Ninth Birthday by ImoutoCommissions Today has been her best birthday yet. Doremi is rather used to having bad luck, and rather used to suffering from it at the most important times, but today, it seems like nothing can get in her way. After having a simply perfect day, she is having a perfect evening, sitting beneath her is her handsome college boyfriend, who just happened to show up today to sweep her off her feet. And everything about him is perfect, right down to the fact that he knows just what to order her for dinner. The two of them are sharing a massive, delicious steak, washed down with barley tea, and she could not be happier right now. She is the picture of elegance, her hair out of its signature buns and hanging down around her shoulders, and her dress is gorgeous, but it is what she is wearing under it that really has her excited. The two converse over dinner, and all the while, he keeps gushing over how beautiful she looks like this, making her blush and grin, unable to help basking in all of his compliments. He truly is a perfect gentleman, and he truly is the perfect man for her. It does not take long for the two of them to clear away their dinner, but at that point, he orders a huge bowl of ice cream for the two of them to split, and lets her have as much as she wants. "Not just because it's your birthday," he says, "but because any gentleman would give priority to the girl of his dreams." He has been giving her a lot of priority tonight, mostly feeding her instead of taking bites for himself. When he talks to her like this, it makes her squirm in his lap, which makes him moan in turn. The lingerie that she wears under her dress happens to include a pair of panties that leave no fabric separating the two of them, and that is why she is able to keep his cock buried inside of her the whole time that they eat. She can tell just how excited he is for her, and the dessert that they are supposed to have after their meal. The ice cream just seems to be an added bonus. Doremi has never been so happy in all her life, snuggling back against him as he feeds her as much ice cream as she wants. After this, she knows that they are going to have even more fun, once she is done eating, and teasing him with her body. She can't wait to see what he is going to do to her, so in love with him and so glad that he showed up to make her birthday perfectly memorable. Once their meal is done, she has to leave his lap, but only briefly, and once she is able to shed her dress, leaving her only in her pale pink lingerie, he is quick to start complimenting her again. He tells her just how beautiful she looks in it, how elegant and womanly and sexy she is. The fact that she is so much younger than him, with a slight build and still too young to have started sprouting breasts does not seem to matter to him. To him, she really is every bit as grown up as he claims. Doremi could not be more in love with her handsome date, and when he leans down to kiss her, she is quick to respond to him, kissing him back passionately. The fact is, she is already very worked up for him, dripping wet after spending all dinner with his cock inside of her. He kept groping at her as well, always seeming to know just how to tease her and drive her more wild, to the point that it was almost hard for her to focus on eating her dinner. Only almost, though, because there is nothing that can stop her from enjoying a nice, juicy steak. Now, however, there is nothing like that to distract her from him, and she is so horny for him that she can barely stand it. Her new boyfriend is so handsome and has such a nice, big cock- somewhere in the back of her mind, she wants to laugh over a private joke, because the steak isn't the only huge chunk of meat she gets to enjoy tonight, but she is too focused on kissing him to worry about making the joke out loud. His hands drift down to squeeze and grope at her rear, and she squeaks into the kiss, moving forward to start grinding against him. She really needs this, getting so worked up, so eager to have him inside of her again, but for real this time, not just teasing her. Doremi wants him to really fuck her, and she is excited as he starts to move her toward the bed as he makes out with her. Before long, she is on her back with her lover on top of her, teasing her with his kisses and with his touches. However, even when he breaks the kiss, he just moves down to start kissing along her neck, a hand between her legs as he fingers her. She wants so much more than that, is more than ready for it after everything they have done so far, and instead, he just keeps drawing it out. Maybe he does not realize what it is that she wants, maybe he thinks that he is supposed to start building things up all over again. "I'm ready now," she whimpers. "I'm ready for you to make love to me." He does not reply, nibbling at her neck and making her squeak again. Doremi tries to speak up, pleading a bit more as she says, "Please, I'm ready for you to make love to me now, I want it so bad!" Once again, he does not