Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 1: Virgin Auction Chapter 3: Hazuki's Bath Time In one of the MAHO-Dou's changing rooms, we find Hazuki setting at a vanity desk wearing nothing but a pair of plain white panties As she lowers a piece of paper she was just reading from her face, a deep blush visible on her cheeks, her glasses fogged over. 'As if being involved in this kind of business wasn't embarrassing enough,, my client wants me to act out such a perverted scenario.' the young lady thinks to herself being by far the most uncomfortable of the girls regarding Majorika's decision to open a brothel. 'At least he doesn't outright ask to insemenate me.' Standing up, Hazuki removes her panties before walking over to the rack of clothes. After a brief search, she pulls down a hanger holding a replica of the Misora First Elementary school swimsuit. Removing the garment from the hanger, she steps into it before pulling it up and slipping her arms through the armholes. The brunette adjusts the fabric while looking at her reflection in a full-length mirror to ensure the suit is covering everything it is supposed to cover. 'I hope the client is okay with this because walking the halls with only a towel wrapped about my torso would be far to embarrassing.' Hazuki thinks to herself as she leaves the changing room. ### The scene shifts to what could pass for a private room in a Japanese bathhouse. The walls are covered in ceramic tiles with smaller tiles covering the floor, a rough texture allowing for traction even when wet. To one side, a large bathtub sits, already filled with crystal clear water, hot enough to put off visible steam. Outside the tub, sitting on a short plastic stool, is a large, middle-aged man naked except for a large white towel wrapped around his waist, and who is already starting to go bald. The silhouette of a young girl can be seen approaching the frosted glass door that sits opposite the man. The door opens, and Hazuki steps into the room, still in her swimsuit and closes the door behind her. Seeing the young lady timidly approach him, the man speaks, "There's my babygirl! I was beginning to think you weren't going to join your papa for bathtime." As he finishes speaking, he motions for Hazuki to sit on an empty stool in front of him. With more than a bit of nervousness in her voice, she responds, "Greetings, Otou-san." as she takes her seat, placing her back to the man. Placing massive hands, his arms almost as big around as the petite girl's torso, on Hazuki's shoulders, the man says, "No need for my babygirl to be so polite or shy around her papa." With this, he pulls the swimsuit off of Hazuki's shoulders and brings it to lay bunched up around her waist. Her face going crimson at being so exposed, Hazuki says, "Isn't it a bit inappropriate for a father to still be bathing with his daughter when she is almost a teenager?" As she says this, she tilts her head back to make eye contact. Squeezing a liberal amount of body wash into his palms, he begins massaging the soap into Hazuki's skin, starting with her shoulders and working down her back as he says, "Nothing wrong with a father and daughter enjoying some quality time together." Despite her reservations about the situation, Hazuki can't help but relax at the pleasant fragrance from the bodywash and the strong yet gentle motions being used to apply it. Before she knows it, he has finished her back, worked his way up her abdomen and is now massaging her budding breasts, the tiny nubs that are her erect nipples lightly pinched between his thumbs and forefingers. Hazuki open's her mouth to protest, but her voice betrays her as she utters, "That feels good, otou-san." Pleased that she is enjoying herself, the man abandon's her chest and begins to wash her arms, his hands wrapping completely around the slender appendages. Finished with her upper body, the man reaches for the swimsuit bunched about Hazuki's waist. He effortlessly lifts the petite girl's small butt off of the stool and leaning her backwards against his chest, pulls the garment from under her and pulls it down her legs, lifting the limbs in the process. As the fabric comes free from her feet, he grabs her feet before they can fall. Lowering her rear back to the stool, he begins massaging the body wash into her feat, causing her to let out a giggle as she says, "That tickles, Otou-san." After ensuring that soap has gotten in-between each of her tiny toes, he begins working his way up her legs. Finishing with her thighs, he lowers her legs so her feet are flat on the tiled floor before lifting her off her seat to wash her cute little bottom. Once that is done, he prepares to wash between her legs. He wraps his left arm around Hazuki just below her budding breasts to prevent the petite girl's soapy body from slipping about and possibly causing injury to the young beauty. Hazuki relaxes into the embrace, allowing her own arms to rest on the much larger arm encircling her. With his free hand, the man pushes Hazuki's knees