Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 1: Virgin Auction Chapter 6: Momoko's Rapeplay Momoko sits in one of the Cathouse MAHO-Dou's private changing rooms, reading through ther scenario her first client has submitted. Thinking out loud to herself, she says, "[Wow, this sounds so naughty, yet I'm tingling all over at the thought! Hmm... clothes I wouldn't mind getting ruined. I think I'll stick with my usual since I have like a dozen copies of this outfit back home, but no way I'm letting my lemon print panties get torn or stained.]" With that she walks over to a dresser and pulls out a pair of white, cotton panties and makes quick work of changing her underwear before leaving the room. As she walks down the hallway towards the rooms reserved for meeting with clients, Momoko maintains her best 'innocent girl oblivious to her surroundings' act. Her feined obliviousness pays off as she is caught off guard as she walks by a room with a slightly ajar door that suddenly opens as a obese middle-aged man grabs hold of her and pulls her into the room. Before she can properly react, she finds herself pinned against the wall with sufficient force that it genuinely hurts when her skull impacts the plaster. Voicing her displeasure, Momoko yells, "[OWWIE! That hurt![" Looking up at the man whose kneeling in front of her, she asks, "[Mister, why did you grab me?]" Ignoring her question, the man leers down at her and says, "Looks like I caught myself a real cutie." Pretending she doesn't understand Japanese, Momoko replies, "[Mister, I can't understand what your saying.]" Realizing she's spoken nothing but English, the man says, "[You some Gaijin tourist's brat?]" Indignantly, she replies, "[I don't know what a gaijin is, but I'm not a brat.]" Trying to wriggle out of his grib, she adds, "[You don't seem like a very nice man, Mister.]" Slapping her accross the face, the man replies, "[I ain't gonna take any backtalk little missy. I'd hate to ruin that pretty litle face of yours, but that won't stop me from roughing you up if you don't cooperate.]" With that, he grabs the shoulders of her blouse and begins to pull, the thin, orange fabric tearing easily. Momentarily free of his grip as he clutches the tattered remains of her shirt, the terrified blonde runs for the door. Fear evident in her voice, she screams, "[Let me out of here!]" as she futilely tries to open the locked door which is keyed on the inside. Grabbing her shoulders and flipping her around befor pinning her to the door with a hand around her neck, the man snarls, "[I ain't letting a catch as cute as you get away that easily.]" With his other hand, he grabs the front of her waist band, yanking both skirt and panties down at the same time, the garments ripping to shreds from the violent tug. Tears in her eyes, Momoko screams, "[NO! Mommy said I should never let a man other than Daddy see me naked.]" "[Smart woman, but she ain't here to protect you.]" he replies before pinching one of her exposed nipples. "[Cute little nipples you got here though.]" With that, he begins sucking the nipple he had pinched as his sweaty palmed hands start fondling the preteen from head to toe. Disgusted by his touch, she screams, "[Get your hands off-]" her protest is cut off as a finger grazes her little clitty, sending a bolt of electricity up the little girl's spine and making her moan. Noticing her reaction, he begins to rub incessantly at her little pleasure nub, causing Momoko to go limp in his arms as the unfamiliar sensations wash over her. "[Heh, for all those protests earlier, you sure are moaning like a little whore now.]" Soon enough, Momoko finds her self hugging the man's much thicker arm, her hips grinding her clit against his finger of their own volition. When she starts trembling in orgasm, he pulls his arm away and lets the preteen collapse to the floor. When she regains her senses, Momoko sees that the man has unzipped his fly and that something long and thick is pointing at her from the opening. Curiosity getting the better of the blonde, she asks, "[Wh-What's that?]" pointing at the unfamiliar appendage. Smiling, he replies, "[What's the matter, little missy? Never seen a man's dick before?]" Her fear returning, she replies, "[No. What are you going to do with it?]" Leering, he declares, "[I'm going to stick it in your tight little virgin pussy.]" Confused, she replies, "[My pussy?]" "[It's where little girls pee from.]" he answers, trying to make her understand in the simplest terms he can think of. Terror in her voice, she says, "[There's no way that thing of yours will fit up my pe pee!]" Grinning widely, he replies, "Sure it will! Let me show you!]" Before Momoko can make another escape attempt, he grabs her hips and forces himself between her legs to align his dick with her opening. Thrashing about, kicking and screaming, she yells, "[Let me go!]" but her kicks just glance off the natural padding of his body fat as he rams his dick forward, ripping through her hymen and hilting in her too small pussy in a