Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sakura who lived in a small town in Japan. Sakura was always a bit of a klutz, and one cold day, As Christmas drew near she accidentally tripped and fell as she entered the local bathhouse. As she stumbled through the door, she found herself in a room filled with steam and the sound of running water. She looked around and saw that there were several people in the room, all of them naked and relaxing in the hot water. Sakura was embarrassed and tried to retreat back out the door, but she tripped again and fell, landing with a splash in the middle of the bath. She looked up and saw that she was surrounded by a group of men, all of whom were staring at her in shock. Sakura was mortified and quickly tried to cover herself up, but it was too late. She had stumbled into the men's bath by mistake. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed, Sakura apologized profusely and begged for their forgiveness. To her surprise, several of the men noticed her presence and called out to her, inviting her to stay and join them in the bath. Despite her initial hesitation, Sakura couldn't resist the offer of a warm soak, and she tentatively stepped into the water, feeling grateful for the men's kindness. As she settled into the bath, several of the men offered to wash her back, and Sakura couldn't help but feel touched by their generosity. She accepted their offer, and as they scrubbed and massaged her back, she couldn't help but relax and enjoy the feeling of being pampered. Despite her initial embarrassment, Sakura found that she was having a good time in the men's bath. The men were friendly and welcoming, and they seemed to enjoy her company. She knew that this was an unusual situation, but she decided to go with the flow and enjoy the experience. As Sakura settled into the men's bath, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the warm soak and the friendly company. As the ice was broken and the men started chatting and laughing together, Sakura felt more and more at ease. In an effort to show her appreciation, Sakura offered to wash several of the men's backs, and they eagerly accepted her offer. As she scrubbed and massaged their shoulders and backs, Sakura couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the men. As the night went on, the bathhouse patrons started passing around sake, and Sakura found herself drinking as much as any of the men. She had never been much of a drinker, but as the sake flowed, Sakura found herself getting more and more inebriated. She was having such a good time that she didn't want the night to end, and as the men laughed and sang together, she decided to play along and have some fun. "You know what?" Sakura said, her words slurred and her cheeks flushed with drink. "I'm one of Santa's special helpers! And you all have these juicy-looking candy canes." The men looked at her with confusion and amusement, not sure what to make of her sudden declaration. But Sakura didn't seem to notice, and she went on, offering to wrap her stocking around their...well, you know. "It's all part of Santa's plan to make sure that you guys have a merry Christmas!" she declared, her eyes sparkling with mischief. As the night went on, Sakura couldn't help but get more and more carried away with her role as one of Santa's special helpers. She went around the bathhouse, sitting on each of the men's laps and letting them stuff her stocking with their candy canes. Despite her inebriation, Sakura was having a great time, and she couldn't stop giggling and laughing as she went from lap to lap. The men were enjoying her company, and they couldn't help but feel touched by her enthusiasm and cheer. As Sakura begged for their Christmas cream, the men couldn't help but laugh at her antics. They knew that this was a night to remember, and they were happy to be celebrating the holiday together. And as they all sang and laughed and enjoyed each other's company, they knew that they were going to have a very merry Christmas indeed. As the evening came to a close, Sakura was pretty out of it, and she wasn't sure how she was going to make it home. Fortunately, one of the men came to her aid, helping her dry off and get dressed. Despite her inebriation, Sakura was grateful for the man's help, and she leaned on him as he led her out of the bathhouse and into the cold night air. She was a little unsteady on her feet, but the man was patient and supportive, and he helped her make her way home safely. The next morning, Sakura woke up with a pounding headache and the distinct feeling that she was going to be sick. She rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, where she spent the next hour puking up her guts. When she was finally finished, she collapsed back onto the bed, feeling miserable and regretful. As she lay there, trying to recover from her hangover, Sakura couldn't help but think about the events of the previous night. She remembered the fun and laughter, but she also remembered the mistakes she had made. She knew that she had gotten carried away, and she vowed to be more careful in the future. Despite the pounding headache and the queasy feeling in her stomach, Sakura knew that she had learned an important lesson. She was grateful for the man who had helped her, and she knew that she would always remember the night she spent in the men's bath. ### After the events of that first night, Sakura found herself returning to the bathhouse on a regular basis. She usually made sure to go to the women's bath, as she should, but every now and then she would bump into one of the men she had met on that first night, and they would invite her to join them in the men's bath. Sakura was a little hesitant at