On the First Day of School by ImoutoCommissions Chapter 1 The public school that Jacob enrolled her in does not have a specific uniform, and the dress code is rather casual. Even so, Amy shows up on her first day of school dressed in a way that would not look out of place at the classiest of private schools. Her blouse and pantyhose are a pure white, and her pleated skirt and sharp blazer are a dark gray, with shiny, black Mary Janes to complete the look. Her hair hangs loose, straightened for once, and her many children all fawn over her, gushing over just how beautiful their mama looks as she makes sure to kiss them all goodbye. "Make sure that you keep an eye on the others," she says to the twins. As she does that, Jacob goes through a verbal checklist, making sure that she has all of the school supplies in her backpack, before adding, "Do you have your extra water bottles? Did you skip your morning pee?" "Yes and yes," she confirms. "Don't forget that I have a special surprise in mind for you if you hold your pee all day," he says. "I already have to pee pretty badly," Amy replies, sounding rather chipper as she says it, a contrast to the conversation that they are having. "Don't forget that you're in the system as having my last name, not the one that you would remember from your previous life," he adds. He wants to make sure that everything goes off without a hitch, but now, it is all in her hands. ~X~ Once at school, Amy soon finds out that she is the only new student in the class, the only one who was not here the previous year. And so, the teacher calls her to the front of the room so that she can introduce herself. Of course, she is not too confused about how school works, since she can still distantly recall her days as a student, and though some things have changed in the decades since, she is sure that she can get the hang of that. "My name is Amelia Rose Smith...Evans," she corrects herself, realizing that she gave the name from her previous life on reflex. Now, it just sounds like she has two middle names, or a hyphenated last name, but at least her teacher does not question it. Bowing, she says, "Please, just call me Amy! It's nice to meet you!" Once she is at her desk, it is time for school to get started. Though they have a light start for the first day, it does not change the fact that her knowledge is pretty dated. That makes it harder for her to stay focused, but what really makes it hard is her growing need to pee. She already had to go before she got to school, and her bladder is pretty full now, throbbing to keep her mind on the fact that she does have to pee. Still, she wants to see what Jacob is going to reward her with. When lunchtime rolls around, she drains most of the water that he has given her, despite the way her bladder protests having anything else added to it. She does have to pee quite badly now, but she is sure that she can make it to the end of the day, even while dealing with all of this. Bursting as she may be, she has been in more than enough situations where she has been that desperate to go, and Jacob has made her hold it through that sort of situation so many times she has basically lost count. Her endurance is far better than any other girl's her age would be, and she is sure that she is not even showing signs of her overwhelming desperation right now. That would be rather embarrassing, of course, and she is not looking to embarrass herself when she only just started at her new school. Things may have changed over the years, but showing how badly you need to pee in public or, worse, having an accident are likely still every bit as humiliating as they were back when she was still a mortal girl in school. For Jacob, she would gladly hold all day, but for the sake of her own dignity, she is taking it that much more seriously. Still, she drinks the water, just like she promised him that she would, knowing that it will only make things that much worse for her. There is plenty of time for her to go to the bathroom right now, but she is not going to do it, no matter how badly she may want to. No matter how badly she may want to just let it all out, she also does not want to, because she wants to prove that she can do that. Besides, the pain of a full bladder feels pretty damn good to her, and she wants to let that last as long as possible. When she sees Jacob tonight, he will tell her what to do about it, and she will be rewarded, so she just has to hold it. The day is already half over, which is a positive, but with all that she has had to drink, the rest of the day is going to be torture, even worse than what she has endured so far. She is going to have to try really hard to hold it without making it obvious that she is doing so, or else she might get teased for it. If she is asked why she does not just go to the bathroom, she is not sure if she would be able to come up with a good excuse. All in all, it is in her best interest to make sure that she hides it. After lunch comes recess, which she is excited about. It will be fun to get to see what kind of playground they have at this school, and