Meeting the Elder by ImoutoCommissions Kaze relaxes into the water of the hot spring that his family discovered once, during their travels, sighing in contentment. When he opens his eyes, he sees Hinoka standing on the far bank, looking ethereal even from this distance. She waves at him and then she strips out of her clothes, her figure looking nothing like a recent mother, still slender as the day he met her. She dives into the water and swims over to him so gracefully that she resembles a river spirit, more than a kitsune. Seeing the way her red hair stands out even beneath the water nearly takes his breath away. When she surfaces in front of him, the water cascades over her form and he admires the way she looks like that, glistening in the sunlight. "Where are the children?" he asks her. She moves forward until she's upon him, and sits on his lap, face to face with him and nuzzles against his chest. "We're playing hide and seek right now, and considering how their skills with basic illusions are coming along, we should have a fair amount of alone time before the children come looking for me." She feels something poking at her behind at that point, pressing up between her two tails and separating them. Grinding her butt against it, knowing it to be his erection, she grins and asks, "Does that please you?" "Oh, yes," he replies. "That pleases me very much." For a moment, they just enjoy their time to get closer, and he kisses her passionately, their bodies pressed close together. He enjoys the friction caused by her tails and the way she grinds on him, and it would almost be enough to pleasure him completely, but he wants more from her, and he can tell that she wants the same. Then again, that's really nothing new for the two of them, not even after she recently gave birth. His desire for her grows with each and every movement, but before they can get much further, she interrupts him to say, "Now that the kits are weened, I'm going to be fertile again. I do know herbs that can be used to ward off a pregnancy, but...truth be told, I'd kind of like to have another litter." He's so excited to hear her say that that he doesn't say anything right away, and instead takes a moment to imagine an even bigger family, to imagine her second pregnancy, and Kaze knows that he could never hope to turn down something like that. When he finally does respond, His response to her admission is to grab onto her hips and lift her, so that she can feel his tip teasingly prodding against her opening. "Well, if that's what my wife wants, then that's what my wife will get," he murmurs lovingly. Squirming in impatience, she says, "Stop teasing your little vixen...stuff me with your sword!" At her insistence, he does just that, shoving himself inside of her with one swift motion. She cries out as he does this, and he holds onto her tight, keeping her steady as she adjusts to the fullness, and then he drives up into her, thrusting until she's absolutely trembling, panting and desperate for him in her lust. Each thrust feels more powerful than the last to her, and she wants this so badly that she responds to him with her own movements, grinding herself down onto him and matching his rhythm to try to bring him closer. They have each other so figured out in this department by now that it's easy, that she doesn't even have to think to figure out what it is that he wants. Naturally, it's all the same for him, and he always has his kitsune's pleasure in mind, no matter how distracting the pleasure of fucking her may be. He takes good care of her, as a man and as a husband, and especially as a lover, and each moan she lets out assures him that he's doing his job just right this time. Her nails sink into his shoulders where she holds onto him, but he finds the sharp sting more pleasurable than painful. Her face looks so beautiful like this, with such wanton looks of pleasure that he never would have expected from her when he first met her. There is something especially beautiful about someone with such innocent and ethereal features being driven to such great lust that she looks at him like this, her face nearly as red as her hair, her mouth hanging open with her gasps and cries, her eyes partially rolled back as they continue to flutter shut in her pleasure. He knows that she likely can't take any more like this, but he also knows that he's nearing his own limit as well. The sooner the better, he knows, because she wants something in particular this time. She wants him to finish quickly, while he's inside of her, spilling his seed into her in the hopes that she'll be impregnated with the new litter that she wants so desperately. Just thinking about it only makes him more excited, imagining the moment of release and the time to come after that, the many more times they will do this to ensure that she's really pregnant, and the additions to their family that await. He is so excited by that prospect that he really begins to drive into her then, thrusting harder up into her until she's bouncing on top of him in her effort to keep up with his rhythm. Her gasps and moans send shivers of pleasures down his spine, and he leans forward to nuzzle her neck, the gentle action a sharp contrast to the rough way that he's fucking her. She squeaks in the most adorable way, and he moans softly against her, nipping at her neck. Kaze fucks her hard until he's finally driven so close to his orgasm that he