Her Guardian Angel by ImoutoFics (WattStalf) Chapter 1 Amy quickly falls into a routine over the next few days, as she settles into her time at school. She hangs out with Ruth during recess and any other free time, does her homework straight after getting home so that she will be done in time to spend her entire evening snuggling with Jacob once he gets home from work, her favorite toys inside of her, relaxed as can be. By the end of the week, though, she manages to convince Jacob to do something that will break up their normal routine: let her have a sleepover with her friend. Ruth is excited to be able to spend the night with Amy, coming home with her after school. The pair settle in, deciding to get their weekend homework out of the way together. It's only been a few short days, but Ruth has begun to come out of her shell more and more, a lot less timid now that she has a friend, someone to defend her and allow herself to relax around. She's quite smart, as well, and is able to help Amy a lot with her homework, after breezing through her own. Amy knows she's lucky to have made such a good friend on the first day of school, and she is glad that she has been able to help her so much. School has, so far, been very good for her, and her friendship with Ruth plays a big part in that, making it something worth looking forward to. "You must have really good grades," Amy says. "Yeah. I mean, I don't have a choice, I have to to be able to go to school there," Ruth says, quick to explain herself so that it does not come across as her bragging. "My family actually lives...well, in the poorest part of town. I'm only able to go to school there if I can keep my grades up, and stuff..." She bites her lip and looks down. "I guess that's another reason those guys pick on me." "Hey, that just proves how stupid they are! They should know that doesn't say anything about the sort of person you are. It's not like you can help where your family lives," Amy replies, shaking her head. "And it doesn't matter any other reasons they might have for picking on you. Whether it's because you're smarter than them, or the color of your skin, or anything like that...no one deserves to be bullied like that!" Ruth flusters a bit at Amy's words, looking down at her homework, finding it difficult to say anything in response. Amy decides to end her little motivational pep talk by saying, "You should just ignore anyone who tries to put you down. They probably only do it because they're jealous, or want to take out their own problems on someone who has nothing to do with it. At best, you should feel sorry for them, but never listen to what they have to say." "I...thank you," she mumbles, before burying herself in her homework again, clearly a bit too embarrassed by all of the attention to handle much more right now. However, after a little while, she finally finds it in her to speak up again, mumbling a bit before she speaks plainly. "Amy, can I...talk to you about something? Something really secret?" "Of course," Amy says right away, so pleased to know that Ruth already feels like she can trust her with secrets. She is all too willing to let the girl crawl into her lap. The two of them have definitely gotten close after the past week, but it seems like things just keep going better all the time, better than she ever could have expected. "There's another reason that group of boys was bullying me, actually," she confesses. "Oh? Why's that?" Amy asks. Ruth buries her face against Amy's chest, so terrified to admit to something like this, but so certain that Amy is the sort of person she wants to, and even needs to, tell about this. Steeling herself, she mumbles, "One of the bullies actually used to like me. We were friends, for a little while, but...he told me he had a crush on me. I didn't like him like that, so he got his friends to start bullying me and made up a bunch of rumors to turn them against me." "That's so awful," Amy murmurs, as she begins to gently pat Ruth's hair, trying to soothe her. "You can't help how you feel, and he has no right to take rejection that hard!" "Well...I know...I know I'd never be able to feel that way about him," she admits. It's taking all her strength to continue with this, but she knows that she can't stop now. "I don't think I could ever feel that way about any boy. I think...I think I like girls." "Oh, I see," Amy replies immediately. There isn't a hint of judgment or surprise to her voice; it simply sounds like she understands, like it makes perfect sense to her. If she really does just see that as another way to be, without need to question, then that only makes Ruth all the more certain that her feelings for Amy are as right as they feel. It's time for her to confess. "I've only known you for a little while now, but...but...Amy, you've been like a light in the dark for me. I really felt like I was suffocating before, but now, with you...oh, Amy, I didn't know how much longer I could go on like that. But now that I've met you...Amy, I think I've fallen in love with you." She looks up then, so that she can brush her lips against Amy's, deciding to be just a little bit bold. If this ends in rejection, at least she will have gotten a kiss out of this. If it ruins their friendship, she will have that one, small memory to treasure. Amy is shocked by the sudden display of affection, having had no idea that this was where the confession was going. However, she can feel the pure love, the sincerity, in the way that Ruth kisses her, and it leaves her with a warmth. When they connect like this, she can even feel the despair that had begun to grow in Ruth's soul, nearly consuming it at one time, start to recede. All at once, a warmth floods them both, and Amy understands exactly what is going on here. Amy wraps her arms around Ruth, deepening