she might even be able to make some new friends. However, as she looks around the playground, she quickly spots some children being less than friendly, though she can't tell from a distance what is going on. All she can tell is that the three largest boys in the class have circled together, and though she can't make out what they are saying, their voices are raised and their movements seem rather aggressive. Amy can't help herself, she has to figure out what is going on. Just looking at them from this distance gives her such a bad feeling that she knows it can't be anything good going on, that they have to be up to some serious trouble. It is only her first day, she does not know any of these people and has not had a chance to build up any sort of reputation, but she presses on anyway. This could absolutely impact her reputation negatively, if this is bullying, and could even result in her being the target of bullying, but Amy knows right from wrong, and has since she was a mortal girl. This is not the sort of thing she can let slide, putting her own thoughts and needs aside for the moment as she goes to investigate. As expected, the three boys are picking on someone, though at first, Amy can't even tell who is at the center of their circle, because they are so big and she is so small. When she does finally see who it is, she remembers her from class. The girl is easily the smallest kid in their class, with brown skin and wide, innocent eyes that are now squeezed shut. Her clothes had looked a little worn before, but now they are positively filthy, as her bullies gang up on her, and her hair is a mess, suggesting that they have already done some damage to that. Right now, she is huddled down, trying to make herself as small as possible, defensive like she expects them to get violent. More than likely, they already have, to get her into this position, and that is simply not something that Amy can stand idly by and ignore, not once she has seen it. The boys are so distracted that they have not even noticed her approaching, and are probably not used to having anyone get in their way. The other students in the class probably do not want to get bullied as well and do not stand up to them, or worse, do not really care about what happens to the little girl. Amy is not like that, and she can't stand for it. Calling out, she manages to catch their attention, and they all turn to face her for the moment, ignoring their victim, but giving her no chance to escape as they circle in closer around her. Either way, she seems too terrified to even consider trying to get away, so that would not really do much good either way. "You need to leave her alone, right now!" she orders them. "I'll bet she didn't do anything to you, and even if she did, that's still no reason to pick on her like that, you need to talk to the teacher. But I bet she didn't do anything at all, so you have no right picking on her like that! It's not nice to do things like that, and you wouldn't feel too great if someone did the same to you, right?" The boys stare at her for a moment, before they all burst out laughing at her, not taking it seriously in the slightest. She is already put off by this response, and that is before they start insulting her in turn, wanting to let her have it for trying to get in the way of their fun. "Come on, rich bitch! You can't be serious," one of them says, and she realizes that the way she is dressed, just cute because that is what Jacob picked out for her, and she wanted to look the part of a school girl, has created the illusion that she is some snobby girl, fresh out of private school. Before she can protest that, he continues with, "What, your family so rich you came to buy a slave? Sorry, we didn't get the memo that she was your property!" "It's not really fair to just come steal her away when she was ours first," another one adds, before insulting the girl at his feet further, using language Amy can hardly believe she is hearing at school. "Just go back to church and take your stupid, moral high horse with you. We don't give a fuck what you have to say." "It's none of your damn business what we do, is it? Last I checked you don't own her," the final boy says, before launching into that same foul language. The boys do not slow down with their insults, racism, sexism, and classism showing in the way they talk to the little girl, with a lot of horrible language that Amy understands, and even more that she is not familiar with, showing her just how much language has evolved over the years, and not in any way that she likes. They also have a lot of horrible things to say to her, insulting her in any way they can think to. Some of these words, she has grown used to hearing from Jacob when he punishes her, but she can tell that it is different here. From Jacob, there is always love behind it, just doing it because he knows that she likes it, and knows that she wants to be used and abused like the little slut she is, only for him. These boys do not know about that side to her, and are certainly not using that sort of language to try and get her