Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 1: Virgin Auction Chapter 5: Onpu's Private Performance Onpu enters one of the MAHO-Dou's private changing rooms wrapped only in a towel matching the color of the dress-like shirt she normally wears, covered from just under her shoulders to right below the knee. Her hair is still damp from the shower her client requested she take before their meeting. Sitting down at the vanity, she begins brushing out her hair and drying it with a handheld blow dryer. Instead of putting it up in her signature hair style that gives her head the shape of an eighth note, she lets her amethyst locks hang loose. Finished with her hair, she stands and allows the towel to fall, letting it pool around her feet. Naked as the day she was born, she walks over to a short dresser and opens a box that was provided by her client. Laying on top of the box's contents is a note. The note is printed on high-quality paper that is lavendar in color and decorated with purple flowers. Using midnight purple ink and an elegant script, the note reads, "I thought the most beautiful girl in the world should have clothing worthy of her beauty for our rendezvous." Thinking to herself Onpu muses, 'I bet he's one of the more perverted members of my fanclub, but at least he has some inkling of how to be romantic.' Setting the note aside, the first garment removed from the box is a pair of panties. Made of the finest silk and with a seamless construction, Onpu is surprised that they are of such a modest style, the kind that will give full coverage in both front and back. The fabric is dyed a vibrant purple that almost seems to glow. Despite the undergarment ovbiously being of significant cost, it is quite simple in design, unadorned except for a white eighth note right in the middle of the front. Bending over, Onpu slips on the undergarment and is surprised by how well they fit. They hug the child idol's hips perfectly, neither too tight nor too loose. The thin elastic of the legholes runs perfectly along the valleys formed where her thighs meet her pelvis, and the fabric, which feels heavenly against Onpu's skin, cradles her buttocks and girlhood in comfort she didn't know underwear could. 'It's a bit creepy how closely these match the pair I was wearing earlier in style, but these would instantly be my new favorite panties if it wasn't for whom they came from.' She thinks to herself as she reaches into the box for the next item, which turns out to be a silk yukata made from the same quality fabric as the underwear and matching the medium purple of her apprentice uniform. The luxurious garment does have a few modifications from a regular yukata, the most notable being less fabric that wraps around the torso, likely to make it easier to put on without assistence Onpu reasons. After putting on the Yukata, she withdraws a wide band of fabric from the box. Neither a simple sash for holding the yukata close or a proper obi, the band of fabric fastens around her waist with velcro and gives the appearance of an obi while being easier to put on and remove without assistance. At the bottom of the box are a pair of white silk tabi and finely crafted geta. After putting on the footwear, she retrieves the final item from the box, a bottle of lavendar scented perfume, which she gives herself a quick spritz of. Standing before a full-length mirror, the young idol looks like an imperial princess ready to attend a summer festival. Admiring her reflection, Onpu thinks, 'If nothing else, my client does seem to have good taste in clothing, and maybe with him wanting me to wear such modest clothing, he'll be rather gentlemanly instead of some ill-mannered lolicon.' Finishing her thought, she leaves the room, making her way to meet her client. ### Onpu enters a room that looks intended for use as a karaoke lounge, a long couch wrapping along two walls, a low coffee table in front of it, and an open area for the singer to stand in the corner opposite the couch. The rooms only pre-existing occupant is a middle-aged man wearing a nice suit and sporting long, curly purple hair sitting in the middle of the couch. Recognizing who the man is, Onpu greets him nervously, "I was expecting someone from my fan club, but I wasn't expecting you, Oyajide." Being unusually well-mannered and speaking with a faux french accent, Oyajide replies, "Ah! The lovely little mademoiselle who is to entertain me this evening has finally arrived. No worries Onpu-chan, for I swear on my honor as a wizard that I shall be on my best behavior while in your presence." Onpu replies sharply, "Let me guess, you ditched work at the Majokai Kindergarten and you are trying to butter me up so I don't report back to Majomiller on where you've been?" Nervously, Oyajide replies, "Am I that transparent?" "Completely." Onpu says, deadpan. More cheerfully, she continues, "but I guess I can keep your secret if you can prove to me that you're the proper gentleman you want people to see you as and not just a perverted lolicon who joined a child idol's fanclub because you want to get in her pants." Before the sweating Wizard can speak in his own defense, she changes the subject "Given that this is a karaoke lounge, I'm guessing you want me to do