Hanataro's Day Out by ImoutoCommissions Chapter 1 When Hanataro wakes up, it is to something warm and wet bobbing on his cock, and even before he pulls up the covers to confirm it, he knows that it is Yachiru under there, waking him up with her mouth like she prefers to do. In the month and a half since her own birthday, when she gave him her special chocolate, the two of them have spent most nights together, either in his own quarters or hers, with their relationship becoming rather common knowledge. No one has outright tried to kill him for this, but there have been plenty of threats, particularly from her squad members mentioning him being used as a training dummy. As for her captain, third, and fifth seat, they have been a bit more accurate, telling him that they hope she doesn't leave anything left of him, should he break her heart, because they will come after him as soon as she is done. As terrifying as all of these threats are, they are about what he expected, though he didn't expect members of other squads coming to threaten him as well, showing just how far Yachiru's influence really reaches. The Women's Association took on the role of protective big sisters, with Nanao lecturing him about how he should "handle" their president, and even Nemu, despite her pretty active role in getting them together, as well as her general disinterest in most things not involving her creator, made some vaguely threatening comments in his direction. Rangiku was, perhaps, the most supportive, teasing him and asking him how he liked the underwear she helped select, but then she lowered her voice and told him that he had best be careful with something as delicate as a woman's heart, even with someone as strong and self-sufficient as Yachiru. Captains Kyoraku and Ukitake cornered him like a pair of favored uncles, with a cheerful disposition that sharply contrasted the threats behind their words, and there was just something about those smiles that unsettled him so much he could hardly speak. Captain Unohana, and even the head captain, had some beef with him, regarding Yachiru as a granddaughter of sorts, with the former calmly telling him that he had better not mess this up, and the latter giving him such a strongly worded lecture that it both put Nanao's to shame, and also made Hanataro feel like he might black out. Even Byakuya Kuchiki let on some hints that Hanataro would end up shredded by Senbon Zakura, if he ever did anything to hurt Yachiru. Needless to say, life has been a little scary since getting involved with her, and the threats made against him only account for half of that terror, but when he sees her like this Hanataro knows that it is all completely worth it. And as her little mouth finally brings him to climax, he is pulled back from all of his reflections, crying out for her as he comes. Yachiru swallows it all down greedily and pulls back, licking at her lips in a rather feline manner. "Good morning!" she cries. "And happy birthday!" That's right, today is his own birthday, and to emphasize her point, Yachiru pulls out a gift for him, handing it to him with an eager look on her face. After the stunts she tends to pull with him, he has no idea what to expect from it. But when he opens the gift, he finds a pair of plush dolls, one resembling him, and the other resembling Yachiru, clearly handmade, and a stark contrast to anything he might have expected to get from the mischievous little lieutenant. She looks up at him with wide, adorable eyes, and with childlike innocent, takes the doll that looks like him to hug to her chest, snuggling it in such a way that almost makes it hard to believe that she just woke him up with a birthday blow job. "I had to get help from Pencil and Ichi's little sister," she admits, and looking at them, he can definitely see the influence from both Uryu and Yuzu. "But I made them so that we both have a little doll to cuddle whenever we're not together!" Hanataro can hardly believe such a sweet gift is really meant for him, and takes the doll of Yachiru in his arms, so that he can hold it over his heart, keeping it close to him. With that, he leans down to give her a sweet kiss on the forehead, and she beams up at him, clearly proud of herself. Every scary moment that he has ever suffered for this relationship is more than worth this moment, just being able to share in this tenderness with her, and to know that he gets to share his birthday with her. After a moment, Yachiru speaks up again and says, "But that's not all!" "It isn't?" he asks. Truth be told, even just this gift would be more than enough to make him happy. He assumes Yachiru plans to spend the whole day in bed with him, absolutely draining him until he can barely move at all, and he doesn't mind that nearly as much as he may have thought he would in the past, ready to let his terrifying and terrifyingly adorable girlfriend have her way with him. "Nope!" she says, but what she says next is different from what he expects. "We're going out for your birthday! On a really extra fun date to the world of the living!" "Wait, where?" he asks. As soon as she said date, he had begun imagining a few places they could go around the Seireitei, but then she drops that bomb. "We can't just go out without a reason-" "Silly, I got permission! We're going, and the Candy Man is waiting for us with Gigai and everything!" she declares. Hanataro