Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 1: Virgin Auction Chapter 7: Hana-chan's Sex Education Hana rushes into her bedroom on the MAHO-Dou's top floor, a megawatt smile crossing the magically younger than she looks witch as she kicks off her shoes, shimmies out of her scandalously short and tight jean shorts and pulls her flower print blouse over her head. Now in nothing but a pair of plain, white cotton panties, the toddler in preteen's clothing skips over to her dresser and pulls out her pajamas before donning them. Remaining barefoot and looking like she's ready for bed, the blonde leaves the room heading towards the basement, thinking aloud as she goes, "Hana-chan wonders what kind of fun Onii-chan has in store for Hana-chan tonight!" ### As Hana-chan enters a simply furnished bedroom, she says in her best imitation of a scared little girl, "Onii-chan! Onii-chan, please wake up!" Under the covers of the full-size bed, a man looking to be of college age stirs. Looking up to see the girl rubbing an eye in feigned sleepiness, he replies, "What do you want, squirt?" Adding her best fake tears to her performance, Hana-chan whines, "Hana-chan had a bad dream! Hana-chan is scared to go back to bed alone. Can Hana-chan sleep with Onii-chan tonight?" Letting out a huff, he replies in feigned annoyance, "Sure, though your really getting too old to go jumping in other's beds when you have nightmares." As he pulls back the covers, revealing himself to be wearing boxers and a t-shirt. As she lays down, pressing her back against his front, Hana replies, "That's what mama and papa said before sending Hana-chan back to Hana-chan's bedroom, but Hana-chan knew Onii-chan wouldn't turn away his favorite little sister!" Pulling the covers over the both of them, he replies, "You're my only little sister. Now, you should try to get some sleep." with that, he places an arm over the girl in a protective embrace. As she snuggles against the man, she retorts, "Doesn't make Hana-chan any less Onii-chan's favorite little sister." before closing her eyes and pretending to drift off to sleep. ### Sometime later, Hana's eyes snap open as she does her best to sound like someone who was just startled awake, "Onii-chan, something is poking Hana-chan's butt!" An obvious tent in his boxers, and Hana positioned such that her butt is rubbing against his crotch, the man replies, "That's just my penis." Somewhat put at ease, the naive little girl asks, "Onii-chan's penis?" Smiling, he replies, "Yeah, turn around and I'll show you. As she rolls over to face him, he pulls down the front of his boxers to expose his engorged manhood to the little girl. Throwing off the covers to get a better look, Hana's first comment is, "Huh? that looks nothing like Hana-chan's pee pee." Chuckling softly, he replies, "Well, that's only natural since you're a girl and only boys have penises. Why don't you try touching it?" Reaching out a hand tentatively, she strokes his penis gently. Hearing a gasp escape his throat, the blonde asks in a worried tone, "Did Hana-chan hurt Onii-chan?" He replies reassuringly, "Not at all! In fact, it felt good when you touched me." Enboldened by his words, she begins to stroke the member, unknowingly performing her first handjob before asking her next question, "How did Onii-chan hide something so big?" He replies, "Well, it's normally much smaller and wiggly like a piece of ramen. It only gets big and stiff like this when I spend too long close to a cute girl." A blush burning accross her cheeks, Hana asks, "O-Onii-chan thinks Hana-chan is cu-cute?" Smiling at her reaction, he says, "Hana-chan is downright adorable!" prompting the blonde's entire face to go red as Doremi's hair. Whining, the girl protests, "Onii-chan shouldn't tease Hana-chan like that!" Chuckling some more, he replies, "But I'm being serious, you're the cutest little thing I've ever laid eyes on." Before the girl can let out another embarassed retort, he adds, "You know what would feel even better than you stroking my penis?" Trying to push down her embarassment at the string of compliments, she asks, "Wh-what?" His replies comes swiftly, "If you were to take it in your mouth and lick it like a lollipop." Eager to please, the blonde quickly wraps her lips around his cockhead, taking the lollipop comparison to heart as she continues to stroke his shaft. As he enjoys her treatment, he speaks, "You should probably know that penis is only the proper name for a boy's "pee pee" and that it has many names that big girls use for it." Seeing the girl make eye contact, confirming that she is listening, he continues, "Among the most common names for a man's penis are dick, cock, prick, and member, though this list is far from complete." Briefly removing her mouth from his member, Hana declares, "Hana-chan likes the word cock. May Hana-chan call it Onii-chan's cock?" before resuming her first blowjob. Smiling, he replies, "That'll be