A Samurai Rescues a Kitsune by ImoutoCommissions A young man was wandering through the woods of the mountain one day, hunting for something for dinner. He carried a sword with him for he was a samurai, and was on the lookout for easy prey, but found something completely unexpected. In the road before him lay a young girl, looking to be about ten. She had red hair that almost allowed her ears to blend in, but not quite. The ears, along with the fox-like tail she had, gave away the fact that she was a kitsune. More noticeable than that, however, was her visible injuries. There was an arrow in her shoulder, which bled, she was covered in cuts and scrapes, her clothing was torn, and her ankle appeared to be twisted, which likely caused her fall. On top of all of that, she appeared to be unconscious. Whatever she had been fleeing from, she was in no position to flee from it now, and laying out in the open like that could only end badly for her. He was glad that he had happened upon her first, and was quick to pick her up in his arms and carried her back to where he had made camp. She didn't wake up once throughout this, or even when he began to clean and dress her wounds. Her red and white outfit, one that a miko might wear, was completely destroyed, and he tried his best to look away while he dressed her in one of his spare sleeping yukata, doing what he could to protect her modesty. Still, she remained asleep, sleeping throughout the rest of the day. It was not until night that she woke up, and only the glow of the campfire allowed her to be able to see the man who had rescued her. "Wh...where am I?" she asked softly. "You're safe," he said, handing a bowl of rice to her. "You can have some tea or sake as well, if you'd like. I'm sorry, but I don't have any meat to offer you." "Thank you," she said sincerely, sitting up and taking the bowl. She ate quickly, and he realized that she must have been quite hungry after her rough day. When she had finished her food, she began to speak again. "Thank you so much for saving me. I am a priestess of Inari. My name is Hinoka." "My name is Kaze," he replied. "You're welcome." "I was being pursued by a hunter, and I was struck by one of his arrows. I only barely managed to escape before I collapsed, and that was where you found me. And I'm glad it was you," she said, "or else things could have ended up much worse for me." "I couldn't leave you out there like that," said Kaze. "It just wouldn't have been right." "Still, I am very grateful to you," Hinoka said. "I owe you so much, my life included." "You don't owe me a thing. Like I said, I was only doing what was right." "No, no, I do owe you, and I would like to repay you on the behalf of Lady Inari," she said. "She is grateful to you too, for saving one of her servants." "I couldn't accept anything from you," he said. "I have no desire for material wealth, especially not as payment for human decency. I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to decline." "Oh, there must be something you want! I'm bound by my duty to do something for you after saving my life like that. Please try to think of something. I promise, I will do absolutely anything." At that, he couldn't help but remember how her pale, delicate skin had looked to him when he couldn't help but look at her while changing her clothes. She had a beautiful, budding body with soft curves that were much too tempting when he really stopped to think about them. He could feel his arousal growing just thinking about it, and he got up the nerve to ask her for the one thing he thought she could give him that he really wanted. "What about this?" he asked. "What if you repaid me by letting me have you...carnally?" Hinoka blushed at his offer, and he wondered if he had gone too far in asking for something like that. "Well, I...I took a vow of chastity when I entered into Inari's service," she confessed, and he grew disappointed. "But I also said that I would do anything for you, and I owe you so much for saving me like that. I do not think Inari would allow a man who would ask for something like that to save me unless she would allow for me to break my vow for him. And you must be an honorable man if you would not take advantage of me when I was unconscious." Kaze's heartbeat sped up; this was really going to happen, and he wanted her more than he could say. He had thought she was beautiful from the beginning, but had not been able to really think much on that before, due to how important it was to make sure that she recovered. Now he finally had his chance with her, and not only that, but he knew that he would be her first. He watched with great interest as she removed the yukata he had given her. She spread it out on the ground beneath her, using it as some sort of blanket, and laid down for him, spreading her legs while her tail fanned out beneath her. He stared at her girlhood, wanting her now more than ever, but he hesitated for a moment to say, "What about your injuries? I don't want to do anything that will hurt you." "It'll be fine as long as you don't do anything to my shoulder or ankle," she replied. "I'm not hurt very badly anywhere else." He nodded and began to get undressed