Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 2: Cosplay Night Chapter 1: The Master and His Pets Doremi, Hazuki, and Poppu are waiting for their client in a room set-up like the living room of a small apartment. Based on their client's request, the three girls have used magic to transform into animal girls, though with any luck their client will simply think their extra ears and tails are just really good prosthetics. Doremi has become a dog girl, light brown fur covering her arms and legs up to the hips and shoulders and a short, bushy tail. The redhead's usual odango have been replaced with twin ponytails to give the impression of floppy dog ears, and except for a dog collar, the pink apprentice is naked with only her new fur for warmth. Hazuki is a catgirl for the evening, soft downy fur of a dark blue covering her arms and legs, and a long black tail extending from the base of her spine, a ribbon matching the one in her hair tied around the end of her tail. While her big, round glasses are still prominent on her face, the bespectacled girl is now sporting a pair of over-sized cat ears and prominent whiskers. Like her best friend, the Orange apprentice is naked except for a collar, this one sporting a small bell. The smallest of the trio has taken on the guise of a mouse, her new fur gray with just the slightest hint of pink. Like her sister, Poppu isn't wearing her usual hairstyle, the feathery protrusions having been rounded off to resemble mouse ears. The pinkette's bald tail is the longest of the three, and like Hazuki, she now has whiskers growing from her cheeks. Upon hearing the door open, all three girls run on all fours to greet their client. As the 20-something enters the room he finds himself surrounded by three excited girls all trying to greet him at the same time. "YAY! Master's Home de Wan!" exclaims Doremi, her tail wagging furiously. "Welcome home master, nyaa." says Hazuki more sedately, rubbing up against the man's leg. "I missed master, chu!" says Poppu, clawing at the man's pants leg. Trying to ward off the three girls, the man says, "Now now, settle down girls." while trying to not drop the bag he was carrying. When they refuse to calm down, he shouts a command, "SIT!" Upon hearing the command, all three girls plop their naked butts on the carpet, their feet flat on the floor with bent knees pointed toward the ceiling and their hands on the floor between their feet. Even as he says "Good girls!" as means of praise, all three girls fidget where they sit. Hazuki is the first to catch his attention with her fidgeting, and kneeling down to pet her on the head, he asks, "Is something wrong with my little kitty?" Blushing deeply and grabbing her bare crotch, the bespectacled girl replies quietly, "I-I need to tinkle, but my litter box has been empty all day., nyaaa!" He replies, "Has my little kitty had any accidents?" Her blush deepening, Hazuki answers, "I've been a good girl, nyaa. I've been a purr-fectly obedient little kitty and held my waste water, nya!" Tightening her grip on her crotch, she adds quietly, "But I'm going to become a naughty little kitty if my litterbox isn't refilled soon, nyaaa!" "Good thing I bought this while I was out today." He says as he pulls a brand new bucket of kitty litter from his shopping bag. Seeing the bucket, Hazuki exclaims, "YAY! Please fill my litter box quickly before I tinkle on the carpet, nyaaa!" Hazuki follows him over to the kitchenette on all fours and bounces in place as he pours litter from the bucket into an empty litter box. Once he's done, the bespectacled catgirl Squats over the gray, sand-like litter, her butt mere centimeters above the surface and relaxes her pelvic floor. As she does so, a powerful stream of urine shoots forth, turning the litter a dark yellow. Closing her eyes, Hazuki lets the relief of emptying her bladder wash over her, not caring that she has an audience, her tail swishing from side-to-side to illustrate her contentment. Meanwhile, the pitter patter of Hazuki's pee against litter only makes Doremi and Poppu's desperation worse, and as the man turns around to see the redhead and pinkette grabbing their crotches and fidgetting, he asks, "Do my other pets also need to tinkle?" "Yes de Wan!" Doremi yells, "Master didn't leave any paper for me to piddle on when master left, de wan!" "And there isn't any wood shavings in my crate, chu!" Adds the mouse girl in a shakey voice. "Did