is surprised that she went to all the effort, but he supposes that he really shouldn't be; Yachiru has proven herself to be no slouch in the romance department, after all. Chapter 2 The two of them make the trip over to the human world, where, just as Yachiru promised, Kisuke Urahara has a pair of gigai prepared for them, and the two switch into those bodies, so that they will be able to really go out and enjoy a day, indulging in all of the fun that the humans have to offer them. Hanataro's clothing is rather simple, with a blue button down and navy slacks, but Yachiru is all decked out as what he thinks would be described as a goth loli cat girl, but his knowledge of human fashion is pretty restricted. Her dress is a dark lavender, though the designs and lace are a bit more simple than what he thinks would qualify for that fashion, and she has white tights on underneath it, while she has black furry ears and a tail, adorable and expressive, so much so that it makes his chest ache just to look at her. And just before Urahara sends them off, he claps a hand down on Hanataro's shoulder and gives him such a bright and friendly smile as he says, "You know, I'd hate to see one of my favorite customers upset. Now, you two have fun out there!" Hanataro knows that his life has once again been threatened by someone that he would never dare cross. His worries about that soon fade, though, as he and Yachiru head to the location that she has planned for their date. She wants to take him to an amusement park, and the two of them are soon having a lot of fun. Of course, Yachiru makes plenty of trouble as she drags him from one ride to the next, and one game to the next, but by now, Hanataro is used to keeping up with her pace. Even with the amount of sugary sweets she puts away, and the amount of ride operators she threatens for telling her that she is too short and too young for certain rides, he still has a lot of fun, happy just to be here with her. The fact that this is his birthday does not mean that he has any issue with letting her take control of things. He is actually still a little clueless about most things to do in the human world, so he is more than happy to let her lead him along, gleefully following. Even when she takes him on the rides that terrify him, he can only thank her in the end, happy to have her by his side. Eventually, the two decide to take a break and enjoy some ice cream on a bench together, but as Hanataro watches the way she licks at her scoop of strawberry ice cream, he can't help but stare at her, getting caught up in every little motion of her cute tongue. There is something plenty innocent about a cute girl doing that, but there is something lewd about it as well, especially when he remembers just how skilled that tongue is with a different kind of cream. When she notices him staring, she gives him a playful, almost feline smile before moving to sit on his lap, unzipping his pants before he has a chance to react. At the same time, the tail she is wearing reveals itself to not be a mere accessory, but rather a part of the gigai, that she uses to pull down her tights to reveal a lack of panties. Her tail pulls out his cock and is quick to stroke him to erection, all before he can catch up with all of this. "What are you doing?" he asks in a panicked whisper, once he is able to remember how to speak. Her dress is long enough to cover everything that goes on beneath it, but that doesn't change what the two of them are doing in a public place. "I'm just taking care of my boyfriend," she replies, as if it is the most simple thing in the world. With that, she uses her tail to line his cock up with her pussy, and moves to sink down onto him, while Hanataro has to bite the inside of his cheek to try and keep himself quiet. Yachiru likes to take advantage of Hanataro's healing abilities to "keep herself a virgin," as she puts it, so she is as tight as can be, and not to mention, a master of using her inner walls to squeeze him just right, so while she rides him, it is nearly impossible for him to keep his composure. All the while, Yachiru can keep up an air of innocence, as if she is merely sitting on his lap, while he keeps whispering to her, trying so hard to convince her to stop, before they get caught. Yachiru gets to enjoy two of her favorite treats- ice cream, and his cock- when someone they know actually does approach them. Orihime calls out to them, "Hey! Hanataro! Yachiru!" Hanataro is horrified, but Yachiru just waves Orihime, who has Chad and Uryu in tow, over to them. As soon as they are a bit closer, Uryu comments, "Well, your presence certainly explains the sudden spike in Hollow activity." "Yeah, someone as strong as Yachiru must be like candy to a hollow!" Orihime agrees. The trio agree to make sure nothing interrupts their date, but she hangs behind to talk to Yachiru for a moment, even after Chad and Uryu head off. "It's Hana-chan's birthday!" Yachiru says. "So I took him here to have all sorts of fun!" Even while she gushes about him, she still continues to ride him, managing to keep her tone even, with Orihime completely oblivious. Hanataro feels like he might die of embarrassment, and is definitely not much for conversation, as the girls are mostly left to talk amongst themselves. He is not able to keep his control like this, and he just barely swallows back a moan, managing