The Haunted House by ImoutoCommissions Chapter 1 As a little ghost, trick-or-treating is basically impossible for Amy. Still, she wants to participate in the holiday somehow, now that she is finally not alone, forced to simply watch from the shadows as the current residents of the house use it to have their fun. She brainstorms what she wants to do for the evening, before coming to Jacob with her idea: the two of them are going to stage a haunted house. Naturally, he is quick to agree to that idea, wanting to make sure that she is able to have as much fun as possible, since she is so limited in what she can do, and since she has spent so much time all by herself, so much time so isolated that he can't even begin to imagine her loneliness. He puts her in charge of their plans, while he will just go along with whatever she suggests, helping her with anything that she is not able to do on her own. Since there are plenty of rumors of this house being haunted already, he doubts that they will have a hard time getting interest in such a project. Amy puts her art skills to the test, using her nearly constant free time to get to work, not slowing down for even a moment. He loves seeing just how excited she is, and is very glad to have gone along with it, so that she has this chance to really have fun and be a kid. Jacob provides her with all the supplies she could possibly need for this, making it so that she can create her art on a much grander scale, drawing and painting at nearly every hour, all so that she is able to decorate the old house from top to bottom. She creates life size cutouts of every Halloween monster that comes to mind, and ghosts of all sorts. Jacob provides frames for her old time portraits, drawing the models in such a way that they look just slightly off-putting, as if their eyes might follow you wherever you go. When she is in a particularly creative mood, she works on full size murals of spooky scenes, playing up on everything scary she can imagine, going into as many haunted house tropes as possible. She works in a nearly constant flurry, looking so alive in those moments that, were it not for her blue-ish coloring and the fact that she is translucent, Jacob might be able to forget the fact that she is a ghost. He considers himself lucky to be able to witness this, to be able to see the girl he has come to love in such a short time in her element, happy enough that she shines like this. She was not at all kidding when she said that she had an interest in art, and more often, he finds himself impressed by just what his new little sister is capable of doing with the supplies he gave her. And just like that, the old and slightly creepy house is transformed into the perfect nightmare, a haunted house that anyone would dream of getting scared in. It is scary enough to unsettle most children, but also not so hardcore that it can't be explained away by being all part of the fun, just another staple of Halloween. He looks forward to when the time comes, and Amy has to entrust getting people to come see it entirely to him. Fortunately, Jacob has the resources he needs for that, once he has gotten city approval to host a local haunted house. If anything, everyone seems enthusiastic about that old house, rumored to be haunted anyway, being used for such a purpose. Hearing that, he knows that he has the perfect way to market it, and not only distributes fliers that talk about the dark history of the house, but uses word of mouth to spread things even more, telling everyone that he can, certain that they will keep on spreading the information. Though there are a lot of adults who do not believe in the haunted house, their children still do, and there are plenty more who do believe it either way, and wonder what will happen if they attend such an event. Halloween is the perfect night for such things, blending fear and fun, and before long, he can assure Amy that countless people are going to come see her hard work and their haunted house. "You're going to have lots of fun, and lots of people to play with," he tells her, loving the way that she brightens at his words. "So, have you decided on what story you want me to tell?" "I think so, but I'll need you to help me make it extra scary," she replies. He decided to let her decide the gist of what he is going to tell people about the ghost who haunts this house. After all, her story is deeply personal, and he does not want to go into detail about it just to scare people, at least not without her permission. As she goes into detail of what she wants, though, it becomes clear that she is not bothered by her being the star of the story. The only thing she seems concerned with is whether or not it is appropriate for Halloween, tweaking details here and there so that it becomes a bone chilling tale that suits the time of year. By the end, it does not resemble her actual story very much at all, but that is less because she is worried about him telling such a story, and more because she wants to make sure that everything that they do is absolutely perfect. And so, with everything set into motion, the two of them are ready to get things underway. With Halloween right around the corner, Amy continues to busy herself with any last minute details, while Jacob begins rehearsing his