a tale of two wettings by WattStalf Chapter 1 Lilynette barely remembers the point of all this. Something about some former Espada trying to act up. More than likely, she and Starrk have to deal with this as a show of power, to make sure everyone knows not to fuck around and find out. It is also probably to send a message to Starrk, since he tries to get out of things so often. Normally, the job would be given to one of those kiss asses, or the ones chomping at the bit for a good fight. But this time, it falls to the two of them, and she really could not care less either way. However, things are rather difficult for her, because she forgot to consider going to the bathroom before the ensuing fight, and now she really has to pee. She forgot, and Starrk told her that was her own fault, and that she would be fine until they were done, just as long as they got this done quickly. That is all he cares about, getting it done quickly enough that he can go back to slacking off. Lilynette, of course, wants it done so that she can relieve herself, because once she is in gun form, there is no chance of emptying her bladder. Which is fine, because it's not like she wants to wet herself in front of the enemy, and this prevents her from doing so. However, she can still feel her need, so it does nothing to calm things down on that front, and every time she feels a pang from her bladder, it screws up Starrk's aim. Which is causing things to go on a lot longer than they would have otherwise, and is causing him to get really frustrated with her. He can't feel how bad it is for her, and does not realize that she is actually struggling, not just being a brat about things. Groaning, he says, "Would you just suck it up, already, Lilynette? It's not like you told me you had to go before it was too late to take a break. I'm not exactly being heartless for not letting you take a bathroom break in the middle of a fight, these guys wouldn't allow you that courtesy even if I did." "I can't help it!" she whines. "I can still feel it all and it really hurts! So stop squeezing me so hard!" "I don't know how I'm supposed to shoot without holding onto you," he argues. "Besides, it's not like I can tell where your bladder is, or anything like that." He is so casual about things, just mildly irritated with her, not realizing just how desperate her situation is. It hurts so badly that she can't focus, and his grip tightens when he gets frustrated with her, as if that is going to make his aim improve. Instead, it just makes things worse for her, every pang from her bladder making her whimper. She has never had to go this badly in her life, and she fully intends to drop her shorts as soon as she goes back to normal, not caring if Starrk says it's unladylike. There won't be anyone but him to see her do it anyway, not once the enemy is dead. So she forces herself to deal with it, to endure every pang from her bladder even as it drives her completely insane. His aim improves a little bit as she forces herself to endure the pain, reminding herself that she can't possibly lose control, so it won't hurt her to shift focus a little bit. There are some impulses that are just hard to forget, but once she has forgotten that one, it is at least a little bit easier, and his strength makes up for the difference, until each and every member of this opposing group is dead and gone, and Lilynette is free to empty her bladder. "Come on, come on, hurry up and undo it already!" she shouts. "I did my job, so that means that you have to let me pee now!" "Would you stop yelling at me? You know, you've been a real pain. I have half a mind to..." He trails off, and does exactly what he's thinking; a sharp squeeze makes her scream out in agony. "No, no, no! No more, Starrk, please! It hurts, you know exactly what you're doing, I already told you!" she whines. "Please, I'm sorry, it's just really bad!" He does not torment her too much longer, but everything is pure torture to her right now. Finally, though, she is able to return to her normal form, and not a moment too soon. In fact, it is a little bit too late, she is horrified to realize. Before she can even move to undo her shorts, her knees are buckling, and that is all she can handle. "No, no, not now!" she cries out. "I was so close, not yet!" "Lilynette...?" Starrk watches in surprise as her shorts start to darken at the crotch, her bladder having completely given out. There is nothing she can do to stop the flow, and soon, her shorts have been completely soaked through, liquid streaming down both of her legs. It soon gushes out of her, splattering to the sand beneath her even faster than it can be absorbed, and Lilynette lets her shoulders sag, relaxing as she gives into the relief. This is /not/ what she wanted, not even a little bit, but it feels so good to let go that she really can't help but feel good about it. However, good is the last thing she feels once her bladder is empty and her soaked shorts start to grow cold. She glares daggers up at Starrk, who holds up his hands in surrender. "Hey, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't realize it was that- ow! Lilynette!" he shouts, his half-assed apology interrupted by a well-aimed kick. "And don't you dare think you're getting off with that light of a punishment, either!" she snaps. "This is all your fault, and I'm going to make