to pass it off as a cough, when Yachiru makes him come right inside of her. Orihime is in the middle of speaking, so she doesn't notice, but he knows that they are cutting it much too close. Fortunately, Orihime does not stick around much longer after that, heading off to meet up with the boys, and once they are alone, Yachiru finally gets off of his lap, fixing his clothes and taking the dazed boy's hand so that she can drag him off to ride some more rides. Chapter 3 Before the two of them leave the amusement park, they make a stop in one of the gift shops. Hanataro wants to get something for Yachiru to commemorate today, even though it is his birthday, and it does not take him long to find something that he thinks suits her a lot. It is an adorable hair pin, shaped like crossbones, and as soon as he sees it, it reminds him of her: equal parts cute and deadly, and he is quick to purchase it. She is even cuter when her face turns as pink as her hair, while he puts it in for her. It is rare for him to be the one flustering her, so it thrills him a bit to see her blushing like that, all because of something that he has done. She does protest a little bit, saying, "You're so silly, Hana-chan, this is your birthday!" and he simply replies that he wanted to get her something, regardless of the occasion, rather than pointing out how much sugar she has consumed today, or how she has dominated every second, dragging him around to get her fill of fun. He doesn't mention that mostly because he had a lot of fun anyway, but also because that would only make her mad, and not actually help his case at all. Once all is said and done, though, Yachiru practically has to carry him home, since she has worn him out so much. With all of the fun she has made sure they had, and with the way she has dragged him around, she exhausted him, and that is without mentioning the way she fucked him on a public bench, adding plenty of stress when she kept riding him through a whole conversation with Orihime. The stress alone would have been enough to wear him out, and that is without mentioning the sex itself. The exhausted boy does not expect any further festivities, though he has mentally prepared himself for a long night with her, certain that she is far from satisfied. Once back in the Soul Society, she helps him get back to the Squad Four barracks, and as she brings him into the common room, he barely notices that the lights are off, the room a little dark for this time of day. He nearly falls over in shock when the lights come on all at once, and his whole squad, and then some, all cry out "Surprise!" He manages to piece together that this party was meant for him, and that his day out with Yachiru was probably partially to keep him away from the barracks, so that he would not catch onto the party preparations. Hanataro is delighted and incredibly flattered that everyone would do this much just for him. He spends a lot of the party seated, with Yachiru in his lap, resting a hand on his to give him a reiatsu infusion, in order to help him regain some of the energy that their date depleted. He is presented with a lot of gifts from everyone, mostly practical, and even a surprise from Captain Unohana, as she informs him that he is being promoted to the next seat, something that she has known for a little bit now, but decided to wait until his birthday to officially tell him, since it was already so close. For the most part, though, the gifts that he is given are just simple things, things that he can get good use out of throughout the year. Most of his squad mates that know him well know just how simple he really is, and that makes him rather easy to shop for. But some gifts are a little more embarrassing, especially the box from Rangiku that she tells him, in a voice loud enough that most can hear, that he shouldn't open it now, but to wait until he is alone with Yachiru, since it will help spice things up between the two of them. Judging from the way it is wrapped, in a fancy looking box with very lacy ribbon, he can tell that this is definitely something he does not want to open here, even without her warning him about it, because even seeing the packaging brings to mind very vivid imagery. Yachiru, on the other hand, is not even remotely embarrassed by this, and is instead sent into a fit of giggles, squirming in his lap enough to fluster him even more. The party itself is rather calm, and other than having Yachiru in his lap like this, offers Hanataro only chances to relax and unwind after his very busy day in the human world. That sort of thing would have worn him out even without Yachiru causing so much trouble for him, so it stands to reason that he needs time like this, to be able to take things easy, surrounded by all of his closest friends. But even with the trouble she causes for him, there is no doubt in his mind that the most important person to him is the tiny girl sitting in his lap, keeping him as close as ever. It has been such a short time since Yachiru forced her way into his life, and yet he can hardly imagine how he got by without her before. She is equal parts innocent and devious, and there is never a dull moment, not as long as she is around, and even when he has always preferred a more peaceful life, he really can't say that he minds the excitement she brings. Hanataro would take a hectic life with Yachiru over