off, only trying to get off on their own power trip as they pick on anyone deemed weaker than themselves. "None of what you said sounds very nice!" she scolds them, not sure if her words would really be able to get through to them at this point, but still wanting to try laying into them again, wanting to show them that she is not going to back down. "I would be coughing up suds for weeks if my parents or my big brother heard me say any of the things that you three are saying!" "So, what? Are you going to tell on us?" one of them retorts, not seeming too bothered by that. Once again, they all start laying into her, giving her further insults, their language seeming to get worse, as if to spite her for telling them not to say those sorts of words. Her bladder is absolutely killing her right now, making it hard for her to want to do anything other than go somewhere by herself, where she can try and deal with holding it in a way that the others will not notice, but she has to do what she has to do. And when the boys stop yelling at her and go back to going off on the little girl, she sees that one of them is drawing back a foot, preparing to kick her as she cowers down even more. Amy absolutely can't allow this to happen, and moves before she can even spare a thought for her bursting bladder, caring only about the safety of her small and defenseless classmate. She moves forward then and there, throwing herself right into the fray, over top of the girl so that she can shield her from their attacks. All she knows is that she does not think someone like this girl would be able to stand much from them, but she does know that, even if she were a normal girl, she would be able to withstand this a little bit better. But with her regeneration, she will definitely be just fine, will definitely be able to take it. Besides, she has developed quite the pain endurance, so she is ready to take whatever they can dish out. That being said, that does not mean she could enjoy being beat up by the trio of boys, not in the slightest. She is hit with the first kick, sparing her classmate the pain of it. At that point, the boys quickly get carried away, their anger and their power trip leading to them punching and kicking and stomping at her, all while she does her best to shield the little girl. She has a high pain tolerance and a masochistic streak, but there is no part of her that enjoys the abuse that she is being met with. There is no love behind it, of course, no affection like Jacob gives her when he punishes her, and when there is real malice behind it all, there is no way for her to actually get off on any of it. It would hurt her either way, but right now, it is even worse, due to how badly she has to pee. Each strike is greatly protested by her bursting bladder, but she forces herself to hold on even through all of that torture, because she does not want to lose control right now. There are a lot of reasons it would be bad, foremost of which being that it would probably get her further teased. It is already terrible to pee herself on the first day of school, or at school in general, but while she is being bullied? These boys would surely never let her live that one down. But she also does not want to break her promise to Jacob, and she definitely does not want to pee all over the girl she is supposed to be protecting. So as they attack her, she holds on, determined to remain strong for the sake of a girl who does not deserve a bit of what they are doing to her. All because of the color of her skin and how much money her family has and because she is small, she gets met with all of this? Amy just can't stand for it. Eventually, though, the boys grow frustrated with this. They want her to cry, because the littler girl usually does, but Amy won't, and that takes all of the fun out of this. Once they are thoroughly bored with her, they make their excuses and leave, so that the girls can finally get up. She helps the other girl to her feet, dusting her off first, before dusting off herself. At full height, she only comes to Amy's chin. She is quiet as she says, "Thank you so much..." "What's your name?" she asks. "Ruth..." Looking back, she can remember one of the insults the boys threw at her involved saying she had a "granny name." Of course, that is something Amy can relate to. "Well, Ruth, I'm going to be your best friend and your new big sister!" she declares, taking Ruth by surprise. "Are you sure about that? I mean, my family is poor, and...well, my skin..." She trails off awkwardly, and it shows just how much of an impact those bullies have had on her. This is something Amy would have hoped had calmed down in the decades since her passing, but it seems just as bad as ever. "Why would I care about any of those things? Those guys are just jerks! Come on, let's play while we still have recess left!" she says, not giving Ruth any further chance to dwell on it. As she grabs her hand and drags her off, Ruth follows along after her, and is finally able to start smiling. She is able to have some fun during recess, keeping the other girl's mind off of