knows he can't wait anymore, and then he tells her, "I'm almost there, my little vixen." "Please, please," she begs him, nearly pathetically now that she's so close as well. "Please, put a new litter of kits inside my belly!" "Anything for you," he replies, and gives a few more rough thrusts until he's there, the two of them gasping in unison as he comes, driving her to an orgasm as well, as he expected. For a moment, they're completely lost in that pleasure, as Kaze erupts inside of her and as Hinoka trembles around him, pulsing with her climax. And then it's over, and The two of them relax against one another in the blissful afterglow, panting to catch their breath and holding each other close as they enjoy the lingering pleasure, which takes quite some time to subside. They remain like that for a very long time before they  separate to wash themselves off and relax in the water for a while, enjoying the warmth of the hotspring. Eventually, they finish up their soak, and then they emerge from the water. Soon, their children will come looking for them, but they still have a little bit of time together before that. Hinoka lays out on a sunbaked boulder, sprawling out face down, while Kaze relaxes next to her, brushing out her hair first, and then the fur of her twin tails, taking his time and doing it slowly and gently. She could instantly brush herself out by using her fox magic, but she enjoys letting her husband pamper her like this sometimes. While he does this, she sighs happily and says, "Our children are nearly a year old. Soon, they're going to gain their human forms, and be given their names. I think it would be best for us to visit my clan's village and present the children to the elders. Our clan is a matriarchal one, and I am a direct descendent of that matriarch." "I see," he says, a bit surprised by this news. Despite being together for so long, the two of them haven't discussed that part of her past. He knows more about her time spent serving Lady Inari, and he hadn't ever thought to ask about a past before that, though he should have known that there would be one. He certainly didn't expect her to be from such an honorable clan. However, he is not put off by the idea in the slightest, even if knowing her lineage makes her seem a bit more daunting. It's still his wife, after all. "Yes, that does sound like a good idea. You just point me in the right direction, and I'll make sure you and the children get there safely!" ~X~ Not long after that, they prepare for their journey, and Hinoka informs him of the correct location. They start to get together what they need to travel that distance, as well as inform the kits where they will be going and what they will be doing. Once his family is prepared, Kaze begins the long trip to Hinoka's village. They travel for quite some time, covering a great distance before they finally come upon it, but it is exactly where Hinoka says it is. He can't help feeling a little bit nervous about this, though he doesn't let that show. As they make their way into the village, it isn't hard for him to notice that nearly everyone he sees is very different, but similar to the woman at his side. He sees some who are small and childlike, with a single tail, and he sees some appearing to be in adolescence, like his wife, with two tails, and he sees those who appear more adult, with anywhere between three and six tails. Some people recognize Hinoka, calling out to her and greeting her as they keep walking, and she seems very happy to see so many familiar faces. However, she doesn't have time to get caught up right now, and she doesn't stop to talk to anyone, leading Kaze directly to the hall of the elders instead. When they get there, standing outside of the imposing looking building, she tells him to wait outside with the children, and then she goes in alone. Inside, there are nine elders, two on each side, four total, with seven tails, four total with two on each side with eight tails, and in the middle, the largest one, with nine tails. All are in their fox form, and the ninetails is big enough that she looks as though she could likely crush Hinoka under her paw. Hinoka bows before them in turn, and bows before the matriarch for the longest. "Honorable Great Grandmother," she says, speaking to the matriarch. "Yes, little Hinoka? This is an unexpected visit, what brings you here?" she asks affectionately, sounding like a doting grandmother for a moment there. However, she breathes in before the girl has a chance to reply, and catches a whiff of Hinoka's scent, and can quickly determine that she's broken her vow of chastity and taken up with a human man, having children in the process. "You honestly broke your vow to Lady Inari? And you sullied yourself with a human? Have you no shame, girl? I thought you were raised better than that! Bringing dishonor on your goddess as well as your clan's name! Did you even think about the consequences or did you simply act blindly? Honestly, I never knew you could be so reckless or impulsive! And to think you would waltz in here like nothing ever happened!" She continues to scold her, sounding more angry with each word, and Hinoka shrinks back, trembling in fear as fire begins to lace her great grandmother's breath. However, she knows that she can't let this continue, not when her great grandmother doesn't know the whole story, and not when she really has nothing to be ashamed