a peaceful life alone any day, and his birthday has helped to confirm that once again. He is happy to keep her close throughout the party, and once the festivities start to wind down, and she is ready to retire to his quarters with him, he is more than willing to go along with her, knowing that he will not be getting any rest for a while. Chapter 4 "I have one last present for you!" Yachiru says, once they are in his room. "No peaking!" With that, she slips into his bathroom, and Hanataro does as he is told, not trying to sneak any peaks, until Yachiru finally emerges again, wearing only a pale pink camisole with matching panties, about the color of cherry blossoms, and a black leather collar with a brass bell on it that jingles when she walks. However, the most striking thing about her appearance is that she once again has the ears and tail of a cat, like she did earlier, and her hands and feet seem to have morphed into black, furry paws, with fur that reaches her knees and elbows. as she comes to stand before him. When she opens her mouth to speak, a soft meow slips out first, and he realizes just how far this catlike transformation has gone. "I'm your adorable, little sex kitten for the night, nya," she murmurs. "Oh, and by the way, this collar here is actually a reiatsu inhibitor, so as long as I'm wearing it, I'm weak and helpless, nya! At least, compared to you, about as weak as you are compared to me most of the time. She gets down on all fours to crawl over to him. As Hanataro sits down on his futon, Yachiru comes to lay across his lap, and starts purring as soon as he begins petting her. "You make a very cute kitty," he murmurs, and he finds this to be very relaxing, petting his girlfriend who purrs just like a real cat for him. Perhaps he was wrong about not getting a chance to rest tonight, and perhaps this is all that she really wanted to do for him. Of course, knowing Yachiru, he must realize that something like that could not be further from the truth. Indeed, though she enjoys having him pet her, she soon grows impatient, waiting for him to do anything beyond that. After all, she has inverted their power dynamic, putting him right on top, and yet he has still done nothing to take advantage of any of that. Finally, she decides that she has to take matters into her own hand, murmuring, "Isn't Master going to punish me?" "Punish you?" he asks, a little surprised. "But what for?" "Because I was so controlling during our date, even though it's your birthday, nya. And even when you told me to stop, I still kept riding you in public," she explains, and wiggles her butt for emphasis, hoping that he will catch on to what she is asking for. However, Hanataro is dense, and not used to such situations, definitely not used to having to be dominant in any way. Yachiru has a pretty tall order here, but that does not mean that she is going to give up so easily, trying to push Hanataro to make more of a move. "I've been such a nyaughty kitten," she goes on to say, "so I definitely need to be punished!" "I don't know about all that," he replies, his voice gentle, as if he is trying to cheer her up. "I had a lot of fun today, so it really isn't any problem. If you think that I'm mad at you, or anything like that, I promise that I'm not!" It seems that he thinks she is trying to apologize, to genuinely express remorse for how she behaved today, and she wonders how anyone could ever be so clueless. As much as she adores him, she has to admit that he drives her crazy with how dense and submissive he is. "Just hurry up and hold me down, rip my panties off, and spank me until I can't even sit!" she snaps, and that is something that Hanataro hardly knows how to cope with. Such dominant thoughts have never entered his mind, and the idea of punishing her at all seems completely out of his element, but if Yachiru is demanding this from him, then he knows he can't just sit here doing nothing. Gently, he pulls her panties down, revealing her rear to him, and gives her a quick, light smack. Yachiru nearly growls at such a playful hit, and Hanataro is being so gentle with her that she is not sure if they are ever going to make any progress like this. When it becomes clear that this is all he intends to do, she says, "Come on, Master! You have to actually do it over and over again, nya!" Honestly, does she have to do all the work herself? She should have known, dealing with someone as gentle and easygoing as Hanataro, that she would definitely have her work cut out for her, but she still wanted to at least try. He keeps up the playful smacks, and she is barely able to contain her temper, until she finally says, "If you don't put some muscle in it, then I'm gonnya use you as a training dummy!" That is enough to startle Hanataro into trying harder at least, but even when he does actually strike her, he must be holding back a little bit, not wanting to use his full strength. Even when Yachiru begs for harder, he can just barely give her more, striking her over and over again like she wants, but not quite giving her the spanking that she has been craving. Finally, after trying and failing to get him to take this as serious as she does, she knows that she will not be able to make further progress. Her cheeks are barely as pink as her hair, and there is not even a residual sting from where he has tried to spank her, and she knows