her bullies, and keeping her own mind off of how badly she needs to pee. Soon enough, though, it is time to go back inside, for the rest of the afternoon. Chapter 2 Holding it to the end of the day is no easy task, but Amy does her best, and still manages to hide the fact that she is bursting all the while. She feels better knowing that she helped someone in need, and she notices that Ruth seems rather happy for the rest of the day. She can only hope that the bullies start to get the hint, but if not, she will do whatever she has to in order to protect her new friend. Finally, afternoon classes are done, and she is finally able to go home, where it will be a lot easier to deal with the situation in her bladder. She can hold more openly, without worrying about anyone else seeing her in that state. Her children all swarm her as soon as she is in the door, demanding her attention and asking where their father is, bombarding her with so many questions that it is hard for her to keep up with it all. "Now, now, you know it'll be another two hours or so before papa gets home from work. And your mama has homework to do in the meantime, so you need to let me get to work out that," she tells them. As she sits down to get started, grumbling about homework on the first day of school, she squirms in her seat, and does her best to focus on it, so that she can be done before Jacob gets home from his job. There is some that she is completely stumped by, but everything that she is able to do, she manages to finish before he gets home. He walks in on the sight of her sitting at a low table, studying the work that confuses her, but she immediately gets up when she sees him, flying at him as she cries out to him. "My bladder is going to burst!" she whines. Jacob smiles to still see her in her school clothes, and is proud of her for already getting started on her homework without needing him there to tell her to do it. He goes to sit down to look it over, saying, "I can make sure you did it all right, and I can tutor you on anything you don't understand. Just be patient a little bit longer, and then you can pee." Sitting down with him, she sighs but does not attempt to fight it. It has been a long day of holding it, and she knows that she is nearing her limit, but since she has made it this far, she is not going to take her chances and risk losing the reward that she has worked so hard for. She has been a good girl all day, so she can keep being a good girl until she and Jacob have finished up all of her homework. Once it is all done, he helps her up to lead her to another room, where she sees that he has set up a bunch of cameras. She can tell that, if she stands in the center of the room, she would be captured from every angle, so it is no surprise to her when Jacob says, "I want to watch you wet your pantyhose. That's how I'm going to let you pee. I'd also like to request that you let it out slowly, to let your clothes absorb it all, and see if you can do that without letting any of it stream from your soaked pantyhose. Do you think you can do that for me?" Amy would agree to anything right now, if it meant that she could finally pee. That being said, she has to go so badly that she is not sure if it will be possible, but she is certainly willing to give it a try for him. She takes her place in the center of the room, before slipping into character. She jams her hands between her legs, under her skirt, as she starts squirming and dancing in place, whining, "Big brother! Big brother, please, I can't hold it! Please take me to the bathroom!" Suddenly, she lets out a sharp gasp and holds her skirt up, whining, "It's already coming out! I can't hold it anymore!" finally, she is able to start emptying her bladder, using all of her willpower to let it out slowly, rather than just fully peeing like her body demands she does. It comes out so slowly, soaking into her panties before spreading into her pantyhose. The relief is amazing, though it really is like torture, trying to take this slow when she has been bursting all day long. It is hard not to just let it all out, to completely soak her clothes, but she makes sure to put on a good show for the camera, letting the contents of her bladder be absorbed due to the slow stream, while her wetting is caught from every angle. She lets out a sigh of relief, before pouting, so that she can continue her show. "Stupid big brother!" she whines. "It's all your fault I had an accident!" "But you did such a good job, and I'm so proud of you," he replies, congratulating her for a job well done. He kneels down in front of her, so that he can roll her pantyhose down, peeling them from her body, so that he can start licking her clean. Starting from one ankle, he slowly works his way up her leg, stopping in her inner thigh, just short of her pussy, before doing the exact same to her other leg. Amy is left squirming from a different kind of desperation, but he does not keep her waiting too long. Soon enough, he is able to work his tongue inside of her, eating her out thoroughly while making sure that he has not missed a drop