Cathouse MAHO-Dou by Imouto Kitten Part 1: Virgin Auction Chapter 1: VirginAuction On a night where the moon is visible, but not smiling, the Ojamajo sneak out of their homes, leaving their fairies in their beds so that their parents are unaware of their absence. Flying high above the mostly slumbering city of Misora, they head towards the MAHO-dou for the Grand Opening of an incarnation whose services are much less innocent. For you see, Majorika had decided to turn the MAHO-Dou into a brothel, and had managed to convince the girls to work as ladies of the night, and had even managed to wrangle Dela into to act as manager, for a cut of the profits of course. Not long after arriving, the girls find themselves gathered in a small room in the basement of the MAHO-Dou, with a large red curtain lining the curved wall that encloses most of the room. "I still can't believe Majorika talked us into what we are going to be doing here." Hazuki says, her voice betraying her nervousness at what the night has in store. The others nod in agreement, except for Hana, whose naivete leaves her oblivious to the gravity of the situation. "Yeah, this ain't the kind of business known for attracting good people, and especially not with the crowd a bunch of preteens would attract." Aiko replies, annoyance evident in her voice. "But Majorika made it sound like this kind of job is a lot of fun for both the customer and the girl providing service." Hana states, her cluelessness obvious. "And our little girl is involved as well." Doremi replies, placing her palm to her face. "At least the set-up for the Grand Opening avoids any possibility of added awkwardness due to adoptive mother and daughter working together." Momoko chirps in. "Yeah, but I have to work with my actual flesh-and-blood sister." Poppu adds, agitation in her voice. "I just hope the concealment spells that keep this hidden from those not interested in such services are successful at keeping this from the media. Last thing I need is the paparazzi plastering headlines of 'Child Idol turned child prostitute' all over the tabloids." Onpu comments. ### On the opposite side of the Curtain, is an auditorium with a crowd of roughly 100, mostly men, of various ages, waiting for the festivities to begin. The curtain blocks off the audience's view of a stage, with a transparent barrier in front of the curtain to prevent the stage from being rushed by over-enthusiastic patrons. Just outside of the curved barrier is a strip of stage just wide enough for someone to walk. As the lights in the auditorium dim, Dela appears in a puff of smoke on the stage's outer walkway, in a fashion that any non-magical onlooker would think her entrance the product of special effects. Instead of her usual witch attire, she is wearing a flamboyant suit in the style that might be worn by the host of a vodville show. "Greetings patrons, and welcome to the grand opening of the Cathouse MAHO-Dou!" she projects over the crowd while maintaining her usual sing-song voice. "We have a special event lined-up for tonight. All of our ladies are virgins, and we will be holding an auction to see who will have the privilege of plucking their cherries." A chorus of excitement can be heard from the crowd, but lasts for only a moment before Dela continues her presentation. "Before we get to introducing the lovely young ladies who shall be at a lucky someone's service tonight, let me explain some rules." she says before going into a list. "1. You may submit a bid on every girl, but you can only win one." "2. In accordance with rule 1, if you win two or more, you get your first choice, and the others revert to the runner-up." " 3. What you actually pay will only be 100 yen more than the next highest bid." " 4. The winner will be able to submit a fantasy scenario which their chosen girl must play along with." "5. When submitting the fantasy, you may dictate things including, but not limited to: Furnishing of the room, attire of the girl, how you want her to behave, and what kind of activities will be performed." "6. You may be rough with the girls, but they all have the right to have you forcibly removed by security if they deem your actions excessively forceful." Finishing her list, Dela continues with the main presentation. "Without further ado, let us meet the lovely lolis who shall be entertaining you tonight." With a snap of her fingers, the curtain opens to reveal the Ojamajo Lined-up accross the back of the stage. "As I introduce them, each of our girls will come forward, give the audience a nice strip tease, and tell you a little about