Angelic Summer Vacation by ImoutoCommissions Chapter 1 Jacob has taken his family to the beach to further enjoy the summer. He can't help staring at Amy in her bikini, one that perfectly shows off the baby bump of her fourth pregnancy, and the color of which he can't help but mentally describe as being a nice pussy pink. Her wings are fluttering in the ocean breeze, and she leads their children in building a massive sand castle, all of them working together in an adorable sight. One that only he can see, though. Amy has assured him that she appears to be a normal girl to everyone else on the beach, her baby bump and wings obscured from view, and their family appearing to be quite a bit smaller, with only the twins visible to those who are not very spiritually attuned. He probably does just look like a big brother, taking a group of younger siblings out to play, rather than the husband of the oldest, with the others being their young children. They have had a fun day playing out here, and the choir has nearly finished the sand palace, which will appear just as it is to any onlookers. That will make it seem that much more impressive, for just the four of them to have pulled it off together, and that makes Jacob smirk to himself. It really has been a perfect day by the sea for him and for his massive family, but things are about to get a lot more interesting. Amy moves to squat alongside the trench dug around the sand castle before calling to Jacob. Once he looks to her, she winks and says, "Watch me fill the moat!" With that, she pulls her bikini bottoms to the side, a torrent of liquid gushing out of her pussy. She sighs happily as she begins to pee into the moat, and Jacob watches her with great interest, getting more and more turned on by the moment. However, a different sort of liquid begins gushing out of her then, while she is still peeing, and she falls back onto her rear, clutching her stomach in surprise. All at once, Jacob realizes that her water must have just broken, and is quick to spring into action, wasting no time. Out in the open is no place for her to give birth, even with, or especially with, the way people will not be able to see everything that is happening. He moves to scoop her up so that he can dart up the sand with her in his arms, their swarm of children following him to the beach house that he has rented for this occasion. "Come on, babies, wait just a little while longer," Amy coos in a strained voice. "Wait until papa has me inside and can wash all the sand and salt off of me, okay?" While she does this, Jacob is able to get her inside, so that he can start cleaning her up, and preparing her for the next addition to her angelic choir. ~X~ Hours later, Amy has successfully birthed another cluster of putti, and fed them all with her milk, before finally getting them ready to lay down to bed. It has been a long day, but now, things are finally starting to calm down. Jacob has, as always, done everything in his power to help her through the birth, and helping her enjoy it to the fullest potential, what with how much she always gets off on the pain of childbirth. After that, he set to getting things cleaned up around the beach house while she took care of their new children. Jacob also had to help tend to the other children, who all want to surround their mother at every moment, eager to meet their new siblings. Now, everyone is tired out from the exciting day, but the parents are still due for some fun, at least according to Amy. Her bikini has been freshly washed by Jacob, so she is quick to put it on again before running up to Jacob, where she can rub seductively against him. As he looks down at her, she asks, in a playful tone of voice, "Since all that is over now, don't you think it's a good time for a moonlit swim?" "Are you sure about that?" he asks in turn. "The ocean is going to be pretty cold right now, and besides, do you really want to leave all of the children alone while we go out?" "You know how quickly our children mature. The twins should be more than capable of looking after their dozens of siblings, even if they are only six months old," she replies, as if this is the most natural thing in the world, as if he is silly for even asking. If she were to say something like that to anyone but him, they would have no idea what to even make of her statement, but he knows that she has a point. "Besides, I trust you to keep me warm, so please? Can we please go out and swim? I didn't get to have as much fun today because I couldn't play outside!" she begs, and there is not much that he can say to that, when he knows that she does have a point. "Fine, let's go outside," he agrees, and she cheers, before grabbing hold of his hand so that she can drag him outside, so excited that she really is acting the age she appears to be. This is just another one of those things that she has wanted to do since regaining a physical body, and though he has gotten very used to the fun that they have had, very used to his little ghost girl becoming his little angel, he remembers that it has not been this way for very long, just since Christmas. There are still a lot of experiences that she wants to have, and she wants to make the most of their beach