to the sides, spreading her thighs as wide as is comfortable for the young lady. Her privates fully exposed, Hazuki's face lights up with a renewed blush. Moving his hand to where the girl's thighs meet, he begins to gently caress her vulva, eliciting a series of soft moans from the girl's throat. He gradually increases the pace and pressure of his caresses as he uses his index and ring fingers to slightly spread her labia and begins running the tip of his middle finger along her slit. Hazuki's moans increase in volume as the treatment she recieves grows in intensity with a sharp gasp escaping her throat whenever his fingertip grazes her clitoris or prods at her vaginal opening. Nearing the first orgasm of her young life, Hazuki's entire body instinctually tenses up, her teeth clenching and her fingernails digging into the arm that prevents her from thrashing about at the sensory overload the experience is causing the young lady. As her orgasm crashes into her senses, she lets out a scream of pleasure while drenching the hand between her legs in a stream of female ejaculate. As her climax fades and afterglow overtakes her, her entire body goes limp and her consciousness fades into sleep, the petite girl exhausted from the experience. ### When Hazuki comes to, she finds herself cradled in the arms of the man, her entire body still slick from the body wash. Noticing that she's awake, the man speaks, "How is my babygirl feeling?" A blush returning to her face, Hazuki replies quietly, "I am fine, Otou-san. I was just a bit overwhelmed since I have never been touched like that before, much less had an orgasm." A smile on his face, he responds, "Now that I have finished washing you, is my babygirl ready to wash her papa?" Her blush deepening, Hazuki replies simply, "Yes, Otou-san." With this, he sets her on her feet, pulling his arms away only when he is sure she is stable standing on her own legs. Wanting to minimize her risk of slipping, she wipes any access body wash on the soles of her feet on to the textured tiled floor before walking behind the man. Once in position, she leans against the man's back as he hunches forward and begins rubbing her soapy chest and stomach against his back making both up-and-down and side-to-side motions to try and spread the body wash accross all of the man's broad backside. As she does so, she can't help but notice the pleasant sensation this causes in her tiny nipples. When she has finished with his back, she motions for him to lean backwards as she walks around to repeat the process with his front. The towel obstructing her path to pressing herself against his chest is soon pulled away and tossed accross the room as she gets her first glimpse of his penis. Her eyes widen as she stares at the male organ before her, estimating it to be at least 12 inches in length and almost as big around as her thigh. Her emotions a mixture of awe and intimidation, she thinks to herself, 'There is no way a penis that massive will fit inside my vagina, yet I have an inexplicable desire to be penetrated by it.' Pushing her own thoughts aside, she says, "Otou-san appears to be quite well-endowed." Letting out a chuckle, the man replies, "Yeah, your papa's cock is quite big. Your mama has even joked that childbirth was a cakewalk compared to being deflowered by this monster." Her face painted crimson, Hazuki responds, "I do not think it is appropriate for a father to speak like that to his daughter." "Hey, you are the one who commented on your papa having a big dick." he replies, the mirth not leaving his voice. Not being able to object further, Hazuki prepares to wash his front. Deciding that the soap film on her own front has become too thin, she presses her back against his stomach and placing her hands on his thighs for support, sinks down until her butt is resting just above where his penis joins his abdomen and her vulva is in contact with the upper surface of his shaft, the erection sticking up between her thighs. Pressing her thighs together, Hazuki pushes up with her arms, rubbing her soapy back against the man's stomach with the large penis being stroked by her thighs. Her movements occasionally cause her clitoris to be grazed by the member sandwiched between her calves, and its not long before the sensations have her ignoring spreading body wash on the man's front in favor of grinding her crotch against the engorged male organ. Shifting to her legs to push her up, she wraps her small hands around the member barely able to interleave her fingers together due to its girth. Deciding that jacking him off won't work well with such small hands, she grips the penis by its head to hold it against her as she increases the pace of her grinding. As she does so, she begins massaging the head with her thumbs and squeezes her thighs together as tightly as she can. After a minute or two of Hazuki's treatment, the man exclaims, "My babygirl is going to make me cum!" Not wanting to be sprayed with semen, Hazuki points the penis away from her body, but doesn't