themselves. First up, we have a girl who lived in America for several years before returning to her native Japan." Momoko steps forward, and looping her thumbs under her thin suspenders, she pulls them forward and outward before letting the thin strips of fabric fall. Being too loose to properly hug her hips and without the suspenders to defy gravity, her skirt falls down around her ankles, revealing yellow boyshort panties with a lemon print. Grabbing her orange top by the back of the collar, she pulls it over her head to reveal a matching yellow training bra, though it lacks the lemons from her underpants. Crossing her arms below her training bra, as if to hold up the breasts she does not have, she introduces herself. "[Hello everyone, I am Momoko Asuka, and having spent much of my childhood living in New York, I actually know English better than I do Japanese], though I have long since learned enough Japanese to thrive in this country." She places her right hand on her hip while making a peace sign with her left, giving the crowd a wink and a grin. Continuing to strip, Momoko slips out of her shoes before kicking both skirt and footwear aside. Standing on one foot, she pulls off one of her long, black socks in a single smooth motion before switching feet to remove the other. Reaching behind her, she unclips the clasp of her training bra and lets it fall to the ground, revealing budding breasts that while not yet a proper A cup, are certaintly not completely flat. Now standing only in her lemon-print panties, she decides to be agonizingly slow in removing this last bit of fabric. Bringing her hands to her waistband, instead of slipping her fingers under the elastic to pull them down, she begins to slowly roll the fabric down the side of her hips. Once the fabric roll reaches the bottom of the sides of her panties, she turns around, showing just the tiniest bit of butt crack. continueing to roll down the fabric, she slowly reveals her buttocks, and once they are about half exposed, she once again faces the audience, her mons pubis still covered by yellow cotton. Continueing to tease the audience, she rolls down the front of her underwear to reveal just the slightest wisp of blonde pubic hair, but stops befor exposing her vulva. Turning around and bending over to moon the audience, she continues rolling to reveal the rest of her buttocks before spreading her legs a bit and letting the garment finally fall to her ankles. Bending over further so she can look at the audience through her legs and using her hands to spread her labia, Momoko states to the audience, "Just so you know, all of this attention has made my pussy very hungry for some cock. I just hope whoever wins my cherry is up to the task of satisfying her appetite." Standing up, she looks over her shoulder to give the crowd another wink and grin before walking back to the line-up. "Next up we have a special treat, a 2-for-1 deal with a pair of sisters." Doremi and Poppu walk forward. Facing each other, Poppu undoes the fly to her sister's shorts and Doremi reaches for Poppu's shirt sleeves. As the older sister's shorts fall to the floor, she pulls the younger sister's shirt over her head. Doremi kneels down, putting her level with Poppu. As Poppu unzips the front of Doremi's shirt, Doremi pulls the younger girl's skirt to the floor before letting her own shirt fall. Now in nothing but simple white panties and their respective footwear, Doremi wraps her arms around Poppu before standing, cradling her younger sister in her arms. "I am Harukaze Doremi. I love steak and I am the unluckiest bishoujo in the whole world." "and I am Harukaze Poppu, and despite being the younger sister, I am the more reliable sister." "HEY, they didn't need to know that." Shifting the younger girl such that she is pinned with her back against her sister's chest with her arms at her sides and her legs slung over the older girl's right arm, Doremi reaches for the back of Poppu's waistband and with one quick tug, exposes the younger girl's rear and nether regions to the audience. Using her left thumb and middle finger to spread her little sister's labia, Doremi starts rubbing Poppu's clitoris with her index finger. Moving as if to whisper in the smaller girl's ear, but speaking loud enough for the audience to hear, Doremi taunts Poppu by saying, "I bet having this tiny second grader pussy of yours stretched tight over a man's cock will knock you down a peg or two." With a mixture of agitation and arousal on her face, Poppu starts struggling against her older sister's grip and succeeds in knocking