a private concert for you?" Composing himself, the wizard replies, "Yes, that would be lovely, Onpu-chan." Walking towards the empty corner, Onpu finds a karaoke machine mounted into the wall and pre-loaded with a karaoke CD of her greatest hits. Grabbing a microphone and pressing play, she begins singing along with the machine's instrumental accompaniment. Although the yukata and geta prevent her from doing her usual dance routines, the young idol moves gracefully about the small, improvised stage as her beautiful voice fills the room. As he enjoys the show, Oyajide sits quietly on the couch, his eyes glued to the girl of his dreams, taking an occasional sip from a wine glass. As she pauses for breath between songs, he sets the glass down to give her a round of applause. When the final song on the CD comes to a close, he gives her a standing ovation before gesturing for her to join him on the couch. With the high of performing waring off and fatigue setting in, Onpu doesn't hesitate to sit down beside Oyajide, and unconsciously leans against him as she lets her body relax. She gives no protest when he places an arm around her shoulder. Snapping his fingers, Oyajide conjures a plate of fresh crepes and has the wine bottle fill a second glass. Using magic to levitate both the plate and glass, Oyajide offers, "Would you like some crepes to help you recover your energy from that performance? How about some wine?" Somewhat drowsily, Onpu replies, "Crepes sound wonderful, but you know full well that I'm far too young to be drinking alcohol." Pressing the wine glass into her small hands, he replies, "You're also far too young to be entertaining people in a place like this. Besides, if your worried about the alcohol making you sick, I can use majic to protect you from the negative effects." Hesitantly, she brings the glass to her lips and takes a small sip, silently accepting Oyajide's offer of protection. The wine is deliciously sweet without any of the bitterness she expected from what she had overheard from her older co-stars when working for film or tv. She comments, "It's delicious!" before taking a longer sip. Finishing her sip, she tries to lean forward to set the glass on the coffee table, but Oyajide's firm grip on her shoulder prevents her from moving. Speaking, he answers her unvoiced question, "You just hold on to that glass and allow me to feed you." Using both hands to steady the glass in her lap, she opens her mouth wide to accept Oyajide's offer to feed her. As he brings the first bite-sized piece of crepe to her mouth on a fork, she exclaims, "Itadakimasu!" befor closing her mouth around the morsel. Several plates of crepes and a large bottle of wine later, the two are cuddled up next to each other and chatting like long time friends. Obviously enebriated and with a blush spreading accross her nose from cheek to cheek, Onpu says, "The crepes were very good..." she moves one hand to Oyajid's crotch before continueing, "... but there's something else I would like for dessert." Oyajide offers no resistance as she stands and pushes his legs apart before squatting in front of him, making sure her yukata doesn't drag on the floor. Grabbing the zipper pull of his fly with her teeth, she pulls it down, his five inch erection popping out as she does so. Wrapping her hands around the wizard's member, she comments, "I would've thought a full-grown man would have a bigger penis than this." Not wanting to admit that this was his natural size in the face of her expectations of him having a bigger penis, he replies, "Well, I didn't want to intimidate you, so I used magic to shrink it to a more child friendly size." Stroking his shaft, Onpu replies, "It's okay, I want to see your cock at its full-size." Wanting to please the lovely little beauty touching his manhood, he snaps his fingers and it starts growing. As it bulges, Onpu manages to keep her fingers interleaved on top of the shaft, but can no longer keep the heels of her palms together and by the time it stops growing, she can only cross her thumbs on the underside of his shaft. Continueing to stroke the now 8 inch member, she notices precum starting to leak from the tip. Giving it a tentative lick, she announces "Delicious!" before opening her mouth wide and engulfing the head of Oyajide's cock. With her lips forming a seal along the groove that separates head from shaft, Onpu begins swirling her tongue about his tip as she increases the pace at which her little hands pump away on his shaft. Placing his hands on her head and massaging her scalp, Oyajide exclaims, "Onpu-chaaan!" in his signature style at the sensations going through his cock. This only encourages the child idol as she tries to take more of the thick cock into her mouth, sucking greedily as she does so. She only manages to move her lips down his shaft by an inch or two before his tip is pressed firmly against the opening to her throat. Although she tries valiantly to swallow his cock head, Onpu's throat proves way too narrow to accomodate Oyajide's magically-enhanced girth. Despite this, her efforts soon pay off as Oyajide exclaims, "Onpu-chaaan! I-I'm going to cum!" As the first spurt of semen hits the back of her throat, Onpu presses both of her thumbs firmly