before he climbed on top of her and positioned himself, ready to take her and collect his reward. But he paused, noticing just how thick his member was. He was barely thinner than her leg and he said, "I'm afraid I might be too big for you. You're going to be much too tight for me to fit, especially with this being your first time. I really don't want to hurt you with this." "You don't have to worry about that," she said. "I should be able to stretch to accommodate you without any problems. Please, don't worry or hesitate anymore and pierce my maidenhead quickly so that I may repay your good deeds." "Of course," he said. "You look beautiful tonight, Hinoka." He kissed her forehead after saying this, loving the way she blushed at his compliments. He could not wait a moment longer to have her, and took a deep breath before he gave his first thrust, his desire making it impossible for him to try to be slow or gentle with her. In one thrust, he had himself buried deep within her, taking her virginity with that one, swift movement. Hinoka cried out, but it was not at all from pain. She had never been touched in such a way before, had never even attempted to pleasure herself before in her life, and the sudden contact, sudden sensation, was too much for her to bear. Her heart pulsed so intensely that she could feel it throughout her body, and she trembled as pleasure washed over her, making the pain she would have felt from her hymen being pierced nearly disappear. She was experiencing her first orgasm, and it was the most amazing thing she had ever felt in her entire life. Kaze watched her face, unable to believe that he had brought her to such a point without any effort, but he was not complaining. He felt amazing himself, and she looked even more radiant like this, and it was all he could do to hold still and give her a moment to enjoy her orgasm and recover from it. But as soon as he noticed that she had begun to come down from it, he could not wait a second longer, and began to thrust a bit, very slowly at first because, though he had not hurt her yet, he did not want to tempt fate in that regard. He worked in and out of her slowly and gently, overwhelmed by how wonderful it felt inside of her. She was tight, but at the same time, he still felt like he fit perfectly, and he realized that she was not kidding when she said she would stretch to accommodate him. It wasn't so tight that he would hurt her, just enough that it caused the right amount of friction to drive him crazy. Her tail wagged as he fucked her, and she was growing more breathless with each passing second. Writhing in pleasure, Hinoka moaned for him over and over again, one of the most beautiful sounds he had ever heard. She began to rock her hips soon, matching his pace and meeting his as she cried, "Oh, Kaze, more please!" Hearing his name caused him to shiver with pleasure. "More, faster, please!" She didn't have to beg him for long before he gave into her demands, upping the speed of his thrusts to match what she wanted, doing whatever she needed to feel good because it all felt amazing to him in the end. Her face was a sight to behold as she tipped her head back in pleasure, moaning out his name again. Wrapping her legs around him, she brought him in deeper and he moaned in response, knowing that she was bringing him close to his own climax. "It feels so good, it feels so good," she cried. "Oh, you're so big and you're filling me up and it feels so good! I love it, you're stretching me and I love it!" She went on and on like that until her voice was hardly coherent, rambling about how wonderful he made her feel. Soon enough, he felt her tightening up more and more around him, growing tense as she had before, but this time with a lot more warning. She would be at her second orgasm soon, and at the rate he was going, he knew that would be all it would take to push him over the edge. He resolved to hold out until then, and thrust harder and harder as she was rendered speechless from pleasure. When he finally brought her there for the second time, her legs tightened around him and she cried out his name again, and it was almost too much for him to feel the way she trembled around him. Barely able to contain himself now, he warned her, "I'm about to plant my seed within you." "What? No, you can't!" she cried. "I'm the priestess of a fertility goddess, and you'll surely impregnate me with a whole litter of kits if you don't-" But he couldn't stop himself. Her warning came too late and all self-control was lost as he came, spilling his seed within her. He moaned, succumbing to pleasure completely, the most amazing feeling he had ever felt. It had been his first time as well, and he had never thought it would be this great. But then he began to come down from it and was reminded of the fact that he was not supposed to do that. He knew that she was probably only a few seconds away from freaking out, and he gently pulled out of her, holding her close to him and stroking her ears. "I'm sorry for that," he said. "That was a horrible loss of self-control, and I apologize for it, but I promise, I will help you with the kits in any way that I can. I will take full responsibility, and