Onpu's Glory Hole by WattStalf Hazuki When Onpu plans this little prank, she is fully aware of just how extreme the results could be. She just also thinks that is hilarious, and does not seem to care about the consequences in the slightest. For her first target, she selects Hazuki, deciding that she would be the most funny to target, considering how easily flustered the proper, shy, little lady is. Yes, she's certain to be quite overwhelmed when Onpu summons a magical portal to a local glory hole- one that will transport anything inserted into the hole directly into the target of her choosing. Hazuki is standing up at the board when she is targeted, and, naturally, Onpu is quite precise with the location that she targets. While Hazuki is trying to solve a complicated math problem- though one that would be easy for her, under normal circumstances- she is suddenly penetrated by a trans dimensional cock. It's all too much for her to handle and, right there in front of her class, her knees buckle and she begins to fall, crying out in a mixture of ecstasy and agony, her poor brain unable to keep up with all of these feelings. It's no wonder that she isn't able to hold her bladder when she's basically short circuiting, but that makes her situation all the more unfortunate, and all the more humiliating. No one can tell what happened to her, and even Hazuki is thrown for a loop, unsure even after the initial daze has worn off. Not even the man who has fucked her knows what he's done, with only Onpu aware of everything that has transpired. She's quite satisfied with the results, and ready to try it out on another one of her rivals, as soon as possible. Next, she'll try getting at Aiko. Aiko After Hazuki, Onpu wants to have fun with another one of the girls, and she has already settled on who her next target will be. All she has to do is wait for the perfect opportunity and, a few days after Hazuki's little incident at the board, she finds her chance. Aiko is such a proud girl, always showing off at what she is best at, so it is moments like that when she makes for the best target. During gym class, she loves to flaunt, often making her the center of attention, regardless of what sport she is doing. That means that she is the center of attention the day Onpu decides to prank her, and it isn't long at all before she has gotten things under way, able to just watch and wait for the moment when Aiko is humiliated. Of course, there was no way for her to know that this girl had a full bladder as well. Aiko has been doing her best to ignore just how badly she has to pee during class, especially with so many eyes on her as she runs and plays, her tomboyish nature making her for a natural. She is not even remotely prepared for the feeling of a cock ramming into her, causing her to stop short and let out a sharp shout of surprise. Her bladder gives out all at once, her buruma soaked before everyone's eyes, and Onpu could not be more pleased with the sight in front of her. Their classmates are clearly shocked, but none are more shocked than Aiko, who has nearly collapsed, fucked senseless where she stands, pissing herself, and with no clue what any of this means. Her humiliation is palpable, and it's enough to leave Onpu impatient for her next victim. Doremi Doremi knows that she should have studied way harder for this test, but it's not her fault that she has been so busy lately. Well, maybe she could have budgeted her time just a /little/ bit better, but either way, she finds herself struggling to answer a single question. She definitely should have studied harder, but she is determined to focus as best as she can, and pray that she doesn't completely bomb this. But, little does she know, there's someone ready to make sure she can't focus at all, as the final target of a certain prank. Just when Doremi is starting to remember something from a lesson, something that she thinks might even be relevant to the question in front of her, the portal is opened, just like it was with her two friends, and any chance of concentration goes right out the window. Onpu could not be more delighted, eager for one last show. Doremi jumps in her seat, letting out a sharp cry that alerts everyone in the class, causing more than a few other students to jump in surprise. With all eyes on her, and no idea what it is that's making her scream out like that, there is no way to miss the moment that Doremi, just like Onpu's previous two victims, begins to wet herself from the sudden shock of being fucked senseless, when she has no context for what that even is, let alone why she feels this way. To anyone else, it looks like Doremi just started screaming because she was about to wet herself, and she will no doubt get in trouble for disrupting the class in the middle of a test. Poor, unlucky Doremi...Onpu snickers to herself, very proud of the devious prank that she has pulled off.