train game by ImoutoFics Pudding feels like she could burst at any moment, so full that she is not sure how much longer she can make it like this. She has been desperate for hours, but she still tries to hold on. Right now, she is riding the train home from school, dressed in her uniform and trying to keep any signs of discomfort to herself, not wanting to make any of it too obvious. Taruto did not let her go for her morning pee when she woke up, and made sure to fill her up with liquids at breakfast, before promising her a reward if she could make it through the school day without peeing. These sorts of challenges are not uncommon with the two of them, but that does not make this any easier. Thinking about what he has in store for her, based on what he has done to her in the past, would be enough to soak her panties, if not for the fact that she is not wearing any panties right now, another part of his challenge. There were some things about his challenge that confused her. For one, he wanted her to take the train instead of walking, and absolutely forbidding her from using her Mew form to parkour home. As if to drive that point home, he has made her wear a bracelet that suppresses her monkey DNA, one that Pai developed for him. None of that makes sense to her, but she wonders if it will, with time. However, Pudding is soon snapped out of her thoughts, as someone comes up behind her on the crowded train, and pulls her into a hug from behind, holding her against them. One hand comes to rest on one of her breasts, quickly squeezing her, while the other hand moves down between her legs, rubbing her over her skirt, stunning her for a moment, before she can fully process what is going on right now. Pudding is ready to completely wreck this assailant, not wanting to hold anything back, but then she stops, when a voice whispers, "You sure look a lot like the monkey girl from that group of teenage crime fighters." The only reason that this is enough to make her stop before she tries to hurt this person is because she recognizes the voice, realizing right away that this is Taruto holding her from behind. It is her boyfriend, not a stranger, and finally, she understands just what he is doing with her, and why he requested these specific things. With that in mind, she decides to give in for now, as he asks, "Are you related to the monkey mew? Are the ears and tail just part of a fetish costume?" Pudding pretends to play dumb, saying, "I don't even know who you're talking about. Please...will you just let me go?" "But, whether you're telling the truth or lying, you're just too cute for me to let go!" he says, continuing to fondle her. As his hands move around, it does not take long before he can find her bladder, feeling how hard and swollen it is. He lets out a fake gasp as he pushes down, saying, "You sure are holding a lot, huh? You must really have to go." She lets out a sharp squeak and whines, "Please, stop. Don't push there, or you're going to make me have an accident..." "Aw, does the little monkey have to go potty?" he taunts her, making her face burn at his words. He reaches a hand past the waistband of her skirt, gasping again, before he says, "And she isn't wearing panties either! What a naughty monkey, just one stiff breeze away from flashing everyone. Oh, and you're so wet down here, too! You must get turned on so easily...were you hoping for something like this to happen?" "That's not true at all!" she protests, but of course, that does not get her very far with him at all. He does not slow down with the way that he molests her, and Pudding has to fight to keep her moans to herself. She does not want to do anything to attract the attention of the other passengers, but Taruto can already tell just how much she is enjoying it, and is ready to taunt her about that as well. "You're getting off on being groped by a stranger, aren't you?" he teases her, and she shakes her head quickly, ready to deny it all. "No! No, I'm not," she replies, making sure to keep character all the way to the end. She is playing a girl getting groped by a stranger, so of course she does not enjoy it, no matter what her body may try to insist. From beginning to end, she needs to protest his assumptions, and deny any evidence that might make it seem like she is actually getting off on this. "I might as well take advantage of the easy access you provided, and see if that might get you to be more honest," he whispers, before reaching down to pull down his zipper and free his erection, pushing it under her skirt to rub it between her cheeks. "You have such a nice, plump rump," he teases her, "and I want to have so much fun with it." Soon enough, he pushes the tip of his cock up against her tight hole, and Pudding, still playing up her role of a scared virgin, whines, "No, don't do that, that's dirty- ah!" She is not able to say anything to convince him, and he thrusts into her, claiming her ass at the same time that he clamps a hand down over her mouth, making sure to muffle all of her moans. And, just like that, he is fucking her ass in public, thrusting up into her and making