anything else is hopeless. Sighing, she says, "You can stop now. I have something else that we can try instead!" Maybe her attempts to get him to punish her were not exactly successful, but Yachiru is still not giving up hope, not just yet. Chapter 5 Yachiru crawls off of Hanataro's lap so that she can get down in front of him, presenting herself to him like a cat, her panties down around her knees as she wiggles her rear at him, just like she is in heat. "Come on, Hanya-chan, come make your little kitten into a well-used fuck toy!" Now this is something that Hanataro can deal with a little bit better, than being asked to strike Yachiru directly. This is something that he has little trouble with, actually, because no matter how gentle he may be with her most of the time, she has made sure to mold him into a lover that can give her the pace that she wants. In the time that they have been together, she has made sure of that fact, never slacking off with him, all so that her boyfriend can perfectly please her. So he is quick to strip down, removing all of his clothing so that he is ready to take her like she wants. He may not be able to give her the spanking her heart desires, but if he can satisfy her with this, then he hopes that that disappointment does not matter as much. He gets into position behind her, and wastes no time in thrusting into her as hard as he possibly can, which is a lot harder than that first night together. Yachiru has done a good job with him, between her urgings to be rougher and the regular reiatsu infusions, and now he is able to fill her all at once, making her cry out, yowling a bit like the cat that she has decided to become for their evening together. He has not thought much about that change, but thinking about it now, he realizes that he likes it a lot more than he would have expected himself to. Now that he is buried inside of her, he wastes no time in falling into a quick and hectic rhythm, pounding into her as hard and fast as he can, losing himself in it the more he goes. It is all too easy to get carried away, especially when she feels so small and helpless right now, knowing that she is being held back, that he really is stronger than her, at least for right now. A part of him wants to go easy on her because of that, but he knows that Yachiru would never stand for it. With that in mind, he decides that merely fucking her from behind is not going to be enough, and that he needs to give her even more. Reaching down, he hooks his arms under her legs so that he can sit back again, pulling her up with him, leaving her panties dangling around one leg as she is made to sit in his lap, his cock still buried inside of her tight pussy. Yachiru cries out again, clearly enjoying this, and when he holds her in his lap like this, he is able to control the pace even more, fucking her that much harder and faster, as he pulls her up and down on his cock. "Harder! Harder, nya!" she cries out for him, encouraging him to give her even more. Even in her weakened state, she can still handle it, and, it seems, she can't get enough of it. Hanataro is more than eager to give it to her, feeling so invigorated by all of this that he is not sure if he will ever want this moment to end, not even once they are both satisfied. He reaches his hands up under her camisole to start playing with her nipples while he fucks her, and as he gives them slight pinches, Yachiru is quick to beg him for more. "Pinch them harder," she moans, "and twist them too!" Hanataro does exactly as she asks, so far gone now that he can think to do nothing else, making her scream out every time he twists her nipples, showing her no mercy. He keeps it up until she is kicking off her panties and pulling the camisole off. Then, she instructs him to grab hold of her shoulders, and Hanataro once again follows her instructions, able to really give it to her like this, fucking her so hard that she can hardly stand it. Her eyes roll back in her head, and she can feel his cock battering against her cervix. "Harder! Slam through and flood your little sex kitten's belly!" A request that once might have been too much for him is nothing in the mood she has him in, and he does exactly what she wants him to do, penetrating her cervix with another hard thrust, moaning out as this becomes too much for him to handle. With that, he comes inside of her, absolutely flooding her womb with his seed, and sending her into a shuddering orgasm at the same time. Her stomach bulges as he fills her, and he collapses back on his futon, panting as he completely loses himself. It takes a moment for either of them to recover from this, both panting to catch their breath, but once Yachiru is able to, she rolls over on top of him, smiling down at him, and keeping his cock buried within her. "Did you have a good birthday?" she asks him, with a bright smile on her face. "It was amazing," he replies, completely genuine as he gives her a pat on the head. But then a yawn slips past, causing Yachiru to giggle. "We still need to work on your stamina," she points out. She cuddles up against him, so that he can pull the covers up over them, and the two can fall asleep together. This really has been the perfect birthday, from the moment she woke him up, to right now, when they are falling asleep together. Hanataro is so glad that Yachiru has found her way into his life like this.