trip. Once the two of them reach the ocean's edge, Amy rushes forward to dip a toe in, only to recoil when she feels just how cold it is, just like she had been warned. Instead of going out on her own, she asks, "Can I ride your shoulders out there first?" "Sure thing," he replies, having expected as much, given her general aversion to the cold. He lets her climb onto his back, sitting on his shoulders with her legs dangling over either side. Against the nape of his neck, he can feel the warmth of her bikini clad pussy, starting to soak through in her excitement, dampening the back of his neck in the process. He holds her legs up against his chest, and she tangles her fingers in his hair before he starts to wade out into the dark ocean, able to brave the cold water quite a bit better than her. He keeps going until he reaches a place where Amy should be able to keep her head above water, while her toes are brushing against the sand beneath her. At that point, she takes a moment to gather her courage, deciding if she is really going to dive into that water or not, before bracing herself and pushing off his shoulders into the water. Given how much she hates being cold due to her years as a ghost, it is a very brave move, and he stays close by her, just in case she has a strong reaction and wants to be pulled back out. However, she is actually able to enjoy swimming instead. She finds herself leaning back to make snow angel motions on the water's surface, innocently showing off just how well her bikini accentuates her every curve, driving Jacob wild to be able to look at her like this. Kicking and splashing, she seems to be having a very good time, but eventually, the cold starts to get to her, and she needs something to keep her warm before it all becomes too much for her. Kicking water at Jacob, she says, "Come wrap your little angel around your hot cock, so you can warm me from the inside out!" He is already achingly hard for her, after watching her aquatic display, so all he has to do is free his massive erection from his swim trunks, before he is able to pull her bikini bottoms aside and start to push into her. He is, as always, too big for her to take, with the way she keeps healing after every session, and she moans out in a mixture of pleasure and pain, the masochistic angel loving everything about this feeling. Looking up at him, she moans out, "You're stretching me out even more than our newest babies did..." "And you love that, don't you?" he teases her, as he fits himself the rest of the way inside of her, making her tiny body bulge with his massive size. He leans down so that he can kiss her, not exactly surprised to find that she stays on the surface of the water as if it were as solid as any bed, rather than the rolling waves, what with the way she often tends to ignore the laws of gravity. Like this, it is easy for him to make out with her while he warms her up, giving her everything that she wants from him. After a little while of simply warming his cock, and letting his cock warm her, Amy lets him take a break from kissing and breathe for a little while. While he does, she says, "Let's go for a swim, just like this!" Jacob is happy to indulge her in that, letting her cling to his body while he swims with her, letting her enjoy being filled and just how warm that leaves her, as she starts to get used to the temperature of the water around her. Even when it feels cold to her, rushing past her while he swims, she is able to keep close to him, and that is more than enough to keep the little angel warm. This goes on for a little while longer, until Jacob finds a small cove among some rocky outcroppings, just the right size for the two of them to keep hidden away in. He brings her there, holding her close as he swims in that direction, before laying her down in the shallow water, her tight pussy still clinging to his cock. "Are you ready for the main event?" he asks her. She nods in response, and he holds tight to her as he begins properly fucking her. Thrusting forward, he gives her just what she needs, making her moan out in ecstasy. Her body is so tiny and so tight around his cock, which has grown so much thanks to her angelic powers that it is, as always, far too much for a little girl like her to handle. Even after all the times that they have done this, and even after giving birth just earlier that day, she can't handle him, having completely healed from that already. Her body is that of a virgin all over again, and even with the time she took to get used to him inside of her as he swam around, that was still not enough to prepare her for having him move inside of her. Now, it is as painful as it is pleasurable, and that is everything that she could ever want. She loves the way his massive cock rearranges her insides as he loses himself to his rhythm, fucking her absolutely senseless, in a way that she knows would be enough to seriously harm a mortal woman. Her unique biology is the only reason that she can handle something so extreme, and she is absolutely hooked on every second of it. The more he fucks her, the more carried away with it she gets, ready to follow through with the usual routine that directly follows another birthing. She whimpers and