the kiss, and, with a flash of light, Amy's wings have appeared from beneath her shirt, tiny and flightless at first, before they suddenly grow, massive and capable of enveloping Ruth in a warm embrace. Without any control of this happening, Amy knows all at once that this is because she was the one to save this poor girl from a terrible fate. Of course, she knows exactly what that means. When Amy breaks the kiss, Ruth opens her eyes, and is immediately shocked to see the girl before her with massive, feathery wings, and a halo floating above her head. The only thing that stops her from jumping back is the fact that Amy still embraces her, with both her arms and her wings. "You don't need to be scared," Amy assures her. "I know it might be a little hard to believe, but...I'm your guardian angel." Ruth looks at her, bewildered but with a softness to her eyes now. With such an obvious sight in front of her, there is really no point in trying to argue with it, or deny the truth. She nods, so Amy continues, "I honestly didn't realize it before now. I'm still kind of new to the whole thing...well, there is someone else, and, truth be told, we're already lovers. But I have room in my heart for another, and plenty of love to give as a guardian angel as well." All of this is already quite a lot for her to take in, but Ruth is so happy that she does not feel the need to question anything. Amy is not done overwhelming her, though. With a wave of her hand, her angelic magic has made their clothes vanish from their bodies, left in a pile on the floor as both girls are left nude in one another's arms. Ruth is quite surprised by this, hunkering in a bit closer as she is left suddenly self conscious about her slight body, especially in the perfect glow of Amy's angelic aura. Amy, at least, draws her wings back, until they shrink down to the size that she is used to, and lets her aura dim down as well. She can guess at what has Ruth getting so shy with her, and she says, "You don't need to worry. You're so cute, don't you know that? Here, why don't you let me show you?" All of the sudden, she has Ruth pushed back onto her back, with an idea in mind. Since Jacob was the one to teach her all about these sorts of things, his methods are the ones that she knows the best, and she is happy to be the mentor to Ruth, to act out all the things that were done to her, once upon a time. She brushes a hand against Ruth's chest, and asks, "What do you call these?" Ruth is so flustered that she can hardly speak at first, and that is so cute that, at first, Amy doesn't feel all that disappointed that, when she does finally speak, all she says is, "My breasts..." She draws a finger forward, trailing it along Ruth's flesh to the peak of her slight breast, more like a bit of swelling than any actual development. "And this?" "That is...that's a nipple," she says, her voice soft, still clearly embarrassed to be saying it out loud. It really is cute, how flustered she gets, but at the same time, Amy has already begun to wish Ruth had more interesting names to give. Cute or not, there's something a bit boring about using clinical terms, but she decides to press on, hoping that she will make more progress as she goes. Unfortunately, reaching between her legs does not yield any different results. Ruth does yelp a bit, and stammer a lot more as she struggles to regain the ability to speak, but all that does nothing to stifle the crushing disappointment when she finally manages to squeak out, "My...my vagina..." Amy does not think that she can continue like this, not if she is going to have any real fun with the girl. Her shyness aside, adorable as it continues to be, the names that she gives are just plain boring, and there isn't much sexy about it, not even when she tries really hard to let herself get turned on by the innocence of using such scientific words. It just feels like a visit to a doctor's office, and that has never been the sort of thing that gets Amy going. She would have fun with the more innocent girl the way that Jacob got to have fun with her, getting her to prove just how innocent she really is, with proper, childlike terminology for the anatomy she is still growing to understand. "Is that really all you call those parts?" she teases. "Or are you just saying that because it's the 'correct' thing to call them?" "Well, I...I've been trying to use the right words, because I think it's important to..." "Then what did you used to call them?" When Ruth hesitates, Amy brings a hand back to her chest, poking her playfully. "Come on, Ruthie." When she speaks, her voice is so low that Amy almost can't make out the way she mumbles, "Duckies..." "Oh, that's just too cute!" Amy cries, very pleased. "So, what are those nipples called, then?" "The...the beakies," Ruth mumbles, still barely audible. It turns out, she does have her own unique language for her body, one that she is trying to suppress as she grows, but one that Amy does not want her to let go of, not if it's going to be this cute. It's also nice to know that she has such different names than what Amy had when she was still just a child- though, she supposes, she still is a child, in most regards. Her internals aren't as interesting, though Ruth's reaction to the way that Amy's hands so effortlessly phase through her stomach is so cute that it's worth the fact that she never thought of any cutesy words, due to a lack of knowledge about this part of her body in the past. She seems almost terrified at first, then quickly awestruck, ready to give into anything that her new lover, her guardian angel, is willing to do to her. Once done with this little tour, Amy urges Ruth to suckle at one of her breasts, excited to see her surprise when she gets a mouthful of milk. "How can you have breast milk