As the first flakes of snow began to fall, seven little girls huddled together in front of the fireplace, sipping cocoa and sharing excited whispers. They had all been selected by old St. Nick to be his special little helpers, and they couldn't wait to take to the skies on the backs of their trusty reindeer, spreading joy and cheer to all the good little boys and girls. Each of the girls received a special candy cane, imbued with magic that would make the stockings of good, little girls overflow with Christmas Cream. They also received silken stockings, which they were told to use to warm and stroke the candy canes of good, little boys, ensuring that they would be extra sweet and delicious. As the night of Christmas Eve drew near, the girls donned their warm coats and boots, and set off into the snowy night, each riding on the back of a reindeer. They flew through the sky, their candy canes and silken stockings at the ready, stopping at every house to check if the children inside had been good or naughty. At each house, the girls used their magic to peek into the hearts of the children, and they knew at a glance whether they were worthy of a special treat. Those who had been good were rewarded with overflowing stockings and warm, sweet candy canes, while the naughty ones received nothing but coal and a frigid, little candy cane. The seven special helpers were all unique and special in their own way, each with their own skills and talents that they used to spread joy and cheer on Christmas Eve. The first of these helpers was a sweet and gentle girl named Sophia, who loved nothing more than spreading joy and cheer to all the good, little girls on Christmas Eve. Sophia had a special fondness for the sweetest of little girls, and she often lingered by their bedsides, smiling fondly upon their sleeping forms and even holding them tenderly and kissing them on the forehead. She whispered sweet dreams to them as she left, hoping that they would wake up on Christmas morning feeling loved and cherished. As the night wore on, Sophia visited more and more houses, spreading joy and cheer to all the good, little girls. But her last visit of the night was always reserved for her own sister, a darling little girl whom Sophia hoped would one day be selected as a special helper just like her. She filled her sister's stocking with all sorts of treats and kissed her on the forehead, wishing her sweet dreams and hoping that she would be chosen to join the ranks of Santa's helpers when she was older. Another one of Santa's special helpers was a mischievous little girl named Isabella, who loved nothing more than seeking out the boys with the largest candy canes. She would fly through the sky on the back of her reindeer, her silken stocking at the ready, looking for the boys who had been particularly good that year. When she found a boy with a particularly long and thick candy cane, Isabella's eyes would light up with delight. She would wrap her silken stocking around it, warming it up and making it extra sweet and delicious. She would giggle to herself as she worked, knowing that she was making Christmas just a little bit more magical for the good, little boys. But Isabella wasn't just in it for the candy canes. She genuinely loved spreading joy and cheer to all the good, little boys, and she took great pleasure in seeing the looks of delight on their faces when they woke up on Christmas morning to find their stockings overflowing with treats. She knew that she was making a difference in their lives, and that was all the reward she needed. The third of Santa's special helpers was a playful and mischievous little girl named Emma, who had a particular fondness for girls with tight stockings. She loved the challenge of trying to stuff as much joy and cheer into a small space as possible, and she took great pleasure in stretching the snug stockings of good, little girls to their limits. Emma was also particularly proud of her own large candy cane, which was even bigger than those of the other helpers. She loved the way it glinted in the moonlight as she flew through the sky on the back of her reindeer, and she couldn't wait to put it to use spreading joy and cheer to all the good, little girls. But Emma always saved the tightest stockings for last, relishing the challenge of trying to stuff as much joy and cheer into them as possible. And when she was finished, she would kiss the little girls on the forehead and wish them sweet dreams, knowing that she had done her best to make their Christmas as magical and memorable as possible. Helpers 4 and 5 were twins named Mia and Leanne, and they had a special fondness for other twins. As they flew through the sky on the backs of their reindeer on Christmas Eve, they kept an eye out for twin boys and girls, eager to spread joy and cheer to as many of them as possible. Mia, the older of the two twins, had a particular fondness for twin boys. She would often find a pair of brothers with particularly juicy candy canes, and she would suck and lick on one boy's candy cane while wrapping the other's in her silken stocking. She loved the way the candy canes tasted, and she