of. "B-but," Taking a deep breath, she steels herself despite her intimidation and says, "Kaze saved my life and is a very honorable man, and I was told to reward him in whatever way he saw fit. However, we were soon to grow close, and Lady Inari blessed our union with the red thread of fate, and we have a happy family, and one of our children is even blessed as Lady Inari is!" After listening to Hinoka's words and taking a few agonizing moments considering them, the elder is visibly calmed. "If that's the case, then I suppose it can't be helped. You always did have a good head on your shoulders, so perhaps I was a bit too quick to scold you. Very well, please bring your family in now. I would like to meet them." Hinoka goes outside to usher them in, and Kaze does his best to not outwardly show how daunted he is by the elders before him. She gives him a reassuring smile, letting him know that everything is going well, but that doesn't do much to ease up his nerves at all. He stands directly in front of the matriarch, and her eyes bore into his soul for quite some time before she finally speaks again. Begrudgingly, she says, "Yes, he's...acceptable." However, Hinoka gets the feeling that she's only holding back out of habit, and that she approves more than she lets on. At the very least, she isn't being scolded again. And then she asks for her children to be brought forth and presented to her. During the trip, they finally gained their human forms, though they look more like three year olds than the nearly one year olds that they are. The first is one of their sons who bows before the elder and says, "It's great to meet you, grandma." He has dark hair, like his father. Once he's introduced himself, he shows off the current range of his powers, starting with a few simple illusions. Illusions are one of his strong suits, so he spends the most time on that before his mother steps forward to speak his name for the first time. "This is Ryoma." "Welcome to the family and our clan, Ryoma." After him, one of his brothers steps forward and does a few illusions before proudly producing a small wisp of fox fire. This is his strong suit in terms of powers, something that he's put a lot of work into. After stepping back, Hinoka comes forward to introduce the red haired boy as Saizo. A dark haired girl steps forward next, doing her illusions rather well, perhaps even better than her brothers, and then a smaller wisp of fire and a small summoning. Her mother introduces her as Setsuna, and the elder is proud to welcome her into the clan as well. Last but not least is their final daughter, who bears a striking resemblance to Hinoka. She goes through her illusions and her fire, but by far and away, her best skill is her conjuring of a children's top. "She is the one I told you about before, blessed as Lady Inari is." The daughter has the genitals of both genders, just as the goddess Hinoka serves does. "Her name is Hiko." "She's going to do great things if she really is so blessed. Welcome to the family and the clan." The four children have a hard time remaining serious now, and as soon as Hiko is done being presented, they begin playing with each other, not paying any attention to what's going on as they do illusions or conjure toys to play with. Kaze leans down to play with them and look after them, still finding the elders to be incredibly imposing and finding it easier to be more on level with his children. Hinoka smiles fondly at all of them, glad that she ended up here, with this family, even if it got her scolded at first. She's happier now than she ever thought possible, with Kaze and her children, and she wants a big family, bigger than she has now by quite a bit. She hopes that the two of them will continue to have kits until that goal is realized, and that their travels will be filled with just as much happiness as they have up until now, if not more. Her heart feels so full of love for them as she smiles down at them that she doesn't know how she could possibly hope to contain it all. The elder watches this with her own fond smile, able to tell the gist of what Hinoka's thinking just by looking at her. "You and your family are more than welcome to stay in the village for a while. We'll be happy to have all of you." "Thank you, Honorable Great Grandmother," she replies, and she bows. Kaze stands to do the same. "Thanks, grandma!" the children chorus, all bowing together in nearly perfect unison. "Congratulations on having such a fine litter of kits," she goes on to say. "And good luck, both with raising them and with the litter in your belly." For a moment, her words don't quite sink in, but when they do, Hinoka is overcome with a fresh wave of joy. Since she and Kaze have decided to try for more, they've taken every opportunity they've had to be alone and have done all they can to ensure that she conceives. She can't believe that the elder can already see and know, but she's overjoyed to realize that their efforts have paid off. Soon, she will likely begin showing more signs that will be noticeable to her, but now, she already knows that she's expecting. When she looks to Kaze, he smiles back at her, looking just as overjoyed as she feels. The children play on, not yet understanding what the words mean, but soon, they'll be happy to learn that they have new siblings to play with on the way. Their family is growing quickly, and it's only going to get bigger from there.