School Daze by ImoutoCommissions A lot of children at school don't like Mondays, think of them as one of the worst days of the week. The weekend is over, so that is apparently something to be sad about, but for Rika, Monday can never come soon enough. Once school is out at the end of the week, she is already ready for the next one, and this Monday, she has a spring in her step as she gets out of the shower, excited to get to school. A weekend away from school means a weekend away from her favorite teacher, from the man that she is going to marry someday, not that anyone can know anything about that. Today is even more exciting than usual, because she can finally open the box that he gave her last week, telling her not to open it until Monday morning, right after she got out of the shower. She has no idea what that means, and has spent the whole weekend wondering about it, but making sure to obey him, leaving the box in her underwear drawer and not so much as touching it, up until now. He did say that she would enjoy the surprise he had planned for her. When she opens the box, she is left blushing at what she finds inside: a small dildo, smaller than her lover's penis, but definitely bigger than anything she has had inside herself before. It is accompanied by leather panties, meant to serve as a chastity belt, and a note that tells her she is going to have an exciting day at school, if she wears these gifts. Naturally, Rika does as she is told, and follows the instructions given in the note, so that she will be able to get everything together, as it should be. The dildo takes a bit of effort to fit inside herself, but she is careful as she does so, making sure to avoid damaging her hymen in the process. Once that is done, she gets her chastity belt in place, and blushes as she looks at herself in the mirror, imagining Yoshiyuki's eyes roaming her body. Already, she is aroused, and she has to fight the urge to rub her thighs together to try and take some of the edge off. Instead, she sets to getting dressed for school, starting with a pair of white cotton panties, which thankfully cover what she is wearing underneath them completely. Even if someone gets a glimpse up her skirt, they will not be able to tell. After that, Rika puts on the necklace that her engagement ring is attached to, where she can keep it close to her heart all day, though she really wishes that she were able to wear it on her finger. She puts on her school uniform, and before she gets ready to leave, she lights a candle so that she can burn the note that came with her present, getting rid of any evidence that it was there to begin with. ~X~ At school, she does her best to behave like normal. Their eyes meet as he takes roll, and she is excited to see him every day, but today is different, and she feels like her heart might beat right out of her chest. When he starts class, she notices him reaching into the pocket of his suit, and suddenly, the little dildo buzzes to life inside of her, startling her as she realizes that this is a remote vibrator. She has to bite the inside of her cheek to hold back the moan that threatens to escape. For the majority of the school day, the two of them behave like the student and teacher that they are supposed to be. This is a routine that the two of them have done perfectly, but whenever they can afford it, they can't resist sharing their knowing glances. As long as no one else notices the way they look at each other, the two of them are able to get away with it, and are able to keep the true nature of their relationship hidden away. That is how it is every day at school, but today, he has made sure things are anything but typical. Whenever she does anything worthy of praise, whenever she answers a question correctly after being called on, or whenever she solves a problem on the board, she is rewarded not just with the standard verbal praise, but with an increase in vibrations, until she is at least able to predict when he is going to set it off, and when she is going to have to fight against her moans, and try to keep up a normal appearance. Since she gets the same treatment as everyone else in class, she has to answer questions and solve problems often enough that she is able to get used to this. He praises her on her homework as he hands it back to her, hand in his pocket, and she knows what is coming as soon as he opens his mouth to speak to her. Perhaps she is prepared for it, used to when it happens, but that does not make it any easier for her to deal with the way she is driven wild by the vibrations inside of her, while also having to hide any sort of reaction from the rest of the class. She does what she can to be subtle, but her close friends are able to tell that something is wrong with her, able to tell that she is acting different from normal. Even Sakura is able to tell by lunchtime, but when the girls ask her what is wrong with her, Rika just brushes it off, saying, "The warm weather has left me feeling a little bit flush." At that moment, she catches Tomoyo looking at her, giving her a bit of a knowing smile, but she does not say