slow her pace, enjoying the sensations of the penis rubbing against her clitoris and vaginal opening. A few seconds later, Hazuki lets out a pleasured scream as another orgasm rocks the petite girl's body. At the same time, the man wraps his thick arms around the small girl's torso as a powerful stream of semen shoots from his tip to splatter on the floor halfway between the two and the door. Coming down from the high of orgasm, Hazuki slumps against his torso as her arms go limp and she loses her grip on his glans. When the bespectacled girl regains her faculties, she realizes that the penis she is straddling has not softened in the least. With clouded lenses and a blush she hopes is hidden from the man holding her, Hazuki thinks 'I don't care that it will never fit, I want that penis inside me.' Nudging his arms, Hazuki prompts the man to release her from his embrace. Rising to her feet and spreading her legs shoulder width apart, she grabs the head of his penis and brings it to her soaked crotch. Lining up his thick tip with her tiny opening, she asks "Does Otou-san want to insert his penis into my vagina?" Ignoring her continued use of overly technical speech, he replies, "I would love to deflower my babygirl, but I think I should prepare you a bit more before trying." Before she can ask for clarification, he has risen to his feet and lifted the petite girl into a princess hold. Dropping to his knees, he lays Hazuki accross the stools, positioning one under her shoulder blades and the other under her buttocks. Placing one hand under her head to prevent neck strain, he begins to gently caress her torso, still slick from the body wash, with the other. Wanting to be touched down there, Hazuki places her feet flat on the floor and spreads her knees as wide as she can, hoping she won't have to vocalize her desire. Catching her hint, he moves his hand between her thighs and uses his index and ring fingers to spread her labia before running the tip of his middle finger up and down her slit. This causes Hazuki to moan loudly and he takes the opportunity to capture her lips in a kiss and slip his tongue into the girl's mouth. As he continues his ministrations, his middle finger occasionally halts in its journey up and down her sex to rub her clitoris or prod her vaginal opening causing the young girl to wriggle beneath him and buck her hips against his hand. All the while, his tongue is engaged in a wrestling match with hers and he swallows every moan that escapes her throat. Before long, she is once again brought to the precipice of pleasure and again sent careening over the edge as her every muscle seizes up momentarily before her entire body goes limp. After swallowing her orgasmic scream, he releases her mouth to let her catch her breath, but before she can fully recover from her most recent orgasm, he is pressing the tip of his middle finger into her vagina. Her eyes widen in a mixture of excitement and fear as she feels the opening of her love tunnnel stretch to accommodate the intruding digit. The first joint of his finger is not yet within her when he encounters a barrier. She lets out a sharp gasp as she realizes that he is pressing against her hymen, but represses the urge to plead for him to go no further. Sensing her anxiety, he says soothingly, "Papa is about to push his finger through his babygirl's hymen. It will most likely hurt, but Papa will be as gentle as possible. Please let papa know if its too much for his babygirl to take." Knowing that he probably won't try to penetrate her with the piece of flesh she desires if she fails to accommodate his finger, she gives him a determined nod, fearful that her voice will betray her. Taking this as a sign to continue, he begins to slowly apply pressure to her virgin barrier. Her hymen stretches enough to allow him to sink his finger to the first joint without causing her any pain. He looks at her before continueing and asks, "The whole first segment is in, how does my babygirl feel?" Feeling more confident hearing this, she responds, "It doesn't hurt at all, please continue Otou-san." As he begins to push the middle segment of his finger into her, the stretching in her hymen begins to send jolts of pain up her spine, but instead of regretting her request for him to continue, she clenches her fists in determination as she does her best to relax her clenched vaginal muscles. As the tension in her hymen builds, so does her pain, but her womanly instincts tell her to endure. She clasps her hands together accross her chest, squeezes her eyes shut to hold back the tears, and bites down on her lower lip to avoid screaming. Just when she thinks she can't take anymore, her hymen gives way, the sudden lack of resistence allowing his finger to sink pass the second joint and all the way to the knuckle as one last, sharp pain shoots up Hazuki's spine before being replaced by a dull ache in her loins. Her endurance exhausted, Hazuki lets out a scream as the pain of her hymen ripping crashes into her brain. Freezing at