Magical Girl Halloween by ImoutoCommissions Chapter 1 It was Halloween, and five little girls were very excited about trick-or-treating. One of the girls, one named Zoey, had an older sister who was very passionate about anime and cosplaying, and had shown them the dub of Tokyo Mew Mew once (since her little sister shared a name with the main character) when they were over at their house. Of course, the girls had fallen in love with it and had watched it several times, and had even been willing to read the subtitles on the original just for the chance to get more content. Now that it was Halloween, they had decided that they wanted to be the Mews, and since Zoey's sister was so into cosplay, she had managed to make them all very accurate costumes. All of them were so excited that night that they could hardly contain themselves, both because they loved their costumes so much and because it was the first year that they would be able to go trick-or-treating by themselves. They had all met up at Zoey's house beforehand to get ready, and had dinner together- though dinner mostly consisted of snacks and soda because the older sister had some friends over for a small party. Zoey and her friends, Dani, Trina, Lily, and Penny ended up drinking so much soda and eating so many sugary snacks that they were very hyper and very excited before even being sent out to get candy. All running out the door, they shouted goodbye to the party inside, and began walking down the street. "How should we introduce ourselves?" asked Trina, who was dressed as Mew Pudding. "What do you mean?" asked Lily, who was Mew Zakuro. "Like, should I say I'm Pudding or say I'm Kikki?" she asked. This question actually sparked a serious discussion that delayed them for a few minutes. Zoey was insistent that they go with the dub names, because she preferred the version with her name in it, whereas Dani, who was dressed as Mint (Corina), claimed that they had to stick with the original, because those were the characters" 'true names". Trina ended up taking Zoey's side, since she thought it would be easier to go with American names, but Lily wanted to take Dani's (which lead to Dani trying to act in-character and fawn over "her big sister Zakuro"). The tie-breaker was supposed to be their Lettuce and/or Bridgette, Penny, but she ended up not able to choose. This lead to a very mixed introduction at the first house. As Zoey and Trina declared themselves "Mew Zoey" and "Mew Kikki", Dani had insistently shouted that she was "Mew Mint" and Lily had tried to stoically introduce herself as "Mew Zakuro." "I'm Mew Bridgette...I mean...Mew Lettuce?" Penny still couldn't decide which name to use, and though they were given plenty of candy, the people at the house seemed very confused. Of course, this could partially be due to the fact that their costumes weren't actually all that recognizable to someone who wasn't familiar with the show. Of course, it didn't help that Zoey had ended every sentence with "nya"- somehow, her preference to dub did not extend far enough to avoid using that noise- and had tried to work cat-related things into everything she could. "Trick-or-treat, nya!" she had said. "Meow name is Mew Zoey, nya," she had said. And once they had their candy, she had said, "Thank nya very much, nya!" To say she was overdoing it would be a bit of an understatement, but they all tried to get into character and they all began playing up their personalities a bit too much. Leaving the house, they all felt very satisfied, though they left the people behind confused. The early part of the night went on much the same, but it wasn't very long until the soda began to catch up with all of them, and soon enough, their attempts to stay in character began to get a little weaker as they tried to ignore the growing discomfort and pressure in their bladders. Penny was the first to start to feel truly desperate, but as the pressure grew to a point that she couldn't ignore, she found that she was too shy to interrupt her friends for her own problem and she resolved to see how long she could hold it. Little did she know that one by one, the other girls were starting to get desperate themselves. Zoey made less and less puns as she went on, until she could barely remember the obligatory "nya" at the end of every sentence, but she didn't want to be the one to interrupt their fun night of trick-or-treating. She tried to remind herself to keep her cat girl act up, and would go through cycles of being even more over the top, getting distracted by her bladder again, and dropping character a little bit more. Trina was too excited about candy to even pay attention at first, and it wasn't until things started to get really bad that she even realized that she had to pee, but even then, she was still more concerned with getting candy. She really, really didn't want to have to stop trick-or-treating just to try and find a bathroom, and she was determined to wait it out until the night was over and her candy bucket was overflowing! As for Dani, she had gotten so hung up on the idea of Lily being her Zakuro that she actually thought she should try to impress her and decided that interrupting the group to look for a bathroom would not be very impressive behavior at all. And so, she decided to keep that to herself, even though she was soon struggling to keep up the image of a snobby, classy young lady as she fell silent more and more often. Once, she even introduced herself as Corina because she wasn't entirely focused. She was both humiliated by that, and a little thrilled that Lily went along with it and called herself Renee. Poor Lily was in a similar boat to Dani, but for the opposite reason. She had picked up on the other