single motion. Letting out an agonized scream, she pleads "[Take it out! Take it out! It hurts! Oh GOD it hurts!]" As tears stream from her eyes and blood streams from her no longer virgin cunny. Ignoring her agonized pleas, he begins to pump in and out of her abused passage, exclaiming, "Super cute and a nice fuck to boot!" as the blonde lies there in pain. As her screams are replaced with sobs intermingled with faint moans, he asks, "You starting to enjoy it, little missy?" When he gets no response, he yells, "I asked you a question!" Shocked out of her self-pity, she replies, "[I can't understand what you are saying.]" Mumbling something about "People who can't speak Japanese shouldn't be allowed to step foot on Japanese soil." before answering her, he replies, "[I asked if you were starting to enjoy it?]" Still crying, she answers, "[It still hurts, but I am starting to feel funny like when you rubbed me with your finger.]" Smiling at that, he asks, "[Have you started having your period?]" Confused by the seemingly irrelevant question, she replies, "[Yes, my most recent one ended about a week ago. Why do you ask?]" His grin growing wider, he replies, "[Your parents haven't taught you anything have they? Tell me, do you know where babies come from?]" Innocently, she answers, "[Aren't they brought by the stork?]" Letting out a loud laugh, he replies, "[No! Daddies stick their dicks in a Mommy's pussy and squirts his baby making sperm inside the mommy, which causes a baby to grow in the mommy's belly. The mommy is said to be pregnant while the baby is growing inside her. The reason I asked about your period is that periods are a good indicator of whether a girl can get pregnant and become a mommy.]" A shocked expression on her face, Momoko asks, "[What are you saying?]" Leering devilishly, he says, "[If your period ended a week ago, your at about the perfect time to get pregnant, and I'm about to squirt my baby making sperm into your fertile womb.]" Realization dawning, she renews her thrashing, screaming "NO! I'm too young to be a mommy!]" Grabbing her ankles to stop her kicking and picking up his pace, he replies, "[The fact you have started your period is proof you're old enough to become a mommy, and soon I'm going to pump you full of the stuff that makes babies!]" '[NO! Pull out! Don't squirt in me! I don't want a baby!]" she screams as he relentlessly pounds away at her abused pussy. Pressing her ankles to the floor on either side of her head, forcing her rear end up off the floor, he gives the blonde a perfect view of his penis repeatedly plunging into her battered passage. Wide-eyed, Momoko can't help but stare at the sight with morbid fascination as if she had been wrongly sentenced to death and the penis smeared with her blood was the tool of her pending execution, fearing that every downward stroke will be the one that will do her in, yet hoping against hope to be pardoned in the nick of time. Her silent prayers go unanswered, however, as with a grunt, he rams his penis straight down with great force as if trying to stab it clear through Momoko and into the floor. As she feels his semen pourfrom his tip and sear her insides, the blonde screams, "[NOOOOOOOOOOO! Nonononono! Pull out ! Stop squirting in me!]" Continueing to pump her full of his baby batter, he declares, "[Too late for pulling out to do you any good!]" At his words, Momoko breaks down in sobs anew as her rapist's cum soaks into her preteen womb. When he finally pulls out, he makes sure to keep the blonde's vagina oriented vertically above her womb so no sperm can leak out. Still gripping her by the ankles, he carefully pulls her into a vertical position, stopping at a height that forces her to walk on her hands to avoid having her entire body weight dangling from her ankles. Holding the girl upsidedown like this, gravity ensuring that his sperm stays in her womb were it has the maximum chance of finding her egg and making her blood rush to her head, He forces her to hand walk over to where apair of manticles are bolted to the wall. He locks her ankles into the manticles, forcing her legs slightly more than shoulder width apart, her weight forcing her knees and hips to lock out straight. Her arms tremble as the manticles don't support her weight as well as his hands did, and unlike his meaty hands, the manticles lack any padding leaving her socks the only thing preventing the metal from cutting into her bare skin. Crying, she asks, "[Haven't you done enough to me already?]" His hands now free, he pulls two items from the pocket of his jeans as he declares, "[I've still got lots of fun in store for you.]" before he can show her the items, she retorts, "[I'm not having any fun!]" Ignoring her commentary, he reveals the items to be a piece of hard, purple plastic very similar in shape to his penis and a coil of thin, plastic tubing. Presenting the penis facsimile, he explains, "[This is a dildo,]" and showing her the tubing, "[and this is a catheter.]" Nervously, she asks, "[What are you going to do with