her scream, he asks worriedly, "Is my babygirl okay?" With tears streaming from her eyes, she replies weakly, "It really hurt when you ruptured my hymen, but now the pain is gone." Beginning to pull his finger from her depths, he asks, "Do you want to stop?" [bookmark] "NO!" she yells, grabbing hold of his arm best she can trying to prevent him from removing his finger. Regaining her composure, she continues, "The pain is gone and it feels pleasant to have your finger within me. Besides, it would be quite rude for a gentleman to rupture a lady's hymen without properly taking her virginity." "Are you sure about this?" he responds kurtly. "Yes, Otou-san. You may only remove your finger if you intend to finish taking my virginity and making me into a proper woman." She responds, her tone confident yet elegant. Pulling his finger the rest of the way out, showing it to be smeared with Hazuki's virgin blood, he replies, "Then I think Papa will do the gentlemanly thing and not make his babygirl wait any longer for what she wants." Removing the hand that was supporting Hazuki's head, he grabs something off the shelf where the body wash is kept. As he moves between her legs, Hazuki lifts her upper body, resting her elbows on the stool that was supporting her shoulders in order to get a good look at the impending penetration. Kneeling between Hazuki's legs with his foot long erection pointed straight at her, he reveals the object in his hands to be an unopened condom. As he tears open the foil package he says, "I wouldn't want to put a baby in my babygirl's belly, at least not at such a young age." Blushing, Hazuki responds, "How considerate of Otou-san." Placing the piece of latex over his urethral opening, he rolls it down his length as he speaks, "The lubricant on this condom is supposed to help a girl's internal muscles relax and relieve pain associated with being over stretched. There advertised as being perfect for helping big cocks get into tiny pussies." Her blush deepening, Hazuki replies, "Stop saying such embarrassing things and make your daughter into a proper woman, Otou-san." Tossing her legs over his forearms, he lets out a hearty laugh before saying, "As my babygirl commands." Placing both thumbs against her vulva, he spreads her labia as far as he can, exposing her small vaginal opening to the world. Lining up the head of his penis, he begins to push inward. As the cock head slips into her womanhood, Hazuki lets out a sharp gasp. Pausing in his advance, the man asks, "Does it hurt?" With tears of joy in her eyes and an undertone of lust in her voice, Hazuki replies "Not at all. In fact, its stretching me quite pleasantly, please continue." Needing no further prompting, he grabs her hips and lifts her off the stool for a better angle before thrusting forward. He only manages to get half his length within her before he bottoms out, the tip of the condom pressed tightly between his cockhead and her cervix. As a feeling of warmth and extreme fullness spreads through the petite girl's body, Hazuki looks down to where they are joined. Noticing a prominent bulge due to his girth, Hazuki traces her fingers along the outline of his penis before stating, "I can't believe something so massive could fit inside such a petite body, much less feel so pleasant. Now, Otou-san, please show me the pleasures of womanhood, please make love to me!" Placing one hand under her rear and the other behind her head, he leans down and whispers, "As my babygirl desires." before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. In response, the young girl wraps her arms around his neck and does her best to do likewise with her legs around his waist. Maintaining the embrace, he shifts position so he is setting, legs crossed, on the tiled floor with Hazuki suspended above his lap. Breaking the kiss, he asks, "Does my babygirl want to take control, or does she want Papa to?" In a near whisper, Hazuki responds, "Make love to me as you see fit." Letting the petite girl relax against his chest, he places both hands to her rear and lifts her almost completely off his penis before gently lowering her again. As the petite girl lays against him, eyes closed in bliss, she begins to mewl softly at the feeling of having extreme fullness slowly replaced by abject emptiness only to be filled once again. Pleased at the sounds she is making, he slowly increases the pace, making her moan more loudly. Eventually, he reaches a fevered pitch, Hazuki's pleasured screams coming almost continuously as she looses the ability to distinguish between the feeling of being full and that of being empty. The petite girl finds herself gripping tightly to his collar bone and burying her heels in his sides as if holding on for dear life. All the while, he makes sure not to force any more of his length into her beyond that initial six inches. Hearing her raptured screams of ecstasy reaching a crescendo, he senses her approaching orgasm and redoubles his efforts. Hazuki tries to say something, but her words are completely