Peach Child by ImoutoFics Momoko is walking home alone, not really paying all that much attention to her surroundings. She has walked this way so many times before, and never been in any sort of danger, so to her, it seems impossible for anything to happen. At this point, she does not even think about the possibility, and because her guard is so low, it is all too easy for this man to strike. All of the sudden, she is grabbed, and the arms holding onto her feel so large and strong, and no amount of struggling does anything to free her from this. Before she can even react properly, there is a wet rag over her mouth, and when she breathes in, it makes her feel so strange. She is hugged up against a muscular chest, and there is no hope of her breaking free, her struggles eventually fading as she feels herself slipping further and further away... ~X~ When she wakes up, it is dark, and it takes her a moment to realize that that is because she has a blindfold on. It feels like she is laying down on a bed or something, and her wrists are tied to something, as well as her ankles, her limbs spread out. Not to mention, the slight chill that she feels lets her know that she is completely naked. "Hello?" she calls out. "Is anyone there? Where am I?" "I'm glad the cutie is awake," a masculine voice replies. She feels one side of the bed dip down, as the man sits down next to her. Despite how deep and manly his voice is, she can tell that he is trying to sound soothing, though she is not sure if that is working or not, considering the position that she is in right now. "I'm sorry for being so rough with you, it's just...I love little Asian girls, but I never have very good luck with the ones I set my sights on. Usually, they run off, too scared to talk to me...I don't know if it's my height or my skin, or maybe both. I just never get the chance to even say hello." Momoko is not sure how to feel about what he says, especially not when he starts to caress her. His hands feel big enough to snap her bones like twigs, but he is gentle with everything that he does to her, and she can't help but go limp beneath him, not sure what to make of any of this. There is that part of her that wants to be panicked, but an even bigger part that just wants to relax, to trust that he is not going to hurt her, even though, of course, there is a lot of evidence to support the contrary. "I hope that you enjoy yourself as much as I plan to," he says. "What's your name, little girl?" "Momoko," she answers, in a small voice. "Momoko," he repeats, sounding very pleased by it. "You have a very pretty name. I believe it means peach child in Japanese...I think that would be a very cute pet name for you. What do you think, peach child?" Momoko does not answer because she does not know how to, but he does not seem to be waiting for an answer, considering the fact that he continues to speak after a moment. "My cute, little peach child must be Japanese, having a name like that. Do you know your mother tongue?" Shaking her head, she says, "No, I...I only speak English..." "That's a bit disappointing," he replies, and she hopes that he is not upset with her, though there is nothing that she can do about her knowledge right now. "It's a very beautiful language, you know. I think it sounds adorable when cute little Japanese girls speak it." He leans over her so that he can gently cup her head as he pulls her in for a kiss, one that she would not be able to resist, even if she wanted to. Momoko is still not sure what to make of this situation, but she knows that she needs to go along with whatever he wants from her. Either way, the kiss is long and passionate, enough to leave her limp and breathless by the time that he pulls away from her. "Was that your first kiss?" he asks. "Yes," she says, and, before she can stop herself, adds, "Can I please have another one?" She doesn't even know why she asks, only that it feels right to do so, but the man turns her down. "I have much better things to show you than just kissing you," he says, but he does kiss her again, just not the way she was asking for. Instead of kissing her on the lips, he begins kissing her all over her body, and Momoko finds that she loves this quite a bit as well. None of it makes sense to her, all of this so strange and new, the situation still a little scary, but she at least knows that she loves this. Her nipples feel strange, having hardened in response to what he does to her, and they feel even stranger when he pays special attention to them, kissing along them and leaving her squirming. When he moves down to her navel, he takes his time there as well, and Momoko whimpers. Finally, he reaches her crotch, and murmurs, "You have a very succulent looking peach, Peach Child." "Huh? What do you mean?" she asks. As far as she recalls, she did not have any fruit on her person when she was out walking, so she definitely should not now. However, the stranger does not answer her, and instead spreads her legs and then her folds, before giving her a lick from her rear all the way to her clit, leaving