he removes the rope from his now free limbs, Hana repositions herself so Onpu's knees are pinned to the devil's sides and both the girl's nipples and clits can rub together. Breaking the kiss, Hana cheerfully says, "Come on mister, creampie our cunnies to your cock's content!" Approaching the two girls, The man lines up his cock, hard with the thought of payback, with Onpu's opening and rams it in without any warning. Realizing that he's still without the cock ring, Onpu yells, "Don't cum in me!" As he begins to thrust into the devil's pussy over and over again, he replies, "After how you denied my orgasm earlier? Of course I'm going to cum inside you, you little bitch." Before Onpu can reply, Hana has captured her lips in another kiss. The man deposits two loads in the devil as payback for earlier before giving Hana another fucking as thanks for freeing him and giving him the opportunity to have his revenge on the devil. After what seems like hours, the three collapse in a pile, all three exhausted and thoroughly satisfied as they drift off to sleep.