incoherent. With one final thrust, he sends her over the edge, burying his cockhead right next to her cervix. As her most powerful orgasm yet washes over her, overloading her every nerve, she arches her back and throws her head back, digging her fingernails into his collar almost painfully and letting out the loudest scream yet. Meanwhile, Hazuki's vaginal muscles are sent into convulsions, squeezing and massageing the penis they are so tightly wrapped around. This sends him over the edge as copious amounts of semen begin leaking from his tip. The condom prevents his seed from shooting upward to flood her womb, but at the same time, the tightness of her internal walls prevents it from pooling at the condom's tip, forcing it to flow down his length. A layer of white can be seen forming under the translucent latex as semen flows to the part of the penis not within the petite girl. When she finally comes down from her orgasm, Hazuki collapses against her lover's chest. His own orgasm concluded, he slowly lifts her off his manhood and gently lays the spent girl on the tiled floor. After carefully removing and disposing of the condom and cleaning any leftover cum away with a washcloth, he lifts Hazuki in a princess hold as he stands. Stepping into the large bathtub, he sits down before gently lowering Hazuki into the water, making sure to keep her head above the surface. While a bit hotter than she would like, Hazuki finds the water now surrounding her to be both relaxing and reinvigorating. As her faculties return to her, she feels an emptiness between her legs that screams to be filled. Though she knows she has already fulfilled her client's request, she can't help wanting another ride on his penis. Speaking coherently for the first time since surrendering control to him, she says, "That was incredible Otou-san." Shifting her position to press her back against his chest, she rubs the tip of his still hard member against her vulva before continueing, "I would love to have intercourse with Otou-san again." As she tries to impale herself on his penis, he grabs her waist and lifts her away. "Sorry, babygirl, but I only had the one condom, and I wouldn't want to put a bun in such a young girl's oven." Knowing the Magical Stage used to create the Cathouse MAHO-Dou protects all of the Ojamajo, herself included, from pregnancies, and feeling herself get more aroused at the idea of acting out an impregnation fantasy, Hazuki continues in a pleading tone, "As long as it is with Otou-san, I don't mind if I get pregnant. Besides, my vagina feels so empty without your penis." Feeling his cock twitch, but not wanting to give in to her whims so easily, he replies, "Maybe if you can drop the overly formal talk and beg me cutely." Blushing, Hazuki turns around, partly floating on the surface of the water, her crotch facing the man as she says, "Otou-san, my pussy is very lonely without your cock. Won't you please give it some company?" A slight frown on his face, the man respondes, "Not cute enough, you sound more like a grown woman than a grade schooler." Blushing more deeply, Hazuki stands up, turns her back to the man, and bends over, her hair falling into the water that is mere inches from her face and giving the man a good look at her cute little rump. Using her fingers to spread her labia and putting on the cutest voice she can muster, she says even taking a page from Hana's book, "Please Papa, Hazuki-chan's cute little cunny wants a nice gooey creampie from Papa's nice big cock." As she says this, she thinks to herself, 'Its so humiliating to speak in such a vulgar manner, but it is actually making my already unbearable arousal worse.' Nearly busting a nut at the sight and sound Hazuki is producing and with a smile on his face, the man says, "That's more like it. I hope you can keep up such little girl dirty talk while riding your Papa's cock. However, you have to do all the work this time." Feeling a bit more comfortable with the act of suppressing her proper lady mannerisms, Hazuki exclaims happily, "Yay! I get to take another ride on Papa's cock." As she says this, she sits down, impaling herself on his penis, taking the first six inches in one smooth motion before placing all of her weight over her crotch, forcing another inch into her depths. She starts moving, lifting herself slightly before dropping back down, trying to get more of the massive organ within her with every downward stroke. Really getting into character, Hazuki whines cutely, "Please Papa, Hazuki-chan wants all of Papa's collossal cock in her cute, cozy cunny." Almost cumming at her words and being unable to resist the pleas of such a cute girl, the man grabs her hips and pulls down, slowly forcing the rest of his length into her tight depths. The girl wriths in pleasure at the increase sense of fullness as eight inches enter her soon to be followed by the ninth. As the tenth inch enters her love tunnel, Hazuki feels her cervix start to spread open from the increasing pressure, grateful her pain receptors