girl's growing admiration for her, and she wanted to play the part correctly, so she tried her best to look cool, just like Zakuro would have. Unfortunately, she felt her need to pee growing so rapidly that it was hard to hold still, and she knew that fidgeting around all the time didn't make her look very stoic at all. She was struggling to conceal her need and struggling to stay in character, but she found that she really didn't want Dani to think that she was uncool for any reason. Finally, however, Zoey spoke up, and said, "I don't want to be a pain or anything, you guys think we should take a break? I really need to pee, and it's making it hard for me to concentrate on things!" Trina gave a sigh of relief and said, "Me too! I wasn't gonna say anything cos I really, really want to get more candy, but if you guys need to stop, then I definitely think we should!" "We can look for somewhere for you two," said Lily, not mentioning the fact that it was for her sake as well, and Dani was quick to agree. Penny, however, was still too shy to mention anything, and she'd always been like this. These were her closest friends, but she was still not comfortable talking about such things with anyone, and often found herself in desperate situations because she had a hard time bringing up her own needs or excusing herself to the bathroom. Even with them, she didn't like for them to know when she had to go or what she was doing when she walked out of the room sometimes, even when it was incredibly obvious that that was what was up. Tonight, her shyness made it impossible for her to bring up her own problem, but she figured that if the others went to the bathroom somewhere, then it would be okay for her to go as well, and she wouldn't have to talk about it at all. Even if just Zoey and Trina talked about needing to, it was likely that Lily and Dani would go as well, just to be on the safe side, she thought. She really regretted having so much soda to drink, realizing that she should have known better. "There are bathrooms in the park," said Zoey after a moment. There was a park just at the end of their neighborhood that they would reach before the night was over. "If we just keep going this way, then we'll be there soon. How does that sound?" "I can definitely wait that long!" said Trina. "And then we can get more candy on the way, right?" The other girls mumbled their agreement, none of them yet admitting to the fact that they were getting desperate on their own. After all, if they could just make it to the park, then everything would be fine, and there was no need to talk about it. However, the walk seemed a little bit longer than they all remembered, or maybe that was just the fact that they were stopping at every house along the way and that the trick-or-treating was taking up quite a bit of time. Whatever the case, their bladders continued to protest, and it was impossible for them to think about anything else after a while. By the time they were halfway to the park, Zoey began to regret her decision. Maybe it would have been easier to go home after all. Dani couldn't help but feel frustrated as her own desperation grew, but at the same time, she hadn't been able to speak up about it yet. Nobody knew that she needed them to go a little faster so that she wasn't at risk of wetting herself, and a part of her was still reluctant to admit something like that in front of Lily. However, wetting herself in front of Lily would be infinitely worse, so she managed to muster up the nerve to speak. "Can we hurry it up a little?" she snapped, trying to sound aloof, like none of this really affected her. "I...kind of have to go to the bathroom too, so let's not waste all our time going slow." Lily perked up when she heard Dani admit to that, and could see the humiliation in her face. She decided that perhaps it would be better if she didn't conceal her need, then, so that Dani wouldn't feel quite as embarrassed. "Me too," she quickly added. "Let's hurry up." Penny felt a little bit better, knowing that the girls were all in need, but she still couldn't bring herself to add her own contribution to the conversation, and she still kept quiet, blushing furiously. All she could do was stagger along behind them, discreetly squeezing her thighs together as she tried to hold on until she had the chance. Time was not moving any more quickly and neither were they, but she was determined to never let them know just how bad it had gotten for her. Zoey's own battle was getting considerably worse than the others, however, and at one of the houses, she had a weird request. She asked the lady at the door for a grocery bag, which she was given, and then she made a staggering run for the bushes. Her friends followed as best as they could, confused. By the time they reached her, she had put most of her candy into the bag, and was quickly emptying out the rest of her candy bucket. "What on earth are you doing?" asked Dani. "I'm sorry, but I just can't wait anymore!" she cried, hiking her dress up. "Don't look!" They all quickly turned, and Trina began squirming in place as she heard the sound of liquid splashing into the bucket. Zoey let out a sigh of relief, so glad that she was finally able to empty her bladder and not even mind how gross her option was, and not thinking about how this might be affecting her listening friends. Another thing she was not considering was the capacity of her bucket versus how much she had been holding, and when it felt close to overflowing, she panicked and tried to stand and stop the stream, which only lead to the bucket tipping over while her bladder continued to empty. This resulted in her boots getting soaked on the top, as well as her panties, and before her bladder was emptied completely, she had gotten a considerable amount of urine on the back of her dress. Tears welled up in her eyes and she sniffed, not sure what to do. Trina was the first to turn around, even though by now she was shifting her weight from foot to foot, practically hopping in place to try to hold it in. She noticed what happened and made a sympathetic noise, saying, "It's not so bad, Zoey! It's dark, so nobody's gonna see!" "But...but..." She hung her head in humiliation. "I ruined my costume and I couldn't hold it until we got to the bathroom." "Well, if we don't get a move on, I don't think Trina is going to be able to hold it until we get there," Dani snapped, more willing to throw her friend under the bus than admit that her own problem was nearly out of her control. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, let's get going, nya!" Zoey seemed to be trying to put on a brave face, but when she walked, she kept looking back to make sure that the dark really did cover up the wetness on the back of her dress. It was true that Trina was nearly at her limit, and she could hardly walk at all, though she kept trying to keep up with the others and never let her face betray just how desperate she was, smiling all the way. She was smiling up until she stopped short, and her face finally faltered. Her friends turned back to see what was wrong, and she was standing still, grabbing herself and doubled over. "I'm sorry," she said, "but I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it!" Zoey went back to her to tug on one of her hands, trying to encourage her and telling her that she could definitely make it. Unfortunately, no amount of encouragement could help, and when Trina took a few hesitant steps, her bladder gave in. Stopping short again, her knees buckled as her costume grew damp. The other girls didn't really realize what was happening until they heard the sound of liquid hitting pavement, and this sound did nothing to help out Dani, Lily, or Penny, though Penny was still doing all she could to conceal her need. By the time Trina had completely emptied her bladder, her yellow costume had a large, darker yellow patch on it, but she hoped that if you weren't looking too closely, hers would also be easier to conceal in the dark. It was still much more noticeable than Zoey's, unfortunately. She gave a nervous laugh and said, "Sorry, I'm really sorry but I told you I wasn't going to be able to make it. But, look, Zoey, you're not alone anymore!" Dani was fidgeting more and more noticeably during this whole exchange, and finally, she couldn't contain herself anymore. "Look," she said, "I'm sorry this happened to both of you, but I really don't have time for this and I don't know if I'm even going to make it to the bathrooms in time," She could feel tears welling up in her eyes as she admitted just how close she was to wetting herself. "Why don't you just use your bucket like I did?" asked Zoey, trying her best to be helpful. "Because that turned out so great for you!" she snapped. "Then just the bushes?" "I can't...I can't...!" As she protested, she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Lily wearing a serious expression, looking every bit the part she had been trying to play all night. "I don't think I can make it either," she said. "What if we went together? Then, maybe, it wouldn't be so bad." And that was how they ended up, back to back in the bushes. Dani pulled her dress up while Lily pushed her shorts down and then they both pushed their panties down before squatting, and they held onto each other's hand for reassurance as they relieved themselves, hidden from sight in the bushes. When they emerged, both thankfully dry, the girls started talking about their plans for the rest of the night. All except for Penny, who felt a sense of dread knowing that now, all of her other friends had found a way to solve their own problems. She was the only one left, and she had not made her need known at all. Despite her shyness begging her not to, she knew that she was going to wet herself if she didn't speak up, and so she forced herself to do so. "U-um, if it's okay, can we still keep going that way? I still haven't...I mean, I need to..." She couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence, but she didn't need to. The other girls had it all figured out, and before she even had a chance to truly feel embarrassed, they were hurrying her along, trying to get her to the bathroom before it was too late. She was so touched by all of this that she could have cried. When the bathrooms were in sight, she also felt like crying, but from relief. However, once she was in, she realized that she had let herself get too excited, too soon. Her skirt was short, and cut in such a way that it left little room for modesty, and so it had been made with a pair of shorts sewn into it. There was no way for her to get them off or to the side, and she had to remove all of her dress, but as she fought with that, she felt her bladder give in. Whimpering, she tried her best to stop it, but there was nothing she could do; she had forced herself beyond her limit, and all she could do was spread her legs and lift her skirt to avoid getting herself too wet as she lost control. Her lip trembled and she blinked back tears, so ashamed that she had wet herself, and not sure what to do now. However, she remembered when Zoey had gotten her costume wet, and Trina's accident, and how they had both been so certain that it was too dark for it to be noticeable. When she let her skirt fall and turned, her shorts were mostly covered. In the dark, there was no way anyone would be able to tell! Perhaps when they got home, she would have to