Kitsune Gives Birth by ImoutoCommissions It had been a few months since the fateful night when Kaze met Hinoka and was subsequently bound to her in marriage, after a series of events that had ended in her pregnancy. The couple had only grown closer over time, coming to love each other dearly and deeply as they settled into their marriage. However, there was still so little that Kaze really knew about kitsunes, and there were new things that he was learning about Hinoka every day, little things that would surprise and confuse him, but he only ever loved her more. The biggest surprise of all came one day when she revealed to him that she would be giving birth soon. He had thought it was strange that her belly had grown so quickly, but he had not put two and two together and realized that reproduction went a bit quicker for her kind. They were traveling together when she told him, concerned, that she would most likely give birth within the next week. "Wh-what?" he asked. "But how is that possible? It hasn't been nine months yet..." "My kind have pregnancies more similar to foxes than to humans, and with foxes, it doesn't last quite that long," she replied. It made sense, but he wished she had said something earlier, as he had had no time to prepare for this. "We need to find somewhere to stay indoors," he said, feeling himself grow a bit frantic but trying to keep calm for her sake. "We need somewhere for you to give birth that's safe and clean." She laughed and said, "I'll be perfectly fine in the wilderness. My kind have been doing it like that for centuries before I was even born. There's no need for you to worry about anything." "No, no," he said, shaking his head, "we'll have to go into town. We can find somewhere for us to stay, both for your safety and the safety of the kits." She looked ready to argue again, but her face softened when he said, "Please, my love. I insist." Really, it was more for his peace of mind than anything else, and Hinoka realized that and agreed. "Alright, if that's what you think is best, my love." And so the two of them began to venture into a town, looking for an inn where she could stay for the time being. Hinoka cast an illusion to conceal her ears and tail from the townspeople to avoid too much attention, and they reached an inn. Unfortunately, Kaze really didn't have the money to properly rent a room, but he went to great lengths to convince the innkeeper to give in. He pointed out that his wife was great with child, and the innkeeper sympathized with them. What was more, Kaze offered the protection of his sword in exchange for their hospitality, and so they were offered a room for the duration needed. The two of them went to bed together that night, and Hinoka, not wanting to ignore her duties as a wife, asked Kaze to lay down for her. He smiled as he complied, knowing what this meant for him, and she climbed on top of him to ride him. Lowering herself onto his erect member, she was still the perfectly pleasant fit, both tight and able to accommodate him no matter what. He thrust up into her as she cried out in pleasure, jerking her own hips down to meet his, the two of them working in tandem. It was a rhythm they had learned together over the past few months, knowing just the way to make love to the other. Their combined passions mounted, until both were just moments away from an orgasm, and he looked up at her, in awe of just how beautiful his wife, and the mother of his children, was. He was often struck by just how lucky he really was to have her, and now was one of those times. He reached a hand up to stroke her face, murmuring about how much he loved her, and then she let out a soft, adorable gasp as she reached her orgasm, trembling around him as he remained inside of her. As she was coming down from her orgasm, she breathlessly told him, "Please, as the father of my children...I would love it if you would spill your seed within your vixen." Just hearing those words from her, especially after feeling her come on him, was more than enough to finish him off, and Kaze was more than glad to comply with her request. Moaning, he came within his young, pregnant wife, filling her just as he always did. If she hadn't gotten pregnant that first time, it would have been impossible for them to avoid it happening eventually. As he recovered from his orgasm, he gently helped ease her into bed next to him, and the two of them slept peacefully for the night, completely unaware of the changes taking place with her. It wasn't until after they had woken up the next morning that either of them noticed, and it was Kaze who noticed it first, pointing it out to Hinoka in surprise. "You have two tails!" he said, pointing, and it was true. Where she had once only had one fluffy fox tail, now there were two in its place. She turned to look over her shoulder and a grin broke out over her face. "This is amazing!" she cried. "My kind only get a new tail once every century! Oh, this is so exciting, it's such a special occasion!" She practically squealed, and he was struck by how adorable this was. "We should definitely celebrate something like this. It's an important milestone for my kind." She didn't have anything particular or extravagant in mind, but Kaze wanted only the best for his wife. "I'm going to make it