within her vagina are still numb from the effects of the lubricant on the condom. Looking down at where they are joined, the man notices that only a couple of inches of penis separate the two before speaking, "I am amazed, my babygirl might actually be able to take all of Papa's cock in her cozy little cunny." Hazuki blushes at the compliment, but she cannot enjoy the praise for long as with one last thrust, he finally hilts himself within her, his cock head fully entering her uterus as her cervix forms a tight seal around the collar of his member. Moaning in pleasure as a small orgasm rock's the petite girl's body, Hazuki speaks, "So full! Hazuki-chan feels so full! I even think Papa's cock head popped into Hazuki-chan's fertile womb." Getting into the impregnation fantasy himself and thankful the Cathouse MAHO-Dou guarantees all its girls to be on birth control and the clients protection from paternity suits, he whispers in her ear, "All the better for flooding my babygirl's belly with my baby making seed." Feeling a new torrent of her love juices drenching his cock at his words, he wraps his arms around the girl's small frame, pinning her arms to her sides and pressing her knees against her budding breasts as he loops one arm under her slim legs. Nervousness creeping into her voice, Hazuki asks, "What is Papa doing?" Tenderness in his voice, he replies, "Before I put a baby in my babygirl's belly, I am going to show her the full pleasure of a woman taking the first step on the road to motherhood." Before she can utter a reply, his free hand pinches her clitoris between his thumb and forefinger, sending jolts of pleasure up her spine as he begins to lift her off his member only to impale her with its full length once again. As she adjusts to the barrage of pleasure he is assaulting her nerves with, she can only utter phrases of encouragement such as, "Put a baby in my belly!", "creampie my cozy cunny!", and "Please Papa, please make me pregnant!" All the while, she can feel that only about half of his length is being pulled from her with the cock head remaining firmly buried in her womb, her stretched vagina contracting to allow his outstrokes. Before long, the two are once again on the verge as he slams her down on his member one last time, her strongest orgasm yet tearing through her body as a fountain of semen erupts within her womb. With nowhere to escape, the load of cum causes the petite girl's womb to balloon slightly as she speaks, "I can feel Papa's cum flooding Hazuki-chan's womb. Hazuki-chan hopes her flat as a board belly balloons up as big as a beachball with Papa's babies and Hazuki-chan hopes her budding breasts bloat up with buckets of breastmilk for both our babies and Papa to enjoy." Hugging her closely, he replies, "Yes, my babygirl would look quite beautiful with a beachball belly filled with my babies and breasts laden with buckets of breastmilk. I hope my babygirl gives me a baby girl at least half as cute as her mama, or better yet, twin girls." Feeling herself get wet again at the idea, Hazuki replies, "Hazuki-chan would like that. Now that I think about it, since you are my Papa and the Papa of the new life hopefully growing within Hazuki-chan's womb, my daughters will also be my sisters and you will be both their Papa and their Grand Papa." Noticing the new juices drenching his cock, he responds, "That's right. My babygirl seems to be getting wet again, do you want another load of Papa's seed to make sure a baby grows in your belly?" Letting out a loud yawn, the girl says sleepily, "That's okay, Papa. Hazuki-chan is tired and just wants to relax in Papa's arms." With that, she lays her head against his chest and closing her eyes, drifts off to sleep as the warm water continues to relaxe her muscles and his grip keeps her from slipping under. ### When Hazuki wakes up, she finds herself laying on the now dry tiled floor, her hair and skin fully dried and her hair up in its usual style, with nothing but a large, pastel orange towel wrapped tightly around her small frame to cover her nakedness. Looking around, she sees that the man has left, the tub has been drained, and any other fabric she could use for covering has been removed from the room. 'He must have dried me off and cleaned-up while I slept.' she thinks to herself. 'For a man who would have intercourse with someone young enough to be his daughter, possibly grand daughter, he was actually quite nice. Almost makes me wish there wasn't magic in place to prevent his semen from containing any sperm. Maybe this kind of work isn't so bad.' Standing up, making sure to keep the towel wrapped around her, she lets out an exasperated sigh, 'i do wish he had left me something to wear other than a towel. Oh well, if I can survive pretending the man I gave my virginity to is my father and talking dirty with speech patterns like Hana's, I guess I can handle walking down a hallway in nothing but a towel.' With that, Hazuki leaves the room, gripping the towel tightly so it doesn't hit the floor.