either of you have any accidents while I was out?" he asks. Doremi answers, "No, but I was tempted several times to be a naughty girl and do my business on the carpet, de wan!" The pinkette responds, "I'm a good girl, chu! I would never even think of doing such things, chu!" Smiling down at the two desperate girls, he replies, "Sorry for making my girls suffer like this." Pulling out a roll of wax paper from his shopping bag, he quickly rolls out a large square in front of Doremi. "Here you go, my little puppy." Letting out an excited, "Thank You, de Wan!" Doremi quickly crawls onto the wax paper and raising a leg in the air, lets go as her waste water arcs downward and stains the white paper yellow. Two of his pets taken care of, the man pulls a bag of wood shavings from his shopping bag and walking over to a small wooden crate, dumps the contents into the crate. Before he can declare that he's finished, Poppu hops into the crate, digs a hole and squats over it before releasing her own full bladder. As the three girls finish evacuating their bladders, they all shake to get rid of the last few drops. Hazuki and Poppu use their hands to bury their puddles with dry matter from their respective waste receptacles while Doremi simply crawls away leaving the man to gather up the soaked paper and trash it before laying down a clean sheet for the dog girl's next potty break. The girls' toilet needs taken care of and clean up complete, the man sits on the couch and is soon surrounded by three very affectionate animal girls. "You three are unusually affectionate today!" he declares. Doremi replies, "I don't know why, but master's scent is unusually pleasant today, de wan! It makes me want to be close to master!" as she wraps her arms around his neck and rubs her crotch against his thigh. Nuzzling her face against an arm, Hazuki adds, "Yeah, and I'm feeling all tingly between my legs, nyaa!" Grinding against his other thigh, Poppu says, "Me too, chu!" "My my, it sounds like all three of my girls are going into heat." He says, pulling them into a group hug. "Would my girls like to be bred by their master?" Eyes shining and tails wagging, all three girls exclaim excitedly, "YES!" there verbal ticks blending into incoherency. "Hmm, which of my girls should I service first?" He asks to which the girls drop to the floor and present their horny girl parts in an attempt to intice. On hands and knees, her tail wagging to spread the scent of her arousal, Doremi begs, "Please master, fuck your cute little bitch's hot, horny twat, de Wan!" Bending her elbows until she's nearly kissing the carpet and pushing her butt high in the air with her legs, Hazuki adds, "Please Master, use your Purrick to pound your pussy's pussy, nyaaa!" Standing on both hands and feet, Poppu adds, "Don't forget your little mousy's tiny hole, Chu!" The sight of the three girls showing off their cunnies and begging to be fucked leaves the man with his erection straining painfully against the confines of his pants. Undoing his pants, he lets them drop to the floor, soon followed by his boxers. Kneeling behind Doremi and grabbing her hips, he says, "Since you're the oldest, I think I will start with my cute little bitch." Doremi lets out a very canine yelp as he slams his member home within the redhead's passage. As he begins thrusting in and out of the dog girl, she starts panting heavily, her tail wagging vigorously. "Yes Master! Fuck me like the bitch in heat that I am de Wan!" yells the pink apprentice as her pussy is pounded from behind. Meanwhile, Hazuki and Poppu watch the two as they rut, both fighting the urge to finger their own dripping wet girlhoods. Feeling himself approach orgasm, the man asks, "I'm almost ready to cum. Does my bitch want me to put a litter of puppies in her belly?" Feeling her own orgasm building, Doremi exclaims, "YES! Fill my tummy with Master's puppies de Wan!" After a few more strokes, he rams his cock deep within her, spraying hot cum all over Doremi's womb as she howls like a wolf from her own orgasm tearing through her. When there orgasms have subsided, he carefully turns the dog girl over on to her back, his prick still deep within her. Grabbing both of her ankles in one hand, he lifts her rear off the floor while carefully withdrawing, not letting a drop leak from the redhead's cunny. With his free hand, he places a pillow from the couch under her rear to keep it elevated before spreading