cries out, "Go on, go on, fill me up! Give me another belly full of babies!" He slows then, rather than increasing his pace like he normally does. Shaking his head, he replies, "I'm not sure if that's a good idea." Shocked, Amy whines, "Why not?" She has never had him turn her down before, not since the first time she gave birth, when they had the twins. But now, suddenly, he is denying her what she wants, and she is really not used to getting that. He does continue to fuck her, but the pace is so slow now that it is agonizing. Reaching inside of her, he begins to stroke her ovaries, and begins to explain himself. "You've taken like a fish to water when it comes to all the things I taught you about sex and anatomy, and when it comes to being an angel, you seem to automatically know everything there is to know about your nature. But beyond that, your general knowledge is...lacking, and my job keeps me too busy to teach you everything that you need to know." He takes a breath before saying, "It took a lot of work, but I managed to create a digital paper trail that makes you look like my ten-year-old little sister that I have had custody over since the untimely death of our parents. I've enrolled you in school for the coming year, but even if you can hide your pregnancies from the spiritually unaware, it will cause problems if anyone is able to see through the illusions." Amy is fully ready to protest those plans, much more invested in becoming a mother over and over again than throwing that away to go to school. Though the idea of school itself is not all that unappealing, it is the idea of giving up her addiction to pregnancy that really does not sound ideal to her, more like something she would have argued with from the start if he had told her. Perhaps that is exactly why he did not tell her, but now, she is getting ready to whine and beg him to change his mind, when Jacob does something that he has never done to her before. His grip on her ovaries tightens, a sensation that she has always loved. She is used to the way he plays with them and squeezes them to make her feel good, and she is left moaning so much that she is not able to voice her complaints. However, he does not stop at the point that he normally does, and instead continues to squeeze harder, tightening his grip more and more, the pain increasing right alongside the pleasure, her poor squishies not able to handle being squished quite so much. He grips one just a bit tighter than the other, and just like that, it pops inside of her, the pain so severe that it sends her over the edge. Her orgasm is so strong that it is more than enough to send him over the edge as well, and they are both lost in their shared ecstasy. Amy has never felt anything like this before, and she has certainly been made to endure a lot of pain since the two of them have started exploring her masochistic tendencies. It feels so good that it makes her forget everything, including her woes involving giving up the joys of pregnancy and childbirth for a little while. And when she does regain the ability to think, and remembers that is what she was upset about, she starts to think that it might not be so bad. She can be at least a little bit patient, and as long as she has a proper replacement, then there is no need for her to miss that special pleasure and pain, in the time that she has to wait. It takes her time to be able to speak again, but when she can, she is ready to accept his proposition. "I guess I can put off having more babies, at least for the school year," she concedes, much to his pleasure. "But you have to meet two of my conditions for me to go along with your plans! For one, you have to knock me up the instant that school lets out for the summer! I want to deliver you a fresh bundle of babies as often as I can under these rules!" "Alright, I can do that," he agrees. "It shouldn't cause any problems just as long as we only do it during the summer vacation, but no going back on that and pressuring me to get you pregnant during the school year. I'm not going to change my mind on that, especially not after we have already agreed to this." "That's fine, just as long as you agree to my other condition," she replies, a dreamy expression coming over her face. "Having you squish my squishies was the best feeling ever! I don't want to ever stop doing that, so if we do that, then I won't have to miss having babies too much. It hurts just right! We'll have to see how long it takes for them to heal back to normal, but if they do that fast enough, then you have to squish them at least daily!" Jacob nods, going along with it without any trouble. Just as long as he is able to keep her entertained and educated during the day while he is at work, he does not mind what he has to do to keep her happy. And as for making her come that hard, he is always eager to make her feel good. It seems like a fair exchange, coming up with something new after taking one thing away. The two of them go back to shore not long after that, and he gets her dried off and ready for bed, still blissed out from her climax. Chapter 2 The next day, the family enjoys another day on the beach. Amy is tackling her portion of one of the large watermelons that the