into the bulge running along the underside of Oyajide's member. Pulling back until only the tip is in her mouth, she continues pumping his shaft as her tongue dances about his tip, occasionally releasing the pressure beneath her thumbs to let his cum flood her mouth. After what seems like hours of letting cum into her mouth and down her throat in controlled bursts, the flow finally slows to a trickle without Onpu's thumbs to serve as a floodgate and she pulls Oyajide's cock from her mouth completely. After licking his tip and her own lips to ensure there are no stray remnants of his semen left, Onpu looks up at Oyajide with an expression of a job well done before speaking, "I hope you enjoyed that. Sorry for blocking the flow of your orgasm like that, but the first jet was so forceful that I was afraid I'd drown on your semen if I tried taking the stream at full force. By the way, while it had a very strong taste, your cum was quite delicious." Standing up, Onpu disgards her geta before taking a seat on the couch, reclining such that she is lying moreso than sitting. Spreading her legs slightly so that the yukata forms a valley between her slender thighs and holding her arms out in a 'I want a hug' gesture, she speaks in the cutest, most seductive voice she can muster, "I think it's Oyajide's turn to have dessert." The wizard wastes no time in positioning himself over the child idol's prone form inhaling deeply of the lavender perfume mixed with Onpu's natural, heavenly musk. He captures her lips in a passionate kiss and wastes no time exploring the purple witch's mouth, tasting traces of his own release and the wine from earlier. When they break the kiss, Onpu is panting and her eyes are starting to glaze over in pubescent lust. Oyajide begins tracing a line of kisses accross Onpu's cheek and down her neck, pausing when he reaches her collar bone to lightly suckle at the skin, being careful not to leave a mark on her flawless skin. The yukata barring him from going further, he undoes the velcro of the faux obi and spreads out the fabric of the garment to either side of the young idol. Resuming where he left off, he traces kisses from Onpu's collar bone down to her budding breasts. Reaching a nipple, he places his lips around it and begins sucking greedily, wrapping his arms around her petite body as she wraps her own arms around his neck and begins to moan loudly. Not satisfied with simply suckling at her immature nipples, Oyajide breaks mouth-to-nipple contact to make a hesitant request, "I hope you won't be offended by what I am about to ask..." Slightly annoyed at the break in his ministrations, but too aroused to truly get mad, Onpu replies, "What do you want?" Still nervous, Oyajide says, "Would it be okay if I used magic to make your breasts produce milk?" Thinking over the unusual request, Onpu decieds, "I actually like that idea, but I do have a few conditions." "And what would those be?" he asks. "I want the milk to be the same as if I started lactating naturally, I don't want my breasts to swell up from the milk, and I want to taste my own milk." she answers. "I think I can handle that." he replies, a smile on his face. Snapping his fingers to no obvious effect, he resumes his suckling. This time, his tongue is met by Onpu's warm, sweet milk and Onpu has to bite her lower lip to avoid screaming in pleasure as not only are her nipples more sensitive now, but the sensation of milk flowing through her underdeveloped breast is quite intense. After a minute or two of drinking her milk, Oyajide allows the delicious, nutritious fluid to fill his mouth. Cheeks bulging with milk, he brings his lips to her panting mouth and lets her drink from his own mouth. When he finishes feeding Onpu her own milk, he says, "Your milk is delicious!" At the same time, she declares, "My milk is delicious!" After the two giggle over their simultaneous declaration, Oyajide proceeds to give Onpu's other nipple the same treatment. Knowing what to expect this time, Onpu can better keep her reaction under control and instead says, "YES! Drink my milk! Suck my breasts dry! But be sure you save enough for me to have another taste." When Oyajide has drank his fill, he takes another mouthful of the life-sustaining liquid and repeats the mouth-to-mouth process of letting Onpu enjoy the taste of her own milk. That done, he resumes his trail of kisses, this time traveling from her barely rounded chest down her flat tummy and pausing to lick inside her navel, drawing a giggle out of her as she says, "That tickles." When Oyajide reaches the waistband of her panties, instead of intruding beneath the silken barrier, he jumps over it to place a kiss on Onpu's inner thigh. As he works his way down the inside of the child idol's thigh, he smiles inwardly at the darkening patch of fabric between her legs and the undertone of desire in her breathing. As he continues his torturous string of kisses past her knee, Onpu thinks to herself, 'I wish he would just go ahead and attack my girlhood.' but does her best to maintain a patient facade. Reaching her ankle, Oyajide removes the tabi before proceding to give the young girl a foot massage. After a minute or so of caressing the purple witch's foot, he gives the sole a long