reply to her, does not act as if he has heard a word she says. Doremi is starting to get frustrated with him, pretty sure that he is ignoring her on purpose, since there is no way he couldn't hear her. It is just the two of them in here, after all, and she isn't exactly whispering it to him, or anything like that. Today is supposed to be her special birthday, where she gets whatever she wants from him, and though everything has been perfect so far, it isn't going to stay perfect if he keeps teasing her instead of actually giving her what she wants. So she can't help snapping at him, once she realizes that he is messing with her. "Would you just hurry up and fuck me already?!" she demands, and at last, that is enough to get his attention. "Is that what you wanted?" he asks her, a teasing grin on his face. "Well, Doremi, all you had to do was ask." She wants to be mad at him for that, and would be ready to go off on him, if not for the fact that he now has his cock pressed against her, ready to push inside of her again, and this time, actually work to get her off. During dinner, it was almost more than she could handle, being teased like that, but now, she actually gets what she needs from him, and she could not be more excited. Slowly, he begins to fill her up again, and Doremi lets out long and indulgent moans. It all feels so good to her, and she is so eager to have him fuck her, that everything seems like it is absolutely perfect right now. At least, that is how it feels at first, but once he has fit himself inside of her once again, she realizes that there is one thing she did not consider before getting started with all of this. She had a lot of tea at dinner, and there was no break between eating and getting down to business. Which means that the tea, which has had its time to start making its way to her bladder, is taking its toll on her, and is only going to get worse from here. Doremi needs to pee, but she has finally gotten him to put it in her, so she does not want to immediately ask him to pull back out just so that she can go relieve herself. Maybe it is not as bad as she thinks it is, since she only just noticed that she has to pee. Maybe she will be able to hold it until they are done, and maybe she can just forget it if she stops thinking about it, more focused on enjoying the fun she wanted so badly to have. That seems like a good enough plan, at least at first, but unfortunately, the urge is every bit as bad as she initially assumes that it is, and only growing by the moment. She has to pee, and there is nothing else she can do about that. It took so long to get him to do this that she doesn't want to stop, but if she tries to wait it out too long, she knows it is not going to end well. The tea has caught up with her much too quickly, and even remembering how much she had to drink makes her squirm in discomfort. A break is in order, but then, they can get right back to their fun. "We need to stop," she gasps out, her voice barely coming out at all, it is so strained. And, at first, he does not seem to hear her. She wonders if he is just ignoring her to get on her nerves, like he did before, or if she really wasn't coherent enough for him to understand. Either way, she does not have much time to play his games, so she needs to be as firm as she can about this. "Hey! I need a break!" "Is that right?" he asks her, and she is relieved, at least at first. But then, he gives her a playful grin and says, "I don't really feel like giving you a break though. Sorry, but you begged me for this, so this is exactly what you're going to get!" "Wh- no fair!" she whines, but then he gives her a rough thrust that makes it impossible for her to speak because of all her moaning. Doremi is not going to be able to make it much longer if he doesn't let her go, but he won't even let her get a word in edgewise. Her bladder is bulging in her stomach, it is so full, and the way he is fucking her makes it seem like he is trying to make her leak, aiming every thrust in that direction. She whines out, growing more desperate by the moment, and certain that she is not going to make it to the end. She can't understand why he is trying to torment her like this, pushing her beyond her limits, but at this point, there is no other possible outcome. Even so, Doremi does her best to hold it, even while the pleasure becomes so intense that she can hardly focus on anything but. Her voice comes out in a mixture of moans and whines, making it clear that she is nearing two limits at once. Her new boyfriend is determined to push her to both. Still she tries to hold out, and that is when he takes more drastic measures. Even while he is fucking her, he reaches his hands until they are at her sides, and starts to tickle her, startling her and rendering her completely helpless. There is nothing that she can do against that sort of assault, so ticklish that she can hardly stand it, immediately letting out loud and breathless laughs, trying uselessly to scream and protest, to tell him to cut it out before she wets herself. The