her cry out over and over again, as she struggles to control herself and as he keeps his hand in place. As he thrusts into her from behind, he moves his hand, so that he can start pressing two fingers inside of her wet pussy, as well as apply pressure to her bladder, all of this making it very hard for her, both to keep up her act of being a victim and to keep from attracting attention as she is thoroughly defiled on the train. He picks up the pace, going at it harder and faster, overwhelming her more with each and every motion. This is definitely too much for her to take, but she has to do her best, all in order to make sure that she does not expose what the two of them are doing over here. But when Taruto reaches his orgasm, coming in her ass and flooding her bowels with his seed, she gives into her own orgasm as well, and is hardly able to support herself at all. When her legs go out beneath her, the only thing supporting her and keeping her from collapsing to the floor is Taruto's embrace, holding her up and keeping her from doing something that would surely attract more attention than she wants to deal with right now. The two of them remain like that for a little while, as he takes his time to catch his breath and recover, leaving his cock buried in her ass all the while, letting her keep him nice and warm while he waits to see what he is going to do with her next. Pudding thinks that it is over now, and that he is just going to hold her like this until they reach the stop closest to her home, but she could not be more wrong about that. Taruto is still just getting started, and still has plenty of fun that he wants to have with her. She is so sure that things are almost at an end when he pulls out of her ass that she has no idea he is going for something else this time, that he is still ready to keep fucking her. But when he presses the tip of his cock up against her pussy, shifting forward just a little bit, she realizes that she's in for something a lot more intense than she ever could have imagined for this little surprise. And that means that she still needs to keep up her act of the poor, innocent, virginal victim. "I'm a virgin," she hisses, pretending to fall into a complete panic. "You can't do that, I'm a virgin, and I'm saving myself for someone very special, and not until my wedding night anyway! It was just up my butt before, but...this is too much!" Naturally, he completely ignores her protests, not caring a bit for what she is afraid to do with him. The train molester is ready to claim her virginity without a care in the world, not showing his poor victim even the slightest bit of sympathy, regarding the future that she had hoped to have with a husband one day. All it takes him is one rough thrust to claim her, and as soon as he has pushed inside of her, it is all over for the character that she is playing, the girl having lost her virginity to the stranger on the train. Of course, Pudding still does her very best to stay in character even now. The part of her that panics is not entirely an act, when she is a little bit worried about getting caught in the act while on the train, but she does do her best to swallow her pleasure, so much greater than what it would be if she were really a victim in this situation, or really a virgin who had never done any of this before in all her life. She whimpers and whines and puts on the act of being in pain, all to make it seem that much more believable, but other than that, she is fighting to keep quiet, to keep from attracting any attention. So far, they have been lucky to be able to get away with this, and she does not want to end up in a situation where that is no longer the case. Best case for her, she would be able to act as if she really were the victim, but that would not be a good case for Taruto, and worst case, they would get in trouble for their obvious act of public indecency. But Taruto is also not doing anything to make it easier for her to hide what they are doing. Of course, the best thing that he could do is let this end before he took it this far, but since that is already clearly not a possibility anymore, the only thing she can do is wish that he would take it easier on her, rather than practically daring her to moan out, to just see what everyone thought of her once they realized that she was getting fucked senseless over here, letting her boyfriend do her on the train while she is desperate to pee. And that is definitely not something that makes this situation any easier, something that Taruto is also taking advantage of while he fucks her. He makes sure that he aims his thrusts in the direction of her bladder, practically battering it with his cock, doing everything that he can to make sure that this is impossible for her to deal with. She has to pee so badly that she can hardly stand it, has been made to hold it all day long, and now he is pushing her to her limit in a position where she is definitely not going to be able to take care of this discreetly. She has to keep holding it, but he thrusts in ways that suggest he does not want her to be able to hold it for