knew that she was making Christmas just a little bit more special for the good, little boys. Leanne, on the other hand, preferred twin girls. She would stuff one girl's stocking with her candy cane while stretching the other's with her fingers, preparing it to take all the joy and cheer that she had to offer. She loved the way the girls giggled and squirmed as she worked, and he knew that he was making their Christmas just a little bit more magical. When Mia and Leanne came across twins consisting of a boy and a girl, they often teamed up in their mission to spread joy. Mia would take care of the boy, while Leanne focused on the girl, and together they would fill the twins' stockings with all sorts of treats and kisses on the forehead, wishing them sweet dreams. Helper 6 was a curious and adventurous little girl named Ava, who was never content to work while the children slept. She wanted to see the joy and excitement on their faces as she spread cheer and joy, and she loved nothing more than seeking out the children who were still awake at the late hour of Christmas Eve. As she flew through the sky on the back of her reindeer, Ava kept an eye out for children who were peeking out from behind their curtains or trying to stay awake to catch a glimpse of old St. Nick. When she found one, she would land on the roof and tap gently on the window, promising not to tell a soul that they weren't asleep like they should be if they promised to be quiet. Ava loved the joyous expressions on the children's faces and the cute sounds they made as she sat the good, little girls in her lap, bouncing them gently on her candy cane or laid down before the fire and let the good, little boys slide in and out of her stocking. She knew that she was making their Christmas just a little bit more magical, and that was all the reward she needed. Helper Seven was a mysterious and enigmatic little girl named Scarlett, who was different from all the other helpers. While the others focused on rewarding the good and punishing the naughty, Scarlett had a different mission. She sought out the wicked, those with hearts of blackest ice, and she relished the opportunity to spread a little bit of misery on Christmas Eve. Scarlett's candy cane was pricklier than holly, designed to shred the stockings of unruly girls and leave them feeling unjolly. Her stocking was itchy as wool and rougher than sand, making even the tensest of boys prefer their own hands. As she flew through the sky on the back of her reindeer, Scarlett used her magic to seek out the wicked and the unruly, delighting in the opportunity to spread a little bit of misery on Christmas Eve. She knew that she was making the holiday just a little bit less magical for those who had been naughty, and that was all the reward she needed. But even Scarlett had her limits, and she knew that she couldn't spread misery to everyone. So she reserved a few special treats for the good, little girls and boys, hoping to bring a little bit of joy to their Christmas Eve as well. As the night wore on, the girls visited more and more houses, spreading joy and cheer to all the good little boys and girls. And when the last house had been visited, and the last candy cane had been distributed, they returned to the North Pole, exhausted but happy, knowing that they had done their best to make Christmas a magical and memorable time for everyone. As Christmas morning dawned, Santa gathered his special helpers, thanking them for their hard work and dedication on Christmas Eve. He told them that they could keep the gifts he had granted them for their mission, encouraging them to spread joy and cheer all year round. He took a special moment to thank Scarlett, the mysterious and enigmatic little girl who had sought out the wicked and the unruly on Christmas Eve. He knew that her role was the hardest, and he offered her the chance to have a candy cane and stocking like the others, hoping that she would use them to spread a little bit of joy as well. Scarlett was touched by Santa's offer, and she knew that she had a lot to learn from the other helpers. She vowed to use her magic and her special gifts to spread joy and cheer all year round, knowing that she had a special role to play in making the world a better place. And with that, Santa sent all of his helpers home, filled with joy and happiness after a magical night of spreading cheer and joy to all the good, little children. They knew that they had made a difference in the world, and they couldn't wait to do it all again next year. As Sophia arrived home from her magical night of spreading joy and cheer, she couldn't help giving her little sister an extra dose of Christmas magic. She climbed into her sister's bed and gently slid her candy cane up the little girl's stocking, letting it slide in and out until she gave her sister another helping of Christmas Cream. Sophia loved the way her sister giggled and squirmed as she worked, and she knew that she was making her Christmas just a little bit more special. She fell asleep with a contented smile on her face, her candy cane hilt still nestled in her sister's stocking, knowing that she had done