sure that I get you back for this!" Chapter 2 When Starrk first wakes up, he more than likely has some rather urgent business to attend to. More often than not, he sleeps until he can't take that anymore, so lazy is he. Lilynette knows all about this, and she knows exactly how she can use it to her advantage. After what he has done to her, it only makes sense that she would want to get revenge against him, to make sure that he pays for what he put her through. It may not have been a humiliation that she had to share with anyone else, but a humiliation is a humiliation, and if he had not tormented her so much, she would not have ended up wetting herself. Now, the only proper course of action is to get back at him, to make sure he is dealt an equal hand. She has to make Starrk wet himself as well, and Lilynette is pretty sure that she knows exactly how to do that. She makes sure that she times things right, waiting long enough after the first incident that she is sure he thinks she has forgotten all about it. On the day she plans to strike, she watches him carefully, making note of how much he sleeps, making sure that he has not gotten up in a while, and that he has had enough to drink that he would have to go eventually. Finally, once she knows that she can't work any harder to ensure her success, she is ready to go for broke. Jumping onto him, she wakes him up all at once. He is more than used to waking up like this, with Lilynette tackling him and sitting on top of him, listening to his loud protests at the various torments she puts him through until he gets up. Of course, if he already has to pee then it does not take much for him to decide to give in and get up, and she always gets off of him once he gives in. This time is different, though, because this time she already knows that she is not going to get off of him, no matter what he says or does. "Do you really have to do this every time?!" he groans, once he is conscious enough to know what is going on. Lilynette just grins down at him, watching him slowly come back to reality. At first, he does not realize the immense pressure on his bladder, but as she shifts back, letting her butt press into his lower stomach, she gets to witness the moment that he winces and groans, realizing just how bad he has let it get while sleeping. "Lilynette-" he starts, ready to concede defeat before she has even done anything, all so that he can get up and empty his bladder. Not a chance, not when she has him dead to rights. Instead, she is going to up her game, knowing that she will not get anywhere any time fast just by sitting on him. Which is why she goes for tickling him instead, something that he was not expecting. She does not tickle him much, mainly because she knows just how ticklish he is, and saves it for when she is feeling especially bratty. Today it goes a good deal further than just being a brat, though; when she wants so badly to put him in his place, to show him how it feels, tickling him feels like her only option. As soon as her hands are at his sides, he knows what she is going to do, and he tries to cry out to stop her, to warn her not to do /that/ right now. At least until his eyes meet hers, and it all comes back to him, and he realizes what her goal is, that this is about revenge. And then she is tickling him, and Starrk is lost to his almost immediate and uncontrollable laughter. "Lilynette!" he cries out, voice frantic between laughs, but that is all he can get out. He is rendered incoherent as she moves her fingertips up and down his sides, tickling him with all that she has, so that she can leave him breathless and out of control. And with how full his bladder is, all that laughter is too much for him to take, especially with her butt still grinding into it, adding that much more pressure. Starrk might have fairly decent control most of the time, but with all these factors stacked up against him, there is nothing he can do. Lilynette only stops when he lets out a sharp groan amidst his stupid giggles, so that she can turn back and watch the dark patch spread across his clothes as he pisses himself. Once she has stopped tickling him, he gasps as he tries to regain his composure and stop laughing, but there is nothing he can do to get his bladder back under control. Even if he could, he is already soaked enough that there is no denying what has happened to him. And Lilynette just watches, a satisfied smile on her face, and a strange feeling pooling in the pit of her stomach, one that she can almost identify, and one that she would rather push aside than try to properly identify. "What the hell?" Starrk mumbles, finally allowing himself to relax as he finishes letting it all out. He is soaked now, as is his bedding, which is going to be a pain in the ass for him to deal with. "You're more trouble than you're worth..." "It was just a little payback, don't take it so hard!" Lilynette replies, sticking her tongue out at him. "And don't act like you didn't have it coming. Let that be a lesson to you, both to be nicer to me, and to not be so lazy all the time!" "What does that last one have to do with anything?" he grumbles. "Well, if you weren't so focused on sleeping, it wouldn't have been as easy for me to trap you," she replies. He supposes that she does have a point there, not that it's going to change his behavior in the slightest.