Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 1: Virgin Auction Chapter 4: Aiko's Domination In one of the Cathouse MAHO-Dou's private changing rooms, we find Aiko dressed in her usual blue jeans, green t-shirt, and tan vest ensemble setting at a vanity reading over the scenario requested by the person who won her in the virgin auction. As she finishes reading, she leans back, tipping the chair back on two legs and crossing her left leg over her right knee. 'I knew turning the MAHO-Dou into a brothel would attract some perverts, especially when Majorika decided to auction off our virginities, but I never thought I would get such a naughty sounding request from my very first client. Oh well, at least I get to be in charge for my first job as a prostitute.' As she finishes her thought, she stands letting her vest slide off her shoulders to hang from the chair back as she does so. Grabbing at her shirt tail, she pulls her green top over her head to reveal the torso of a preteen destined for olympic greatness, tight and smoothly toned from a childhood dedicated to playing sports. Tossing the shirt aside, Aiko looks down at her chest, which shows no signs of even the most modest of budding breasts, but is adorned with two pea-sized nipples that already appear to be growing hard. 'My mind might have reservations about this situations, but apparently my body is excited at the prospect of its first sexual encounter.' Aiko thinks to herself as she notices her little nubs. she slips out of her regular shoes and reaches for the fly of her jeans. Undoing the snap and lowering her zipper, she lets the denim garment fall to the ground, revealing plain white cotton boy short panties, plain white cotten athletic socks that end just below her knees, and a set of legs and buttocks every bit as toned as her upper body. Kicking her pants aside, the half-naked tomboy walks over to a rack with an assortment of clothing hanging from it and starts searching for the outfit appropriate for her client's request. Finding what she is looking for, she takes down a hanger displaying a replica of her gym uniform from Misora First Elementary: a white t-shirt with deep red trim around the collar and arm holes with her name written vertically in hiragana upon the left breast and a pair of buruma shorts the same red as the shirt's trim. placing the hanger on a wall hook she removes the buruma from the hanger and bends over to slip the short shorts over her feet. Straightening up as the red garment slides up her well toned legs, she returns to a full stand as red joins white in covering her rear end. Tugging at the waistband and leg holes of both of the revealing garments, she makes sure that neither has sunk into the folds of her vulva or between her buttocks and that no white shows from under the red. Satisfied with the state of the clothing concealing her pelvis, Aiko reaches for the other half of her gym uniform, removing it from the hanger and discarding the now empty wire frame. She pulls the shirt over her head and down to meet her shorts, hiding her young athelete's back and stomach, but not the fact that her prepubescent nipples are already rock hard at the prospect of what is to come. Utilyzing a full-length mirror leaning against the wall, Aiko examines her reflection from several angles. 'I never noticed before, but this gym uniform does make me look sexy... damn sexy even.' Standing with her back to the mirror, feet about shoulder width apart, she leans forward, left hand on left hip, rear protruding towards the mirror. looking over her right shoulder, she gives her right buttock a nice firm smack with her right palm before letting out a giggle and heading towards a shoe rack by the door. Grabbing a pair of sneakers off the rack, she slips them on and ties them in a tight bow before standing and leaving the changing room. ### Walking down a hallway, we find Aiko, her shirt several shades darker with a slight sheen to her exposed skin from where she spent the last half-hour running on a treadmill to work up a sweat as her client had requested. Slung over her shoulder is a bag of dodgeballs, a prop for the act she is about to put on for the man who placed the winning bid on her in the virgin auction. Coming to a door, she opens it, entering a room made to resemble the fitness storeroom of Misora First Elementary. Walking over to a storage bin, she drops the bag to the ground and opens to begin putting the dodgeballs in the bin. She performs this task in a rather meticulous fashion, bending at the waist to remove the balls one-by-one from the sack and then placing them in the bin, prominently displaying her buruma-clad rear and sweat-glistened thighs. Suddenly, she fumbles with one of the balls and it rolls into a corner. Chasing after it, she discovers a man kneeling in the darkened corner, pants around his knees and left hand firmly wrapped around his erection. She knows this is the client, but refusing to break character, she acts as if she just caught a real peeping tom in the act. "What the hell are you doing here?" she asks in a loud, angry tone. The man lunges with his free hand as if trying to stop her from screaming, but her quick reflexes have her grabbing his arm and using his momentum to send him crashing into the granite floor, head first, knocking him out. ### When the man comes too, he finds himself stripped bare, lying on his back, with his arms tied behind his back with jump ropes and his knees and ankles like-wise bound. He is a fairly young man with short black hair and a fit, but not overly muscular body. He looks like he might be a young gym teacher from an elementary school. As his vision comes into focus, the first thing he sees is Aiko sitting on his chest, pinning him in the rather uncomfortable position and giving him a glare that could burn holes in plate steel. "Why'd you knock me out, and why am I tied-up?" He asks indignantly. "Considering that I literally caught you