Christmas Babies by ImoutoCommissions Hazuki is exhausted on the last day of school before Christmas comes. As she pulls an ankle length, orange, fur trimmed parka down over her cream colored maternity dress, she can't ignore the aches in her body, her unborn child making her feel so much heavier, weighing her down and wearing her out. Masaru notices her discomfort where he is changing into his winter clothes and street shoes, and he walks over so that he can help her. Her ankles are so swollen, but he is able to get her into her snow boots anyway, since they are a bigger size than she is used to wearing. Noting just how swollen she is, he wastes no time in offering, "Let me carry you home." However, he does not give her a chance to even answer, before he lifts her up to do it. She sighs in relief, so happy to be off of her feet that the embarrassment of doing something like this in public can't even reach her. Snuggling as close to him as her condition will allow, she murmurs a soft thanks. As he walks the two of them home, she rubs her stomach and says, "It just keeps growing...I really wish that the baby would come already so that I can meet them, though. I know my doctor says we're both perfectly healthy and that it's normal for first pregnancies to run a little late, but...I'm already a month overdue! I can't help being a little impatient." Masaru listens to her vent and rocks her in his arms, doing what he can to try to soothe and calm the cranky mama, and he makes sure to keep her steady as he carries her all the way home. He takes her to her bedroom, which might as well be his as well, with how often he has found himself staying over in recent months, and helps her out of her winter clothes and boots. Once he has taken care of that, he starts to massage her feet, something that he has gotten very good at over the course of her pregnancy. She melts under his touch, moaning out happily as she lets him do his work, relaxing almost immediately as she gives into it all. It makes him very happy to know that he can make her feel good like this, since there is little that he can actually do to ease her burden otherwise. He works his way up her feet to her ankles, and after he has spent some time on this, Hazuki finally speaks up and says, "I think I'd like to take a shower now." "Of course," he replies, ready to help her get out of the rest of her clothes. He removes the dress, and the bra that she has had to start wearing due to her breasts growing to a B cup. It is a bit sticky from how she has leaked throughout the day, definitely ready to start feeding their unborn child any minute now. Once he has her completely undressed, he lifts her and carries her right to the bathroom, where he can get the shower going for her. The two of them are soon standing under the warm spray of water, with Masaru holding her to support her, doing whatever he can to make this easier on her. He wishes that he could sit her down in the bath, but the tub is just not comfortable for her in her current condition, so they have to settle for this. Either way, he still does a good job soaping and shampooing her, absolutely pampering her as he takes care of the love of his life. Hazuki enjoys all of this quite a bit. In fact, she enjoys it so much that it does not take long at all for her to get all worked up, and in no time at all, she is ready to have him do something about that. She grips the handrail that her parents had installed for her, and bends over as best as she can, swaying her hips a bit as she murmurs, "Please make love to me." Masaru does not need to be told twice. Getting in position behind her, he rests his hands on her hips, both to hold onto her and to make sure that she is still properly supported, overprotective even now. He rubs his cock against her for a moment, teasing her with it, before he moves to push into her. Hazuki is immediately left moaning out for him, loving this feeling so much. She is never able to get enough of it, and it is one of the best ways for her to relax, after a long day dealing with the stress that comes with her condition. And Masaru knows just how to make her feel good, how to fuck her so perfectly that it never takes her very long to lose herself to her pleasure. The more carried away she becomes, the harder he fucks her, right there with her so that the two of them can share in their bliss. And they do finish at the same time, both of them lost to their simultaneous orgasm, moaning out so happily. Between the spray of the shower and just how good it is, they both almost miss the moment when Hazuki loses control. However, she is aware of her bladder emptying all on its own as she comes, unable to hold it back anymore. This is, unfortunately, becoming a very common occurrence for her, both inside and outside of sex. It seems like she just can't regain control, but she knows exactly why that is, with the strain that the baby has been putting on her bladder. Still, that does not mean that she has to be happy about it, not one bit. She lets out a whine once she registers what has happened to her, and once she has caught her breath enough to speak. "This happens way too much," she complains, not able to