confess to what had happened, and she would have to walk in her wet costume until then, but she would be with her friends, two of whom were in similar situations, and she managed to stop herself from crying. Chapter 2 This Halloween, the girls are going to go to a party, rather than going trick-or-treating. They remember last year's outcome well enough, but do not let that deter them from picking another group theme for their costume, wanting to do another group of magical girls, after getting introduced again by Zoey's older sister. This year, they want to focus on Ojamajo Doremi, and have even made a new friend at school that can join them in dressing up as the young witches. Zoey's sister will, once again, eagerly help with costumes. Zoey is so dedicated to the theme that she is even willing to let her younger cousin come along. Her mother had asked her to help with babysitting that night, and had told her that she needed to take her to the party if she were going to be allowed to go, and though she had been reluctant at first, their costume theme makes it easier for her to agree to that. After all, she is going to be dressed as Doremi, and if she has someone to bring along as Pop, that is going to make things even better. It is rather fitting that Theresa is going to dress as Pop, actually. When Zoey thinks about it, the girls have a lot in common, including just how annoying she finds her, reflecting the relationship that Doremi has with her little sister. But Theresa is excited to get to dress up with them, and completes their group. Beyond that, they even have some boys from school willing to help out, dressing as Akatsuki, Leon, Fujio and Tohru. Zoey honestly could not be more thrilled, because her crush, Ryan, will be dressed as Akatsuki, and she hopes that her inherent shipping will help boost her confidence enough to be able to confess her feelings tonight. As for the rest of the group, there is a boy named Peter as Leon, Marco as Fujio, and Samuel as Tohru. With Dani planning to dress as Hazuki, Penny planning to dress as Onpu, Trina planning to dress as Aiko, Lily planning to dress as Momoko, and their new friend, Mina, planning to dress as Hana, they have a complete group. The fact that some of the girls have outfits coinciding with their crushes is not lost on Zoey, but she is not going to let herself get distracted by their potential love lives, not when she has her own night to worry about. Doing her best to forget how last Halloween went, she hypes herself up for the party. One thing has shifted in her in the past year, and that is her dedication to which names to go with. She has entirely flipped, deciding that Doremi is the best way to introduce herself, though perhaps her loyalty to the dub in the past year was only because her name was literally the same as the character that she cosplayed. Either way, that aligns her with Dani and Lily, while Theresa has become insistent on dub names in her stead. Every time she calls herself Caitlin, Zoey will grow frustrated with her, lecturing her on what name she should use, but so far, it has not stuck, likely because the young girl has only ever seen the dub, so trying to remember anything beyond that is more difficult for her. However, Trina has taken more of an interest in the international names, so she has plenty to contribute to the discussion as well. As always, Penny is left in the middle, unable to pick a side, while Mina, for whatever reason, seems to know a lot about the Italian names. "I just think Mindy is a way cuter name than Momoko," Trina says, with Dani glaring daggers at her for daring to say it, even though Lily does not react one way or another. "Which one is Momoko?" Theresa asks. "Oh, she wasn't in the dub, so you wouldn't know her," Trina replies, "but she's the yellow one! I think she would have been named Anna, if-" "There's no proof of that, and also, her name is just Momoko, end of discussion," Dani interrupts. "But you guys have to admit that Symphony, Lullaby, and Melody all make for great names. I mean, with the music theme, it makes perfect sense," Mina decides to contribute. It is not hard for the girls to get lost in their discussion of which names are superior, but it's never enough to really start a fight. Though they all remember the disaster that was last year's trick or treating, with the exception of those who were not present, no one is more worried about a similar outcome than Trina. Though she let the shame roll off of her before, that is only because she wanted to put on a brave face for her friends. In truth, she never wants to experience anything like that again, and is willing to do whatever it takes to avoid that fate. And so, she is wearing an improvised diaper beneath her costume tonight, so that she can do anything in her power to keep from visibly wetting herself. However, that does not give her complete comfort, when she is worried someone could look up her skirt and see it. Any of her friends would be humiliating enough, but she really does not want Peter to see, or for any of the other boys to see, and tease her loud enough that he might find out about it. The fact that they are cosplaying Aiko and Leon is enough to make her think she might have a chance with him, but she knows she will not be able to make a move tonight, not when she is so nervous about her diaper. Perhaps the only girls in their group not entirely worried about that are Dani and Lily. The two of them have been an official couple for nearly a year now, after bonding so much on the previous Halloween. Though their friends know that they are dating, they are not aware of the fact that, after said bonding moment, the girls have developed quite the intense pee fetish, something