lick from heel to toe before taking each toe in turn into his mouth and sucking on it briefly. Finishing his exploration of one foot, he lowers it to the floor and grabs the other and repeats the treatment before trailing kisses up the remaining leg. Although she enjoys the treatment being given to her lower extremities, Onpu is on the verge of swallowing her pride as an actress and begging for the attention her core craves when Oyajide finally makes it back up to her pubic region. Noticing that her panties are completely soaked through, Oyajide decides to show mercy on the purple haired girl. Looping a finger under the sides of her panties, he pulls them down her slender legs before discarding them on the couch. Her girlhood finally exposed to him, Oyajide can't help but marvel at its simple beauty. Her hairless mound is perfectly framed by the smooth, creamy skin of her thighs and lower abdomen with only a simple line dividing her outer lips into perfectly symmetrical halves to hint at the treasures within. If the pinker hue and slight puffiness of her vulva wasn't enough to give away her obvious arousal, than the way her girlhood glistens with her love juices would certaintly remove any doubt. Oyajide is broken out of his trance when Onpu asks, impatient desire apparent in her words, "Are you just going to stare, or are you going to please me?" Teasingly running the tip of his index finger along her slit, he responds, "Sorry about that. It's just that when seen in your full glory, your even more beautiful than I could've ever imagined." Her self control crumbling and barely resisting the urge to inflict bodily harm, she says in an almost snarl, "Enough with the sweet words! Stop teasing me and do something about this feeling you've triggered in my core!" Throwing her legs over his shoulders and using his thumbs to spread her labia, the wizard lowers himself to get a better look at the girl's most precious place and is rewarded with a wonderful view of rosy inner folds with two small holes, the lower and slightly larger of which looks quite inviting and a little round nub at the top that is just begging to be caressed. Oyajide exclaims, "My, what a pretty pink pussy you have!" to which the only response is an almost growl that promises pain if he doesn't start dispensing pleasure. Deciding to not give Onpu's annoyance an opportunity to turn to violent anger, Oyajide begins to slowly lick up the child idol's slit, sending a shiver up her spine as he does so. When his tongue flicks accross her little clitty for the first time, she bucks her hips and a pleasured moan excapes her throat. Grabbing her firmly by her hips, he begins to lick up and down her slit continuously, being sure to flick his tongue accross her clit on every upward lick. Tangling her fingers in his amethyst locks and wrapping her legs around his neck, the child idol manages to squeal between moans, "It-it feels sooo good!" as tremors rock her petite body. She whines when Oyajide withdraws his tongue, but lets out a pleasant gasp as he places his lips around her clit and begins sucking harder then he had done to her nipples earlier. Suddenly, Onpu feels a great pressure imminating from her bladder and begins squirming in the Wizard's grasp for reasons other than the treatment he's giving to her sensitive nub. Blushing profusely, she stammers, "Oya-oyajide, I-i need to go pee!" A teasing tone in his voice, Oyajide replies, "Is all that wine and cream catching up with you? Oh well, I'm not letting you leave until we're done." Panicking at the building pressure behind her spincter, the purple apprentice replies, "If you don't let me go to the bathroom soon, my golden liquid is going to spray all over you!" Shifting to a scolding tone, Oyajide replies, "Now, now, we can't have you making such a mess, especially not where it could stain this beautiful yukata I gave you." With that, the Wizard snaps his fingers over the child idols lower abdomen, a soft glow imminating from where her bladder would be. In response to the spell, the ache in her bladder vanishes, but she can still feel the fullness of her personal reservoir. "What did you do?" she snaps. "I just cast a spell to block pain signals from your bladder from reaching your brain and sealed your urethra to avoid any accidents. Until the spell is broken, your bladder will continue to fill and you'll become more desperate to empty it, but you won't be able to pee and you won't suffer any permanent damage." he explains. Before she can ask any further questions, he once again lowers his mouth to her girlhood, this time snaking his unusually long tongue into her passage, finding an opening in her hymen sufficient to allow the amorphous appendage entry without damaging the barrier. As his tongue burrows deep enough to lap away at her cervix, he pinches her clit between thumb and forefinger, rubbing the nub vigorously. The triple assault on her senses causes the young girl to tremble violently. Curling into a ball around Oyajide's head, she lets out a nearly incoherent stream of exclamations. "tongue... wriggling.. so deep inside! bladder's... gonna burst! clit... feels raw!" As the sensations come to a head, the metaphorical coil snaps and Onpu's mind goes blank as an