already?" Ruth cries, pulling back. "And it's so sweet and creamy..." "The truth is, I'm already a mother," Amy confesses. "I'm much older than I look...it's just, I used to be a little girl, but I died young and spent quite a while as a ghost, before I was reborn into an angel." This information would typically make Ruth's head spin, but she is already so carried away by everything else that she just accepts it all. When Amy urges her to take another mouthful of milk, and this time hold it there, Ruth does so. It turns out that Amy wants to share it with her, leaning down so that she can press her lips to Ruth's, the girl parting her lips as soon as she feels Amy's tongue teasing against them. After both girls have swallowed the sweet milk, Amy begins trailing kisses down Ruth's neck, and then her chest. When she reaches Ruth's little "beakies," she makes sure to spend plenty of time giving her as much attention as Ruth had given her. Only after she has spent some time here does she drop lower, between Ruth's legs to pay attention to what the other girl called her flower. Amy can certainly see the resemblance, before she delves in with her tongue, earning a sharp and surprised moan from Ruth. It really does not take all that much to get her to the edge of her climax like this, but Amy does not let her come just yet, stopping short before Ruth has the chance. Instead, she quickly changes their position, looping her arms under Ruth's knees and bringing their pussies together, where she can start to rub up against her. As she does, she explains, "I've seen some girls do this in the adult cartoons my big brother loves, and I always thought it looked so fun!" In no time at all, Ruth is crying out from her own pleasure, unable to help herself. The otherwise quiet girl can't stop the noises from slipping out, as she simply exclaims, "Good...it's so good!" "It really is," Amy agrees, her own voice a sweet moan. "Playing with another girl is even more fun than I thought it'd be...but I really wish I could do more. I wish I could make love to you like my big brother always does to me!" Just like that, in the midst of the two grinding together, Amy is suddenly overcome with a strong new sensation as her body begins to change. Ruth feels it immediately, as she is just as suddenly filled with something, and as they both look down, they are quick to pull apart. Amy gasps in shock when she sees that what was once her clit has grown into a full cock, and it seems to have grown directly inside of her new lover. Ruth is a lot more shocked than she is, especially given the way she is filled with no warning. Amy simply murmurs, "I didn't know I could do that." After a brief pause, she asks, "Are you alright with me having a boy's thingy?" "I...it feels nice," Ruth confirms with a nod, so Amy decides that now is the best time to try this new piece of equipment out, and really break it in. She pushes back forward, a bit slower now, so that she can give Ruth a chance to adjust to her size, bit by bit. Even so, it isn't very long at all before she's buried inside of the other girl, and at that point, there's nothing she can do but give into this feeling, letting her lust take control for the time being. Ruth has no complaints, happy to let Amy take the lead as she introduces her to all of these amazing sensations, the sorts of things that she has never had the chance to experience before. Of course, doing it like this is still new to Amy, and she is soon overtaken by her very first "male" climax. With nothing to hold her back, Ruth is right there with her, writhing as she is completely overwhelmed by her first climax in general. The two of them cling to one another as they ride it out, and Ruth latches onto one of Amy's breasts to start suckling at her milk all the while. Though it takes some time for either of them to come down from this, Amy wastes no further time in suggesting that they go for another round. Ruth, though breathless, is eager to go along with this as well. And it's just as the two of them are getting started with round two that the door opens, and Jacob returns home for the day, walking in on Amy and her new friend. Chapter 2 Jacob knew that his little sister was going to have a friend over for the evening, and that she would be staying the night. He had been looking forward to this, just because it makes him so happy that Amy is already making friends, finally getting the chance at the happy childhood that she deserved but that got taken from her too young. He may be a little disappointed that they won't be able to have their fun while someone else is in the house, but it's something he's very willing to go without, for the sake of Amy and her happiness. But then he comes home to find her, transformed so that she has a cock of her own, buried inside of her little friend, the two of them going at it like little animals. As startling as the sight may be, it is also far from the strangest thing that has happened since he met Amy, so he decides to just accept it as it is. Besides, it's also far from something he minds seeing, and, if anything, serves as a bonus for the night. After all, this seems like pretty definitive proof that he doesn't have to set aside their usual fun, just because the two of them have a guest. Amy's pussy is still in plain view, letting him see that her transformation seems to have only hit her clit, and that sort of sight is far too tempting for him to try to resist for a moment. He undresses and manages to sneak up on her, taking her by surprise as he buries himself inside of her. Ruth notices his presence first just from how he bulges inside of Amy, and before Amy has the chance to finish welcoming him home, her voice breaks off into a moan as he begins jackhammering her. His thrusts are so powerful that he