with your pants down hiding in the shadows of where my school stores its fitness equipment, you should consider yourself lucky I didn't crush your balls under my sneaker and call the police on you, you damn lolicon." she replies, a hint of murderous intent in her tone. Shifting to a more passive tone, she continues: "Then again, I am kind of flattered that you would find a tomboy like me worth peeping on. I would have thought your kind would go after the sweet and innocent type, or even focus on Onpu-chan, what with her being a child idol and all." "Nah, the hot-blooded types are much sexier, and besides, who would want an attention whore like that Segawa bi-" Aiko slaps him hard accross the face, cutting his response short and leaving a red imprint of her hand on his cheek. Now truly infuriated, Aiko lowers herself until he can feel her breath on his face and states in an low and dangerous tone, "Don't you dare badmouth Onpu-chan or any of my other friends. I'd strangle you to death and claim self-defense if I was not so hot and bothered by this whole situation. So, I'm gonna tell ya what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take out my frustrations, both sexual and anger-related, on your body, and maybe, just maybe, if you can satisfy me, I will let you get some pleasure out of it and leave here a free man." He opens his mouth to respond, but Aiko slaps him again, leaving a hand imprint on the opposite cheek. "I don't want to hear another word out of you. In fact..." While continueing to straddle the man's chest, Aiko reaches behind her to pull off one of her shoes and the sock as well. She then proceeds to ball up the sock and stuff it in his mouth, forming an effective gag. "That ought to keep you quiet." Standing up, Aiko gives the prone man a hard, swift kick to the ribs with the foot that is still clad in sock and sneaker, recieving a muffled groan of pain in return. She removes her remaining footwear before turning to set back down, straddling the man's waist with his currently limp penis right in front of her. Showing no hesitation, she reaches out with her right hand to grasp the shaft of the male organ before her and starts sliding her fist up and down rather violently. There is no tenderness in her strokes, but it only takes a minute or so for the limp member to grow to roughly six inches long with a girth of roughly an inch and a half accross. As she continues in administering the rough handjob, she grabs one of her discarded sneakers and removes the shoelace. Once she finishes liberating the string from the footwear, she halts the handjob and makes quick work of wrapping the shoelace tightly around the base of the erect penis, tieing it off in a secure bow. "That ought to keep ya from going limp on me, and make sure you don't spew any cum without my okay." she says in a tone suitable of any dominatrix. As she eyes her handiwork, she notices a damp feeling between her legs and thinks to herself 'I hope he doesn't notice how horny this is making me.' Not wanting to admit how turned-on she is from being abusive to this perverted client, she decides to prepare herself to take him for a ride. She leans back, using her left arm to maintain balance and slips her right hand down the front of her buruma to caress her girl parts. As she slides her ring and middle fingers into her young vagina, occasionally flicking her thumb accross her clitoris, she brings her feet out from under her, placing most of her body weight on where her butt is pressed into the man's lower abdomen, to place them either side of his penis, heel-to-heel toe-to-toe and start moving them up and down, giving him a foot job as she continues to finger herself. It only takes a minute or two of this for the young athlete to decide she needs more than her fingers to satisfy her new found lust. Returning her feet to the granite floor and removing her hand from within her shorts, she lifts herself upward and forward until she is squatting above the client's penis. Reaching between her legs, she pulls the crotch of her buruma and panties to opposite sides exposing her dripping pussy. Lowering her pelvis, she impales herself on the penis with one swift motion, her labia making contact with the shoelace, and his tip pushing against her cervix. As her tight passage is filled by a man's organ for the first time, she let's out a loud gasp, not from a torn hymen as her active lifestyle had led to it tearing long ago, but rather from surprise as to how much bigger the cock feels inside her compared to when she held it in her hands. At the same time, she feels a tremor pass through her client's body, and reaching down to feel around his genitals, she notices a bulge on the underside of the portion of his member that extends into his pelvic cavity. "Ya just tried to shoot me full of your seed, didn't ya." she states in an annoyed tone before thinking to herself 'at least the shoelace is working to keep it in.' She then adds in a devilish tone "I guess I will have to punish ya by getting as much enjoyment out of this naughty cock of yours before it can recover." Placing her hands on her knees and maintaining her squatting position, Aiko begins moving up and down on the restrained man's member, not giving him any chance to rest and recover during his refractory period. Her pace is intense, one that more delicate girls would find painful to endure as a passive partner, much less maintain as dominant, lifting her rear until the penis almost slides out completely before slamming back down, each cycle taking only a fraction of a second. As her body is overwhelmed with the pleasure from repeatedly impaling herself on this stranger's penis, Aiko forgets about maintaining her composure and not letting it show how much she is enjoying this experience. The mask that had until now ranged from indifference to anger crumbles as her eyes glaze over in ecstasy and she starts panting, her tongue hanging out as several