just fine." as he lays a hand gently on her scalp. "By the way, what you're doing with your mouth is called fellatio, though most use the slang blowjob or just sucking a man's cock." Nodding to show her understanding, the blonde continues working her tongue all over his cock head. Several minutes later, he lets out a grunt and holds her head in place by the roots of her twintails as he deposits several dallops of hot, fresh sperm on the blonde's tongue, which she swallows instinctually. When he releases her, she pulls away and exclaims, "EW! Did Onii-chan just pee in Hana-chan's mouth?" Laughing softly, he replies, "While guys do pee with their cocks, that wasn't pee, but semen. You made me feel so good that I was forced to ejaculate in your mouth." Showing off her prodigious intelligence that most miss on account of her eccentric behavior, Hana replies, "So when a girl makes a guy's cock feel really good, he ejaculates, which is the process of squirting that thick, salty stuff, which is called semen?" Patting her on the head, he replies, "That is correct! Semen is also known as cum, jizz, and seed among other things with cumming and jizzing being common slang terms for ejaculation." Nodding, she replies, "Hana-chan understands!" Suddenly becoming aware of an unfamiliar sensation between her legs, she adds, "Onii-chan, Hana-chan feels all tingly in Hana-chan's panties, and it isn't the tingle Hana-chan gets when Hana-chan needs to tinkle." "Let me take a look." He says before dropping the kneeling girl's pajama bottoms to her knees and gently running a finger along the crotch of her panties. Smiling at the shiver his actions send through her body, he states, "Your panties are completely soaked!" Indignantly, Hana replies, "Hana-chan didn't pee Hana-chan's panties!" Smiling, he replies, "It isn't pee, but rather the lubrication a girl produces when near to or thinking about a cute boy." "Huh? So girls get wet while boys get hard when thinking of someone they find cute? She asks in puzzlement. "Pretty much." he replies. After a brief pause, he adds, "Since I've already taught you about a guy's penis and you were kind enough to make me cum, I guess I should teach you about a girl's body and how girls can feel good." Excitedly, she asks, "What does Hana-chan need to do?" He answers, "It would probably be easiest if you get naked and then lay down on your back with your legs parted." Doing as instructed, she asks, "What next?" Leaning over the girl, he replies, "I think I'll start with your nipples." as he places his index finger to one of her nipples and begins rubbing it in a circular motion. As she lets out a pleasured moan, he says, "As you can probably feel, many girls enjoy having their nipples played with. As you grow into a woman, you'll grow breasts and if you evr become a mama, your breasts will fill with milk that your baby can suck out through the nipple, and speaking of nipple sucking..." He takes her other nipple into his mouth and sucks on it for several seconds, a louder moan escaping her throat, " feels even better to have someone suck on a girl's nipples." Panting, the blonde exclaims, "Please Onii-chan, suck on Hana-chan's nipples some more!" Ignoring her plea, he moves downward, "Now now, there's plenty of other things for me to show you, many of which will feel even better." Wide eyed, she exclaims, "Even better than that!?" "Sure is." Pausing between her legs, he begins his lecture, "The entire area between a girl's thighs is known as her vulva." Spreading her apart, he continues, "These fleshy folds are known as labia and conceal most of a girl's so-called private parts. This little nub at the front end of the slit between your labia..." He places a finger tip to her clitty and rubs like he did her nipple earlier, sending tremors through the young witch's body. "... is known as the clitoris or clit for short and is the single most sensitive part of the female body as you are no doubt feeling." As he stops stimulating her clit, she comments her breathing heavy, "Hana-chan doesn't know if Hana-chan can take much of Onii-chan playing with Hana-chan's clitty like that!" He replies matter of factly, "Well, the clitoris is very sensitive and some girls do find direct stimulation of that spot overwhelming to the point of being painful. Moving on, there is a small hole behind the clit from which girls pee, but further back is a large hole, which is the opening of a girl's vagina." "Vagina?" she asks, curiosity plain on her face. "It's a passage that leads to a girl's uterus or womb, the organ that houses an unborn baby until it's ready to meet the outside world." Confused, she asks, "Huh? I thought babies came from flowers? Hana-chan's mamas said Hana-chan was born from a blue rose." Not noticing her slip, he answers, "Many parents don't feel comfortable telling little girls about the truth, which is that babies grow inside there mama's womb." The inquizative little girl