a moment longer, and she feels like she could fall apart. All the while, Taruto continues working himself closer and closer to his climax. He knows what he wants to do now, in order to terrify his "victim." The character that Pudding is playing is not going to be able to handle what he threatens her with next, and no matter how far gone Pudding might be right now, there is nothing that she can do to resist playing her part, having way too much fun with his little challenge to completely shut it out. No matter how bad off she is right now, she only ever asks him to stop while still in character, and shows no sign of wanting to put an end to this game before it finally goes too far. "I sure hope that you're protected," he murmurs in her ear, his way of warning her about the fact that he is about to come. "What do you mean?" she whimpers, trying her best to sound as naive as possible, to play dumb like the innocent girl that she is supposed to be. "I wanted someone to protect me from you, so I guess I'm not...?" "You're such a silly girl. Don't you know where babies come from?" he asks. "I mean, are you protected from that? Because I'm going to fill your pussy up with my seed whether you want me to or not, and in case you're too dumb to get that, /that/ is where babies come from, my slutty little monkey girl." "No, /no/," she whines, as if she has only just now realized what he is trying to say. She is lying as she says, "No, I'm not protected, so please...please don't put a baby in me!" "Well, it's not my fault if the dummy monkey ends up a monkey mummy just because she wasn't protecting herself," he replies, as if it does not concern him in the least. She is getting so lost in the fantasy right now that she is genuinely starting to panic, not wanting him to finish inside of her and risk taking her whole life away from her by knocking her up so young, while she is still in school. She tries again and again to beg him not to do it, and he does not listen to her, thrusting away, until finally, he does it. Her panic reaches its peak when he comes inside of her at last, a feeling so intense that, despite what she is trying to resist, she gives into her pleasure as well. The orgasm is so intense that it is enough to make her go limp, and enough to make her completely lose control of her bladder in the process, something that she does not realize, at least not at first. When she is this lost in it all, there is no way for her to realize anything, and she is lost in a daze as a result. But she wets herself as she stands there, her skirt spared the damage, but a puddle forming at her feet. She is completely limp in his arms, and he leans in to whisper to her, in a cruel tone of voice, "You really must not be the monkey Mew, if you're this weak. I mean, I'm sure the real heroine would not have hesitated to fight back against me, and even if she did let it happen, even if she were that big of a slut, which I doubt, she would have been able to handle herself a lot better than that. You're just too weak, huh?" With that, he pulls out of her to get his own clothing back in order, and to leave her as she is. Or, rather, that is what the assailant that he is playing would do, but they are coming to a stop, so he reaches out to take her hand instead, back to being the boyfriend that she knows and loves, as he leads her off the train. Her legs are trembling all the while, and it seems astounding that the two of them were able to get away with all of that, without being caught at all. Of course, they have to leave the puddle behind without cleaning it up, but no one notices it until long after they have left it behind, so no one knows that it was the little blonde schoolgirl that left it behind. However, Pudding is a bit too shocked to think about anything like that, and when she starts to get over her shock, that is still far from her mind. She is still so lost in the fantasy, though, that she reflexively starts crying, once everything has caught up to her, and tries to pull away from Taruto at the same time. "Pudding? It was just a game, remember?" he asks, in a soft voice, trying to soothe her, but no matter what he says, she is a bit too panicked to listen to him. In the end, it takes a little jolt of electricity to snap her out of it, after which he repeats, "That was all just a game, Pudding. You didn't forget how much I love you, did you?" "Sorry," she mumbles, as she regains her senses. "I got too into the game, I guess." "I'm sorry for making it so intense. I never meant to push you too hard." The two of them share a laugh at their mutual apology, before Pudding says, "But it was fun! That's why I got so carried away in all of it, because I was having too much fun. The more I got into it, the easier it was to play the part, until I forgot what was even going on." "Then I guess that means I did a good job at my part too," Taruto replies, and Pudding nods, giving him a bright smile. He is gentle with her as he guides her home, making sure that she never forgets how much he cares, and never forgets that the cruel character he played is little more than fiction.