loud moans escape her throat. No longer caring about putting up a strong front and only wanting to increase her own pleasure, she lowers her right hand to rub and pinch her clitoris while bringing her left hand up to do the same with one of her nipples. All the while, she continues her merciless pistoning upon the man's member. After a few minutes of this triple assault from both of her hands and the penis that is filling her most precious hole, Aiko can sense she is on the verge of an orgasm, one she expects to be the strongest of her short life. Abandoning her clit and nipples, she reaches down to grasp the ends of the shoelace binding the man's penis, deciding that the moment of her orgasm is the perfect time to release him. Squeezing her eyes shut and clenching teeth, she increases her pace even further, increasing the pleasure in her vagina as she starts to feel a dull ache in the muscles and joints of her lower extremities. Doing so, it only takes a few seconds longer for Aiko to reach the point of no return. Slamming her hips down one last time, Aiko lets her feet, soles slippery with sweat, to come out from under her and kick upwards, placing her entire body weight on the point where she is impaled on the man's organ as an earth shattering orgasm rocks her body, making her scream out in ecstasy. At the same time, she pulls the ends of the shoelace, releasing the binds she had placed around his penis and opening the floodgates on an eruption of semen that rockets out of the tip, through her cervix and makes quick work of filling her womb. Exhausted from the exertion, she collapses on top of him as her afterglow overtakes her. ### When Aiko awakes from her post-orgasm nap, she finds herself lying on her back on top of her client, her gym uniform drenched in cold sweat, and said client's semi-rigid penis still within her vagina. Though she knows that the Magical Stage used to turn the MAHO-Dou into a brothel also included birth control spells for her and the others, she decides to tease her client a little more before departing. Sitting up, she reaches down to give a good squeeze to one of the man's testicles to make sure she has his attention. "Since I let ya fill my womb with ya seed, ya better help take care of any kids that come about because of this incident.", turning around and getting right up in his face, letting his cock slide out of her as she moves she adds in a more threatening tone "and if ya don't, I'll track ya down, rip your balls off with my bare hands and force them down ya throat." Shifting to a more seductive tone, she adds "Now, if I remove the gag, do ya promise to lick all of ya cum from my pussy?" Recieving a nod, she positions her self so she is kneeling over his mouth, facing his body. Using one hand to push the fabric covering her pussy apart, she yanks the gag out of his mouth and finishes sitting on his face before any words can escape his now unmuffled mouth. He immediately goes to work licking her slit, sending shivers through her body. "Ya may be a perv who gets off on peeking at girls in their gym uniforms, but I have to admit ya do a decent job at licking pussy." After saying this, she notices that his penis is once again standing at attention, piquing her curiosity as to what their combined fluids taste like. "I guess ya deserve a blow job at least." She leans forward and right before she takes the tip into her mouth, she states "but if ya cum in my mouth, I'll not only bite ya cock, but I'll make ya swallow every drop that ends up in my mouth." Her new position allowing him to talk as he continues performing cunnilingus, he asks "I don't taste any blood from your pussy, weren't you a virgin?" She responds by saying "Ya took my virginity, but all of the sports I play took my cherry a long time ago." She then proceeds to take his entire length in her mouth and starts bobbing her head up and down as she savors the taste of their mixed juices and the sensations of his tongue on her nether regions. After a few minutes, when she has finished licking his cock clean and having no intention of making him cum again, she straightens up and simply enjoys herself as he continues licking her. After licking out as much of the creampie he gave her as possible, he starts to focus on her clitoris. It is at this point that Aiko notices that her bladder seems to be filling rather quickly now that she has stopped actively sweating, and she decides on one final humiliation to give her client before leaving. Grinding against his face to speed up her approaching orgasm, she commands him "Open your mouth wide and lick me from clit to hole." Complying with her order, it is not long before his tongue brings her to another, though much smaller orgasm. As she rides out the pleasure, she releases her spincter without warning letting her pee flow into the man's mouth. To her surprise, instead of trying in disgust to avoid the stream, he appears to be trying to swallow every drop. Once she finishes emptying her bladder, she stands and places the crotche of her clothing back in its proper place. As she starts to walk towards the door, she says "Well I hope ya enjoyed that." "Oh, I did, and by the way, your pee was delicious." he answers. "You really are a pervert." she says, placing her hand on the door knob. "Aren't you going to untie me?" he asked as she is about to leave. "I think I will leave ya there." She says as she leaves the room. Out in the hallway, Aiko is met by Dela. "Greetings Ai-chan, are you done attending to your client?" she states in her usual sing song voice. "Yeah, but I kind of left him tied up" is Aiko's only response as she heads to the shower room. to clean-up. After Aiko disappears around the corner, Dela enters the room where Aiko left her client. Untying the man and helping him to his feet, Dela asks him "Did you enjoy Senoo-san's service?" "Yeah, that girl is a little firecracker though. I am sure I will be back some other time." he answers.