more he tickles her, the closer she gets to losing control, but all the while, he is still pounding into her, still pushing her closer and closer to her orgasm. All of this is way too much for her to take, and she is bursting and so desperate for relief in both regards, and knowing that one will not come without the other. But there is nothing that Doremi can do at this point, not when he has pushed her body so far, and not when he continues to push her. In the end, she can't control herself, and she gives into her orgasm at the same time that her bladder gives out. As she is sent into the shudders of her climax, the contents of her bladder begin gushing out of her, soaking both her and her lover, and making quite the mess of the bed beneath them. There is so much of it, and yet, that amount is rivaled by what he shoots inside of her at the same time. When she comes and when she pisses herself, that is all it takes to send him into his climax as well, and as the two of them come together, he pumps her full of his seed, flooding her womb so much that it begins to swell with the sheer amount of it. Doremi is in absolute heaven now, the relief of her accident mingling with the bliss of her orgasm, and making her feel so good that she does not care about anything else. She loves the way it feels to have him coming inside of her, how warm it is, how perfect it is. Everything about this is perfect, and she has never been so in love in all her life, never been so happy, so content. This is the best birthday of her life, and she is never going to forget this for a moment. Even wetting the bed is fine, because it feels good, and he is going to be the perfect gentleman and help her clean up now. Her tummy is still bulging, but now from his seed rather than her pee. He looks down appreciatively, as the two start to come down from their ecstasy, and opens his mouth to say something to her, but she can't hear it. And then he is fading away, and, try as she might, she can't reach out for him, can't get him to come back, or stop her perfect world from crumbling around her. Then she is cold, particularly around her butt, and her eyes open and she realizes she is in her own room, in her own bed. In soaked pajamas, with her sheets soaked as well. It was all a dream, and actually was too perfect to be real. Doremi has never been more disappointed in her life, but worse than her disappointment is the mess that has been made of her bed. She needs to get all of this cleaned up, and fast. First things first, she goes to take a shower, letting her mind wander as the hot water cascades down over her. It really is a bummer that her hot college boyfriend turned out to be just a dream, because he made her feel so good. Recalling the way he touched her, Doremi lets her hands wander all over her body, trying to mimic the way he did it, certain that it can't be that different. Unfortunately for her, it seems that it is, that there is nothing she can do to recapture that ecstasy- at least, not until she gets a boyfriend of her own, something that is every bit as impossible as it was before she had a dream that suggested otherwise. Doremi has never been more disappointed in her life, and even as she tries fingering herself, trying to imagine the way he took her, there is nothing that she can do to recreate that wonderful feeling. In the end, she has to give up and get out of the shower, since she still has plenty of cleanup to do. Her soaked sheets and pajamas are not going to wash themselves, and she needs to get to them before anyone else does. The last thing she wants on her birthday is for everyone in her family to find out that she is still a bed wetter. And so, she is as quiet and sneaky as can be as she heads back to her room and gathers everything up to wash. Luck is not on her side, though. Despite all of her efforts to be sneaky, her mother still catches her on the way to the washing machine. "Doremi? What are you doing up?" she asks, before getting a look at all the fabric bunched up in her arms. "Did you wet the bed? Don't lie to me, I can tell from the size of that pile." "I...yeah," she mumbles, internally cursing her terrible luck. All that effort to be quiet for nothing! "Honestly, just what are you doing, wetting the bed at your age? And on your birthday, too!" her mother scolds her. "You'd think we were about to celebrate your third birthday, not your ninth birthday! You need to remember to go to the bathroom before you go to bed, alright?" The lecture is not as bad as it could be, and yet, Doremi is still completely humiliated by it, especially the bits directed at her age. This time, she knows that it is true, and that she is too old for it, and this time, she has no one that she can internally blame it on, because it really was all because of her. This year is really not off to the best start. With a groan and a wail, she continues on to start her laundry, with one thought on her mind, one that she simply has to voice aloud. "I'm the most unlucky pretty girl in the whole world!" she declares.