first, but she found that she enjoyed spending time with the men, and she couldn't resist the offer of a warm soak. She made sure to avoid the sake this time, not wanting to repeat the mistakes of the past, but the men didn't seem to mind. They were just happy to have such a cute girl sharing a bath with them, and they enjoyed her company. As the weeks went by, Sakura found herself looking forward to her visits to the bathhouse. She enjoyed the camaraderie and the relaxed atmosphere, and she liked the feeling of being pampered and cared for. She didn't repeat her Santa's helper act, but the men didn't seem to mind. They were just happy to be with her, and they enjoyed her company. And so, Sakura continued to visit the bathhouse on a regular basis, spending time with the men and enjoying the warm soak and the good cheer. It was a special place for her, a place where she could relax and be herself, and she knew that she would always look back on her visits to the bathhouse with fond memories. As the weeks turned to months, the men who visited the bathhouse with Sakura started to notice that her tummy, which had previously been very trim and flat, was starting to round out. They couldn't resist the urge to rub her belly and comment on how cute it made her look, and Sakura couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious. At first, she didn't think much of it, but as the men kept pointing out her growing belly, Sakura started to notice other things she hadn't paid much attention to before. She was getting more tired than usual, and she was experiencing some strange cravings. With a sinking feeling, she realized what was happening, and she knew that she needed to see a doctor. A visit to the doctor confirmed Sakura's worst fears: she was pregnant. The timing lined up with her first visit to the men's bath, and she knew that one of the men must be the father. Sakura wasn't sure what to do, but she knew that she needed to tell the men and figure out how to handle the situation. As she thought about what to do, Sakura couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She was excited at the thought of having a baby, but she was also a little scared and uncertain about what the future would hold. She knew that she had a big decision to make, and she hoped that the men would be understanding and supportive. As Sakura thought about what to do, she realized that it was nearly Easter, and despite the fact that it wasn't a major holiday in Japan, she decided that it provided as good an excuse as any for something special. She wanted to do something to butter up the men and show them that she appreciated them, and she came up with a plan. On the day of Easter, Sakura dressed up in a special outfit, complete with fake bunny ears and a fake tail. She knew that the men would get a kick out of it, and she hoped that it would help to put them in a good mood. When she stepped into the men's bath wearing her bunny ears and tail, the men couldn't help but fawn over her. They thought she looked absolutely adorable, and they couldn't stop laughing and joking with her. Sakura was having a great time, and she knew that this was going to be a special Easter that she would always remember. As the day went on, Sakura enjoyed the company of the men, and she felt grateful for the support and understanding they had shown her. She knew that she had a lot to think about, but for now, she was just happy to be celebrating Easter with the men she cared about. As the day went on, Sakura found herself wanting to partake in the sake that the men were enjoying. She knew that it wouldn't be good for the baby, and it was partly responsible for being in this situation, but she couldn't help but feel a little nervous and anxious. She wanted to relax and enjoy the day, and she thought that a little sake might help to calm her nerves. However, she knew that it wouldn't be a good idea, so she resisted the temptation and tried to come up with another way to relax. She remembered the role that she had planned to play, and she knew that it was time to put her plan into action. Sakura took a deep breath and gathered her courage, and then she stepped forward and bent over the side of the communal tub. Shaking her butt, she said, "I've been sent by the Easter bunny to introduce Easter to the Japanese! You all have such juicy looking carrots, and my sweet, little bunny cunny is hungry for some carrots." The men couldn't help but laugh and cheer, and Sakura knew that she had succeeded in putting them in a good mood. She was relieved and grateful, and she hoped that her little act would help to smooth things over as she broke the news to them about her pregnancy. As Sakura finished her little act, the men couldn't help but cheer and clap, and one by one, they came up behind her, holding onto her slender hips as they stuffed her with their carrots. Sakura could feel their hot breath on her neck and their hands on her skin, and she couldn't help but feel a little excited and turned on. She knew that she should probably tell them about her pregnancy, but she was having too much fun to ruin the moment. She closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the sensations, and as the men shot their carrot cream into her tummy, she couldn't help but wish that she had let them play with her more often. Sakura was sober this time around, and she was able to fully appreciate the pleasure that the men were giving her. She felt a deep sense of gratitude and affection for them, and she knew that she would always remember this special Easter. As the men finished up, Sakura turned around and hugged them, thanking them for their love and care. She knew that she had a lot to think about, but for now, she was just