help the tone of her voice as she gives into her frustration. "I mean, I have nearly daily accidents now, and it feels like I can't control my bladder at all. I know it's just another part of the pregnancy, but it definitely doesn't make me feel any more grown up. If anything, it just makes me feel more like a little kid." "It will be over soon enough," Masaru replies, doing what he can to soothe her. He really does not have any issue with it, beyond not wanting her to be unhappy. However, he is certainly not going to do anything other than trying to make her feel better, when he knows that she is dealing with enough right now. Not when all he really wants is to see her happy. Besides, he can relate to her impatience, even if he is not the one dealing with all the woes of carrying a child. He can only imagine how she must feel right now. But he is going to do his best to take care of her from now until then, even if she is running a little bit late on that. Their baby can't stay in there forever, and then, he is going to take care of both her and their child. Young as he may be, he is going to be the best husband and father that he can, something that he has already decided. He works to finish getting her cleaned up so that they can get out of the shower and he can work to get her dry. Once he has done that, he lifts her up and carries her back to bed before laying her down. Now, he is going to get her some clean clothes to change into, while she has a chance to just lay back and relax for a moment. Or she would be, were it not for the contraction. She dismisses it; though it makes it difficult for her to just enjoy laying here, she also is pretty sure it is nothing to worry about. After all the false contractions that she has had so far, she is not going to get her hopes up for another. However, a much stronger one soon follows, and when it hits her, there is a liquid gushing out of her. She knows it can't be a lapse in bladder control, considering the fact that she just had that happen in the shower. No, it is pretty obvious that the clear liquid soaking into her bed now is evidence of the fact that her water has just broken. Masaru enters the room just then, with a fresh nightgown in hand, finding her clutching her stomach, with the sheets around her clearly soaked. The expression on her face says it all, and she does not need to say a word in turn, so that he drops the gown and picks up the baby monitor in her room. He is frantic as he holds down the button and calls out for Baaya, screaming, "I think Hazuki's water has broken! She's really in labor this time!" Baaya, as they have recently learned, is a certified midwife. She quickly replies, "I'm on my way, just keep her calm until I get there." Hazuki wants a natural home birth, especially knowing that her nanny is certified to do so. With that in mind, all they can do is wait, and Masaru is quick to help Hazuki however he can. He moves her so that she is sitting, and sits behind her so that he can support her through it all. When Baaya arrives, she does try to shoo him out, not thinking that he is ready for, or would want to be present for, what is about to occur, but he will hear nothing of it. "I'm going to stay with her," he replies, having calmed enough from his initial panic to say this clearly and calmly. "I want him with me," Hazuki agrees, speaking despite the strain in her voice. "I need him." "The birthing chamber is no place for men," Baaya grumbles, "much less a boy." However, she makes no move to get rid of him, and instead sighs. "But, have it your way." From that point on, it is a difficult ride for everyone involved, but especially for Hazuki. Masaru is definitely doing his best to be understanding of the pain that she is in right now, but... Even so, that does not alleviate his stress in the moment, when he hears the sorts of things that she says to him. For one thing, he never knew that she was capable of such profanity, even knowing her as intimately as he does, and having known her for as long as he has. The two of them have been through a lot together, and he has still never heard her swear as much as she does right now, some of it going into territory of words he does not even know, but he can tell from the way that she says them that they are meant to be curses. And she is not just cursing her pain, not by a long shot. She is cursing the person she considers directly responsible for it, and despite never placing any blame on him up until now, it is clear enough that she sees him as the sole responsible party, and also believes that he deserves to be duly punished for all of his transgressions against her. Honestly, if he really does deserve punishment, then he would be inclined to believe that what he is getting right now is fair enough, but she would not agree with him. Somehow, it would not matter to her that she has probably broken several bones in his hand from how hard she is holding it. Every time a rough contraction hits, she squeezes so hard that he could swear he hears them breaking. No, she has threatened him with much worse punishments than just a few broken hand bones. Hazuki seems to think that, since he is at least partially