that they have both been indulging in during their time alone together. Tonight, they want to have more fun with that. In fact, it could be said that, rather than being worried about a repeat of last year, they are hoping for it, at least to some degree, and as long as it is only shared between the two of them. They do not intend to share that with anyone else, nor do they intend to get their friends involved in any way, but they do want to have their own fun, with plans to spike their drinks with diuretics, so that they are both made incredibly desperate, to the point that they can hardly hold it anymore. They will not wet themselves, or anything like that, because that would bring others in on it, but they can privately enjoy it, as well as the moment that they go to relieve themselves. With all that in mind, and with the party soon underway, they head over to the punch bowl, planning to get started with their drinking. However, disaster strikes rather quickly, in the form of Trina coming over to check on them, and Dani trying to hide what she is doing behind her back. All it takes is a little jostling, and rather than the diuretic being dumped into her cup, it is dumped into the entire punch bowl, with no way for them to recover. She has to simply pretend nothing has happened, while Lily looks at her with wide eyes. They might not be the only one struggling tonight... Sure enough, as time goes on, Zoey starts to feel a need to pee growing. It would be easy for her to do something about it, if not for the fact that she has been talking to Ryan for a while now and does not want the moment to end, let alone to excuse herself to go to the bathroom. Tonight, she is going to confess to him, just as soon as she can find the right moment to say it. Well, that would be a lot easier, were it not for Theresa. She keeps popping up at the worst times, demanding attention, claiming that the other girls are all busy, that no one would play with her. She's such a kid about everything that it's downright embarrassing, making Zoey cringe every time she comes up to say, "Will you please play with me now?" Usually, those moments are right when Zoey says, "You know, there's been something I wanted to-" And by the time she's gotten rid of Theresa again, the mood is spoiled, and she has to start over from scratch. Which is not ideal, when her bladder is filling more by the moment, and she really just wants to get it over with so that she can go pee. At the same time, Theresa herself has gotten quickly desperate, despite not having all that much punch for herself. She wants to go to the bathroom, but she also does not want to be seen as a little kid by the older kids that she is hanging out with, so she tries to ignore it for as long as she can. However, this leaves her antsy and restless, bothering Zoey more and more often to try and take her mind off of it, so that she is not left squirming obviously. Trina has tried to avoid the punch as much as she can, not wanting to drink it because she does not want to have to pee. However, the party food has left her so thirsty that she feels like she is in agony, wanting so badly to just drink something and make it a little more bearable. As much as she tries to fight it, she knows that she can't help it, and has to start drinking it down, just so that she can handle how dry her mouth is. To her horror, it is not long before her bladder started to fill, not realizing it is because the punch has been unintentionally spiked. And while she is worried about that, Penny has started to realize her own need to pee, trying to steel herself so that she can just go to the bathroom. She has spent the past year trying to get over her shyness, so that she would never be in a situation like that again. Still, it is not as easy as she would like for it to be, and she is still waiting for the right chance to make a move towards the bathroom, where she won't care who sees her go in. She wishes that she could call upon the confidence of the character she cosplays, and wishes even more that she did not care so much about what Samuel in particular thought about her. Mina has been having a lot of fun hanging out with her new friends tonight, glad to be included as part of the group, happy that she was able to move to this town. However, being in this situation leaves her nervous about admitting that she has to pee, and interrupting any conversation that she ends up in, getting in the way of any fun the group might be having. She keeps waiting for a good moment, but a good moment never comes, and her desperation is growing rather rapidly, so much so that it's kind of strange. All of the girls need to pee right now, but they are not the only ones. The four boys in their group also drank the punch and are also oblivious to the fact that it is the source of their bladders filling rapidly. Each of them has their reasons for not just going off to the bathroom, same as the girls, with the situation getting worse for them by the minute. Both Samuel and Peter are not going to admit that they need to go when they are far too proud for something like that, while Marco is shy about his own need, not wanting to go by himself and not wanting to admit he has to if his friends will not. Between the three of them, they make things more difficult for themselves, and the fact that the girls from their class are here is not making it easier for them in the slightest. But things are perhaps worst for Ryan, because he has been caught up in conversation with Zoey right from the start, and he doesn't want to excuse himself when he is pretty sure she is about to say something important. However, things are getting critical for everyone. Though Dani and Lily can tell