if it comes to it, I will even take you as my wife." She visibly calmed down at that, snuggling his chest as her tail began to wag. Hinoka relaxed then and said, "I think...I think I'd like that. I think I could be very happy with you." Before he could say anything in response, there was a nearly-blinding flash of light. As it faded, he saw a glowing thread of energy wrapped around her pinky finger, and following it, he saw that it linked to his own. It was the red thread of fate, and she gasped in surprise. "I think...I think Inari has sent this as a sign!" she said. "She's sent this to bless our decision." "Is that right?" He grinned at her. "Well, I'm glad that that's the case, because I think I'll be very happy with you as well." She grinned back, then suddenly blushed. "I...since we're...married, or at least very close to it...would you like to...?" He could tell by the way that she was squirming that she was aroused again, and he was more than willing to have her once again. "Of course, my love," he replied, pulling her onto him while keeping her on his lap. He didn't force himself into her quite so roughly this time, and really took his time to savor their second time together and what was really their first time as a couple. In fact, it really was like a honeymoon, and he gave her a gentle kiss as he began to fuck her softly, admiring just how beautiful his new wife and the mother of his future children was. "I just hope you don't mind that I'm an old maid," she said. "Especially since I'm an old maid with no experience in being a wife!" "I...what?" he asked, confused by her statement. He had assumed she was still a child when he had first met her, and his assumption still did not seem off base. "But you look so young..." "My kind age much more slowly than humans," she replied. "In a few months, I'll be a hundred years old, and by this point, most of my kind have already spent decades with a human lover before they get their second tail. I'm quite behind, as you can imagine." The news was stunning, but it didn't put off his growing affection for her in the slightest and he moaned in delight when she began to bounce on him. He gave her a pat on the head and said, "Well, at least you're going to be small and cute for a few more decades. That's certainly good news and I don't think I'll mind your lack of experience at all. You know, I don't have much either, and I could never think of you as an old maid, no matter how old you really are." "I'm so happy!" she squealed and he could believe it by the look in her eyes. "I'll have to say an extra special prayer of gratitude to Lady Inari for letting me find you." Grinding her hips into his, she grinned and he said, "If you keep bouncing like that, I'm going to plant my seed within you again." He caught her lips in a kiss then, long and passionate, showing her just how much he already cared for her and how much he intended to show that to her throughout their marriage. She returned his kiss with fervor and he could tell that she had fallen for him just as quickly, and he was so grateful that he had come across her and saved her when he did. When they pulled apart, she was breathless for a moment before she spoke. "I don't think I'd mind that at all," she replied with a giggle. "After all, you're my husband now, and I think we should at least do it once more to be sure." A few moments ago, she was terrified of what would happen if she got pregnant, but now that their union had been blessed, it seemed that she looked forward to it. And so he continued making love to her, not holding anything back now that he had no reason to, making her cry out again and again in pleasure. She may have had no prior experience, but she was catching on quickly. He jerked his hips up into her as she continued to grind down onto him, matching her rhythm perfectly until she reached yet another orgasm, her face so flushed and cute that he could hardly stand it. That was something he could certainly get used to being able to look at every night. She relaxed on top of him as she came down from her orgasm, but he was not quite done with her yet and continued, the image of her satisfied face spurring him on. She held onto him as he finished driving into her, giving a few adorable gasps whenever he gave a thrust, until at last he was there once more, filling her with his seed yet again. He pulled her off of him then, taking her into his arms, bridal style, and carrying her over to where he slept. "I hope you don't mind sleeping outside, my love," he said. "Of course not," she replied. "I'm actually quite used to it." He laid down with her, pulling her up close to him and snuggling her to keep her warm, knowing that this was especially important since they were both still naked. He supposed they could have gotten dressed again, but he didn't want to and she didn't complain, much too exhausted to care about anything but sleep. Holding her close, it wasn't long until the both of them had fallen asleep under the stars. What had started as a chance encounter had turned into something entirely different and entirely wonderful, and he knew that this would not be a day that he would be forgetting any time soon.