pretty much takes over everything that the two of them are doing right now, the pace now set by him as Amy is pushed forward into Ruth. She is so overwhelmed that all she can do is take it, essentially from both of them at the same time, as she continues to give into this new, yet already addictive, pleasure. It doesn't take long for her to give into her climax, and that sets off a reaction, so that all three of them are coming together, all three moaning out in pleasure. It is only when they've started to come down from that high that they pull apart, and then, Jacob is able to get a good look at his little sister's new cock. Though it is anything but little, especially by human standards, it is nothing compared to monster that she has turned Jacob's member into, and she giggles. "You're so big I could probably fit mine in your peehole," she teases him. Now, the three are left to get cleaned up, while Ruth and Jacob formally meet each other. Ruth is surprised by how natural all of this feels, considering the circumstances under which they've met. The meetings aren't done yet, because the pair of siblings also want to introduce Ruth to the children in their home. There are so many adorable, angelic children that it makes Ruth head spin trying to commit all of their names to memory. For the time being, she decides to just commit the names of the oldest twins to memory. Harmony and Serenity are both positively adorable, and though all of these children must be very young, they seem more than capable of handling themselves. Then again, Amy has already taught her that appearances can be deceiving, even when it comes to someone's age. After introductions are done, it's time for dinner. Jacob brought home plenty of Chinese takeout for them to eat, and, while they eat, they are able to discuss things with their house guest further. The meal is pleasant, one of the most fun that Ruth can remember having, and once they are done, Amy says that it's about time the two of them go take a bath together. Almost the instant she sets foot in the bathroom, Ruth is hit by a strong need to pee, one that she must have been ignoring for quite a while, seeing how quickly it takes hold. She breaks out into an immediate potty dance, one that has Amy achingly hard and dripping wet for her, all at once, so that she knows she can't just let this go. She breaks into a quick dash so that she can reach the toilet before Ruth has a chance to even move in that direction, plopping down on top of the seat with her thighs squeezed together, and her erection standing up in the air. "Mean!" Ruth cries out, her voice nearly breaking. "You're not even using it, so why do you have to block the toilet?" "You can either put on a show for me, or you can use your pussy, butt, or mouth to milk me, but either way, you're not getting the toilet until you can make me squirt my cream," Amy taunts her. Ruth has her hands jammed tight against her crotch, and she squirms pathetically in place. "Please, just spread your legs!" she begs. "Having you between my thighs does sound nice, but no," Amy declines. "Come on, you know you want to try it. It'll be so much fun, I know all about it. It feels really good to get stuffed on a full bladder." The way Amy speaks to her, Ruth knows that she is being teased, and that only makes it harder for her to hold on. But if this is the only way Amy is going to let her go, then she knows she can't afford to keep wasting more time arguing. Already, she feels like she is not going to last much longer. As she climbs on her lap to straddle her, she hopes that she can make Amy come quickly. That's the only way that she is going to make it out of this without losing control, but, as it turns out, her plan is quick to backfire. As soon as Amy has a hold on her, she's pushed Ruth's head down to her chest, so that she can latch onto one of her nipples and start drinking again. And, as much as she wants to resist this, due to her bladder's protesting, Ruth can't help herself once she tastes the sweet milk, drinking it down without hope of stopping herself. All the while, Amy bounces Ruth on her cock, letting her hands roam over her body, as the two begin to indulge, even in spite of Ruth's own rapidly growing desperation. When Amy's hands reach Ruth's rear, she gives her a few playful squeezes, commenting, "You've got such cute bonbons, Ruthie!" That is all well and good, but when she starts to spread the girl's cheeks so that she can prod at her little rosebud, Ruth is not quite sure about this. Though she tries to pull back and protest, but Amy simply guides her to the other nipple and says, "Don't worry, this is going to feel good. I promise, you'll like it." At this point, Ruth trusts Amy with this sort of thing more than she could even trust herself, so she stops resisting, letting her guardian angel work a finger inside of her tight butt, wiggling it within her as she works it deeper. Ruth moans around Amy's nipple, falling apart at the seams as she struggles to keep her bladder under control, even in the face of all this pleasure, and even with this continued liquid intake. Amy also knows how to handle herself far better than her young friend, and knows, even when she's getting close, that there is no way Ruth is going to be able to hold it. "I'm going to cream pie that sweet, chocolate cunny," Amy murmurs, and, with another thrust, she makes good on that promise. As she shoots her cream inside of Ruth, the latter can't help giving into her own climax, and naturally, her bladder stands no hope of holding out once she is lost in the throes of her orgasm. As she shudders with her bliss, her overfull bladder gives out, the contents gushing out of her, soaking Amy beneath her, cascading over her mound, her thighs, some making it into the toilet bowl, but