family is sharing, looking adorable as she sits on the lounge chair with the soles of her feet pressed together, heels almost pressed into her crotch. The wedge of melon that she is eating is about as wide as her shoulders, maybe even more so, and her skin is glistening with the juice that gets everywhere as she tears into it. When she notices that Jacob is watching her, just as she finishes eating that piece, she reaches to pick up another one of their watermelons, this one not yet cut. She holds it against her lap and begins rubbing it as she comments, "it's almost as big as my belly gets when I'm full of babies!" All at once, an idea occurs to her, and she begins to phase it into her stomach, using her abilities so that she can put the watermelon inside of her. She turns herself intangible, letting it phase first inside of her, and then, as she is more careful and precise, she is able to phase it into her womb, stretching the organ out around the melon that she has selected. Once she knows that she has it inside of her just the way she wants, she is able to let go of it, withdrawing her hand and slowly willing herself back to tangible. As a result, her womb is stretched to contain the melon, and by the time that she is done, she does look pregnant, having the watermelon completely inside of her, bulging her stomach, her womb struggling to keep up with the sudden change. Excited, she looks to Jacob as she exclaims, "Look, look! I think I found the perfect substitute for everything until you let me get pregnant and give birth again!" Almost as soon as she has finished saying this, her womb has begun trying to expel the melon, sending her into her first contraction, and making her moan out as she clutches her stomach. It is not quite the same as her giving birth, but it is similar enough, and he knows that to her, it really does seem like a good substitute. Watching her clutching her stomach, moaning from both pain and pleasure, there is no doubt that she is in absolute heaven right now. He shakes his head at this, wondering how the innocent little ghost girl haunting his house turned into the perverted angel in front of him, before leaning over to give her a kiss. Her lips taste sweet from the juice, and when he pulls back, he says, "I'll do whatever keeps my little angel happy, just as long as you get good grades. Would you want to try a pumpkin for Halloween?" Though he asks that as a joke, she still moans in response, while her cervix struggles to dilate enough at such short notice, all to be able to push out something so big. There was no chance for her body to prepare for this, seeing as it is completely unnatural, and that means that it might actually cause more pain and more damage than giving birth to several little angels in a row. But beyond that, it is ideal for her because it is instant pregnancy, instantly sending her into birth, and therefore leaving no chances for her to be caught pregnant by someone. There is no risk involved, a fun way for her to play outside of school, not growing their family at all, and not causing any problems for their relationship getting found out. She suddenly jumps up as she says, "My snack made me all messy! Do you want to join me in the shower, so I can get cleaned up? And maybe you can rub my belly and stretch out my butt while the watermelon stretches out my kitty?" Needless to say, Jacob is more than willing to go along with her. As he scoops her up, he turns to the twins and says, "Keep an eye on the little ones, okay?" With that, he carries her off to the outdoor shower stall, meant for rinsing away the sand so that it is not tracked into the beach house. He sets her down to start the water, and she braces her arm against the shower wall while shaking her rear at him. Immediately, he begins to get hard at her shameless little display. He has been fighting his arousal all morning, watching her go to town on her watermelon, getting glistening and sticky with juice, and even watching her silly idea come to fruition, knowing that she is doing that because he has gotten her so hooked on being pregnant. Now, he can't help but praise her for the way she easily gets him excited like this. "Your angelic ass is so amazingly awesome," he praises her, just before he moves his hand to start swatting at it, giving her a few good spanks in response to this. She loves when he spanks her, loves the way he brings his hand down on her ass, giving her a harder smack each time until her cheeks begin to redden. He keeps it up well past this point, loving the way that this makes her moan for him. Amy continues to wiggle, moving more into his touch until he decides that is enough of that and reaches to yank her bottoms down all the way, exposing her ass and pussy to him. He leans down behind her, where he can take each cheek in hand and start kneading at them and groping them, and leans his face in to start licking at her, starting from her clit and working his way all the way back, making her moan all the while. She tastes so good to him, the juices of her arousal practically gushing out of her right now, and he is able to make her feel that much more amazing just by lightly using his tongue on her. There is a hint of watermelon to it as