those?]" Giving a slight chuckle, he answers, "[You'll see soon enough.]" Approaching her with the two items in hand, he spreads her labia to reveal the opening of her vagina, still stained with her now drying blood. Lining up the tip of the dildo with her opening, he rams the artificial phallus straight down her passage as if stabbing with a knife, tearing a scream from the girl's throat in the process. Searching between her now plugged cunny and her swollen clitty, he locates the smaller opening of her urethra, and inserting the smaller end of the catheter into said opening slides several inches of tubing into the girl's urinary tract until he's sure the tip has infiltrated her bladder. The other end of the catheter is very elastic and he stretches it to fit over the head of his cock forming a tight seal. Making sure she can see how the tube is connecting them, he gives her a minute to draw her own conclusions. Realizing what he's planning and not only being disgusted by the idea but already needing to pee herself, she screams, "[NO! Don't pee in me!]" just as he's relaxing enough to let his urine flow down the catheter. Though she can't feel the stream of foreign urine invading her bladder, she can feel her bladder quickly filling and stretching to accomodate his waste water. Reaching a level of desperation beyond anything the blonde can remember, she yells, tears in her eyes, "[Please Stop! I've never had to hold so much pee before!]" Ignoring her pleas, he enjoys the sight as her bladder begins to form a visible bulge in her lower abdomen, confident that the catheter is too thick to allow pee to leak out around it and that the one-way valves along the tube's interior will prevent backflow. As he finishes emptying his bladder, he runs his finger along the catheter, making sure to squeeze every last drop into the blonde's painfully overfilled bladder. As he pulls the tube from her urethra and her sphincter takes over the task of holding back the impending flood, it's all Momoko can do to not humiliate herself immediately. Doing her best puppy dog eyes, she begs, "[Please Mister, I need to go tinkle! I feel like I'm going to burst like a balloon if I don't pee soon!]" Laughing, the man responds, "[Nothing cuter than watching a little girl desperately trying to hold in her golden liquid.]" Dropping to his knees, his cock coming to rest at the same level as the upsidedown girl's mouth, he adds, "[I'll let you in on a little secret. Sperm don't like pee, and if your womb got flooded with pee, it might kill all my sperm before they could make a baby start growing in you. I want you to use that cute little mouth of yours to suck on my cock, and if you can make me squirt in your mouth before you start leaking pee, I'll let you use all that golden liquid to wash my sperm out of you.]" Finding the prospect disgusting, but not wanting to get pregnant, Momoko opens her mouth and begins sucking his penis. Despite there being a few drops of urine left on his tip and traces of her blood mixed in with the residue of her juices, the male organ tastes far better than she expected, though the distraction provided by her bladder prevents her from enjoying giving her first blowjob. The ache in her lower abdomen has her wanting to cross her legs and grab at her crotch, but the manticles prevent her from narrowing the gap between her thighs even by a little and removing a hand from being flat palm on the floor would only put more stress on her already aching legs. Enjoying the blowjob he's recieving, the man comments, "[That's a good little slut.]" before pulling a small remote from his pocket and moving a slider switch from off to low. Momoko begins to moan around his member and tries to suck harder as the dildo in her pussy begins to buzz, the vibration making her girlhood tingle with pleasure but also threatening to make her bladder relax without her consent. After several minutes of being sucked and feeling himself on the verge, he decides to pull out all the stops, sliding the vibrator's remote pass medium and several unlabeled marks all the way to high and pressing his thumb against her bladder bulge as his index finger rubs her swollen clitty. Her attempts to scream her protests are muffled as several small riverlets begin to trickle from her crotch and flow down her torso, her spincter's water tight seal failing but still holding back a full-scale flood. About the same time, thick, gooey semen squirts from his cock to flood the blonde's mouth. As he withdraws from her mouth and she swallows the remains of his load, she asks, "[Can I wash out my womb now?]" Smirking, he replies, "[Fraid not, little missy. You started leaking before I came.]" On the verge of tears, she replies, "[But but I still have plenty of pee inside me!]" "[Tough titties, but the deal was if you could make me cum before you leaked, not before you emptied. Besides, I should punish you for making such a mess, and I think blasting your womb with another load of semen would be perfect.]" Terror in her voice, she