plenty more still splashing onto the floor, and making a bit of a mess. It takes time for Ruth to come down from that high, but once she does, she realizes that she has wet herself, and is immediately embarrassed by this. She hangs her head and mumbles, "I'm sorry I couldn't hold it..." "Oh, Ruth, you don't need to worry," Amy replies, reassuring her. "You have no idea how often my big brother likes to make me hold it, and almost never lets me make it. I have accidents all the time!" She uses her abilities to gather up the pee that spilled on the floor, observing just how much of a mess Ruth made, in comparison to what she is capable of doing. Giggling, she said, "It looks like you can't hold nearly as much as me...but, it's not really fair with my special body. It gives me a really big advantage over you, and plus, I have a lot more training than you. Well, I'm sure you'll get better with time!" Ruth's legs are shaky as Amy sets her down on them, but she is able to remain upright while Amy goes to get the water running, so that the two of them can finally get themselves cleaned up. She stops the drain, so that the tub will fill while she and Ruth stand under the spray of the shower, before she turns her attention back to her friend. "How about you come over here and lick my cock clean?" she asks, an inviting smile on her face once more. Ruth is not quite sure about that suggestion, but, so far, Amy has only shown her new and exciting experiences. Some have been stranger than others, but she has enjoyed herself thus far, so she's willing to go along with whatever Amy asks of her still. Getting down on her knees, she gives a few tentative licks, before she's pleased to discover that the flavor is better than she expected. With that, she begins suckling at the tip. As Ruth begins to get more eager, Amy comments, "It's alright for you to use your teeth, you know." Confused, Ruth pulls back and asks, "But wouldn't that hurt you?" "Oh, don't worry about that!" she replies. "I love pain, and I heal so fast that I can endure way more than a human can." Ruth is a bit skeptical about that claim- she finds it hard to believe that anyone could ever enjoy pain. However, there's no reason for Amy to lie to her about something like that, so she leans in, taking the tip between her lips again. This time, she lets her teeth scrape against the flesh of Amy's cock. Amy moans out for her, indulgent as Ruth takes her deeper this time. She manages to get to about halfway down the length of her cock, and though she is a bit clumsy with her efforts, it still feels so good to Amy that it doesn't take her long to come at all. When she does, she's so excited that she can't help tangling her fist in Ruth's hair, pulling her forward so hard that she pushes her cock down Ruth's throat the rest of the way, nearly choking her on it, as she shoots her load right into her new friend's stomach. It takes a moment for Ruth to even regain her composure, but as soon as she does, she decides she needs to get Amy back for surprising her like that. When Amy starts to pull back, Ruth lets her get almost past her teeth, before she bites down hard, way harder than the little scrapes of teeth that she gave before. Though she does genuinely intend to hurt Amy, but it seems Amy really was being genuine in just how much she loves pain, far beyond what a typical human should be able to handle. "Mm, yes, bite it!" Amy moans out, practically begging from the way her voice drips with pleasure. "Bite me, bite me, bite it clean off!" Not only does she want Ruth to keep biting her, but she reaches down to guide her hands up, letting them easily phase past her flesh, so that Ruth can grab hold of her ovaries. She continues to encourage Ruth to hurt her, saying, "Go ahead and squish my squishies!" All of this is more than enough to take Ruth by surprise, startling her so much that she falls back into the tub. Ruth lands hard on her butt, her teeth scraping along Amy's cock as she does, and the angel's ovaries pulled out right along with Ruth. The "stringies" that connect them are on the verge of snapping, and Amy is sent into such an intense climax that she is left screaming out, shooting her load all over Ruth's face and giving the girl her very first facial. It takes a moment for her to recover from something as intense as all that, but once she does, she starts to put herself back to normal. Just like that, her ovaries retract right back to where they are supposed to be, and Ruth can only watch in amazement by everything that her new friend is capable of doing. With a smile, Amy asks, "So, want me to make you feel good, now?" Naturally, Ruth wants that, so when Amy tells her to stand with her hands against the shower wall, she does as she is told, eager to feel whatever the angel has to offer her at this point. Amy pushes her face underwater so that she can start licking along Ruth's ankles, teasing her with her tongue. Slowly, she begins to lick her way up the inside of one of Ruth's legs. Just as she starts to reach her thigh, she drops back down so that she can lick along the inside of the other thigh, as always taking her time to tease her dear friend. However, once she reaches Ruth's other thigh, she wastes no time in diving into her cunny, working her tongue inside of Ruth, and making her cry out in surprise, overwhelmed by just how good it feels right from the start, even though Amy has already shown her so much pleasure. As she eats her out, she gropes at Ruth's ass, until she moves, spreading Ruth's cheeks so that she can work her tongue inside her asshole as well, intent on orally pleasuring her in every way. Like this, it does not take long for Ruth to be pushed close to an orgasm. She does not slow down, until Ruth is tipped over the edge. Amy doesn't give her all