anything, so Rika does not mention it, and is able to keep her secret to herself. By the end of the day, she is an absolute nervous wreck from how overwhelmed she is by stimulation, and by trying to keep anyone from catching onto what she is feeling. Yoshiyuki handles it all with a cool head, of course, and even if someone else were to notice something off about her, she doubts very seriously that they would ever be able to connect it to their teacher, not unless she were the one to bring up the connection. She has spent the whole day unbearably turned on, fighting to keep her composure, and never once were the vibrations enough to get her off, always leaving her right on the edge, and she can't wait to finally get him alone, so that she can get what she is sure she has earned by now. After maintaining her self-control for so long, behaving like the good girl she is meant to, it is all too easy to let it crumble, as soon as the two of them are alone together. All she can do is throw her arms around him as she starts whining, protesting everything that he has put her through today. "Please, please, no more torture!" she cries, as she clings to him. "I'm so desperate, you've driven me crazy all day! I'll do anything for relief!" "Is that right?" he asks. "Well, you've been such a good girl at school today that I think you deserve a reward for that. All you have to do is pass a pop quiz, and then I can make sure to give you what you want. How does that sound?" Rika groans a bit, barely able to stand the idea of waiting any longer, but she is not going to deny him what he wants, ready to remain his good girl all the way to the end. The subject of the pop quiz is made clear by Yoshiyuki undoing his pants, letting her get a good look at him. She needs to explain male anatomy, as well as fellatio to him, while he adds, "Any practical demonstrations that you want to give will definitely earn you bonus points." This is a game that she is familiar with, and just like in the classroom, she has paid rapt attention to him any time that he teaches her anything about either of their bodies, especially his. She is able to name the parts that he points out to her, using technical terms, and managing to sound prim and intellectual while doing so, even though she is squirming all the while, barely able to contain just how badly that she wants him, willing to do anything as long as it will end with him giving her what she needs so desperately, after he has spent the whole day teasing her into this frenzy. But once she has walked through his anatomy, it is then time for her explanation of fellatio, the point when she knows that she is meant to give that "practical demonstration," to properly explain how it is done. So, rather than bothering with any words, she leans forward to put her lips around the tip that she just previously named for him, and begins to suck on that delicately, taking her time to start off with, just like he taught her to. No matter how badly she needs him, she is not going to rush this along, wanting to do what she can to please him, and to earn herself more praise. That is the only thing that she wants as much as her own release. She fits him as deep in her mouth as she can, and he continues to up the vibrations to reward her and show what a good job that she is doing. Rika can barely stand it, knowing that she is going to lose her mind if she does not get to come soon, and it is all she can do to keep focusing on her lover, and on making sure that she carries everything out exactly how he wants it. "Mm...I'm going to come," he tells her, letting her know how close he is. At that, she can't stand to wait anymore, and she pulls back without finishing him off. She strips off her panties and lays herself on his desk, letting him easily see up her skirt. "Unlock my chastity belt, and finish inside me instead!" she begs him, and he pauses for a moment, taking in what she says. "Do you understand what you're asking?" is all he can say, and Rika is quick to reply. She gives him a thorough answer. "I'm asking for intercourse, which I know is the penetration of a woman's vagina. Fertilization occurs when the man ejaculates inside of her, which can lead to the conception of a baby. ...I'm probably at the most fertile point in my cycle, but I don't care about that, I just really need you to hurry up and make me a woman!" Yoshiyuki is taken aback by just how passionate she seems to be about all of this, and it takes him a moment to come up with a response. "You're such a bright girl, and you have such a wonderful future ahead of you. I don't want to ruin that with a premature pregnancy, that's the last thing I want to do." "But I don't care about that," she argues. "I'd be just as happy being sensei's pregnant, preteen pet." He continues to argue with her, and she continues to insist that she really wants it, but nothing she says or does is enough to convince him. Finally, her frustration gets the better of her, and she can't help but blurt out, "Just shut up and put it in me!" This is the closest that he has ever heard her get to being outright vulgar, and it