that their slip up is causing problems for others, but that does not mean that they can't enjoy the night for themselves. At any chance one of them gets, they will do something to flaunt their growing desperation to the other, be it squirming or rubbing their thighs together, wincing and rubbing their lower stomach, or even pressing a hand between their legs, if they are certain no one will catch them like this. But when Lily knows that she is at her limit, she gives Dani's wrist a tight squeeze- the signal that they need to get to the bathroom before she loses control. Together, they excuse themselves, and get more than a few envious stares at how blatant they are about going to the bathroom. When they enter, they are able to sneak into the same stall together, where they can enjoy the rest of their desperation. Lily sits on the toilet, with Dani straddling her lap, and the two of them begin making out and grinding together, their bladder bulges pushing into one another, making it harder and harder to hold, while both try and see who is able to hold out the longest. Alone in here, there is no risk of any incidents, both experienced enough to be able to enjoy their fetish in private. It is Lily who loses control first, though that is no surprise to her, when she had been absolutely bursting. As soon as she loses control, she lets out a moan into the kiss, and Dani sees no point in trying to hold out any further. The two of them do not stop kissing the whole time that they pee. Mina is debating whether or not she should go to the bathroom and risk looking lame, and while she thinks about that, a bathroom line has started to form, by other students at the party, impacted by the punch and emboldened by Dani and Lily going first. Now, she doesn't want to wait in line, and decides to wait longer. Trina, on the other hand, is about to lose it, and hurries to get in line, waiting as patiently as she can. Theresa has to go so badly that she hurries up to Zoey, who has just started to say, "So, I was wonder if maybe we could-" "Zoey, I really need to-" "Not now, Theresa, please!" she snaps. She is at her limit, and she needs to get her confession out. That is enough to deter her little cousin for now, but she has no idea that Theresa is about to burst, and does not want to go to the bathroom alone. But she has no choice, and goes to get in line, not far behind Trina. Trina, who happens to be unable to hold it for another moment, eyes widening in horror as the dam bursts. Fortunately for her, she has her diaper there, quickly absorbing the contents of her bladder, as she fails to stop the flow. At first, it feels good to be able to let go, and feeling the warmth spreading over her, but then, her relief quickly turns to panic as her swollen diaper begins to overflow, unable to hold it all back. Try as she might, she was not able to spare herself the humiliation. She is not the only one, though. Theresa is not able to hold back, losing control in line as well, whimpering as she realizes she has just wet herself like a little girl at the big kid party. But attention is stolen from her accident as one of the boys finds his pride gets in the way. Samuel gasps out, trying to stop himself, but he can't hold back anymore, and Peter is quick to follow him, both wetting themselves in the middle of the party. Seeing that his friends have both wet themselves, Marco decides he needs to make a move in spite of his shyness, and starts towards the bathroom. Of course, his bladder fails him at the last second as well, and he joins the others in humiliation. With all of this going on around her, Mina is frantic, making a dash for the bathroom as well, but finding herself in just as hopeless a situation as the others. She is far from the first to wet herself, but that still does not spare her any humiliation when she begins to lose control. And even with everything falling apart around them, Zoey and Ryan are in a world of their own. It would be romantic if not for the fact that she can hardly hold still, but now she has gotten rid of Theresa for good, and she is not going to miss her chance. Taking a deep breath, she finally manages to say, "I've really liked you for a while now, so I was wondering if you wanted to be my boyfriend!" She does not have a chance to be proud of her confession, because it is immediately ruined by her bladder giving in, just a little bit too soon. Zoey is horrified and humiliated as she begins to wet her costume, and Ryan looks on in shock, barely believing what he is seeing. He is only able to properly process it just in time for her to turn to try and run away in her humiliation, and so, he is just barely able to act in time. Reaching out, he grabs her and turns her around, pulling her into a hug. Without saying a word, he gives into the needs of his own bladder, hoping that wetting himself will be enough to make her feel better. Hearing that Zoey likes him is enough to give him the courage to make a move, and nothing as simple as an accident is enough to change his mind on her. He just holds her at first, until his bladder is empty as well, before pulling back to give her a kiss, as his answer to her confession. No one else in their cosplay group has managed to make it, but Penny does not allow that to happen to her. She forces herself to get over her shyness, forces herself to wait through the bathroom line, and is very grateful to just how easy it is to get her costume out of the way, because once she has reached a toilet, she is just barely able to sit down before she is losing it. Still, she can be proud that she made it, the only one of her friends to have managed such a feat. Still, she is not the only one who had a happy ending tonight.