the best celebration possible," he said, "but I'll need some time to work out the details of that." ~X~ He didn't want to ask more of his host, and so Kaze went out around the town to look for odd jobs. He hoped that he could earn money or, at the very least, exchange his labor for goods, and as he worked hard throughout the day, things began to come together for him. By the time it was getting into the evening, he thought he had managed to get together enough to surprise Hinoka with a wonderful celebration feast. Only the best for his wife, of course, and this celebration was no exception. That night, she was surprised when he told her the lengths he had gone to for it, insisting that he didn't need to go that far for her. Of course, he wouldn't hear anything of it and replied that he would always go that far for her, and she couldn't deny the fact that she was pleased and excited. He let the innkeeper know of their plans and paid the staff to prepare the finest meal that they could, and then it was delivered to their room where Hinoka refused to let him serve it to her. "I'm still your wife," she said, "so I will do the serving." Kaze couldn't really complain about that. It had been hard to find proper clothing to comfortably accommodate her pregnant belly, and since they were alone, she preferred to do things in the nude. Kaze had the pleasure of having his dinner served to him by his beautiful, naked wife. It also allowed her to show off her new tail, since her clothes were only made to expose one of them, and he admired the twin tails as she walked about, looking very proud and pleased with herself for this. She sat in his lap when they ate together, her tails spread out to the side. Occasionally, he would caress her stomach, excitedly pointing out when he felt one of their children move within her. Sometimes, she would feel one move and let him know just so that he could place his hand on her again. They sat like this for a while, peaceful and content, and once they were done eating, they relaxed together. And then Hinoka felt something poking at her from behind, and she knew without even looking what that meant. Giggling, she turned her head to ask him about it. "Is my honorable husband in the mood for some early bedtime activity?" she asked playfully, getting down on all fours in front of him, her stomach almost reaching the floor, as she wagged her tails, hoping that this would help her scent reach him. "You're so beautiful, my vixen," he said, "and such a dutiful wife as well. I could never resist you like this." And so he freed his erect cock, positioning himself behind her so that he could take her, pressing into her with a quiet, satisfied moan that she echoed, pressing back onto him to help take him in further. Then Kaze began fucking her in earnest, thrusting into her with vigor as he held onto her, moaning her name and repeating what a beautiful little vixen she was, over and over again. She would look back at him sometimes with love in her eyes, and that would only encourage him to keep going, so driven by his need for her that he was sure there was no force in the world that could stop him from taking her. Sitting back and pulling her with him, he let her ride his lap with her legs over his arms and his hands resting on her swollen stomach. Soon, she was begging him for his seed again, just as she always did. It turned him on more than he could say, hearing her say such things, and he helped her to bounce up and down on him as he thrust up into her, her moans turning into adorable little gasps as he felt her grow close right along with him. It wouldn't take much to get him there now, and with the way she begged him, and feeling her stomach under his hands, he knew it was only a matter of time. "Please grant me your seed," she whimpered once again, before her breath hitched and she cried out and he came within her, moaning as they reached their climaxes together. And just as they did, her womb contracted and suddenly there was a rush of fluid gushing out around his member, and it only took him a moment to realize that this was her water breaking. Hinoka confirmed his suspicions when she said, "I think I'm entering childbirth now," and sounded much more calm about the whole thing than he felt. "Don't worry," she said, most likely sensing his impending panic. "I've been a priestess of a fertility goddess. I have a lot of experience as a midwife and will be able to deliver our children without problem. Also, childbirth won't be nearly as hard on me as it would be a human woman. My kits will be much smaller than a human infant, so they won't cause me much pain at all." Kaze felt himself calm down considerably just hearing her reassurance. He hadn't felt that he had done enough to prepare for this, but if she really did know how to do it all on her own, then there was nothing for him to worry about. He was ready to help her in any way that she needed him to, and was just about to ask what he could do, when she resumed riding him as if nothing had happened. "Wh-what are you doing?" he asked in surprise, before moaning a bit in pleasure because, nervous or not, this was still so amazing. "This helps with a lot of things," she explained, not slowing herself down at all. "It helps keep the both of us relaxed, of course, but