happy to be with the men she cared about. She hoped that they would understand and support her, no matter what the future held. As the last of the men had his turn, Sakura let herself slip back into the water, her arms braced on the tub wall so she wouldn't slip under in her afterglow. She was feeling warm and relaxed, and she couldn't help but smile as she enjoyed the feeling of contentment that washed over her. One of the men noticed that Sakura seemed a little distracted, and he asked her why she had finally given them a second round. Sakura shook her head, trying to clear the pleasure-fogged haze from her mind, and then she admitted that she was pregnant. She was certain that the father was one of the men who had stuffed her on that first night, but she wasn't sure which of them it was. To her surprise, the men were all delighted by the news. They didn't care which of them was the father, and they were happy to share responsibility for the baby. They told Sakura that they would do whatever it took to support her and make sure that she and the baby were happy and healthy. Sakura was touched by their kindness and understanding, and she knew that she had made the right choice in telling them. She was grateful to have such loving and supportive men in her life, and she knew that she would always be thankful for their care and concern. To celebrate the news of Sakura's pregnancy, the men decided to pass her around, each taking a turn to bounce their happy, preggy bunny on their carrots. Sakura was a little nervous at first, but as the men started to play with her, she found herself enjoying herself even more now that her worries about their reaction to her pregnancy had been put to rest. The men were all gentle and affectionate, and they took great care to make sure that Sakura was comfortable and happy. They laughed and joked with her, and they showered her with kisses and cuddles. Sakura couldn't help but feel a deep sense of love and gratitude towards them, and she knew that she was lucky to have such wonderful men in her life. As the evening wore on, Sakura found herself getting more and more relaxed, and she started to let herself go. She laughed and played with the men, and she enjoyed every moment of their company. She knew that this was a special night, and she hoped that it would be the first of many happy memories that she would make with the men she cared about. Sakura sat in the lap of one of the men, his carrot hilted within her, the girl so relaxed and blissed out that she was nearly dozing in his arms. She had never felt so happy and content, and she couldn't help but smile as she enjoyed the warmth and comfort of the men. Just as she was starting to drift off, one of the other men asked her what she'd like for supper. Sakura's stomach growled audibly, and she blushed as she admitted to having a craving for something only a pregnant woman would crave. The men chuckled and teased her, and then one of them said that he knew the perfect place for that. Before long, the group was dried off, dressed, and heading for a restaurant. The strongest of the men carried Sakura in a princess carry, and the man at the head of the party told the hostess that they had a little mother-to-be to feed. The hostess led them to a private room, and before long, they were all seated around a table, enjoying an impromptu dinner party with Sakura as the guest of honor. Sakura was touched by the men's kindness and consideration, and she knew that she would always be grateful for their care and support. She enjoyed the delicious food and the lively conversation, and she felt happy and content to be surrounded by the men she cared about. Sakura leaned back in her chair and rubbed her stomach, letting out an unlady-like belch as she thanked the men for treating her to such a feast. She was feeling warm and satisfied, and she couldn't help but smile as she enjoyed the company of the men she cared about. As the evening wore on, Sakura grew a bit melancholic, and she admitted that it would be a shame to head home to her empty apartment. She had always been a bit of a loner, and she had never really had anyone to share her life with. The men noticed Sakura's sadness, and they realized that she lived alone. They decided that a pregnant woman shouldn't be alone, and they suggested that they start taking turns spending the night with her, both to keep her company and in case something happened to her or the baby. Sakura was touched by their kindness and concern, and she agreed to their suggestion. She knew that she would always be grateful for their love and support, and she was happy to have such wonderful men in her life. As Sakura arrived home that evening, she was carried across her threshold by the first of her nightly visitors. Despite all she had done at the bathhouse, the more private setting made her feel a bit shy, and she blushed like a virgin as she asked her partner to put her down and wait on the couch while she changed for bed. The man gave her a pat on the head and another on the butt as she scurried off, and when she returned, she apologized for only having such childish pajamas. Sakura's pajamas were a cute and colorful set, with a top that featured a print of various cartoon animals, and pants that were covered in playful polka dots. The top was cut in a simple, loose style, with short sleeves and a round neckline, and the pants had an elastic waistband that made them comfortable to wear. Sakura looked adorable in her pajamas, with her golden curls tumbling around her shoulders and her bright, sparkling eyes shining with mischief. She had a rosy-cheeked, fresh-faced look that made her seem young and carefree, and her soft, pale skin was smooth and velvety to the touch. Despite