of her delicious urine. Just when Amy thinks that she can't handle anymore of this, he switches targets to eating her ass, overwhelming her all over again. He makes sure that he does not miss anything, and makes sure that he leaves her moaning for him, barely able to handle just how turned on she is. Jacob lifts her up to carry her to the shower, where he works to get her thoroughly cleaned up, getting her slippery from head to toe in body wash. Once that is done, he holds her against his body, just over top of his cock, and says, "Now, why don't you be my little scrub brush, and get my cock nice and clean?" Amy does her work with enthusiasm, certain that it will not be long now before he fucks her like she has been wanting. She has been such a good girl, has done absolutely everything that he wanted her to do, so it can't be long now before he rewards her properly. For now, she just clings to him and rubs her body against his cock, stimulating him and getting him worked up. She is glad that it is not long before he announces, "I'm so close, Amy!" With that, she rolls over on him, letting him make sure that she does not fall, before wrapping her mouth around the head of his massive cock. She is just in time, but he surprises her by relaxing first. He has been holding for her all day too, and he makes her drink down every drop of his pee. Once she has swallowed it all, he finally allows himself to give into his climax, and Amy is not quite able to swallow down his load, pulling back so that he can shoot it over her face as well. It is not long before it is washed away by the shower anyway, so she does not mind having him make a mess of her at all. Now that she has done all of this for him, she is sure that she is going to get what she really wants from him. She can't stop herself from asking, "Now are you finally going to fuck me?" "You're not getting me in the ass or pussy tonight, Amy," he replies, disappointing her. If that is not her reward, then what is? She has been such a good girl, it should stand to reason that she can have whatever she wants, but of course, Jacob would not see it that way even if she explained it like that to him. Seeing the way she pouts, he laughs and says, "Don't look so sad. I got you a special gift for being a good girl on your first day of school, and for agreeing to go to school in the first place." Well, that is a lot better, and she cheers up at that point, eager to see what the special surprise is. The two of them get out of the shower, and she lets Jacob dry her off, before he tells her to close her eyes. Amy does as she is told, waiting not so patiently for him to get her present. She lets out a yelp when he starts to insert a dildo into her, one that is long enough to reach to her womb and thicker than her wrist. He fills her all the way to the top of her womb, before he goes for a butt plug that is every bit as thick, and filling her all the way up with that as well. Though they are both smaller than what his cock has grown to due to her powers, they are still big enough to give her quite the stretch, especially with how she keeps healing back to virginal condition every time he pulls out of her. Amy is pleasantly surprised by this, and is just about to express just how much she loves this, when Jacob inserts a crank into the bottom of each of them. When turned, it simulates a knot, and a rather large one, at that. Amy is left moaning, unable to speak to let him know just how much she loves this. Jacob smacks her butt and asks, "Well? Do you like them?" Though it takes her a moment to get it out, she is able to say, "Yes, I love them." "Well, you're going to get to enjoy them for quite a while," he replies, before getting the final part of her surprise out to give to her. This time, it is a chastity belt to lock her toys in place. This way, she can't just force them out by pushing hard enough, which means that this will make her holes stretch over the knots. With Amy all dried up and settled in with her new toys, Jacob gets her dressed in a pair of fluffy pajamas, and says, "Alright, how about we order a pizza for dinner?" "Yay!" she cries, jumping for joy in her ecstasy. Jacob is able to catch her by surprise one last time while she is celebrating. With the push of a button, the toys whir to life inside of her, causing her to nearly double over as she is left moaning for him, rendered completely helpless by the sudden surprise. Jacob scoops her up and says, "The intensity of the vibrations is random and the only off button is the batteries dying. You'll be stuck feeling random vibrations throughout the night, and the batteries should last until morning. I hope you enjoyed your wetting because you're not getting a potty break until the batteries die." Amy is not sure what she is going to do about this, not sure if she is going to be able to eat her dinner or make sure that she is able to get enough sleep for the next day of school. However, she is already locked in, and she knows that Jacob is not going to give her a choice in the matter. All of that is not including the fact that she has to