then asks, "Then what causes a baby to grow inside a mama?" Removing his boxers so she can see his scrotum, he explains, "A boy's testicles, which hang in a sack called a scrotum beneath his penis, produce tiny tadpole-like things called sperm." Seeing her nod in understanding, he continues, "Deep inside a girl's body are little glands called ovaries that produce eggs, and when sperm meets egg in a girl's womb, it forms the beginning of an embryo, which attaches to the wall of the womb and starts to grow into a baby." Nodding, she asks, "But how do sperm and egg get to a girl's womb?" "The womb is connected to the ovaries by fallopian tubes, which allow the egg to reach the womb, and semen acts as a means for sperm to travel from a boy to a girl." Putting two and two together, she asks, "So does the boy stick his penis in a girl's vagina so he can ejaculate into her womb?" "That is correct!" he exclaims before giving her another pat on the head. "So, if Onii-chan's cock was stuck up Hana-chan's vagina and Onii-chan came inside Hana-chan, would a baby start growing in Hana-chan's womb?" "Probably not, as girls don't start producing eggs until they reach puberty. If you haven't started having periods, you're probably too young to have a baby growing inside you, and by the way, a girl is said to be pregnant when she has a baby growing in her womb." "Periods?" she asks. "Girls who are old enough to have babies shed the lining of their uterus roughly once a month. This causes them to bleed from their vaginas for several days." "Hana-chan has never bled from Hana-chan's vagina." declares the blonde. "Then you're probably too young to have a baby, but we can still have a lot of fun practicing for when you're older." Confused, she asks, "Is it fun to have a boy stick his cock up a girl's vagina?" He answers, "It is. Oh, and by the way, common slang terms for the vagina include pussy, cunny, cunt, and twat though the latter two are usually considered vulgar." Excitedly, the blonde declares, "Hana-chan thinks cunny sounds cute!" spreading her labia, she asks, "Will Onii-chan stick Onii-chan's cock in Hana-chan's cunny?" Smiling, he replies, "I'd be glad to, but there's something else I think I should do first." Confused, the blonde asks, "What's that?" "This!" is all he says before burying his face in her crotch and furiously lapping away at her folds, sending the toddler turned preteen into convulsions from the sudden pleasure. Clenching her fists in front of her chest, Hana exclaims, "Onii-chan's tongue feels so good to Hana-chan's cunny! Please keep licking Hana-chan!" Once he's confident she's wet enough, instead of bringing her to orgasm, he removes his tongue and explains, "I knew you'd enjoy that. What I just did is called cunnilingus or eating out and it helps a guy's cock slide easily into a girl's cunny." With that, he moves upward, pushing her legs towards her chest. Placing his tip at the pinned girl's opening and cradling her head with both hands, he speaks again, "It might hurt at first as there's a barrier called a hymen just inside your cunny I'll need to tear through, but it should start to feel really good once the pain subsides." Hana replies, "Hana-chan trusts Onii-chan to not make it hurt more than necessary." Placing a kiss on her forehead, he begins to apply pressure, tears welling up in her eyes as his cock stretches her virgin barrier. Hana lets out a pained gasp and tears start running down her face as her hymen gives way and he sinks balls deep into her no longer virgin passage. Wiping away her tears, he asks, "Are you okay? You've made it pass the worst part." Choking back a sob, the blonde replies, "It hurts, but it also feels good. Onii-chan's cock feels so warm and big in Hana-chan's cunny!" "And your cunny feels so warm and tight around my cock!" he replies, simply savoring the sensation of being buried within a girl as she recovers from her deflowering. After several minutes, he says, "I'm going to start moving, let me know if you feel any pain." to which she simply nods. Pulling most of the way out before sliding back in, he soon sets a slow but steady pace, the blonde moaning softly at the new sensations. Wrapping her arms around his neck, the younger than she looks witch exclaims, "Hana-chan loves the way Onii-chan's cock is stretching Hana-chan's cunny, and Onii-chan's cock is so hot it feels like Hana-chan's going to melt!" Smiling at her words, he asks, "Do you like having sex with your Onii-chan?" Confused, Hana asks, "Is that what we're doing? Having sex?" He answers, "Yes. It's also called making love or fucking." Nodding in understanding, the blonde exclaims, "Hana-chan loves making love to Onii-chan! Please fuck Hana-chan's cunny harder!" Wrapping the girl's legs around his waist and grabbing her buttocks, he picks up speed, causing the blonde's moans to increase in volume and frequency. Taking one look at her face, he comments, "My little sister