lines, as the tour guide of the haunted house. Chapter 2 Just as he expected, the rumors of the haunted house are enough to draw in a rather large crowd on the night of, with the line going pretty far down from his house. There will be plenty of groups for him to take on tour, so it is a good thing he prepared a perfectly creepy costume, wearing older style clothing, and with the sort of makeup that makes him look a touch ghostly, just enough that it might make those in the crowd wonder what sort of creature is actually leading their tour. He knows his part perfectly, and Amy does not have to rehearse for hers. She knows how to scare people after years of experience, even if that was not always intentional. But things start with him, guiding the first tour group in, taking them up the stairs so that they can look out over the balcony at the expanse of the house. "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard the rumors before, if you've lived in the area long enough," he says. "Even if you've only come recently, it rarely takes time for tales like this one to spread. So, I'm sure you all know by now that those are not mere rumors. That's right! Tonight, I'm here to tell you that all the stories are true. The house that you're standing in is haunted by the ghost of the girl who died here on this very night, forty-nine years ago." He gives a pause for effect, listening to the murmur in the crowd before he continues. "If those of you in the crowd aren't aware, seven is a particularly unlucky number for those who want to avoid anything ghostly. Every seven years since the initial incident, activity has been that much more intense. I can't help but think that, knowing seven times seven is forty-nine, this year might be the most intense anniversary to date. I certainly hope you're all prepared for anything. "So, what is it that happened here, nearly fifty years ago on this very day? There was a family that lived here, with a young girl about...oh, you're age," he comments, pointing out a child in the crowd. "They had just come back from taking part in the local celebrations, as happy as can be. The three of them had no idea what awaited in them in their home, had no idea that an escaped killer had taken refuge in the large home, certain that the owners would not be back until much later. He thought he had a chance to leave without getting caught, but there they were, home earlier than expected. "He was willing to do whatever it took to make sure he got away, and he was already a seasoned killer. What were a few more bodies added to his count? Though the family fought back as best as they could, he was able to quickly overwhelm them, brutally slaughtering them one by one. The little girl was the last one left, witnessing the horror of her parents' demise. They say that she wanders the halls to this very day, haunting all those who dare disturb the home she once shared with her family." Jacob can see more than a few children trembling with fear by the time he is done with his story. He can also see Amy, hovering behind the crowd, knocking something over right on cue. At once, a chorus of screams ring out, and that is only just the beginning. Amy is ecstatic to be able to scare so many people tonight, though Jacob finds it harder to keep in his role whenever he catches a glimpse of her, looking way too cute in the traditional witch costume she is wearing tonight. She is not confined to simply knocking things over and making noise in the house, though. There are a few people who come in that can actually see her, so many that it seems less likely that they are spiritually sensitive, and more likely that the date might actually make it easier for her to interact with the living world. Whatever the case, it is always an amusing sight to see her pop out of a wall, and have a few people in the crowd in a screaming panic, while others remain oblivious. Tour after tour, Jacob continues to show off the decorated home, with the line only getting longer as word of mouth gains them even more attention, the must-see haunted house this year. As he finishes the story for another group, he notices a girl grinning in the front, looking more thrilled than scared, but that is not what catches his attention about her. If he could try and imagine Amy while alive, this girl looks incredibly similar, and so, he singles her out. "I would tread carefully, if I were you," he says. "On nights like tonight, ghosts try to possess the living in order to walk with us again. It's said that they have a much easier time with those who resembled them in life." This statement seems to add a little bit of fear to her expression, but at the same time, he would say that only excites her that much more. Throughout the tour, she is vigilant every time Amy does anything to startle the group. Throughout the night countless children are left screaming with terror, and more than a few of them are actually left wetting themselves due to a ghost spotting. Jacob and Amy manage to scare everyone quite thoroughly, making her Halloween as delightful as can be. She does not feel left out like this, even though she was not able to go trick-or-treating, but by the time it is all over, Jacob is thoroughly exhausted. Not so exhausted that he does not want to spend some alone