Molly had trouble falling asleep the night before due to a strange stomachache, and when she wakes up, she is disappointed to find her stomach still feels weird. However, that is gone from her mind as soon as she feels something sticky between her legs, foreign enough that she doesn't think it means she wet the bed, but she has no idea what else it could be. Quickly, she gets up to inspect it, and is horrified to discover the bloody state her panties are in. It hasn't been very long since she started traveling with Ash, Misty, and Brock, and she knows right away that she can't ask either of the boys about this, not wanting to show them her underwear. That only leaves Misty, who she at least feels slightly more comfortable talking to, and she scrambles out of her tent, hurrying to Misty's while trying not to wake anyone else up as she goes. "What's up, Molly? It's really early," Misty says, still bleary eyed. "Um, well, I'm sick, I think...because stomach feels weird and when I woke up, my...there was...there was blood!" she explains, so flustered that she can hardly get it out. It takes Misty a moment to catch on, due to the vague description and her sleepy state, but as soon as she realizes what Molly is getting at, she is quickly wide awake, her face paling as she remembers exactly when this first happened to her. Needless to say, her three older sisters were less than comforting over her first period, and Misty decides then and there that she is going to do a much better job tending to Molly. She pulls Molly into a hug then, and speaks to her in a soothing voice, saying, "Shh, don't worry, you're going to be just fine. This is perfectly natural, nothing to worry about." Molly is still a little panicked, but as Misty explains periods to her, she begins to relax, steadily understanding that this isn't something that she needs to worry about. She even brightens a bit, once Misty tells her, "This is just part of growing up. It's a sign that you're starting to blossom into a young woman! And since you've got me around, I can help you with anything that you need to know." The biggest problem is that Misty does not keep pads on hand. She has been swimming for so long that she has long since stopped using them, which means that Molly is already getting her very first lesson in how to use a tampon. That lesson nearly leaves Molly panicked again, but Misty takes things slowly, and is gentle and understanding, until a breathless Molly has it all figured out. "You just come to me about anything you need," Misty assures her. "We'll have plenty of girl time on our journey, so I can teach you everything you need to know about your body, okay?" And with that, the two of them become a whole lot closer.