their childish appearance, Sakura's pajamas were a favorite of hers, and she loved to wear them when she was feeling relaxed and comfortable. They made her feel cozy and warm, and she always felt happy and content when she was snuggled up in them. The man assured her that she was absolutely adorable, and he pulled her into a hug, holding her close as they settled onto the couch together. Sakura snuggled up to the man, feeling warm and safe in his arms. She knew that she was lucky to have such a kind and loving partner, and she was grateful for his presence in her life. Despite her initial shyness, she soon found herself feeling more at ease, and she enjoyed spending the evening with the man she cared about. As they snuggled on the couch, Sakura leaned in for a kiss, the first she had shared with any of the men since that fateful stumble. The man returned the kiss, his lips soft and warm against hers, and he reached a hand down her pajama pants to squeeze her butt. Sakura squirmed under his touch, her body responding to his caresses with a mixture of pleasure and nervousness. She had never been with a man before outside the public baths, and she wasn't sure what to expect, but she knew that she wanted to be close to him, and she was willing to do whatever it took to make him happy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as she deepened the kiss, her body melting into his as she surrendered to her desire. The man responded to her advances with a growl of approval, his hands roaming over her body as he explored her curves and contours. Sakura gasped and moaned, her body writhing under his touch, and she knew that she would never be able to resist him. She was his, body and soul, and she was eager to give him everything she had. He soon broke the kiss to ask where the bedroom was, and Sakura, too breathless to do more than point, indicated the direction. As he laid her down on her futon, he pushed up her top to expose her small breasts, her nipples looking hard and very suckable. Sakura felt rather self-conscious, despite how often he had seen more at the bathhouse. She wasn't used to being naked in front of someone in such an intimate setting, and she wasn't sure what he expected of her. But as he leaned down to kiss her neck and lick her nipples, she found herself melting under his touch, her body responding to his caresses with a series of small moans and sighs. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as she kissed him back, her body arching against his as she begged for more. She was hungry for his touch, and she wanted to give him everything she had, and more. As he explored her body, she writhed and squirmed, her hips moving in time with his, and she knew that she would never be able to resist him. She was his, body and soul, and she was eager to give him everything she had. Trailing kisses down to her waistband, he pulled down her pajama pants and underwear to expose her peach. Commenting on how succulent it looked, he started to lap up her nectar. Sakura gasped and moaned, her body writhing under his touch as he explored her most intimate areas. As his tongue drove her crazy, Sakura balled her tiny fists into her sheets, the way the men played with her at the bathhouse nothing compared to the dedicated attention of a single man. She had never experienced anything like this before, and she was overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through her body. She had never felt so alive, so wanted, and she was eager to give him everything she had. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer as her body arched against his as she begged for more. She was hungry for his touch, and she wanted to give him everything she had, and more. As she soaked his face with her nectar, he let her flop to the mattress, Sakura panting heavily as the man admired his handiwork. Sakura was a picture of contentment. Her body was slick with sweat, her chest rising and falling with each deep breath. Her hair was disheveled, and her cheeks were flushed a bright pink. She lay on the futon, her arms wrapped around a pillow, as she let her mind drift. She was happy, and she knew that she had found something special with this man. She was looking forward to the rest of their time together. As Sakura caught her breath, he presented his hard, juicy carrot to her and she started sucking and licking the tip as her hands stroked the rest, eager for a mouthful of carrot cream. She wrapped her lips around the tip of his carrot, her tongue swirling around it as she sucked and licked, her hands moving up and down the shaft as she sought to please him. After giving her a mouthful of carrot cream, he held her legs up by the ankles and his carrot tip prodded at her juicy peach, the man making Sakura beg for it. Begging him to fill her, Sakura moaned loudly as his carrot was hilted within her. As he took her harder than any of the men had done in the bathhouse, he pressed her ankles to her pillow, Sakura screaming out words of encouragement. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her hips grinding against his as she begged for more. She was hungry for his touch, and she wanted to give him everything she had, and more. As he explored her body, she writhed and squirmed, her hips moving in time with his. As they reached their climax together, Sakura screamed out his name, her body shuddering with pleasure as she came. Sakura lies on her futon, her body still tingling with pleasure from the lovemaking she had just shared with one of the men. She is completely spent, her body and mind satisfied in a way that she has never experienced before. As she lies there, basking in the afterglow of their passion, Sakura can't help but feel grateful for the men who have become such an important part of her life. They have helped her through one of the most difficult times in her life, and have given her the love and support that she never knew she needed. With a contented sigh, Sakura closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep, her heart full of love and gratitude for the men who have become such an important part of her life. The end ### As time passed, Sakura's tummy grew more and more, and she spent each night with a different man from the bathhouse, and of course, continued visiting the men's bath to receive love from all the men. The men were all attentive and caring, and they doted on Sakura, making sure she was comfortable and happy at all times. They brought her gifts and treats, and they even helped with the household chores, doing everything they could to make her life easier. Sakura was grateful for their support and love, and she knew that she was lucky to have such wonderful men in her life. She enjoyed spending time with each of them, and she loved the way they all made her feel. As her pregnancy progressed, Sakura grew more and more attached to the men, and she knew that she would always love them, no matter what. They had become a part of her life, and she couldn't imagine a future without them. A few days before her due date, Sakura was feeling very cranky from her pregnancy, and the men did everything they could to help her relax in the bath. Sakura reclines in the warm, bubbly water of the communal tub, her heavily pregnant belly protruding from the surface. She sighs contentedly as she feels the tension and stress of the past few months melting away. At 9 months pregnant, Sakura has been feeling more and more uncomfortable as the days have passed, and the bathhouse has become a sanctuary for her. The warm water and the company of the men have been a welcome respite from the aches and pains of pregnancy. As she closes her eyes and lets herself sink deeper into the water, Sakura can't help but smile. She knows that the end of her pregnancy is in sight, and she is looking forward to meeting her little bundle of joy. But until then, she will continue to come to the bathhouse and soak in the tub, surrounded by the men who have become such an important part of her life. She ended up going into labor in the bath, but fortunately one of the men was an obstetrician who had overseen water births before. As Sakura's contractions grew stronger, the men helped her to stay in the bath, the obstetrician taking charge of the situation. He coached Sakura through each contraction, helping her to relax and stay calm as she brought their child into the world in the warm, soothing water. The other men supported Sakura, holding her hand and offering her words of encouragement and love as she went through the difficult but rewarding process of childbirth in the water. It was a special moment, one that none of them would ever forget. When the baby was finally born, the men were overjoyed, tears of joy streaming down their faces as they held their child for the first time. Sakura was exhausted but happy, knowing that she had brought a new life into the world with the help of the men she loved and the comfort of the water. As they all cuddled together, basking in the afterglow of the birth, Sakura knew that she had found her happily ever after. She had a beautiful child and a loving group of men by her side, and she couldn't imagine a better life. ### As soon as Sakura was recovered from the birth, she couldn't wait to get back to the men's bath. She knew that they all wanted to give their child a little sibling, and she was more than willing to help make that happen. So, on her first day back at the bathhouse, Sakura struts into the bath, her hips swaying and her curves on full display. She knew that the men couldn't resist her, and she was ready to do whatever it took to get them in the mood. , her confident stride draws the attention of the men in the room. She is dressed in a modest but sexy black bikini, the top a halter style that ties around her neck and the bottoms a high-waisted style that accentuates her toned legs and narrow waist. Despite the more modest cut of the suit, Sakura still exudes a sultry confidence as she approaches the communal tub. The men can't help but stare, their eyes drawn to her subtle curves and the way the fabric of the bikini clings to her skin. Sakura giggled, enjoying the attention and knowing that she had them all exactly where she wanted them. As she sinks into the warm water, Sakura smiles to herself, knowing that she is still able to turn heads even in a more modest swimsuit. She is ready to start on child number two, and she knows that the men will be more than happy to help. As Sakura sinks into the warm water, she can't help but feel a sense of pride as one of the men calls her a "milf." She knows that she looks good for her age, and she is more than happy to own that label. With a confident smile, Sakura encourages the men to knock her up again. She is eager to expand her family and she knows that the men will be more than happy to oblige. As they splash and play in the water, Sakura flirts with the men, her seductive glances and subtle touches leaving no doubt in their minds that she is more than willing to continue their ongoing baby-making sessions. The men can't help but be drawn to Sakura's confident and sexy demeanor, and they are more than happy to oblige her request to get her pregnant again. And with that, Sakura got to work, giving the men a night they would never forget as they worked together to give their child a little brother or sister. She knew that this was just the beginning, and she was looking forward to many more nights like this in the future.