certainly sounds crude coming from the girl who is normally so docile and polite, startling him. Hearing her say something like that just proves how badly she wants him, and is almost enough to make him consider caving, though he remains strong to the end. Firmly, he says, "We need to wait until our proper wedding night before we can do that...but, since I was the one to tease you, we can compromise. I can use your butt for now. How does that sound?" Rika is a little disappointed that this is all she is going to get, but she does accept it. He makes her stick her pinky out, hooking it with his to make the promise as official as they can. She has to agree that she is not going to force herself on him, and once the promise has been made, he unlocks her chastity belt. Once she is free, he gets to work with getting her lubed up, and she squirms both from the cold of the gel, and from the feeling of his fingers in her rear passage. It is an exciting feeling, and she decides that this was not a bad compromise after all, even though she is really getting tired of waiting for him to take her. Once he is in position, he is slow as he starts to push his cock into her, giving her the time that she needs to adjust. At that point, she is left a bit dizzy, overwhelmed by so much at once, but Yoshiyuki takes it slowly all the way to the end, making sure not to push her too far, until he has fit himself as deep inside of her as he can manage. As soon as he knows she is ready, he loops his arms under her legs so that he can lift her up, and start pulling her up and down on his cock. He ramps up the speed on the vibrator all the way, to give her the stimulation that her pussy needs, and he uses a hand to play with the dildo, slowly pulling and pushing it inside of her, to make it feel as if she is being fucked in both holes. All the while, he is very gentle with the dildo, so that he does not do any damage to her hymen in the process, not even once she has started begging for more, begging him to fuck her faster. He does comply with her begging in some ways, though, and picks up speed as he fucks her ass. The more he increases his pace, the more she moans out for him, getting closer and closer to the edge, completely unable to hold back. This is the release that she has needed all day, the release that he has denied her, while teasing her in the best way possible. It only makes sense that she is not able to hold it back, the first of them to come, and absolutely gushing around the toy with the force of her orgasm. Yoshiyuki keeps up his pace, fucking her all the way through her climax, still using her tight ass until he is able to get himself off as well. He had been close while she was sucking him off, but he gave himself the time to calm down, so that he would be able to make this last as long as he needed it to. Now that she has clamped down so much on his cock, he is able to give into his desire, coming deep inside of her with a low moan, the pleasure absolutely perfect. This compromise was beneficial to the both of them. As he carefully pulls himself out of her ass, he helps keep her steady until he is able to set her down on her wobbly legs, making sure that she is able to stand before letting go. Rika keeps her promise to him and does not try to jump him now, but she does bend over the desk and use her internal muscles to push the dildo right out of her pussy. Wiggling her butt at him, she begs, "Please, come and stretch my pussy like you did my rear, sensei." She has returned to a polite style of speech, but that is not going to change his mind. He gives her a playful smack and replies, his voice stern, "You're not getting any of that from me until you're old enough to get married." Rika is disappointed, but lets him use a wipe to clean her of any evidence, before getting an identical dildo with fresh batteries to secure in her pussy, and a plug for her ass, before locking her back in her chastity belt. Once she is secure, he turns both vibrators on. "Would you like for me to walk you home?" he asks, and she nods. The two of them walk together, and she has to cling to him for support, as both vibrators make it hard for her to keep herself steady. "This is the closest we can get to a date," she says in a sad voice, lamenting the secretive nature of their relationship. She can't wait for the day that she is finally old enough for him, when they can actually be together in public, openly proud of each other. When they reach her door, she jumps up to give him a quick kiss, much more chaste than she wants, and he has to steady her when she stumbles while coming back down. "Now, Rika," he playfully scolds her, "you should know better than to do something as inappropriate as that. Now, don't forget to do your homework, and remember that I can't always escort you home when you stay late, alright?" He says the last bit in a slightly louder voice, putting on a show in case anyone is listening near the door, and he brushes off her kiss only because of potentially nosy neighbors. But the smile on his face tells her that he would give her a proper kiss goodnight if he could.