the larger girl off balance, resulting in Doremi landing flat on her back and Poppu landing square on her sister's stomach. Before Doremi can recover, Poppu discards her panties from around her knees so she can straddle Doremi's waist before forcibly removing the older girl's panties, nearly ripping them in the process. Using both hands to spread Doremi's privates for the audience, Poppu declares, "Onee-chan is the one who needs a man to use his cock to teach her some manners, though I am sure my own cunny will do a much better job at milking my partner's balls." At this point, the two naked sisters get into a full blown catfight, but it only lasts a minute or two before Aiko steps forth to break it up. Resuming her role as host, Dela states "Since she stepped forth to break-up the sisterly squabble, lets continue our introductions with our resident Osakan." As Doremi and Poppu return to the line-up, Aiko unsnaps her jeans and lets the heavy garment fall to the floor as she shrugs off her vest, which quickly joins it. She likewise makes quick work of removing her shirt and panties, no effort at being seductive in the process. Her preteen athletic body now plainly on display, she addresses the audience, "The name's Senoo Aiko, and I ain't into any mushy stuff." She returns to the line-up without another word. "Okay, our next little lady is someone most of you probably already know." Dela states as Onpu walks forward to a chorus of cheers from the audience. Deciding on coyness, Onpu sets down and begins to untie her sneakers as if no one is watching. After removing both her shoes and socks, she stands and leans forward as she reaches under the sides of her long, dress-like t-shirt to pull down her skin-tight purple bike shorts, making sure that her shirt always obscures the audience's view. Repeating the motion to remove her panties she brings the silky, lavender colored bikini-cut out in front of her, a white eighth note proudly displayed right above the gusset. Standing now in nothing but her dress-like shirt and having yet to expose any additional flesh beyond her feet and part of her lower thigh, Onpu speaks, "For the handful of you who don't know me, I am Segawa Onpu, and I would really appreciate it if you went out and bought some of my CDs, DVDs, or photobooks. I would be glad to sign autographs for any patrons of the Cathouse MAHO-Dou who bring in some of my official merchandise. Oh, and before any of you can ask, A bikini is the closest you will get to a naked photo of me, and" She twirls around, her shirt bellowing up to give the audience a brief 360 view of her jailbait supermodel body. "if you want to see more of that, you will either have to win the auction or schedule a private session." With a seductive swing in her hips, Onpu walks back to the line-up knowing she succeeded in leaving the audience wanting more. "Next up is the most energetic of our girls." Hana practically runs towards the barrier, nearly smacking into the clear material before excitedly introducing herself. "I am Makihatayama Hana-chan. Hana-chan doesn't know much about sex, but is looking forward to having lots of fun with the guys who visit MAHO-Dou." Pushing her scandelously short jean shorts along with her panties to her ankles and pulling her shirt up to her collar bone, Hana continues, "Hana-chan hopes you all think Hana-chan is super kawaii!" Hana trys to skip back to the line-up, but trips over the garments still around her ankles. After kicking them off, she scurries back to her feet and the line-up. "Last but not least we have the shyest member of our little group." Dela states as Hazuki walks forward slowly, reluctance in every step. Her glasses fogged over and her voice shaking, Hazuki introduces herself, "My name is Fujiwara Hazuki. It is nice to meet you." She stands there, a blush on her face, too embarassed to strip for the audience. After about thirty seconds of awkward silence, Doremi and Hana sneak up behind her. Doremi grabs the waist band of Hazuki's skirt and pulls it, along with her panties to the floor as Hana grabs the hem of her blouse and pulls it over the bespeckled girl's head. Hazuki lets out a scream "KYAAA!" before slumping to the floor, her glasses breaking, having fainted from embarassment. As Doremi and Hana carry the unconscious girl back to the line-up, the curtain closes. Dela speaks to the audience once again. "Now that you have met our ladies, you will have thirty minutes to submit your bids, with the winners determined shortly after bidding closes. The winners should be with their chosen girl within the hour.