well, and he wonders how she managed to drip so much juice on herself that it even got beneath her bikini. He doubts that he will ever get an answer for that, but he does not mind in the slightest. It just makes her taste that much better to him and, as a result, makes the whole experience even more enjoyable for him. In turn, that makes it more enjoyable for her, getting off on just how much he loves licking her. He pushes his thumbs forward into her pussy, while doing the same to her ass with his index fingers, prying both holes open and keeping them stretched like this, before moving to take her clit between his teeth. Amy cries out, moaning, "Yes, big brother, stretch...stretch them and nibble at my bud, please, please!" "I can see your cervix playing peekaboo with the watermelon," he comments, before pushing his hands in to start tracing at her tender and dilated cervix, barely able to handle all of this. She is definitely going to do some serious damage to her body like this, but of course she does not mind that at all, always looking for new ways to hurt, and always confident in the fact that she can recover from it all, her body and its regeneration able to take anything she might throw at it. Just when he is done teasing her with that, he pulls his hands back so that he can press the tip of his cock to her asshole, teasing her with, "Are you ready for my donkey dick to destroy your dainty derriere?" "Yes! Yes, please!" she moans. "Please, destroy me, big brother!" Once he has his little sister begging him for it, there is no force in the world that could hold him back from giving her what she wants. Thrusting forward, he plunges into her without even trying to be careful, because he knows she wants him to make it hurt, and he knows that she would be able to bounce back from it all. The harder he fucks her, the happier she is going to be, especially when he is fucking her through another "birth." He reaches forward to hug her against him, holding her tight to his chest as he begins to pound into her, quickly falling into the rhythm that he knows she desires. Tearing her apart like this, absolutely destroying her like he promised he would, is the best way to handle her, and he knows he is more than capable of leaving her satisfied, if he just keeps using her tight little body like this. Pushing his hands forward, he touches her hardened, swollen stomach, rubbing at it and truly impressed that she is able to handle something of this size, but at the same time, not really all that surprised, all things considered. With her stomach being so bulging, hard, and taut, he can't resist giving it a few good smacks. Amy seems to really like that, as she cries out, "Oh! Beat my big belly like bongos!" He does as she says, smacking her over and over again to add to her excitement, while he continues to pound her ass, continues to beat at her stomach, slapping and smacking to make her moan out even more. But after some time, she becomes distracted from all that by another sensation. After eating so much watermelon, the high liquid content of the fruit is starting to take its toll on her, and since she is simulating a big pregnancy, the negative effects of that are in full swing as well. Her bladder is absolutely bursting now, and she whines out, "The watermelon I ate is trying to take revenge on me by making me need to pee, and the watermelon in my womb is avenging its friend by crushing my bladder!" In response to her adorable whine, Jacob simply replies, "You'd better hold it until I come," before reaching to grab her by the knees, and pulling her legs together, holding them as high up as the melon bump will allow him to. At that point, he grinds her swollen bladder, between the melon and her thighs, making it as hard as possible for her to keep holding it in her current condition, though he does still expect her to hold it all the way to the end. Tormenting her poor, bursting bladder is absolutely his favorite thing to do to her, and she has rarely let him down before, developing quite the endurance despite her tiny size, tiny bladder, and the fact that her body is constantly resetting due to her astounding angelic healing factor. She might not be able to hold it much longer after he is done fucking her, but as long as she is able to keep her bladder in check until he comes, then he is not going to hold it against her. Those are his only conditions for this, but just to make sure that she knows that he is serious about it, and does not think that she will get away with this unscathed if she happens to fail his challenge, he adds a punishment into the mix, making sure that it is something that she will take very seriously. "If you fail," he warns her, as he sits to hold her in his lap like this, "then I am going to make you take the coldest setting from this shower." That is enough to alert her that he means business; he never uses the cold as a playful punishment, knowing that she does not find it arousing like she does other forms of pain and torment. It could only ever serve as a real one, a negative consequence of her not doing exactly what she is supposed to. And yet, the knowledge that he is willing to go that far only serves to further turn her on. Thus begins