looks super cute when she's lost in the throws of ecstasy!" Too lost in her own pleasure to process his words, Hana's barely coherent reply consists of phrases such as, "Onii-chan's cock feels so good!", "Keep fucking Hana-chan!", and "Hana-chan loves Onii-chan!" It's not long before orgasm sends the blonde's passage into convulsions, her arms and legs forming a deathgrip around his neck and waist as he floods her pre-pubescent womb with a fresh load of his seed. When she regains enough coherency to speak, the young witch says dreamily, "Onii-chan's warm gooey semen is filling Hana-chan so deep inside! It feels so good, Hana-chan wants more of Onii-chan's cum inside Hana-chan!" As he makes to withdraw, she crys, "NO! Don't pull out of Hana-chan!" Trying to hold him in place with the limbs she has wrapped around him, but she proves too weak to restrain him. Tears in her eyes, she begs, "Please Onii-chan! Please make love to Hana-chan some more!" His heart breaking at the display, he replies, "I'd be glad to, but a guy's penis needs to recharge after cumming." Seeing the girl on the verge of becoming a tear fountain, he adds, "How about I show you how a girl can pleasure herself when a guy's not around?" Drying her eyes, the blonde replies, "There's a way Hana-chan can make herself feel good?" Smiling, he replies, "Sure is! Why don't you come sit on my lap and I'll show you." as he shifts to set cross-legged while leaning against the head board. Plopping down in his lap, her bare butt coming to rest on his flaccid member, she asks, "What does Hana-chan have to do?" Grabbing her under the knees, he shifts the girl into a more reclined position with her thighs nearly 180 degrees apart before answering, "First, you need to get in a position that gives you easy access to your cunny." grabbing one of her hands, he places it on her crotch and begins sliding her index finger up and down her slit before continueing, "Then you place your hand to your cunny and use your fingers to stimulate various areas. Sliding a finger along the slit between your labia is a good warmm-up." Stopping the movement of her index finger at the top of her slit, he places the tip of her finger firmly against her clit and starts moving it in circles, "or you can try rubbing your little clitty." Starting to rub her clit of her own accord and not just from him manipulating her fingers, she exclaims, "It feels really good when Hana-chan rubs Hana-chan's clitty! What else can Hana-Chan do to pleasure Hana-chan?" Pulling her finger away from her clit and sliding it down to her opening, he answers, "You can slide your fingers in and out of your vagina like a guy would do with his cock." before sliding the finger into her passage. As he slides her middle finger in next to her index finger, he adds, "If one finger isn't enough, you can add more. It's called masturbation when one plays with themselves like this, and for girls, it's often called fingering or petting the kitty." Starting to finger fuck herself, sliding her ring finger inside her cunny without prompting and angling her hand so she can rub her clit with her thumb, she exclaims, "This feels even better than when Hana-chan rubbed Hana-chan's clitty." Pulling his hand away to watch the little girl lose herself to the joys of masturbation, he is caught off guard when she sits up, climbs to her knees and turns to face him. Curious, he asks, "Is something wrong?" One hand still furiously fingering her cunny, she uses her free hand to pull his legs out straight before straddling him. Grabbing his semi-rigid dick, she starts stroking him to full erection while saying, "Hana-chan likes petting the kitty, but it isn't enough! Hana-chan needs Onii-chan's cock inside Hana-chan!" Once satisfied that he's hard enough, Hana spreads her opening and proceeds to impale herself on his member. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she quickly works herself into a frenzy, seeming to enter a trance as she rides his cock, chanting, "Cum Onii-chan Cum! Cum Onii-chan Cum! Flood Hana-chan's womb!" over and over again. Her request is soon met as his cock erupts within her, but the little nymphet doesn't even slow down as spurt after spurt of hot seed is deposited within her as she rides his manhood. As he enters his refractory period, his pleas for her to stop fall on deaf ears, and the tight grip on his shoulders has rendered his arms too numb to try and pull her off of him. By the time the energetic girl has worn herself out and collapses against his chest, mumbling, "Hana-chan loves Onii-chan." as she drifts off to sleep, he has completely run out of semen and even had a few dry ejaculations and is too tired himself to remove the sleeping girl from his abused manhood. As he regains feeling in his arms following the release of her deathgrip on his shoulders, he pulls the covers over the two of them and wraps his arms around her in a hug before letting sleep claim him as well.