make sure to guard her bladder as well. Already, she is wondering if she should try and watch what she drinks, but of course, Jacob does not give her much of an option on that front. The two of them enjoy a nice dinner of pizza, with a lot of soda for her. It seems like her cup is never empty, with Jacob always managing to give her more, and always making sure that she drinks down whatever she has. With all that he makes her drink on her own, she knows that it will not be long before she starts to feel the throbbing in her bladder, and she knows that that will happen long before she has managed to fall asleep. Whether she sleeps tonight at all will be determined by if she can ignore that need to pee and the worry that she might wet the bed, while also trying to ignore the toys inside of her. So many times during dinner, she would jump or yelp because it took her completely by surprise, because she did not expect a sudden surge in vibrations, or for it to slow so much that it was barely noticeable, only to immediately take her by surprise again. All of this is a lot to deal with just while trying to eat pizza with her big brother, so she has no idea how she is supposed to deal with it while she is laying in her bed, trying to clear her mind and fall asleep. By the time she has fed the younger putti and gotten all of their children to sleep, Amy has to go, and pretty badly. Not only that, but she is so horny now from the toys that she can hardly stand it, and finds herself clinging to Jacob, hugging his midsection as she grinds against him and whines, "Please, help me, you know I have to pee and I need you so bad, please!" Jacob carries her to their bed, laying her down and unbuttoning her pajama shirt. Like this, he is able to caress her tummy and tease at her chest, making the little angel squirm that much more in her need. He is only making it worse for her as she whimpers out, and he pulls down her pajama pants so that he can tease her further. Jacob begins running his hand down her body, all the way to the chastity belt, which he rubs to taunt her. Of course, she can hardly handle this teasing, and even though he is not doing anything to her directly, it is more than enough to make her nearly cry from how badly she needs this. When he starts fingering the lock, that is just plain cruel. Amy cries out, and Jacob says, "You could just phase out of this and we both know it. Thank you for being such a good girl and staying in it like I want you to. I'm trusting you not to abuse your powers on this one." "Just take it off!" she begs. "Take it off and fuck me!" She can't help herself, reduced to this point that all she wants to do is beg him for release, but Jacob is simply not having that. Rather than moving to take it off, he lays his massive erection across her torso, not showing any signs that he is even considering giving her the fuck that she so desperately wants. "Use your mouth, hands, and feet to get me off," he replies, half expecting her to try and be a brat and deny it until he gives her what she wants. But she is a good girl who complies with him, wrapping herself around him, and sucking on the tip of his cock so that she can start working to get him off. It only adds to her torment, making her want him that much more, but she strokes him, working her hands and feet up and down as she sucks on his tip, until she has pushed him all the way to the edge, until he is moaning out for her, ready to give into the pleasure that she has given him. She is so eager to swallow down his massive load, as he erupts inside of her mouth. Good girl that she is, she swallows down every drop of it, and only pulls her mouth away to speak to him once she is sure that he is finished with his orgasm. However, as soon as she is able to speak again, she is quick to say, "Since I did such a good job with that, will you fuck me now?" "Sorry, but I can't do that. The lock activates on its own, and I'm not able to deactivate it whenever I want to," Jacob says, finally revealing this final, critical piece of information to her. "Turning on the vibrators activates it, and it will only unlock when they turn off...which I already told you only happens once the batteries die. It looks like you're stuck in there all night." "What?!" Amy whines, but he just smiles at her, letting her know that he is not making this up just to tease her. He really plans to leave her in torment all night long, a torment that she could actually easily escape, should she actually choose to, but they both know that she is not going to. They both know that she is going to continue to suffer in the best sort of torture imaginable, pretending as if she is trapped while ignoring her power to get out of it at any time. So she just puts on a show of pouting, a show of hating it and wanting him to do more for her, a show of frustration at the impossibility of the situation. But, whatever happens, they both know that she is going to endure all night long, even if she pouts the whole time that she does it. Well, it doesn't actually seem likely that she will be able to stay pouting for long.