responsible for this, that he bears the full weight of what she is going through right now, and, as such, deserves a castration at minimum. The more intense the pain gets, the more she goes into describing the myriad of ways she could remove his dick right here and now, to make sure he never does this to her, or any other girl again. Seriously, for someone as quiet as she tends to be, she has quite the imagination and quite the mouth on her. Masaru just tries to endure it, but he can swear, at times, that he can see Baaya smirking, but she always goes back to a face of concentration before he can call her out on it. There are times when he feels like this will never end, but after several hours, it is suddenly over. Baaya lays a newborn baby girl on Hazuki's chest, ready to nurse for the first time, and Masaru can only look on in awe. There is a dramatic shift in Hazuki, who softens up immediately to coo over her daughter, but he can understand that feeling very well. He forgets everything else, even the difficult labor that led to this point, and is just happy to be here in this moment. However, their moment of peace is over before they know it. Hazuki is suddenly crying out from the pain of another contraction, and Baaya, after a quick investigation, announces, "There's another baby!" That is not what either of them expected to hear. Of course, they wanted to keep any information about their unborn child a secret, not wanting to know the gender until the time of the birth, and had only request information if there were health issues. Somehow, the fact that Hazuki would be having twins counted as information they didn't want to hear, or someone somehow didn't notice. Either way, the second birth is a lot smoother than the first. Hazuki still manages to break at least one more bone in his hand, and gets in one more reference of rendering him infertile the instant she is able to move again, but beyond that, it is not long before a nearly identical baby boy is sucking at her other nipple, alongside his newborn sister. Finally, the couple can breathe a bit easier, while Baaya gets to work finishing things up, and helping them get cleaned. There is not much for Masaru to do, besides nursing his sore hand and watching his family, still in awe that this all real, that his Hazuki has given birth to twins, that he is a father of not just one, but two, lovely children. Today hardly even seems real, and it seems like a lifetime ago that he was helping her get ready to come home from school. Baaya takes her leave as soon as her work is finished, giving them a silent smile before she does. The two of them are left alone to study their newborns, the twins that they were not expecting. The resemblance to both of them is clear, from the tufts of brown hair that they got from their mother, to their matching green eyes, revealed when the two curious babies finally look up at their parents for the first time. It makes it all seem that much more real, and neither of them can believe that this has finally happened, that they are finally here together, with their family. Despite not planning for twins, this just makes it that much more exciting for them. Whatever needs to be done can be done, but they are just feeling blessed to have their family, and to have each other. More than anything, they feel blessed. "But now what are we going to do about names?" Hazuki asks. "You aren't feeling suddenly inspired in the moment?" Masaru replies, teasing her a bit. The two of them had discussed a few names for either gender, but not decided on anything. Hazuki wanted to keep her options open, not sure if any of the names they had in mind would fit in the moment she finally held their firstborn. Just in case something new came to her, she wanted to keep her options open, or just in case one of the names they had suggested felt like it fit perfectly. However, they had not planned on their being two. Despite having a few names picked for either gender, they do not have names that fit together. After all, it was supposed to be an either-or situation, and they both agree that they want the names of their twins to compliment each other. The two of them can sit around brainstorming as much as they want to, but until they are able to find two names that fit together, and that seem to fit the two children, to fit their new family, then they are not going to get anywhere. However, it has been a long day, and Hazuki is very tired. She was already tired after a long day at school, and now, she is even more drained from childbirth. It is not easy for her to think, but Masaru does not mind if they put a pin in things for now. Soon enough, the two of them will have suitable names for their newborn children, the twins they were not expecting but could not be happier to finally get to meet. Until then, they can rest together. Belatedly, it occurs to him that this is like a Christmas present for the two of them. Not only did Hazuki get her wish of her long pregnancy coming to an end, but they have an even bigger family than they were counting on. Neither one of them could be happier in the moment, having received a Christmas miracle that they will certainly never forget.