it does more than that. It can also get the birth canal prepared. By keeping me opened up like this, it'll be easier on me when the babies are ready. Then it really shouldn't be very hard for me at all." Nodding, he went along with it, continuing to thrust into her but trying to be gentle, a little bit paranoid about doing something to harm the children at this stage. But Hinoka knew what she was doing and she allowed him to keep going for quite some time before she felt the need to stop him. He fucked her gently, making sure to keep her open and ready for the coming children. Hinoka was even more beautiful like this, if that were even possible, and he was overcome with excitement, knowing that she was finally about to bring their children into the world. "It's time," she said at last, and he nodded, helping her get off of him so that she could begin. She had a little basket prepared for this, and he stood off to the side, out of the way but close enough to offer any assistance, should she need it. Kneeling over the basket, Hinoka made herself relax as she waited. Soon enough, she could feel one of the kits that was ready and she began to push, taking deep easy breaths as she did so. Kaze watched in fascination as his wife pushed, waiting for the first sight of the first of his children. It was not long until he saw what had to be the head of the kit, pushing out of his wife, and soon she rested a hand under the kit to cradle it once it was completely free. Gently, Hinoka laid it down in the basket and repeated the process when a second kit began to crown. It came just as easily as the first, and she laid it down beside its sibling, taking a moment to breathe before resuming pushing. It was another moment before he saw the third, but just like the first two, it seemed to be easy on her. If she was hurting at all, she was not showing it, and he wondered how many humans would gladly trade places with her where birthing was concerned. The third was laid down in the basket as well, and she gave him an exhausted smile as she said, "There's one more." And, of course, the fourth came just as easily as the three before it, and Hinoka pushed the kit out into her hand and laid it down with the other three, sighing in relief and happiness as she stepped back to look at her children. Kaze came up beside her to support her, and helped her to lay down, curling up beside the babies. Though it had not been much of a strain on her, she was still very tired from giving birth, and would need rest to recover. Kaze was more than willing to stay awake and watch over his family if he had to. After a moment, the little ones nudged up to her, and two began suckling at her breasts while the other two suckled at small nipples on her stomach that seemed almost to appear there just to serve their purpose. She let them feed, and looked up at her husband to say, "Aren't they beautiful?" "Yes," he agreed, "they are. But they look like normal fox kits, they don't look very human at all. Is that supposed to happen?" She nodded, not at all annoyed by his confusion. She often had to explain things about her kind to him, but she was always understanding when he didn't know something and was always willing to help him. "They're going to look like that for a little while," she said. "They won't gain their human form until they are a year old, and then they'll look a little bit more like me. Which I'm very grateful for, as it makes childbirth so much easier." She gave a little shudder of horror, adding, "I can't imagine what it must be like for a human to give birth to a fully sized baby." "And what about names?" he asked. They had never really discussed it before, but he had assumed that they were just waiting until they knew what their children looked like before they decided on something like that. "It's bad luck to name kits before they've gained a human form," she replied. “But someday, so please think about it keep any names you like in mind, and when it comes time for them to be named, we can discuss it." He nodded, hoping that she would help him keep track of the four. It might be difficult to differentiate between them without names, but he was sure that he would find a way, especially with Hinoka's help. "Alright," he said, and he laid down behind her, spooning her and keeping her and the kits close so that he could protect his new family at all costs. Hinoka gave a content sigh as she curled tighter around the babies. They had finished feeding and were sleepy, and she was even sleepier, so she held them against her and snuggled back into her husband happily. "I'm looking forward to being able to make love to you face to face again," she said. "I've really missed it." "Aren't you worried about getting pregnant again?" he asked, nuzzling the back of her head. "I'm not able to until I've finished nursing," she replied. "We don't have to worry about that for a while yet." It wasn't long before she drifted off for some much needed sleep, and Kaze took that time to admire her and their children, feeling very blessed to have such a beautiful family. He was quite tired himself, but he fought to stay awake for at least a little bit longer, wanting to be able to look after them. When he did succumb to his own exhaustion, his dreams were filled with his family.