protests, "[NO! Don't put more sperm in me! Please let me wash out what you've already put in me!]" but her protests fall on deaf ears as he reaches down to attach manticles around her wrists, making the removal of her hands from the flor not just a bad idea, but an impossibility. Unlocking the manticles around her ankles, he shifts the blonde into a position where she's standing on hands and feet, her ass high in the air and her head bowed. Yanking the still vibrating dildo from her pussy, he spreads her butt cheeks before inserting the phallus into her rectum, a task made easier by her juices coating the toy, all the while ignoring her pleas of, "[NO! Don't stick it up my hiney.]" Her rear passage now plugged and the front available, he rams his penis all the way to her cervix in one thrust. Though no longer painful, the girl does let out an '[eek!]" at the intrusion as her bladder releases a spurt of pee at being punched from within by his cock. Letting out a grunt, he exclaims, "[You seem a lot tighter than before! I guess holding in all that pee tends to make more than your sphincter tighten up. At this rate, I'm going to squirt in no time!]" "]NO! Please stop! Please pull out before you cum again and I pee all over the place!]" screams the blonde in protest. With a perverted laugh, he replies, "[That noisy, little mouth of yours says no, but this naughty, little cunny of yours is sucking on my cock like it's trying to milk me for all I'm worth.]" Not wanting to admit how much she's enjoying herself, Momoko denies, "[That's not true! I just need to pee really, really bad!]" Hilting himself within her and gripping her hips firmly so she can't move, he declares, "[If that's true, then you'll have no problem pulling yourself off my cock.]" Giving her butt a smack causing her to yelp, he removes his hands from her hips before taunting, "[Go ahead, pull off of me, if you can.]" With trembling legs and still needing to empty her bladder, Momoko tries to will her body to pull away from the man's cock, but every slight movement of the dick causes a wave of pleasure to wash over the blonde, no matter how slowly she tries to withdraw. By the time she has only his tip still within her, the desire to feel more pleasure combined with the feeling of emptiness in her cunny have eroded the girl's self control to the point that instead of obeying her demands to get away from the man's penis, her body rebelliously thrusts her hips back, impaling her upon his cock once again. Moaning loudly, her body gives into primal instinct as her hips start moving back and forth of their own volition, Impaling the blonde on the man's cock over and over again. Feeling betrayed by her body, Momoko screams, "[Oh God NO! I can't stop myself! My body won't listen to me!]" Enjoying having his victim now riding his cock of her own will, he replies, "[What a stubborn brat. You're rutting like a bitch in heat, yet you still refuse to admit that you've become a little whore.]" Letting out a grunt, he adds, "[Oh well, it won't be long before you make me splatter your insides with another load of my baby batter.]" Her mind panicking, the blonde tries to regain control of her body, yelling, "[I need to stop! I don't want to make him cum![", but instead of coming to heel, the girl's body thoroughly completes its betrayal as her hips slam down on his cock, her passage convulsing in orgasm around his member as it starts spurting fresh semen, and her bladder gives up the struggle against her golden liquid. Her body paralyzed by the pleasure of orgasm and the relief of finally emptying her overfilled bladder, Momoko's mind is too shocked to put together a coherent exclamation of outrage and the girl just sobs as the man's white liquid pours into her and her own golden liquid pours onto the man's pants and the floor. When both of their streams finally halt, the man withdraws from her and lets her collapse to the floor. Zipping up his pants and not seeming overly concerned by how soaked they are, the man remarks, "[Wish I could keep ya around and see your belly swelling with my baby and watch you scream as you give birth. I could just imagine either training our son to rape his mama like his old man or raping our daughter while you watch, but it would probably raise too many questions if you just disappeared. Oh well, you were still a good fuck.]" With that, he pulls a key from his pocket, unlocks the door and leaves Momoko lying in a large puddle of her own urine, hands cuffed to the base board, a vibrator in her ass and cum oozing from her gaping pussy. ### Momoko awakes to Dela tossing a small blanket over the blonde. Pulling the blanket around her naked body, the young girl realizes that her hands are free and that, while in desperate need of a shower, most of the mess has been cleaned up. Helping the blonde to her feet, Dela asks, "Are you okay? Seems your client was quite rough on you." Momoko replies, "I'm okay, but I think I might be a masochist." With that, the girl leaves the room and makes her way towards the showers.