Ichigo's first litter(7 in total), by order of birth(Name meanings in parenthesis): Kuroichigo(Blackberry) Eldest Son, splitting image of Masaya if not for his cat-like features. Name usually shortened to kuroichi or just Kuro-kun. De facto ring leader of the kittens as a whole and the male kittens in particular. Kiichigo(Raspberry) Eldest Daughter, splitting image of Ichigo's civilian form. Usually called Kiichi or Ki-chan. Second in-command of the kittens and ringleader for the female kittens. Ringo(Apple) second son, has Ichigo's colors. Ume(Plum) Second daughter, has Masaya's colors. Cheri(cherry) Third Daughter, splitting image of Mew Ichigo. Rubus(Raspberry Genus) Youngest son, has Mew Ichigo's colors. Sometimes mistaken for a girl on account of his pink hair. Kinomi(Berry) Youngest daughter, runt of the litter, looks like a smaller version of Kiichigo. Often clings to her eldest sister and is often picked on by her brothers. All of the kittens are hyperactive, extremely playful, and irresistably adorable. Tend to act as a group, but are prone to group conflict, usually divided along gender lines. Despite having less cat dna than their mother, they are actually more cat-like on account of their cat genes being part of their original genome. They appear incapable of making their cat ears and tails vanish and often wear clothing to conceal these when in public at their parents' insistence. Capable of bipedal locomotion, but they prefer to run on all fours and their legs possess a hybrid human/cat bone structure that facilitates quadrapedal locomotion. They possess all of their mother's feline mannerisms but are oblivious as to when they are behaving more like a cat than human. All love fish, milk, and wild poultry. They address each other by name and their parents as mama and Papa. They see the other Mew Mews as aunts and address them as such. The Aliens, Ryo, and Keiichiro as Uncles and address them as so. Thanks to Pudding's influence, they've taken to calling Taruto "Uncle taru Taru". The kittens, and the girls in particular, see Heicha as a big sister figure and Puddings brothers as elder brothers, addressing Heicha as "Heicha-nee" and the Fong boys as nii-nii as none of the kittens can tell the quadruplets apart. Sage(named for the spice): Mint's Daughter and eldest of Zakuro's children. Has her mother's hair and facial features and her sire's wolf ears and tail as well as a matching coat of downy fur on her upper body. Her bird DNA manifests in the form of feathery membranes under her arms, hollow bones, and taloned feet. Inherited her mother's temper and both her parent's poise. Highly protective of her half-siblings. Though overly polite unless angered, she often comes across as the spoiled brat of the family. Nicknamed Harpy thanks to her non-human appearance and temper. Addresses Mint as Mother, Zakuro as Sire, and Keiichiro as Dad. Is a hermaphrodite like her sire. Granada, Roma, Milagrana, and Rodi(derived from the Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Greek for Pomagranate): Zakuro's first litter, and all the splitting image of their mother. More laidback than their elder half-sister and sharing their father's love of cooking. Two are normal girls while the other two inherited their Mother's hermaphroditism. Address Zakuro as Mama, Mint as Mama Mint, and Keiichiro as Papa. Pudding's Children(All address their parents as Mama and Papa): Koko(Cocoa) and Jiao(Banana): Twinsss with their mother's hair and their father's skin. Possess tails and ears shaped more like those of an alien but covered in monkey-like fur. Hyperactive enough to give the Kittens a run for their money and love to play pranks. Ichigo, Mint, Lettuce, and Zakuro: Quadruplets from Puding's second pregnancy. Named for their honorary aunts, these Pudding doppelgangers are nearly impossible to tell apart. They wear hair and tail bows of their namesake's signature color for identification, but while not as fond of pranks as their older siblings, sometimes deliberately swap bow colors to confuse people. They take the concept of twin speak to new heights,sometimes splitting a sentence effortlessly across all four of them or having conversations amongst themselves where all are constantly cutting each other off as if reading each other's minds. Due to their close age with their elder siblings, they often just use first names with the twins. Kish and Pai: The youngest of Pudding and Taruto's children. Named for their honorary uncles, these twins are the only ones to inherit their father's hair and would look like Taruto clones if not for their furry tails and ears. Larger age gap between them and the quadruplets compared to the quadruplets and their eldest siblings, so they actually address their older siblings as such, though using the rather informal Koko-nii for their brother and name-nee for their sisters. Romaine: Lettuce's son. Inherited his mom's hair and facial features and both of his parent's intellects. Most introverted of the second generation Mews, but will literally talk for hours if you get him started on a subject that interests him. Due to having a porpoise tail instead of legs, he is a gifted swimmer in the water, but is wheelchair bound on land. Addresses his parents as Mother and Father and is often overly formal in his speech and sometimes has trouble explaining his thoughts in terms people other than his parents and Ryou can understand. Zera(Gelatin) A fully Japanese girl in the same grade as Pudding's brothers with an uncanny resemblance to the monkey mew and who has accepted the quartet of hyperactive boys as her reverse-harem.