that much time to recover before she says, "Now, how about you show me what you've learned about oral pleasure?" Her words alone are overwhelming, but Ruth has gotten used to simply going along with things. She's also desperate for Amy to finish her, and willing to do just about anything to get that. So, when Amy assumes the same position she had been in, Ruth is quick to get down, and try to mimic everything that she has felt Amy do to her, though she doesn't bother teasing her, going straight for spreading Amy's petals, surprised at the lack of visible injury to her clit, even after what happened to her cock. Ruth delves in with her tongue, doing the best she can to demonstrate what she's learned. Amy moans out for her, praising her for a bit, but then she urges her, "Do my butt next!" "But that's dirty!" she protests, quickly pulling back. "Nuh uh! Angels don't poop, so it's just another hole to enjoy," Amy argues, and Ruth is inclined to believe her, considering everything that she has seen so far. And, since Amy had no issue eating her out in that way, Ruth is soon giving her what she's requested, tongue working deep inside the other hole, earning her even more praise from Amy. With her efforts, it doesn't take her long to bring the angel to another climax. Finally, Amy decides to let things calm down for a bit, so that the two of them can relax in the tub. With Ruth in her lap, she gives her a gentle, hands-on lesson in pleasuring herself. Amy is not shy about gently fingering Ruth at first, teaching her what she needs to do, while the girl sits nestled between her thighs. Then, she takes one of Ruth's hands in hers, so that she can guide her more directly, and properly teach her how to masturbate. It takes a bit of coaching, but Amy is patient, and the two are soon giggling together as Ruth steadily becomes more comfortable with her own touch. Before long, she has gotten the hang of it, and has no need for Amy's guidance, the angel merely sitting back and enjoying the sight. "You're such a cute, sweet girl," she murmurs, and the compliment makes Ruth blush, a happy smile on her face as she works her fingers faster. She knows that Amy would not lie to her, and can tell, from the way she compliments her, that she really does think highly of her. That is nice, but it's not even what matters the most. What matters is that she's finally found a friend and, more than that, Ruth has fallen in love with the angel, and the fact that she seems to feel the same way is more than enough to make her happy. Chapter 3 After Ruth has had the chance to come again, and after the two of them have begun to prune in the water, they finally decide to finish their extended bath time. All it takes is a wave of Amy's hand for the two of them to dry off after they're out of the tub, and are ready to get into their pajamas. The pair that Ruth pulls out are old and threadbare, like they've been worn for years, but they still look a little big for her. It's as if she's always had the same pair, growing into them over time, even though they'll be in tatters likely long before she reaches that size. Needless to say, Amy can't allow the girl to spend the night in those, when she has so many cute pairs she could lend her. She digs through her pajama drawer, producing a pair of Twilight Sparkle pajamas. Of all the ponies, she feels like Twilight suits Ruth the best, considering how smart Ruth is. Not only that, it is one of Amy's more snug pairs, though this pair will still be a little big on Ruth. In fact, the top is more like a loose robe, with the sleeves hanging low, and the drawstrings on the pants see their first use tonight, with the ankles rolled up so that Ruth does not trip. As for Amy, she decides on her Pinkie Pie pajamas, so that the two of them can match for the night. "So, who are they?" Ruth asks. "Who do you mean?" "The horses on our shirts." Needless to say, Amy is thoroughly horrified that Ruth isn't familiar with one of her favorite shows of all time. But then she grins, because she realizes that this means they get to have a My Little Pony marathon tonight. As Ruth explains that she doesn't have cable or internet at home, Amy begins to prepare things, while mentally making a list of shows that she wants Ruth to see, wondering if this is how Jacob must have felt, when he had the chance to get her caught up on all the things she missed in her years bound to a lonely haunted house. The two cuddle up with popcorn and soda, and Ruth is absolutely giddy to be able to experience something so simple, something other girls her age would find commonplace. Time flies for her, and once midnight rolls around, Jacob comes in to let the girls know that it's time for bed. When he asks, "And I don't suppose Ruth will be joining us in bed, will she?" he only means it as a joke. Amy, on the other hand, takes it very seriously, and decides to drag Ruth off to bed with her as soon as they finish the episode they're on. Jacob sits on the bed naked, watching as Amy begins to slowly take off her pajamas, making it into a strip tease for the both of them, one that gets Ruth very excited, very quickly. So excited, in fact, that Ruth soon presses a hand between her legs, so that she can rub herself through the crotch of her pajamas, barely even noticing as she does it. Amy certainly notices, though, and when she points it out, Ruth is flustered, pulling her hand away and saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't..." "Oh, I don't mind if you get your juice on my pajamas," Amy replies. "I've soaked pretty much every pair I own in girl juice and pee before, and it all washes out the same." Just like that, she goes back to stripping down, out shimmying out of her panties so that she is finally left naked for the two of them. Ruth is soon back to