earth shattering orgasm crashes into her brain. Her back arching backwards and her limbs shooting out straight, she let's out a pleasured scream before collapsing on the couch limp as a noodle and on the verge of passing out. When he sees her coming around, Oyajide comments, "I guess that bit about full bladders making female orgasms more intense was true, or at least seems to be true for you, my sweet." Breathing heavily, the girl replies, "I've never so much as played with myself down there before tonight, but I never imagined something could feel so pleasurably intense." Positioning himself between her legs and rubbing his renewed erection against her crotch, the wizard asks, "Are you ready to truly become my lover?" Shyly, she respondes, "Yes, but please be gentle..." "If you're worried about me hurting you when I tear through your hymen, the same spell that prevents you from feeling pain in addition to fullness from your bladder should ensure for a painless loss of virginity." "In that case, hurry up and make me a woman! I want that big cock of yours inside me!" Spreading her labia with his thumbs, the Wizard places the tip of his penis at her opening and starts to apply pressure. After several attempts ending in his cock sliding to the side due to her virgin passage refusing to stretch to accomodate his girth, Oyajide states matter of factly, "I don't think it's going to fit. Perhaps I should use magic to shrink my cock to a more suitable size." The child idol replies, "NO! I want to be stuffed with all of your cock! I don't care if you have to pry me open, I want you to fuck me with that huge cock! Besides, didn't you say your spells would protect me from any permanent harm?" Taking the girl's words to heart, the purple-haired man slips both thumbs into her tight passage and stretches the opening wide enough to accomodate his bulbous cockhead, exposing her hymen in the process. Placing his tip against her barrier, he lets the tight elastic ring of her vaginal opening snap tight around the neck of his dick. "Are you ready?" he asks, grabbing her hips. "YES! Ram it all the way in in one thrust!" she shouts in reply. With that, Oyajide simultaneously thrusts his hips forward while pulling back on the purple apprentice's hips, ripping through her hymen, hilting all eight inches within her, and coming to rest with his tip pressed firmly against her cervix. As he does so, the young girl lets out a pleasured scream at having her insides stretched so much, so quickly. As she recovers from the sensory overload of the initial penetration, she traces her fingers along the outline of the firm bulge the cock within her is forming on her abdomen, which extends a few inches above her navel. She also probes at the bulge formed by her still overfull bladder, though she knows she's relaxed enough to have completely emptied her golden fluid if not for the spell preventing leaks. "Wow! I can't believe something so BIG managed to fit inside me!" Arching his back, the Wizard leans down to capture Onpu's lips in a kiss, prompting the child idol to wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. After a minute or so, she breaks off the kiss and starts to squirm, whining, "Having you inside me is nice and all, but I really want you to start moving." clenching her pussy muscles around his shaft a few times as incentive. Placing his hands on her buttocks and lifting her up so only her head and shoulders rest on the couch, he pulls out about halfway before thrusting back in and soon sets a moderate pace that has the child idol moaning in ecstasy. With her tight passage squeezing his cock relentlessly, it's not long before he shouts, "Onpu-chaaan! I'm gonna cum!" Breathing heavily, she responds, "Do IT! Fill me up with your sperm!" With one final thrust, he hilts himself within Onpu's tight love tunnel as rope after thick, sticky rope of his sperm shoots from his tip and splatters the walls of her womb. At the same time, the young girl trembles from her own orgasm. By the time his cum slows to a trickle, a third bulge, this one from a cum inflated womb has formed on her abdomen, giving her the appearance of a pregnancy that is just starting to show. When the couple comes down from their shared climax, he withdraws from within her and she is surprised that semen doesn't come pouring out of her cunny. Before she can ask, he states, "I didn't want you staining that yukata with semen, so I included a spell that makes your cervix one-way." Coming down from the high of being fucked and with her bladder reasserting it's desire to be emptied, Onpu asks, "How long am I going to have cum and pee trapped inside me?" The wizard replies, "The spell will wear off as soon as you reach a suitable receptacle and get the Yukata out of the way of potential messes." With that, he assists the child idol in redressing and setting her on somewhat shakey legs sends her off to empty both her womb and her bladder of their respective cargos. As she leaves the room and walks toards the staff bathroom, Onpu can't help thinking to herself, 'That lolicon of a wizard sure knows how to treat a girl when he's trying. Makes me hope he can manage to sneak away from his job at the Majokai Kindergarten to visit here in the future.'