her surprised and confused by the feeling that this creates. Then, he plunges his tongue deep inside of her, and she is lost to that. He knows exactly what he is doing, and his oral assault is enough to overwhelm her so much that she can hardly think at all. Momoko is left writhing in pleasure, moaning out and shouting, "It's good, it feels so good!" She speaks without even thinking, but that is just a testament to how good it really is, so good that it makes her lose her mind completely. The man is able to tell when he has her close to the edge, and though she does not know what she feels, she does know that something is building in her, and it is enough to leave her disappointed when he pulls back, right when she feels like she is on the edge of it. She can't see what he is doing when he pulls back from her, but she hears him opening something, and then, he begins to rub a sweet smelling cream on her body, massaging it into her skin. "This is my own herbal blend," he says. "It's meant to increase sensitivity, relax your muscles, and alleviate pain, if that's needed." She goes limp all over again, but this time, it is not because of the way that he touches her, but because of what he touches her with. The cream really does seem to work wonders, and he makes sure to coat her in it from the neck down, not missing an inch of her body in the process. After he is done covering her, he makes sure to apply a generous coating to his middle finger, before he starts prodding at her pussy, pushing inside of her. His fingers are quite large, large enough that it will be a lot for her to take at first, but that is exactly what the cream is for, so that none of this is ever too intense for the girl that he is so happy to have all to himself. It is inevitable that it might hurt a bit, but anything he can do to minimize that pain, he is definitely going to do it. As he pushes into her, it is enough to pop her cherry, stretching her like a normal man's cock might have. Fortunately, she is not met with any pain from this, as a result of the herbal concoction, so at the very least, he is able to spare her that much. And, because there is no pain for her, there is only room for pleasure, so much so that she is able to get completely carried away in it. As he fucks her with his large finger, she feels even better than she did when he ate her out, getting swept away in bliss like she has never known before. If her muscles were not too relaxed to do so, she would be thrashing wildly right now, letting it all overpower her completely. Instead, she just lays back and takes it as he gives it to her. After a moment of this, he pauses what he is doing and asks, "Are you enjoying this?" In return, Momoko tries to buck her hips against his finger, so that the pleasure will continue, but she is not moving all that great. "Please, poke my peach more," she begs him, not having any better words to describe what it is that she wants from him, but at least knowing that she wants it, more than she has ever wanted anything in all of her life. He gives into her demands, pushing deeper into her with his finger, tickling at her cervix, stimulating her all that he can, until he finally has her on the edge of an orgasm. At that point, he leaves her there, wanting more, right on the edge while she slowly begins to realize that she must be on the edge of something, that there is more that he needs to give her. She can feel it building, can feel the way her body reaches out desperately for it, but he pauses and does not let her finish, whatever it may be. "Please, more," she whimpers, begging for it. Though she does not know exactly what it is that she is begging for, she knows that she needs it, and that he has to be the one to give it to her. "Please, I don't...I need...please, more!" "What a good little peach child, saying please," he replies, finding her begging quite adorable. This is exactly what he has been waiting for with her, and he is glad to be able to finally bring her to her very first orgasm. Momoko has never felt anything like this before, and as soon as he presses his thumb down, practically crushing her clit beneath it, she is sent into such an extreme sensation that she can't think at all, at least not for the moment. Despite the relaxant, she still finds herself convulsing as she comes, her body completely wracked with these spasms, too much for her to take. Not only that, but it is also too much for her bladder to take, and Momoko is so blissed out that she does not even notice her urine escaping her, oblivious to the fact that her orgasm causes her to wet herself. Her mysterious lover pulls his hand back to watch her, as she basks in the afterglow. She is still trembling a bit, from time to time, as aftershocks from her climax hit her. Like this, she is way too cute. After he has given her some time to recover, he asks, "Did you enjoy that?" Momoko gives a dazed nod, and then she feels something much bigger than his finger prodding at her peach. She jolts and asks, "What is that?" "It's my penis," he replies, "and I'm going