touching herself, since she has permission, and once Amy has finished stripping, she soon flutters her wings to stand on Jacob's lap. Even standing on her tiptoes, she's just barely tall enough for her cunny to kiss the tip of his cock, the size of it suddenly made quite clear to Ruth, who wonders how Amy can even fit something like that inside of her. But, before her eyes, Amy begins to bend her knees, so that she can take her big brother's monstrous member, and all Ruth can do is stare in surprise as she sinks down lower and lower, until finally, she is fully seated on his lap. Somehow, she managed to take every last bit of it, without a hint of struggle. Even though Ruth supposes she knew that the two of them can do this, it still takes her so much by surprise to see it that she can't help but speak up. "I can't believe you can really fit all that inside you!" Ruth cries out, and Amy giggles. "Well, it doesn't really," Amy explains. "If I were a human, it would tear me apart! It completely stretches my pussy and womb out, and moves all my other organs out of place...since I'm an angel, I can handle it, but it's only because I'm such a big masochist that I can enjoy taking such a big thingy!" With that, Jacob begins to have his way with his little sister, using her more like a toy on his cock. He pulls her up and down along the length of it, only needing to thrust a little bit to keep up momentum, with the rough way that he jerks her, with Amy moaning for him in utter ecstasy. His cock creates a massive bulge in her belly, and that is something that fascinates Ruth. She can't help staring at the way it shifts inside of her, her arousal growing all the more, until she can't just watch them. Moving forward, Ruth first rests a hand on Amy's stomach, so that she can feel the way the bulge moves, but she soon drops down, her face between Amy's legs. Just above Jacob's cock, she's able to find Amy's clit again and latch onto it with her lips, eagerly sucking. Amy moans not just for Jacob, but for Ruth as well, and at least for a moment, that's more than enough for the girl. However, she starts to crave something else, and even though she's nervous to ask, Ruth still manages to get up the nerve, pulling back as she mumbles, "Do you think you can make it grow into a boy's thing again?" Amy does not even have to answer, as it begins to grow into Ruth's mouth, and, in response, Ruth becomes all the more eager, sucking, licking, and eve nibbling at it. While Jacob's cock is inside her cunny, Amy grows a cock for Ruth to suck off, giving her new lover just what she wants. While she gets into this, Jacob speaks up, asking, "Amy, when was the last time you went potty?" It seems he can sense her growing need, because she replies, "Oh, I haven't gone in a really, really long time...and I am pretty full from all that soda..." "Keep holding it in until you've made me come. After that, you can let it all out in little Ruth's mouth," he replies, and it is only as these words sink in that Ruth realizes she needs to pee as well. It's been less time than Amy's last trip to the bathroom, by quite a bit, but she still had a lot of soda to drink, and her bladder throbs when she pays attention to it. Needless to say, she is not given any choice in the matter, when it comes to being volunteered as a human urinal for Amy. Certainly, she does not have a chance to protest how badly her own need to pee has grown before Jacob has reached down to hold her head in place, and, at the same time, begins to pick up the pace, fucking Amy that much harder, chasing the high of his own climax. At this rough pace, it does not take him long to reach that point at all, and, when he comes, Amy is sent over the edge as well, her pussy clenching tight around him, and her cock flooding Ruth's mouth with her delicious seed. Amy's stomach is swollen to such a great degree from all that she takes that it looks like she could give birth a million times over. Her bladder stands no chance at a time like this, and so, no sooner than Ruth has begun to swallow down Amy's cream is her mouth flooded by her sweet pee as well. The flavor of lemon ginger overwhelms her, taking her by surprise, and it is all she can do to swallow down everything that Amy gives her, until she and her brother have both finished erupting from their cocks. Ruth sits back in a daze, before a sharp pang from her bladder brings her back to the moment. She jams her hands between her legs, squirming frantically as she asks, "Can I please be excused?" "No, I don't think so," Amy says, a playful and mischievous grin on her face, one that Ruth has already learned means something pretty wild is in store for her. With how badly she has to pee, she has already been given an answer she doesn't want, but nothing could prepare her for what Amy continues with. "I think we plug her up and really start training her bladder," she says to Jacob. "Plug me? What does that mean?" Ruth asks, alarmed. "No, please, just let me go and..." But, before she can properly express herself, Amy has already pulled herself off of Jacob's member, so that she can push Ruth down onto the bed. Jacob pins her arms above her head, and Amy heads off to fetch a plug. Ruth can do nothing to resist when Amy pulls down her bottoms and begins using her mouth to tease at Ruth's cunny, the sensation almost too much for Ruth to handle, particularly when Amy's tongue flicks over her pee hole. A leak escapes her before she can stop it, and Amy tastes the sharp flavor of Ruth's pee. Knowing that she does not have much time left, she pulls back, so that she can start working the plug in, making sure that she stops up Ruth's bladder before she completely loses control. Now, there is nothing she can do butt hold it back, no matter how bad her need may be, just like Amy