her legs and placing her ankles to either side of her head. Satisfied with how she's positioned, he says, "Now, stay like that for a while to let my seed soak into your womb." As he goes to tend to the other girls, Doremi, still horny and positioned such that she has an excellent view of her own pussy, is overcome with the urge to lick her own crotch. Hooking her arms under her knees and taking advantage of the extra flexibility her spine has gained thanks to her transformation, the redhead curls herself into a ball and proceeds to perform cunnilingus on herself, her moans only adding to her pleasure as she does so. Meanwhile, the man turns his attention towards Hazuki, saying, "I think I'll mate my little kitty next." With a canary eating grin on her face, Hazuki once again assumes the elevator butt position in preparation for being mounted. The horny kitty soon gets her wish as the man grabs her hips and sinks his length within her depths. Howling in pleasure as he pounds her pussy, the catgirl exclaims, "YES Master! The way your purick is stretching my insides feels just purrfect! Please pound my pussy pussy until I can't walk straight, nyaa!" Nearing his second orgasm of the evening, the man asks, "Does my queen also want her womb flooded with her master's semen?" Tail thrashing violently from the pleasure of her own building orgasm, Hazuki yells, "YES! I want to have master's kittens, Nyaa!" He soon erupts within the bespectacled girl, filling her womb with his thick cream. As with Doremi, He turns the brunette on her back and places a pillow under her rear to elevate it before turning his attention to the youngest of his pets. While his attention is focused on Poppu, Hazuki also begins to lick herself, greatly enjoying the taste of her master's cream. Poppu gets on all fours, but he says, "As small as my little mousy is, I'm afraid I'd crush you if I tried mounting you like a buck would. Instead, I want my little doe to come sit in my lap." Doing as she's told, Poppu walks over to where he has sat on the floor cross-legged. As she lowers herself into his lap, he lines up his cock so it slides up inside her as she descends. Once fully seated upon his cock, Poppu declares, "Master's cock is so big! Much bigger than any buck's, Chu!" The mouse girl lets out a squeak as he hooks an arm under both of her legs and starts raising and lowering her on his member, all the while using his free hand to stimulate her clitty. Feeling like she's about to explode from the overwhelming pleasure, Poppu manages to ask, "Is Master going to put a litter of pinkies in my tummy, chu?" "If that is what my little mousy wants," he replies, "I'll even give you two shots of my cum for being such a good little girl and waiting patiently while I took care of your sisters." On the verge of orgasm, Poppu yells, "YES! Please fill my tummy with Master's pinkies, chu!" At her words, his member erupts once again, filling the pinkette's womb with his seed and sending her over the edge. As her passage spasms around his prick, he continues to pound the small girl's pussy, sending her in to multiple orgasms and soon delivering a second load of his cum. When he lays Poppu on her back with her rear elevated, the pinkette is so exhausted that she drifts off to sleep. Only now does he notice that the two older girls have licked all of his semen from their respective pussies. Looking at the two girls, he says, "My my, what naughty girls, licking all of your master's cream from your cunnies. Now I'm going to need to punish you." Retrieving a shopping bag from where he left it, he pulls out two pairs of handcuffs and soon Doremi and Hazuki are on their backs, their legs up, and their hands bound under their knees in such a way they couldn't resume licking their pussies. Placing his tip at Hazuki's opening, the man starts to jack-off, teasing the girl, but not offering her any real satisfaction, ignoring her pleas for him to bury his member within her. After squirting a load into her opening and giving it a minute to trickle down to her cervix, he pulls a dildo from the bag and rams it all the way into her opening, plugging her up. He next locks the cat girl in a chastity belt before repeating the procedure with Doremi. Dog and cat bound and mouse asleep, all three with his semen soaking into their wombs, he declares, "I think I will leave my pets like this while I go get us something for supper." before leaving the room.