time with his little ghost girl, however. Especially not after getting teased so much by her costume, but not being able to touch her, or do the slightest thing that might attract attention. He is ready to change that now. Chapter 3 As soon as the last of the guests have left their home, Amy wastes no time in glomping her big brother, hugging him from behind and giggling in her ecstasy. She is still very clearly his little ghost girl, still partially see through and still so cold to the touch, but in this sort of moment, she seems more alive to him than ever before, so happy that he is even more glad that he decided to do all of this, no matter how tired the whole thing made him. Really, though, he had a lot of fun with it too. "It was so much fun! Scaring people on purpose is a lot more fun than accidentally scaring people, like I used to before!" she says, referring to the times that she used to try and fail to make contact with the previous residents of the house. Having her all to himself like this is more than he can handle now. It has been arousing to him, watching her have the time of her afterlife all night long, seeing her in the costume they picked out, and beyond that, there were more than a few little girls in the crowd he found to be very cute, especially the one who reminded him of Amy. With all that in mind, he just wants to cap their night off with a very different kind of fun. He carries her up to his bedroom, and wastes no time in stripping off that costume, commenting, "You've been such a good little witch ghost tonight. I'm just going to have to show you what I do for good, cute witch ghosts like you!" Once she is stripped down to nothing, he starts running his hands all over her body, caressing her and making her start to squirm with excitement. When he notices that, he switches tactics to start tickling her, making her let out shrieks of laughter, unable to handle the way that he teases her. Her giggles mingle with ghostly wails, and he loves every second of the way she loses herself to her excitement, as he tickles her far longer than he would have a living, breathing girl, since she does not have to gasp for air in any way. Even so, she is left panting reflexively by the time he is done with her, and at that point, he moves so that his lap is over her face, and his face is between her legs. With that, he thrusts his cock into her still open mouth, claiming it all at once, and while she is still getting used to that, he plunges his tongue into her cold pussy, eating her out swiftly and expertly, making her moan around his cock as she struggles to keep up with him, struggles to do anything other than completely give into the way that she falls apart for him. It does not take him very long to make her come like this, and rather than forcing her to keep trying to suck him off until he comes, he pulls out of her mouth and flips the position, so that he can start fucking her properly. He pins her legs back to the knees, not because he needs to do so to be able to fuck her as deeply as he desires, but just because he enjoys the pose, holding them like that he drives deeper and deeper into her, making her cry out in delight. "You were so cute tonight, so cute I could barely stand it," he praises her, while he thrusts into her, falling into a quick and hectic rhythm, taking everything that he wants from her. "Scaring the other children, having fun and was all so cute I could barely focus on what I had to do! And you did such a good job scaring them! That little girl who wet her costume, just completely drenched it...she was so scared of you, it was so cute! I could not ask for a better ghost to be haunted by!" He struggles to keep speaking so clearly while he fucks her, and she can't speak at all, can't reply to him for all her moaning. Next thing she knows, he has her in another position, sitting back and hooking his arms under her knees to hold her legs up as he pulls her down onto his cock, bouncing her up and down on it, making her take it as fast as he wants. She has no other option but to go along with it, but this is exactly what she wants, as evidenced by the way that she screams out in her bliss, voice breaking as she is pushed closer and closer to the edge, all over again. However, he is brought to his climax before he brings her to her second one, erupting within her all at once, pumping her ghostly womb full of his seed as he groans for her. This is enough to push her past her limit as well, and as she gives into her orgasm, she shakes in his grasp, so pleasured that she can hardly stand it at all. She really is perfect in every imaginable way, and he is by no means done with her yet. Jacob fucks her in just about every position he can imagine, coming and making her come over and over again, easily losing count of it all. Once he is spent, once he has worked out all of the arousal that he built up throughout the night, he collapses onto his bed, with Amy cuddling up on top of him. "If it has that kind of effect on you, then maybe I should scare people more often," Amy comments with a giggle, before yawning. Jacob chuckles in turn, and leans forward to press a kiss against her forehead. He hugs her close to him so that the two of them can sleep together, ready to rest after a very eventful night.