wants. Then, without missing a beat, she throws Ruth's legs over her shoulders and gets in position, a cock still throbbing between her legs. She thrusts forward, burying it inside Ruth, so that she can get to work pounding away at her once again. Her pace is rough and hectic, but there is a precision in the way she aims at Ruth's bladder, battering it as hard as she pounds her pussy. At the same time, she moves her hands, reaching for the top of Ruth's pajamas so that she can expose her flat chest, and start toying with her nipples. All she wants to do is completely overwhelm Ruth, to make her fall apart just as she has so many times before tonight, getting her further hooked on it. Like this, it does not take very long for Amy to reach her peak, not at the pace she is going. She needs this so badly as well, getting pretty hooked herself. She has never experienced the kind of pleasure that she has with Ruth tonight, but she already knows that she will never be able to get enough of it. Her excitement builds until she can't hold back at all anymore, and then, she is creaming that sweet chocolate cunny all over again, with Ruth completely helpless in the face of all these sensations. It does nothing for her desperation, but with no way to empty her bladder, that is just another sensation that she has no choice but to endure. Once Amy has finished fucking her to her satisfaction, she is all too eager to roll Ruth over onto her back, so that she can duck her head between the other girl's legs. Amy wants to taste herself, wants to taste the cream that she has left oozing from Ruth's cunny, lapping at her and moaning into her as she cleans her up. To her, it tastes absolutely divine, but that is hardly any surprise to her, considering what her bodily fluids have tasted like since she became an angel. Ruth is left moaning as well, not completely able to forget her desperation, but at least able to enjoy every little indulgence thrown her way. And, once Amy is satisfied with this hole, she is quick to switch targets, spreading Ruth's cheeks so that she can eat her ass. Now, the girl is left moaning even louder, squirming against the bed, and struggling not to completely lose control. But, as Amy gets into her fun, lapping at her tight hole, and thrusting her tongue inside, Ruth has to wonder just how long she can hold on for. It feels good, yes, and Amy is not doing anything that will make her pee, but it is so hard to ignore her body, to resist the desperate urge to go, now that she has a plug buried deep within her, ensuring that she does not leak even a little. But, just when it seems that she can take no more, when she is ready to beg them for the chance to finally relieve herself, Amy has stopped, and pulled her mouth away. Before Ruth can even try to voice a protest, she has climbed up onto her, and is straddling her, ready to claim her ass. Ruth does not have a choice in the matter, and does not think to question it, and so, Amy does not hesitate to sink her cock deep inside of her, claiming her in an entirely different way. Ruth is not at all ready for the way her ass is stretched out, crying out as Amy takes her anal virginity. That being said, it is nothing compared to the way Amy crushes Ruth's bladder beneath her, and Ruth finds herself more willing to complain about that discomfort, than the other surprise. Her voice breaks several times as she does so, her need becoming so great that it is nearly unbearable, and yet, she does not feel the slightest bit of give from her plug. But, despite the way she writhes and whines beneath Amy, the girl does not let up, not until she has gotten her fill. And so, she fucks her nice and hard, getting off on the feeling of her tight ass clenching her cock. While she is lost in that, Jacob approaches Amy from behind so that he can fuck /her/ ass, and the weight on top of Ruth grows as he thrusts into Amy. "Yes!" she cries out. "Destroy my dainty derriere!" Jacob does not let up, fucking Amy's ass hard and fast, and his sister does the same, thrusting into Ruth's ass as hard and as fast as she can. Both girls moan, completely overwhelmed, and, soon, Amy is the first one to reach her limit. She screams as she fills Ruth's ass, and her brother is not far behind, filling her ass with his seed. Once they have both finished coming, the three of them shift positions, so that they can lay on their sides, both cocks still hilted in tight asses. Like this, they can bask in the afterglow, with Amy enjoying being wedged between them. Though Ruth can feel relieved that she isn't being crushed beneath them anymore, she still has to pee desperately. Right away, she is back to whining and begging for the toilet once more. "I have to pee so bad!" she protests. "You have to let me go, now!" "No, I'm being serious," Amy says. "You have to hold it until morning, and that's not something I'm going to change my mind on. So, you can either deal with the plug, or risk wetting the bed if you can't hold it without the plug helping you." Ruth grumbles to herself a bit, but finally, she concedes, "I'll keep the plug in..." "Good girl," Amy praises her, before reaching down to caress Ruth's stomach, already starting to bulge a bit from how full her bladder is. "Don't worry, you can handle it! Just go to sleep, and you'll feel better in the morning, I promise." Ruth is not sure how well she can follow these instructions, when her bladder is absolutely killing her, but she does her best to relax all the same, quite tired from the eventful day that she has had. Amy's hand continues to drift lower, until she is teasing at Ruth's cunny, feeling the way her own seed still leaks out. Her first sleepover has turned out better than she ever could have imagined, and now, she has someone very special to look out for and love.