to fit it inside of you." With that, he gets to work, pushing forward to stretch her far beyond her limits, causing Momoko to cry out, "So big!" Still, she is able to take him because he was able to fill her with the special cream while he fingered her, and she is not met with any real pain as he stretches her all the way out, pushing as deep as he can into her, before he finally bottoms out at her cervix. Momoko can barely stand how good this feels, but she feels like he could be doing more to her, that he could be doing something like what he was doing before. "Are you going to do what you did with your finger?" she asks him, in a dazed tone of voice, so relaxed that she is lucky she can speak at all. "I'm going to break you in properly eventually," he replies, "but right now, I just want to let you get used to my size for a little while. I'm only halfway inside of you, after all." With that, he reaches a hand down to start stroking at his cock, the part that is not buried inside of her tight pussy. With his other hand, he reaches down to start toying with her clit, and that is enough to leave Momoko breathless, forgetting any disappointment that she may have felt when he told her that he was going to wait for a bit before he started doing what he did with his finger. This is all good enough to keep her satisfied for the time being, to drive her wild in a new way. While Momoko is wrapped up in all of this, he catches her off guard by asking her, "Peach child, do you know where babies come from?" "Um...I know they don't actually come from a stork," she says, but does not add anything else, showing that her knowledge begins and ends right there. Way too cute, and just what he was hoping for. "Well, when a man puts his penis inside of a girl, just like I've been doing to you, he can fill her with a special seed, called come. When he comes inside of her, that can cause a baby to start to grow, if the two of them are lucky," he explains. Momoko is paying attention, but does not seem to get what he is trying to tell her. At least, not until he adds, "I'm about to come inside you right now." It takes a moment for his words to fully sink in, but once they do, Momoko begins to panic as much as her relaxed state will allow her to. She knows that this definitely can't be a good thing, that she isn't ready to have a baby at her young age, and she had no idea all of these good feelings were just part of making a baby. "Please, don't put a baby in me, I don't want to grow a baby!" she pleads with him, only now understanding that she has let all of this go much too far. However, he does not give into her pleas. "I'm sorry," he replies in a gentle tone, "but you're just too cute and have too nice of a pussy for me to be able to pull out of you." Momoko tries her best to bargain with him, but that is easier said than done when she is this worked up and this out of it, from all of the things that he has done to her. Besides which, she feels really good right now, and does not know how she is supposed to think about anything else at a moment like this. In the end, she is not able to get him to stop, and as soon as he erupts inside of her, letting her feel his hot seed, she is pushed over the edge as well, sent into another intense orgasm. All the while, he feels as if her pussy is milking him for all that he is worth. After he has recovered, he pulls out and unties her, but even with the freedom to move, she is a bit too tired to do anything for herself, and still too relaxed. He picks her up, cradling her like a baby in his arms, and carries her to the bathroom, never removing her blindfold as he goes. He even leaves it on her as he sinks her into a large tub and gets to work with washing her down, making sure that he keeps her nice and clean. Momoko is so tired that she lets this happen, and does not ask when she will be allowed to take the blindfold off. Once he has Momoko nice and cleaned up, he dries her off and dresses her in a simple, but somewhat skimpy, silk nightie, a cute one that makes her look that much more darling to him, almost like a little angel. Before he is done dressing her, he also has to put some white mittens on her hands, securing them in place so that they are rendered useless, just to make sure that she does not try to get away from him. He is not going to let her go, not with all the trouble that he went through to get her, and not when he knows that she loves what he has to offer her so much. Leaning down, he kisses her on the forehead before he says, "Don't worry, I have a lot more fun in store for you tomorrow, my adorable little peach child." With that, he pulls back so that he can tie her ankles to the foot board, to make sure that she has no chance of getting away from him, or even getting out of bed. Momoko lays back, too tired to think a whole lot, but she is still able to wonder just what is going to happen to her now, and how she ended up in a situation like this one. Still, she supposes that things could be a lot worse, and she is too relaxed and tired right now to feel afraid...