her best to make the holiday magical for all the good, little girls. As the sun rose on Christmas morning, Sophia woke up to the sound of her sister's laughter and the sight of her stocking overflowing with treats and toys. She knew that she had made a difference in the world, and she couldn't wait to do it all again next year. As Isabella arrived home from her magical night of spreading joy and cheer, it occurred to her that she had a bigger, thicker candy cane than any of the boys she had visited. She lay down on her bed, gently bending her candy cane as she slid it up her own stocking, gasping at how much bigger it felt in her stocking compared to all the boys. Biting her lips to not wake her family, Isabella continued to slide her candy cane in and out of her stocking, filling her tummy with the largest load of Christmas Cream she had ever made. She knew that she was making her own Christmas just a little bit more special, and she couldn't wait to do it all again next year. As the sun rose on Christmas morning, Isabella woke up feeling happy and content, knowing that she had spread joy and cheer to all the good, little boys on Christmas Eve. She couldn't wait to see what the next year would bring, and she was determined to make it even more magical than the last. As Emma arrived home from her magical night of spreading joy and cheer, she realized that she had one more snug stocking left to stretch: her own. It took her some work to get it around her colossal candy cane, and she couldn't help wondering if this was how it felt for the girls she had visited on Christmas Eve. But eventually, Emma succeeded in stretching her snug stocking around her candy cane, and she began pumping it eagerly, eager to give her own tummy its Christmas Cream filling. She knew that she was making her own Christmas just a little bit more special, and she couldn't wait to do it all again next year. As the sun rose on Christmas morning, Emma woke up feeling happy and content, knowing that she had spread joy and cheer to all the good, little girls on Christmas Eve. She couldn't wait to see what the next year would bring, and she was determined to make it even more magical than the last. As Mia and Leanne arrived home from their magical night of spreading joy and cheer, they decided to give each other the same treatment that they had given so many good, little twins on Christmas Eve. They took turns stuffing their candy canes in each other's stockings, giggling and squirming as they worked. Eventually, they figured out a position that allowed them to stuff each other at the same time, and they pumped their candy canes eagerly, filling each other's tummies with Christmas Cream. They knew that they were making their own Christmas just a little bit more special, and they couldn't wait to do it all again next year. As the sun rose on Christmas morning, Mia and Leanne woke up feeling happy and content, knowing that they had spread joy and cheer to all the good, little twins on Christmas Eve. They couldn't wait to see what the next year would bring, and they were determined to make it even more magical than the last. As Ava arrived home from her magical night of spreading joy and cheer, she wished that she had a little brother or sister she could wake up for some Christmas fun before her parents awoke. But having no such luck, she settled for curling up into a ball and wrapping her lips around the tip of her candy cane, sucking greedily as she tasted her Christmas Cream. One of her hands balled into a fist as she stuffed it into her stocking, pumping her candy cane eagerly as she filled her tummy with creamy goodness. Eventually, Ava fell asleep as she swallowed down her cream, feeling happy and content after a magical night of spreading joy and cheer. As the sun rose on Christmas morning, Ava woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. She knew that she had made a difference in the world, and she couldn't wait to do it all again next year. She was determined to make Christmas just a little bit more magical for all the good, little children, and she knew that she had a special role to play in making the world a better place. As Scarlett arrived home from her magical night of spreading joy and cheer, she examined her candy cane and stocking, now that they were like the other helpers. She was touched by Santa's offer to give her a chance to spread joy and cheer, and she knew that she had a lot to learn from the other helpers. She tested out her new candy cane, sliding it up and down her stocking as she experimented with different ways to spread joy and cheer. She was pleased with the results, and she knew that she had a lot of potential to make Christmas just a little bit more magical for all the good, little children. As the sun rose on Christmas morning, Scarlett woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. She knew that she had a special role to play in making the world a better place, and she was determined to make the most of it. She couldn't wait to see what the next year would bring, and she was excited to use her magic and her special gifts to spread joy and cheer all year round.