the battle against her bladder, when both the watermelon and her big brother are aiding in her bladder's cause, pushing her closer and closer to the edge of wetting herself, while all of this pain and pleasure pushes her closer to giving into an earth shattering orgasm, one that would surely make her lose control, whether she was capable of continuing to hold it or not. All of this is becoming too much for her, and yet, all she can do is continue to fight against it until the end, forcing herself to endure, and loving it all that much more as a result, because this is really putting her to the test. Her vacation has been great, and this feels like the perfect way to start to bring it to a close. She will have to change a lot of her life to start going to school, but she is excited about that change, and excited to see where it goes. This is a good finale to her more free life, and she knows that she will not have to stop having fun entirely either. Now that she has found alternatives to the long term things, she can enjoy the short term things to her heart's content, knowing that Jacob is going to do whatever he can to take care of her and tend to her needs during that time. He really is good to her, and the cruelty he is showing her right now is only further proof of that. All of the wild and rough fucking, all of the various stimulation, can only be withstood for so long. Amy does what she can to fight back against her own impulses, and though Jacob is doing what he can to put her to the test, he does not force himself to resist, to draw it out longer, when he knows that he can't take much more. Instead, he just lets himself give in, so that she will finally be able to have the relief that she so desperately needs. Just in time for his orgasm to hit him, he lets her legs part as he lets go of them, and reaches inside of her so that he can grab hold of her ovaries, pleased that she really does regenerate that quickly with those as well, knowing that she will be excited to know that she really can do that every day. He tightens his grip immediately, not teasing it out this time, crushing her ovaries all at once, while he comes inside of her, flooding her bowels with his seed. That is all that Amy is able to handle, the sudden and intense pain pushing her over the edge that she has been dangerously close to all the way. She lets out a sharp and strangled scream as she comes, and at that point, it is as if everything in her body gives out all at once, in time with her giving into her pleasure. Jacob knew that this would happen to her, the only reason he did not make her come before he reached that point himself, forcing her to fail his challenge. Her insides clench so tightly around his cock that it is rather painful for him, but at the same time, something that he can enjoy quite a bit, knowing that he has that sort of effect on her. And all at once, there is such a powerful contraction that it completely negates her ability to think or process anything, at the watermelon is fully expelled from her womb, the "birth" finally complete after a very intense and exciting "labor." She is left shuddering and trembling, her orgasm only further prolonged by the birthing, and somehow, throughout all of that loss of control, Jacob is amazed to see that she is still somehow holding onto her bladder, even though all of that should have been more than enough to make her lose control of that. She is still holding on even after he has come for her, and might simply be waiting for him to give her express permission to finally let go. Amy collapses into his lap from all of that, and he leans in to murmur, "Alright, you've done a good job. You can go ahead and pee now." That is all that she needs to hear, and she immediately lets go, urine gushing all over the watermelon that she has just birthed, completely drenching it. The relief is astounding, nearly enough to trigger another orgasm, despite her exhausted state. When Jacob pulls out of her, Amy can see that his member is all bruised and tender from how tight she clamped down on him. Her eyes widen as she says, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Leaning in, she starts pressing kisses all along his shaft, and he steadily begins to heal before his very eyes, her innate healing ability transferring just enough to make it all better. Still, he will say that the pain was definitely worth it. Once she has made sure to kiss him better, the two of them get to their feet so that they can get cleaned up, fortunate that they are already in the shower, and able to do so very quickly, having left minimal mess behind as a result of that. Then Amy leans down to pick up the melon, holding it directly under the spray of the shower, so that she can rinse the outside of it completely clean. Despite being squeezed so tight by her body, there is no damage to it, so the inside has remained unscathed. Noting that, Amy grins and says, "Let's go cut this one up and eat it next!" Already, he can foresee her covered in sticky juice again, getting worked up and ready to start things all over again, but he just smiles to himself, deciding that would be just fine. "Alright, sounds good," he replies, as he follows her back out onto the beach.